4,620 research outputs found

    Period-Color and Amplitude-Color Relations in Classical Cepheid Variables - VI. New Challenges for Pulsation Models

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    We present multiphase Period-Color/Amplitude-Color/Period-Luminosity relations using OGLE III and Galactic Cepheid data and compare with state of the art theoretical pulsation models. Using this new way to compare models and observations, we find convincing evidence that both Period-Color and Period-Luminosity Relations as a function of phase are dynamic and highly nonlinear at certain pulsation phases. We extend this to a multiphase Wesenheit function and find the same result. Hence our results cannot be due to reddening errors. We present statistical tests and the urls of movies depicting the Period-Color/Period Luminosity and Wesenheit relations as a function of phase for the LMC OGLE III Cepheid data: these tests and movies clearly demonstrate nonlinearity as a function of phase and offer a new window toward a deeper understanding of stellar pulsation. When comparing with models, we find that the models also predict this nonlinearity in both Period-Color and Period-Luminosity planes. The models with (Z=0.004, Y=0.25) fare better in mimicking the LMC Cepheid relations, particularly at longer periods, though the models predict systematically higher amplitudes than the observations

    Cepheid Mass-loss and the Pulsation -- Evolutionary Mass Discrepancy

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    I investigate the discrepancy between the evolution and pulsation masses for Cepheid variables. A number of recent works have proposed that non-canonical mass-loss can account for the mass discrepancy. This mass-loss would be such that a 5Mo star loses approximately 20% of its mass by arriving at the Cepheid instability strip; a 14Mo star, none. Such findings would pose a serious challenge to our understanding of mass-loss. I revisit these results in light of the Padova stellar evolutionary models and find evolutionary masses are (17±517\pm5)% greater than pulsation masses for Cepheids between 5<M/Mo<14. I find that mild internal mixing in the main-sequence progenitor of the Cepheid are able to account for this mass discrepancy.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, ApJ accepte

    Extracting Large Scale Spatio-Temporal Descriptions from Social Media

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    The ability to track large-scale events as they happen is essential for understanding them and coordinating reactions in an appropriate and timely manner. This is true, for example, in emergency management and decision-making support, where the constraints on both quality and latency of the extracted information can be stringent. In some contexts, real-time and large-scale sensor data and forecasts may be available. We are exploring the hypothesis that this kind of data can be augmented with the ingestion of semistructured data sources, like social media. Social media can diffuse valuable knowledge, such as direct witness or expert opinions, while their noisy nature makes them not trivial to manage. This knowledge can be used to complement and confirm other spatio-temporal descriptions of events, highlighting previously unseen or undervalued aspects. The critical aspects of this investigation, such as event sensing, multilingualism, selection of visual evidence, and geolocation, are currently being studied as a foundation for a unified spatio-temporal representation of multi-modal descriptions. The paper presents, together with an introduction on the topics, the work done so far on this line of research, also presenting case studies relevant to the posed challenges, focusing on emergencies caused by natural disasters

    Concreciones carbonatadas en margas del Eoceno: consecuencias geomorfológicas

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    [Resumen] Las margas del Eoceno de la cuenca de Jaca (Pirineo Central) presentan, en numerosos lugares, una topografía de detalle muy característica, en la que destacan un conjunto de núcleos más resistentes de aspecto frecuentemente esférico y de orden métrico, que permiten hablar de un paisaje de "margas con bolas". Se trata en realidad de concreciones dolomíticas interestratificadas, menos susceptibles a los procesos erosivos que las propias margas. En este trabajo hemos intentado establecer si las diferencias mineralógicas entre concreciones carbonatadas y margas encajantes permiten explicar esta meteorización diferencial; para ello se ha estudiado la mineralogía de las concreciones, las margas y las margas alteradas. Se concluye que los procesos químicos de alteración resultan insuficientes para explicar las diferentes tasas erosivas, debiendo por tanto atribuirse a causas físicas (susceptibilidad ante la helada, procesos de humectación-desecación) la mayor erosionabilidad de las margas frente a las concreciones carbonatadas y areniscas interestratificadas.[Abstract] The Eocene marls from the Jaca basin (Central Pyrenees) show a conspicuous morphologic feature consisting of disperse hard cores, often with an spherical shape and metric size, surrounded by the marly matrix. These hard cores are dolomitic concretions isolated from the marls because of less intense weathering. In this paper we study the mineralogical composition of dolomitic concretionsand marls, in order to better define the differences in weathering processes. We conclude that chemical weathering processes do not fully explain the differences of erosion rates. We propose physical processes (frost susceptibility, dry-moist alternations) as the main erosion factors in the Eocene marls and, consequently, they are responsible for the greater erodibility of the marls compared to the dolomite concretions and interlayered sandstones

