183 research outputs found

    The role of XBRL in Europe

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    Digital financial statements have been designed under two main hypotheses: The first one considers that human beings are their target audience and the second one assumes that users belong to a specific accounting jurisdiction or capital market. Obviously, these hypotheses are no longer accepted. The former because it is necessary to make machines understand the accounting language to facilitate the automatic exchange of information between softbots and/or software applications. The latter because in order to facilitate securities markets globalization it is necessary to adopt a unique set of international accounting standards. These two needs have to be satisfied. The response to the first one is XBRL, the Extensible Business Reporting Language. The European solution to the second one, is going to be the adoption of the IASB’s International Accounting Standards. In this paper, the role of XBRL in the European solution is analyzed. The main conclusions are that the adoption of IAS and the use of XBRL will facilitate the communication of information in a homogeneous way, that they will allow the interchange of data between software applications and also the automatic analysis of financial information. In summary, they are going to play a key role for the development of the global European Stock Market.Los estados financieros digitales han sido diseñados bajo dos hipótesis principales. La primera considera que los seres humanos son su público objetivo, y la segunda asume que los usuarios pertenecen a una jurisdicción o un mercado de capitales. Obviamente, estas hipótesis no siguen siendo aceptadas. Es necesario hacer que las máquinas comprendan el idioma de la contabilidad para facilitar el intercambio automático de información entre softbots y/o aplicaciones de software, esto último porque para facilitar la globalización de los mercados de valores es necesario adoptar un conjunto unificado de normas internacionales de contabilidad. Hay que satisfacer estas dos necesidades. La respuesta a la primera es XBRL, el Lenguaje Extensible de Informes Comerciales. La solución europea para la segunda va a ser la adopción de los Estándares de Contabilidad Internacionales de IASB. En este artículo, se analiza el papel de XBRL en la solución europea. Las principales conclusiones son que la adopción del IAS y el uso del XBRL facilitarán la comunicación de la información de manera homogénea, que permitirá el intercambio de datos entre aplicaciones de software y también el análisis automático de información financiera. En resumen, van a jugar un papel fundamental en el desarrollo del Mercado de Bienes Europeo

    A survey on voluntary disclosure on the internet : empirical evidence from 300 European union companies

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    Nowadays, the Internet is a powerful means for companies to voluntarily disclose all kind of financial information. A wide academic literature exists on the field. Findings reveal that the financial information disclosed is wider than that normally required by accounting regulations. Furthermore, the disclosure on the Internet of compulsory information can be considered as a voluntary reporting practice in itself. In this paper, the information currently provided on the Internet by leading companies in different European countries is analyzed in order to make a comparative analysis. To achieve this goal, data from the biggest (market value) 20 companies in each European Union country have been collected. Then, statistical tests have been performed to determine the relationships between what we have called companies’ transparency (dependent variable) and their sector, country of origin and size (independent variables). The results suggest that there is a statistically significant relationship between these three variables and the extent of voluntary disclosure (transparency) on the Internet.Hoy en día, el internet es una herramienta poderosa para las compañías para compartir de manera voluntaria todo tipo de información financiera. Existe un amplio estudio académico en la materia. Los hallazgos revelan que esta información de comparte de manera más abierta de lo que normalmente se requiere en las regulaciones contables. De hecho, esta manera de compartir en internet esta información se puede considerar como voluntaria en sí misma. En este artículo, la información actualmente proporcionada en internet por las grandes compañías en diferentes países europeos se analiza para realizar un análisis comparativo. Para conseguir este objetivo, se ha recolectado información de las veinte mayores empresas en cada país de la Unión Europea. Se han realizado tests estadísticos para determinar las relaciones entre lo que hemos llamado transparencia de las compañías (variable dependiente) y su sector, país de origen y tamaño (variables independientes). Los resultados sugieren que hay una relación estadísticamente de peso entre estas tres variables y la extensión de transparencia voluntaria en Internet

    Environmental Disclosure as a Tool for Public Sector Legitimacy: A Twitter Intelligence Approach

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    The purpose of this study is to measure the extent of Twitter environmental reporting by Andalusian municipalities (Spain) and identify the determinant factors of such a disclosure. Thus, factors such as population, geolocation, political signs, and sustainable commitments were analyzed under the legitimacy theory approach. The sample consisted of the official Twitter accounts of the 153 biggest local governments in Andalusia. The classification of the environmental tweets was based on a dictionary based on the GRI reporting standards for environmental disclosure, and a Twitter environmental disclosure index (TEDI) was developed. The results show that most of the local governments in Andalusia (77.78%) have an official Twitter account with different levels of audience, penetration, and activity. On the other hand, it was found that environmental disclosure is very low. However, municipalities with more surplus budget and municipalities with a greater number of sustainable commitments networks tend to report more on environmental issues through Twitter

    Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Adoption and Use of Continuous Audit Tools and Techniques: Comparison between the public and private sector

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    The aim of this study is to identify the factors that significantly affect current and potential users of the continuous audit tools and techniques. Apart from this, users are faced with an emerging technology that is in the initial phases of implementation. Subjects of this study are auditors of the Big-4 and of the Chamber of Accounts of Spain. The questionnaire is based on the Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT) and the Structural Model based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The comparative study between the private and public sectors allows us to note that the peculiarities and differences between private and public bodies bear an influence when it comes to accepting and using a given innovation in the work routine

