629 research outputs found

    Benthic-pelagic coupling:The nature and fate of labile organic matter in the benthic environment of the North Sea

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    In dit proefschrift worden verschillende aspecten beschreven van bentisch-pelagische koppeling en van organisch materiaal in het seston nabij de zeebodem en in sedimenten. ... Zie: Samenvatting

    An Investigation of Public Relations Programs in the First-Class Public School Districts in the State of Washington

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    The purposes of this study were (1) to identify the school district officers who devoted full- or part-time duty to the promotion of public relations; (2) to identify the types of communication that they employed; and (3) to compare such factors as the previous position held by the public relations officer to the present position held by the public relations officer, the area of emphasis public relations program receives to the competency public relations officer feels in emphasized area, and the size of district student enrollment to the desire for the establishment of full- or part-time public relations positions

    The role of targets and standards in delivering urban greenspace for people and wildlife, Case 3: Greenspaces in Surabaya, Indonesia

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    This second edition covers recent developments around the world with contributors from 33 different countries. It widens the handbook�s scope by including ecological design; consideration of cultural dimensions of the use and conservation of urban nature; the roles of government and civil society; and the continuing issues of equity and fairness in access to urban greenspaces

    The Dynamical Distinction between Elliptical and Lenticular Galaxies in Distant Clusters: Further Evidence for the Recent Origin of S0 Galaxies

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    We examine resolved spectroscopic data obtained with the Keck II telescope for 44 spheroidal galaxies in the fields of two rich clusters, Cl0024+16 (z=0.40) and MS0451-03 (z=0.54), and contrast this with similar data for 23 galaxies within the redshift interval 0.3<z<0.65 in the GOODS northern field. For each galaxy we examine the case for systemic rotation, derive central stellar velocity dispersions sigma and photometric ellipticities, epsilon. Using morphological classifications obtained via Hubble Space Telescope imaging as the basis, we explore the utility of our kinematic quantities in distinguishing between pressure-supported ellipticals and rotationally-supported lenticulars (S0s). We demonstrate the reliability of using the v/(1-epsilon) vs sigma and v/sigma vs epsilon distributions as discriminators, finding that the two criteria correctly identify 63%+-3% and 80%+-2% of S0s at z~0.5, respectively, along with 76%+8-3% and 79%+-2% of ellipticals. We test these diagnostics using equivalent local data in the Coma cluster, and find that the diagnostics are similarly accurate at z=0. Our measured accuracies are comparable to the accuracy of visual classification of morphologies, but avoid the band-shifting and surface brightness effects that hinder visual classification at high redshifts. As an example application of our kinematic discriminators, we then examine the morphology-density relation for elliptical and S0 galaxies separately at z~0.5. We confirm, from kinematic data alone, the recent growth of rotationally-supported spheroidals. We discuss the feasibility of extending the method to a more comprehensive study of cluster and field galaxies to z~1, in order to verify in detail the recent density-dependent growth of S0 galaxies.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, updated with version accepted to Ap

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry produces accurate high-resolution orthophotos, point clouds and surface models for mapping wetlands

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry has recently become a powerful tool that offers a viable alternative to traditional remote sensing systems, particularly for applications covering relatively small spatial extents. This paper presents results of a study that aimed at investigating the use of UAV photogrammetry as a tool for the mapping of wetlands. A multi-rotor UAV and a digital camera on a motion compensated gimbal mount were utilised for the survey. The survey of the 100ha study area at the Kameelzynkraal farm, Gauteng Province, South Africa took about 2½ hours and the generation of the point cloud about 18 hours. Ground control points (GCPs) were positioned across the site to achieve geometrical precision and georeferencing accuracy. Structure from Motion (SfM) computer vision techniques were used to reconstruct the camera positions, terrain features and to derive ultra-high resolution point clouds, orthophotos and 3D models from the multi-view photos. The results of the geometric accuracy of the data based on the 20 GCPs were 0.018m for the overall and 0.0025m for the vertical root mean squared error (RMSE). The results exceeded our expectations and provided valuable, rapid and accurate mapping of wetlands that can be used for wetland studies and thereby support and enhance associated decision making to secure our future

    Music and Society - 3: The State of the Nation — a Functional Primer

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    Howard Brenton : a critical study of the plays.

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    The subject of this thesis is the plays of Howard Brenton, published and unpublished, from 1965 to 1973. The period is identified as the writer's "apprenticeship". An Introduction provides a short biography of the writer's early life and accounts of his first, now suppressed, works for the stage. Chapter One examines his involvement with the Fringe theatre of the late nineteen-sixties. The short plays produced for the Brighton Combination and Bradford University are considered in the light of how style and form evolved largely out of practical circumstances. Chapter Two describes the impact of contemporary political unrest on Brenton's attitude to his work. The plays Revenge and Christie in Love are discussed with reference to their . - production by the Royal Court Theatre and by Portable Theatre, which are identified as key agencies in furthering the writer's career. Chapter Three deals with more Fringe work, charting the playwright's growing doubts about the efficacy of such work, and his increasing assimilation of new political thought. In Chapter Four, Brenton's increasing desire to write for the bigger stages and audiences of the established theatre is discussed. The chapter concentrates heavily though by no means exclusively on Hitler Dances as both a summary of the Fringe work and the progenitor of the later, full-scale, "epic" plays. Chapter Five is concerned with Magnificence as the first of those plays and the first to be produced on the main stage of a mainstream London theatre. Particular reference is made to its troubled production history
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