    Impact of communicative and informative strategies on influenza vaccination adherence and absenteeism from work of health care professionals working at the university hospital of palermo, Italy: A quasi-experimental field trial on twelve influenza seasons

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    Every year, about 20% of health care workers (HCWs) acquire influenza, continuing to work and encouraging virus spreading. Influenza vaccination coverage rates and absenteeism from work among HCWs of the University Hospital (UH) of Palermo were analyzed before and after the implementation of several initiatives in order to increase HCWs’ awareness about influenza vaccination. Vaccines administration within hospital units, dedicated web pages on social media and on the UH of Palermo institutional web site, and mandatory compilation of a dissent form for those HCWs who refused vaccination were carried out during the last four influenza seasons. After the introduction of these strategies, influenza vaccination coverage went up from 5.2% (2014/2015 season) to 37.2% (2018/2019 season) (p&lt;0.001), and mean age of vaccinated HCWs significantly decreased from 48.1 years (95% CI: 45.7–50.5) to 35.9 years (95% CI: 35.0–36.8). A reduction of working days lost due to acute sickness among HCWs of the UH of Palermo was observed. Fear of adverse reactions and not considering themselves as a high-risk group for contracting influenza were the main reasons reported by HCWs that refused vaccination. Strategies undertaken at the UH of Palermo allowed a significant increase in vaccination adherence and a significant reduction of absenteeism from work

    The shape of the Red Giant Branch Bump as a diagnostic of partial mixing processes in low-mass stars

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    We suggest to use the shape of the Red Giant Branch (RGB) Bump in metal-rich globular clusters as a diagnostic of partial mixing processes between the base of the convective envelope and the H-burning shell. The Bump located along the differential luminosity function of cluster RGB stars is a key observable to constrain the H-profile inside these structures. In fact, standard evolutionary models that account for complete mixing in the convective unstable layers and radiative equilibrium in the innermost regions do predict that the first dredge-up lefts over a very sharp H-discontinuity at the bottom of the convective region. Interestingly enough we found that both atomic diffusion and a moderate convective overshooting at the base of the convective region marginally affects the shape of the RGB Bump in the differential Luminosity Function (LF). As a consequence, we performed several numerical experiments to estimate whether plausible assumptions concerning the smoothing of the H-discontinuity, due to the possible occurrence of extra-mixing below the convective boundary, affects the shape of the RGB Bump. We found that the difference between the shape of RGB Bump predicted by standard and by smoothed models can be detected if the H-discontinuity is smoothed over an envelope region whose thickness is equal or larger than 0.5 pressure scale heights. Finally, we briefly discuss the comparison between theoretical predictions and empirical data in metal-rich, reddening free Galactic Globular Clusters (GGCs) to constrain the sharpness of the H-profile inside RGB stars.Comment: 15 pages, 8 postscript figures, ApJ in pres

    Modelling plasticity in dendrites: from single cells to networks

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    One of the key questions in neuroscience is how our brain self-organises to efficiently process information. To answer this question, we need to understand the underlying mechanisms of plasticity and their role in shaping synaptic connectivity. Theoretical neuroscience typically investigates plasticity on the level of neural networks. Neural network models often consist of point neurons, completely neglecting neuronal morphology for reasons of simplicity. However, during the past decades it became increasingly clear that inputs are locally processed in the dendrites before they reach the cell body. Dendritic properties enable local interactions between synapses and location-dependent modulations of inputs, rendering the position of synapses on dendrites highly important. These insights changed our view of neurons, such that we now think of them as small networks of nearly independent subunits instead of a simple point. Here, we propose that understanding how the brain processes information strongly requires that we consider the following properties: which plasticity mechanisms are present in the dendrites and how do they enable the self-organisation of synapses across the dendritic tree for efficient information processing? Ultimately, dendritic plasticity mechanisms can be studied in networks of neurons with dendrites, possibly uncovering unknown mechanisms that shape the connectivity in our brains