    A Delphi investigation to explain the voluntary adoption of XBRL

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    The objective of this paper is to identify the factors that could have led North-American companies to voluntarily submit their information in XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) under the XBRL Voluntary Financial Reporting Program (2005-2008). The motivation that led us to carry out this analysis was the fact that, despite the many benefits attributed to XBRL, only 137 companies (out of over 10.000 filers) decided to join the voluntary program issued by the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission). At this point, we wondered if the SEC should have promoted other benefits to encourage companies to use XBRL. To reach our goal, we conducted a Delphi study. Through this study, we asked a panel of XBRL experts their opinion about the reasons that could have led companies to voluntarily disclose their business information in XBRL. Our results show that, according to experts, factors such as to gain a deeper knowledege of XBRL and to acquire a company image as a pioneer in technology played an essential role in the process of voluntary adoption of the standard.El objetivo de este estudio es identificar los factores, que pueden haber llevado a las empresas Norteamericanas a presentar de forma voluntaria su información en la XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting Language), bajo el programa voluntario de informes financieros XBRL. Esta motivación que nos conduce a llevar a cabo este análisis fue el hecho de que, a pesar de los muchos beneficios atribuidos al XBRL, solo 137 empresas (de más de 10.000 auxiliares de archivo) decidieron unirse a este programa publicado por la SEC (Comisión de Valores y Bolsa). En este punto, nos preguntamos si la SEC debería haber promovido otros beneficios para animar a las compañías a utilizar el XBRL. Para conseguir nuestra meta, hemos llevado a cabo un estudio Delphi. A través de este mismo, hemos preguntado a un comité de expertos del XBRL su opinión sobre las causas que podrían haber guiado a las firmas a divulgar su información empresarial en el XBRL. Nuestros resultados muestran que, según los expertos, los factores como ganar un mayor conocimiento del XBRL, y adquirir una imagen empresarial como pionera en tecnología ha jugado un papel esencial en el proceso de la adopción voluntaria del estándar

    Analysis of the timeliness of financial statements submitted by companies of the Spanish continuous market

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    This study examines the timeliness of the financial information of the companies that form part of the Spanish continuous market and the factors that influence this. The sample comprises 105 companies that formed part of the Spanish continuous market at the end of 2004, and the period of study runs from the first half-year of 2002 to the second halfyear of 2008, considering only the half-yearly and annual information. The results obtained with the panel data model demonstrate that the company size and the pressure exerted on particular sectors, have a direct effect on the timeliness of the financial information, and a smaller number of days for the information submission is observed. However, the variable audit report seems to be the main cause of delay

    Environmental Disclosure as a Tool for Public Sector Legitimacy: A Twitter Intelligence Approach

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    The purpose of this study is to measure the extent of Twitter environmental reporting by Andalusian municipalities (Spain) and identify the determinant factors of such a disclosure. Thus, factors such as population, geolocation, political signs, and sustainable commitments were analyzed under the legitimacy theory approach. The sample consisted of the official Twitter accounts of the 153 biggest local governments in Andalusia. The classification of the environmental tweets was based on a dictionary based on the GRI reporting standards for environmental disclosure, and a Twitter environmental disclosure index (TEDI) was developed. The results show that most of the local governments in Andalusia (77.78%) have an official Twitter account with different levels of audience, penetration, and activity. On the other hand, it was found that environmental disclosure is very low. However, municipalities with more surplus budget and municipalities with a greater number of sustainable commitments networks tend to report more on environmental issues through Twitte

    Presentació de l’OPAC del CRAI de la UB

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    Presentació que té com a objectiu de prendre consciència de la importància de la informació continguda en els registres de cara a la seva explotació en l’OPAC, que és la interfície on opera l’usuari (Client vs OPAC), aclarir la configuració i ús de determinats camps a partir de Millennium, explicar el funcionament de determinades eines complementàries al catàleg que s’han integrat a l’OPAC i, finalment apropar l’OPAC als catalogadors

    Citizen reactions to municipalities’ Instagram communication

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    In this paper, we explore how local governments are using Instagram as a communication tool to engage with their citizens, using data from the municipalities of Andalusia (Spain). We seek to identify the determinants of local government use of Instagram, the determinants of activity in this channel and the determinants of citizen reactions in order to understand the influence of media types (picture, video or album) used in municipality posts, and to understand content type (what the post is about). Instaloader, an open source intelligence (OSINT) tool for Instagram, was applied. It made it possible to automatically extract all posts of the analysed municipalities (14,742 posts). These were later automatically analysed using R, an open source software. It was determined that of the 29 Andalusian local governments with the highest populations, only those that maintain an account on Instagram, totalling 17 municipalities (58.62%), would be part of the final analysis. Our findings demonstrate that when local governments have a high level of debt, they do not maintain and actively use Instagram accounts. We also found that quality of posts’ content is more important than quantity of followers, since there is no significant relationship between citizen reactions and the number of inhabitants of a municipality or the number of followers (audience), while there is a significant negative relationship between the number of posts (activity) and reactions. Our results also highlight that the level of reactions can be stimulated by certain media and content types.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva / CBUAThe authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, or publication of this article: This work was supported as beneficiaries of the “Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020”, by the Regional Government of Andalusia (Spain), General Secretary for Universities, Research and Technology [Research Projects UHU-1253498]

    RDA: les noves normes per a un catàleg en obert

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    Introducció a les noves normes de catalogació RDA pensades per a l’entorn digital. L'objectiu és informar del perquè del canvi de normes catalogràfiques en aquest moment, conèixer els principis i models en que es basen aquestes noves normes, constatar que aquest canvi incidirà a la manera d’ensenyar els continguts dels nostres catàlegs, tenir clar també, que en un futur no massa llunyà el canvi afectarà a la manera de gestionar i recuperar els recursos d'informació des dels diferents serveis de la biblioteca a més a més del catàleg, veure les possibilitats de futur que aquest canvi comporta en la manera de participar en el món de les dades en l'entorn del web i tenir present el paper que les biblioteques i els professionals de la documentació tenim en aquest repte de les dades enllaçades en ober