263 research outputs found

    Microbial diversity and dynamics of Pecorino di Filiano PDO, a traditional cheese of Basilicata region (Southern Italy).

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    The evolution of microbial populations of ‘Pecorino di Filiano’ (PF) cheese was investigated during ripening in natural cave and storeroom. 62.5% of isolates grow at 45 and 15 C and 77.7% showed high salt concentrations tolerance. Brevibacterium linens was dominant in surface samples. Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei were more frequently isolated both surface and core samples, while Leuconostoc lactis and Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. mesenteroides prevailed among Leuconostoc isolates. Our results suggest the importance of the ripening environment of cheeses and how a biological ecosystem affects and produces the typical features of artisanal products

    Influence of autochthonous starter cultures on microbial dynamics and chemical-physical features of traditional fermented sausages of Basilicata region.

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    In this study, a combination of a Lactobacillus sakei strain and a Staphylococcus equorumstrain was used as autochthonous starter for an experimental production of Basilicata fermented sausages. The influence of starter addition on the safety and quality parameters and microbiological and chemical-physical properties of the products was investigated. Microbial counts of safety indicators were lower in the samples with the addition of starter culture, and, at the end of ripening, Enterobacteriaceae and Gram negative bacteria were detected only in samples made without the starter addition. The addition of starter led to a final product with better microbiological and chemical-physical features, and a positive effect on flavor and aroma compounds formation by a good proteolytic and lipolytic activities. The use of autochthonous starter cultures allows to obtain products with the organoleptic characteristics expected and steady in time and to standardize the production process, improving the safety and quality, but preserving the essential character of the product

    Adaptive changes in geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase gene expression level under ethanol stress conditions in Oenococcus oeni.

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    Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of ethanol exposure on the expression level of geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase gene involved in the metabolism of Oenococcus oeni to probe the mechanisms of ethanol tolerance correlated with adaptive changes. Methods and Results: The evaluation of ten potential internal control genes and the comparative study of their stability were performed to select the most stable internal controls for the normalization of expression data. The expression level analysis by qPCR and changes after exposure to ethanol stresses highlighted a significant increase in the presence of higher ethanol concentrations. Conclusions: The analysis of results suggest that O. oeni adjusts the expression of genes to adapt to stress conditions and the high expression level of ggpps would allow a flow of isoprenoid precursors towards the carotenoids and related pathways to stabilize bacterial cell membranes, improving the cell membrane disturbances and preventing cell death induced by ethanol. Significance and Impact of the Study: The involvement of ggpps gene in physiological changes of bacterial behaviour confirmed the exposure to stress requires the activation of defence mechanism to be more tolerant to adverse conditions. Improving the knowledge of stress tolerance and adaptation mechanisms of O. oeni is essential to enhance the efficiency of the malolactic starter in wine and to obtain the development of starters able to survive to direct inoculation with a large benefit for wine technology

    Copper-Free Halodediazoniation of Arenediazonium Tetrafluoroborates in Deep Eutectic Solvents-like Mixtures

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    Deep Eutectic Solvent (DES)-like mixtures, based on glycerol and different halide organic and inorganic salts, are successfully exploited as new media in copper-free halodediazoniation of arenediazonium salts. The reactions are carried out in absence of metal-based catalysts, at room temperature and in a short time. Pure target products are obtained without the need for chromatographic separation. The solvents are fully characterized, and a computational study is presented aiming to understand the reaction mechanism

    Efficient recovery of whole cell proteins in Oenococcus oeni - a comparison of different extraction protocols for high-throughput malolactic starter applications

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    In this study, we compared different total protein extraction protocols to achieve highly efficient isolation and purification of total proteins for the specific protein profiling of Oenococcus oeni. The sodium dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis patterns obtained for the different extraction protocols revealed not only a qualitative similar protein pattern but also quantitative variations with different intensity bands depending on the extraction method used. The selected extraction method added with sonication proved to work extremely well and efficiently and was able to obtain a high resolution 2- D electrophoresis (2-DE) map. Prominent spots were successfully identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry and corresponded to 76 different proteins involved in the main metabolic pathways. The approach allowed to achieve a protein profiling specific for O. oeni from Aglianico wine with numerous characterized protein products corresponding to many different O. oeni genes and associated with main cellular pathways. Further investigations of the 2-DE protein expression profile will provide useful and interesting information on the molecular mechanisms at the protein level responsible for growth and survival of O. oeni in wine


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    Biological sciences and related bioͲtechnology play a very important role in research projects concerning protection and preservation of cultural heritage for future generations. In this work secondary metabolites of Burkholderia gladioli pv. agaricicola (Bga) ICMP 11096 strain and crude extract of glycoalkaloids from Solanaceae plants, were tested against a panel of microorganisms isolated from calcarenite stones of two historical bridges located in Potenza and in Campomaggiore (Southern Italy). The isolated bacteria belong to Bacillus cereus and Arthrobacter agilisspecies, while fungi belong to Aspergillus, Penicillium, Coprinellus, Fusarium, Rhizoctonia and Stemphylium genera. Bga broth (unfiltered) and glycoalkaloids extracts were able to inhibit the growth of all bacterial isolates. Bga culture was active against fungal colonies, while Solanaceae extract exerted bioͲactivity against Fusarium and Rhizoctonia gener

    Metabolic Syndrome and Inflammatory Cytokines in Psoriasis.

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    Obesity negatively affects the pathological states of chronic inflammation, such as Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis. The inflammatory cytokines released by the adipose tissue determine, in addition to inflammation, a condition of insulin resistance, which is also a comorbidity of psoriasis. The state of chronic inflammation unites both psoriasis and obesity. The first is an autoimmune skin disease, where very thick skin layers are evident due to an abnormal proliferation of keratinocytes; obesity, on the other hand, represents one of the possible comorbidities of psoriasis the simultaneous presence in the same subject of two or more diseases

    Willingness to pay for one-stop anesthesia in pediatric day surgery

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This study assesses the parents' Willingness To Pay (WTP) for One Stop Anesthesia (OSA). OSA is part of a free screening procedure that determines the timing of the anesthesiological assessment. In OSA-positive patients, the preoperative assessment is carried out on the same day as the surgery. The OSA allows patients who have to undergo surgery in a pediatric day surgery to avoid accessing the pre-admission clinic.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>This is a descriptive cohort study. A sample of 106 parents were interviewed directly by means of a questionnaire. The questionnaire builds a hypothetical scenario where the interviewee has a chance to buy the OSA health service with the WTP. The WTP values are distributed in classes and are contingent to the market built in the questionnaire. The Chi Square and Cramer's V tests evaluate the WTP dependence on the parents' place of origin and occupation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The approximate average of the WTP classes is €87.21 per family. The Chi Square test relative to the WTP classes and the places of origin is statistically significant (p < 0.05). The Cramer's V test is 0.347 and points to a positive association between the two demographics. The Cramer's V test of the WTP classes and the types of job is 0.339 and indicates a positive association.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Nearly 90% of pediatric patients who were screened for timing the preoperative assessment are true positives to OSA. This allows doing away with the pre-hospitalization, with definite advantages for the families. This screening is a health service that families would be hypothetically willing to pay.</p