    Galactic abundance gradients from Cepheids : On the iron abundance gradient around 10-12 kpc

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    Context: Classical Cepheids can be adopted to trace the chemical evolution of the Galactic disk since their distances can be estimated with very high accuracy. Aims: Homogeneous iron abundance measurements for 33 Galactic Cepheids located in the outer disk together with accurate distance determinations based on near-infrared photometry are adopted to constrain the Galactic iron gradient beyond 10 kpc. Methods: Iron abundances were determined using high resolution Cepheid spectra collected with three different observational instruments: ESPaDOnS@CFHT, Narval@TBL and [email protected] ESO/MPG telescope. Cepheid distances were estimated using near-infrared (J,H,K-band) period-luminosity relations and data from SAAO and the 2MASS catalog. Results: The least squares solution over the entire data set indicates that the iron gradient in the Galactic disk presents a slope of -0.052+/-0.003 dex/kpc in the 5-17 kpc range. However, the change of the iron abundance across the disk seems to be better described by a linear regime inside the solar circle and a flattening of the gradient toward the outer disk (beyond 10 kpc). In the latter region the iron gradient presents a shallower slope, i.e. -0.012+/-0.014 dex/kpc. In the outer disk (10-12 kpc) we also found that Cepheids present an increase in the spread in iron abundance. Current evidence indicates that the spread in metallicity depends on the Galactocentric longitude. Finally, current data do not support the hypothesis of a discontinuity in the iron gradient at Galactocentric distances of 10-12 kpc. Conclusions: The occurrence of a spread in iron abundance as a function of the Galactocentric longitude indicates that linear radial gradients should be cautiously treated to constrain the chemical evolution across the disk.Comment: 5 tables, 8 figures, Accepted in A&

    Datos para la comparación del micromodelado en dos macizos de granitoides peninsulares

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    [Resumen] El trabajo es un avance de los estudios de comparación del micromodelado de dos zonas graníticas hercínicas peninsulares, una de ellas, situada en el Pirineo aragonés (macizo de Cauterets) y la otra en la Serra do Gerez (Portugal norte), sujetas ambas en el pasado a modelado glaciar. Mientras en la zona pirenaica los procesos periglaciares son intensos en la actualidad y dán lugar a una activa evolución de vertientes, en la zona galaico portuguesa, si existe periglaciarismo, este se halla enormemente atenuado tanto en intensidad como en duración a lo largo del año. Tanto el tipo de microformas encontradas como la evolución del paleomodelado glaciar en ambas zonas parece indicar que la alteración por vía química ha ejercido una mayor influencia que la alteración por vía física (gelifracción), puesto que en la zona galaico portuguesa han desaparecido casi totalmente las huellas del micromodelado glaciar mientras que en la zona pirenaica se conservan aún en su mayor parte[Resumo] Neste traballo adiántanse algúns dos resultados do estudio de comparación do micromodelado de dúas zonas graníticas do hercínico peninsular, unha delas no Pirineo Aragonés, a outra na Serra do Geres (Portugal norde) e as dúas baixo modelado glaciar no pasado. Na actualidade a zona pirenaica está suxeita á acción dun activo periglaciarismo que leva a unha rápida dinámica de vertentes, namentras que a zona galaico portuguesa, se existe ó periglaciarismo, háxase grandemente amortecido tanto en intensidade como na duración das taes condicións ao langa do ano. Unha maior influencia, na evolución do microreleve, da alteración vía química, semella vir probada, pala cuase total esnaquización das pegadas do modelado glaciar na zonación galaico portuguesa mentras no pirineo aragonés fica unha grande parte delas, senda neste caso a alteración vía física o axente que xoga o papel mais importante na evolución do microreleve Etude polinique d'un sédiment marsh á le marais de Catoira (Pontevedra
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