1,700 research outputs found

    Detailed Analysis of Scatter Contribution from Different Simulated Geometries of X-ray Detectors.

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    Scattering is one of the main issues left in planar mammography examinations, as it degrades the quality of the image and complicates the diagnostic process. Although widely used, anti-scatter grids have been found to be inefficient, increasing the dose delivered, the equipment price and not eliminating all the scattered radiation. Alternative scattering reduction methods, based on postprocessing algorithms using Monte Carlo (MC) simulations, are being developed to substitute anti-scatter grids. Idealized detectors are commonly used in the simulations for the purpose of simplification. In this study, the scatter distribution of three detector geometries is analyzed and compared: Case 1 makes use of idealized detector geometry, Case 2 uses a scintillator plate and Case 3 uses a more realistic detector simulation, based on the structure of an indirect mammography X-ray detector. This paper demonstrates that common configuration simplifications may introduce up to 14% of underestimation of the scatter in simulation results

    До ювілею В.П. Кухаря

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    26 січня 2012 року виповнилося сімдесят років видатному вченому в галузі біоорганічної, органічної та елементоорганічної хімії, засновнику нового наукового напряму хімії біорегуляторних процесів, відомому досліднику екологічних та ресурсоощадливих аспектів енергетики, нафтопереробки і нафтохімії, директору Інституту біоорганічної хімії та нафтохімії Національної академії наук України, академіку НАН України Валерію Павловичу Кухарю

    Derivation of tropospheric methane from TCCON CH₄ and HF total column observations

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    The Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) is a global ground-based network of Fourier transform spectrometers that produce precise measurements of column-averaged dry-air mole fractions of atmospheric methane (CH₄). Temporal variability in the total column of CH₄ due to stratospheric dynamics obscures fluctuations and trends driven by tropospheric transport and local surface fluxes that are critical for understanding CH₄ sources and sinks. We reduce the contribution of stratospheric variability from the total column average by subtracting an estimate of the stratospheric CH₄ derived from simultaneous measurements of hydrogen fluoride (HF). HF provides a proxy for stratospheric CH₄ because it is strongly correlated to CH₄ in the stratosphere, has an accurately known tropospheric abundance (of zero), and is measured at most TCCON stations. The stratospheric partial column of CH₄ is calculated as a function of the zonal and annual trends in the relationship between CH₄ and HF in the stratosphere, which we determine from ACE-FTS satellite data. We also explicitly take into account the CH₄ column averaging kernel to estimate the contribution of stratospheric CH₄ to the total column. The resulting tropospheric CH₄ columns are consistent with in situ aircraft measurements and augment existing observations in the troposphere

    X-Ray ptychography with a laboratory source

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    X-ray ptychography has revolutionized nanoscale phase contrast imaging at large-scale synchrotron sources in recent years. We present here the first successful demonstration of the technique in a small-scale laboratory setting. An experiment was conducted with a liquid metal jet x-ray source and a single photon-counting detector with a high spectral resolution. The experiment used a spot size of 5 mu m to produce a ptychographic phase image of a Siemens star test pattern with a submicron spatial resolution. The result and methodology presented show how high-resolution phase contrast imaging can now be performed at small-scale laboratory sources worldwide

    Upper Tropospheric Water Vapour Variability at High Latitudes- Part 1: Influence of the Annular Modes

