326 research outputs found

    Willingness to Pay for Legal Visas: A Case Study of Agricultural Workers in Southern California

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    This paper presents a case study of a sample of Mexican agricultural workers in Southern California based on primary data collected by the authors from rural areas around Bakersfield. The ultimate aim of this study is to characterize and explore more deeply the complex array of variables that enter the migration decision of a typical worker in this region, and analyze the interrelationships between these variables. The administered survey was designed to accommodate questions that attempt to elicit responses about preferences in addition to those with easily quantifiable answers. This paper presents a descriptive summary of the survey results followed by the two main empirical questions and the results of the inquiry that constitute the main innovation of this work: i) to empirically estimate and analyze a "home premium": the non pecuniary benefit of being in Mexico and its possible determinants and ii) empirically estimate what factors affect the willingness to pay for annual legal visas among the undocumented workers in the region. The second question is an interesting and topical one because of the current debate about a possible temporary guest worker program. However, this paper does not take a policy perspective to the question but simply attempts to estimate the relative importance of different sources of the possible benefit of legalization to an undocumented worker. The data suggest that a significant home premium exists that is not significantly different between migrants of the two statuses, nor does it diminish with years spent in the U.S. The analysis of WTP suggests that the perceived benefit of legal status to a migrant comes mainly from a perception of higher wages in this status and through a perceived reduction in the average unemployment spell when first entering the U.S. by becoming legal.Labor and Human Capital,

    Affect into action : feminist movements and the production of safer spaces: a comparative research between Rome and Madrid

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    The research explores the production of feminist spaces as safer spaces in urban contexts. How do feminist movements imagine, produce and preserve safer spaces? To search for an answer, I engaged with participatory action research (PAR) and constructivist grounded theory method (CGTM). In the cities of Rome and Madrid, that share general socio-economic, cultural and political features (Kantola and Lombardo 2017), feminist movements, as well, share similar frames, claims, and repertoires of actions. In each city, I selected three types of feminist spaces: women’s houses and/or spaces of equality (Casa Internazionale delle donne in Rome and Espacios de Igualdad in Madrid); longstanding feminist spaces which host a multiplicity of projects and direct social action (Lucha Y Siesta in Rome and Eskalera Karakola in Madrid); radical transfeminist, lesbian, and queer occupations (the space of Cagne Sciolte in Rome and Plataforma Encuentros Bolleros in Madrid). By searching for the meaning of safety, CGTM drove me to the work on affect and emotions that takes place within feminist spaces. Affects, as gradients of intensity and vital forces, work as 1) a channel of mediation between cognition and bodies; 2) a tool for political elaboration; 3) a competence in action. The confidence with inner feelings (that is usually considered unpolitical) makes people feel comfortable and at ease. People are not trapped in rituals of interaction and the performance of social encounters. Emotions can be manifested, elaborated on, transformed into action (Gould 2009). Affects do not enrich or empower political action, but they are the very matter of it (Massumi 2015). The capacity to name, negotiate and reverberate affects has transformative effects (Ahmed 2006), both at the individual and collective level. The work on collective affects allows feminist spaces to pursue their search for social change, with continuity (Taylor 1989, Whittier 1995), contention (McAdam, Tarrow and Tilly 2001), and innovation (Staggenborg 1989, 1995). In the empirical analysis, I engage with the concept of affects at three levels. At the macro level, by investigating how spaces relate with the structure of economic models and institutions, by performing alternative models and dealing with national, local and collective actors. At the meso level, by exploring the mobilisation of affects in collective action. At the micro level of actors, by looking at how individual mobilisation process and long-term political participation are bound up with affects. By drawing on affect theory, social movement studies and feminist theory, the research argues that the work on affect and emotions within feminist spaces has transformative effects, by increasing the potential for collective action

    Les Ă©valuations conversationnelles dans la narration

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    Les évaluations conversationnelles jouent un rôle essentiel dans l’orientation évaluative générale de l’échange, ainsi que dans la préparation et le développement de la narration produite dans des entretiens d’embauche. Ce texte souligne d’abord les différences d’avec l’analyse labovienne du récit. Elles impliquent de prendre en compte le placement temporel de ces segments évaluatifs, dans le déroulement de l’activité, ainsi que les contributions interactionnelles de l’interlocuteur. D’une part sont étudiés les segments évaluatifs dans leur environnement séquentiel immédiat (les modificateurs). De l’autre, cet article met en évidence le rôle joué par les liens constitutifs de séries évaluatives intranarratives (les trajectoires évaluatives).This paper focuses on assessments occurring in storytelling in job interviews. They are analyzed in the course of the talk overall interactional and evaluative orientation and also in the preparation and development of the narratives produced. The point raised is on the differences with Labov's analysis of story-telling organisation. The implication of such a position concerns the analytical approach which takes into account the temporal aspects of assessment elements in the course of the activity as well as in the contributions of the speaker. First, the assessment units are analyzed in the immediate sequential environment (the modifiers). Second, the focus is on the importance of the constitutive links of a series of assessments within the story-telling activity (the assessment link process)

    Integration of natural elements into the traditional house (of Khorezm region, Uzbekistan) for the climate improvement

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    This article is dedicated to the analysis and recommendations for the solution of a number of landscape problems related to architecture in the Khiva city. In particular, the advice is given on the use of methods such as "Chor-minor", "Chor-bag", which had existed in the Middle Ages

    Minimization of defects generation in laser welding process of steel alloy for automotive application

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    Laser welding (LW) thanks to its flexibility, limited energy consumption and simple realization has a prominent role in several industrial sectors. LW process requires careful parameters' tuning to avoid generating internal defects in the microstructure or a poor weld depth, which reduce the joining mechanical strength and result in waste. This work exploits a supervised machine learning algorithm to optimize the process parameters to minimize the generated defects, while catering for design specifications and tolerances to predict defect generation probability. The work outputs a predictive quality control model to reduce non-destructive controls in the LW of aluminum for automotive applications

    Features of the Puppet Theater and Actor

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    The article talks about the characteristics of the puppet theater and the puppeteer. The basis of the puppet theater and the role of the actor are discussed

    Sulla determinazione della struttura, proprietĂ  fisiche ed effetti dinamici delle coppie ioniche, determinati mediante la spettroscopia di risonanza di spin elettronico

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    The physical, chemical, and thermodynamical properties of the ion pairs formed by alkali cations and organic anion radicals are widely discussed. The most important ion pairs studied in the literature and their classification (tight or loose, dynamical or static) are briefly illustrated. The application of the electron spin resonance spectroscopy (esr) for determining the thermodynamical and kinetical parameters, governing the exchange processes present in the dynamical ion pairs, is rationalized in terms of the most commonly used quantum mechanical theories


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    L’Analyse de Conversation a su construire un chemin original et cohérent à partir d’orientations scientifiques variées. L’interdisciplinarité est constitutive de la proposition empirique et théorique qui caractérise cette approche, aussi bien dans ses origines que dans les terrains d’enquête investis. De ce fait, la comparabilité des phénomènes et des résultats analytiques découle du travail de mise en perspective de ces différents apports. Un bref rappel des sources est d’abord nécessaire. ..


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    Technologies et recherche À partir des années soixante, les nouvelles approches des Sciences du langage ont rendu nécessaire l’usage des technologies pour l’enregistrement et la transcription, dans les pratiques de la recherche, notamment dans les enquêtes menées en sociolinguistique par Labov et par l’ethnographie de la communication de Hymes et Gumperz. Cette demande s’est accentuée dans les années quatre-vingts par le développement des recherches en analyse du discours, dans l’interaction ..
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