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    Seasonal and monthly zonal medians of water vapour in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) are calculated for both Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE) instruments for the northern and southern high-latitude regions (60-90° N and 60-90°S). Chosen for the purpose of observing high-latitude processes, the ACE orbit provides sampling of both regions in 8 of 12 months of the year, with coverage in all seasons. The ACE water vapour sensors, namely MAESTRO (Measurements of Aerosol Extinction in the Stratosphere and Troposphere Retrieved by Occultation) and the Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS) are currently the only satellite instruments that can probe from the lower stratosphere down to the mid-troposphere to study the vertical profile of the response of UTLS water vapour to the annular modes. The Arctic oscillation (AO), also known as the northern annular mode (NAM), explains 64 % (r = -0.80) of the monthly variability in water vapour at northern high latitudes observed by ACE-MAESTRO between 5 and 7 km using only winter months (January to March, 2004-2013). Using a seasonal time step and all seasons, 45% of the variability is explained by the AO at 6.5 ± -0.5 km, similar to the 46 % value obtained for southern high latitudes at 7.5 ± 0.5 km explained by the Antarctic oscillation or southern annular mode (SAM). A large negative AO event in March 2013 produced the largest relative water vapour anomaly at 5.5-km (+70 %) over the ACE record. A similarly large event in the 2010 boreal winter, which was the largest negative AO event in the record (1950-2015), led to \u3e 50 % increases in water vapour observed by MAESTRO and ACE-FTS at 7.5 km

    Quality of Private Ground-Water Supplies in Kentucky

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    About 3.7 million people live in Kentucky, of which 1.9 million (52 percent) live in urban areas (roughly defined as any community with 2,500 or more people) and 1.8 million (48 percent) live in rural areas (University of Kentucky, 1993). Figure 1 summarizes sources of drinking water for Kentucky residents. About 70 percent of Kentuckians get their daily supply of water from surface-water sources - lakes and streams; about 25 percent get their water from ground-water wells; and about 5 percent get their water from other sources - springs, cisterns, ponds, or hauled water

    Probing the Wave Nature of Light-Matter Interaction

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    The wave-particle duality of light is a controversial topic in modern physics. In this context, this work highlights the ability of the wave-nature of light on its own to account for the conservation of energy in light-matter interaction. Two simple fundamental properties of light as wave are involved: its period and its power P. The power P depends only on the amplitude of the wave’s electric and magnetic fields (Poynting’s vector), and can easily be measured with a power sensor for visible and infrared lasers. The advantage of such a wave-based approach is that it unveils unexpected effects of light’s power P capable of explaining numerous results published in current scientific literature, of correlating phenomena otherwise considered as disjointed, and of making predictions on ways to employ the electromagnetic (EM) waves which so far are unexplored. In this framework, this work focuses on determining the magnitude of the time interval that, coupled with light’s power P, establishes the energy conserved in the exchange of energy between light and matter. To reach this goal, capacitors were excited with visible and IR lasers at variable average power P. As the result of combining experimental measurements and simulations based on the law of conservation of energy, it was found that the product of the period of the light by its power P fixes the magnitude of the energy conserved in light’s interaction with the capacitors. This finding highlights that the energy exchanged is defined in the time interval equal to the period of the light’s wave. The validity of the finding is shown to hold in light’s interaction with matter in general, e.g. in the photoelectric effect with x-rays, in the transfer of electrons between energy levels in semiconducting interfaces of field effect transistors, in the activation of photosynthetic reactions, and in the generation of action potentials in retinal ganglion cells to enable vision in vertebrates. Finally, the validity of the finding is investigated in the low frequency spectrum of the EM waves by exploring possible consequences in microwave technology, and in harvesting through capacitors the radio waves dispersed in the environment after being used in telecommunications as a source of usable electricity

    Polarization instabilities in a two-photon laser

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    We describe the operating characteristics of a new type of quantum oscillator that is based on a two-photon stimulated emission process. This two-photon laser consists of spin-polarized and laser-driven 39^{39}K atoms placed in a high-finesse transverse-mode-degenerate optical resonator, and produces a beam with a power of \sim 0.2 μ\mu W at a wavelength of 770 nm. We observe complex dynamical instabilities of the state of polarization of the two-photon laser, which are made possible by the atomic Zeeman degeneracy. We conjecture that the laser could emit polarization-entangled twin beams if this degeneracy is lifted.Comment: Accepted by Physical Review Letters. REVTeX 4 pages, 4 EPS figure