147 research outputs found

    Competition and the Evolution of Novel Resource Use: An Experimental Test in a Virus

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    Competition for resources has long been hypothesized to be a key agent of diversification: individuals utilizing a novel resource have an advantage when competition for a preferred resource is strong. Over time, competition could drive the evolution of alternative resource-use phenotypes and potentially new species. Here, we use an experimental evolution approach to establish a direct link between competition and adaptive diversification in the bacteriophage (bacteria-infecting virus) phi 6. First, we demonstrated that reducing the availability of a standard host (a vital resource) drives the origin of novel host use by selecting for a phenotype with an expanded niche (generalist). However, the generalists evolved without a detectable trade-off on the original, standard host and competitively excluded the phenotype that specialized on the standard host in all but one population. Second, we tested if competition could drive the maintenance of diversity by enabling coexistence of generalists and specialists. By increasing the ratio of the standard to novel resources, we simultaneously decreased competition for the standard resource and reduced ecological opportunity. Sustained coexistence was more likely because specialists had more time to evolve a have higher fitness on the standard host, generating a trade-off in host performance. Third, we tested if the presence of a competitor could act as a wedge, driving generalists and a competitor phenotype (the specialist) to diverge in resource use in sympatry. As a control, we evolved the generalist alone on the novel resource in allopatry. However, sympatric generalists adapted to the standard host while allopatric generalists declined on the standard host. Sympatric generalists evolved to take advantage of both hosts and minimized antagonistic pleiotropy, while allopatric generalists evolved in the absence of such selection and thereby decreased in standard host adsorption. Overall, direct costs to expanded host range remained difficult or elusive to detect, despite previous studies documenting antagonistic pleiotropy in phi 6. Rather, generalists consistently evolved with both host experienced selection to minimize antagonistic pleiotropy, which has serious implications for theory that uses these costs as the basis for divergence. Taken together, these results show strong support for the hypothesis that competition is a key agent of diversification.Doctor of Philosoph

    The Impact of the Carrollton GreenBelt on Residential Housing Prices: A Spatial Approach

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    The Carrollton GreenBelt is a linear park encircling the City of Carrollton Georgia. The GreenBelt differs from other linear parks in that it is an entirely new construction and was not built upon existing rail lines, as was the Atlanta Beltline and the nearby Silver Comet Trail. Using GIS, data from the Carroll County Tax Assessor\u27s office and spatial econometric techniques, we estimate local fair-market housing values within the hedonic framework to measure the relationship between home prices and access to the GreenBelt. We find the expected positive effects from the number of bedrooms, bathrooms and square footage, but access to the GreenBelt is associated with lower housing sale prices during the period; however, these lower prices may also be the result of conscious location decisions of the GreenBelt developers in an attempt to lower land acquisition costs in the development phase. Despite our efforts to control for distance to the center of the city, the negative association between the GreenBelt and housing values may be impacted by the endogeneity between GreenBelt location and residential housing prices

    Reactome - a knowledgebase of human biological pathways

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    Pathway curation is a powerful tool for systematically associating gene products with functions. Reactome (www.reactome.org) is a manually curated human pathway knowledgebase describing a wide range of biological processes in a computationally accessible manner. The core unit of the Reactome data model is the Reaction, whose instances form a network of biological interactions through entities that are consumed, produced, or act as catalysts. Entities are distinguished by their molecular identities and cellular locations. Set objects allow grouping of related entities. Curation is based on communication between expert authors and staff curators, facilitated by freely available data entry tools. Manually curated data are subjected to quality control and peer review by a second expert. Reactome data are released quarterly. At release time, electronic orthology inference performed on human data produces reaction predictions in 22 species ranging from mouse to bacteria. Cross-references to a large number of publicly available databases are attached, providing multiple entry points into the database. The Reactome Mart allows query submission and data retrieval from Reactome and across other databases. The SkyPainter tool provides visualization and statistical analysis of user supplied data, e.g. from microarray experiments. Reactome data are freely available in a number of data formats (e.g. BioPax, SBML)

    Association of \u3ci\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/i\u3e O157:H7 \u3ci\u3etir\u3c/i\u3e polymorphisms with human infection

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    Background: Emerging molecular, animal model and epidemiologic evidence suggests that Shigatoxigenic Escherichia coli O157:H7 (STEC O157) isolates vary in their capacity to cause human infection and disease. The translocated intimin receptor (tir) and intimin (eae) are virulence factors and bacterial receptor-ligand proteins responsible for tight STEC O157 adherence to intestinal epithelial cells. They represent logical genomic targets to investigate the role of sequence variation in STEC O157 pathogenesis and molecular epidemiology. The purposes of this study were (1) to identify tir and eae polymorphisms in diverse STEC O157 isolates derived from clinically ill humans and healthy cattle (the dominant zoonotic reservoir) and (2) to test any observed tir and eae polymorphisms for association with human (vs bovine) isolate source. Results: Five polymorphisms were identified in a 1,627-bp segment of tir. Alleles of two tir polymorphisms, tir 255 T\u3eA and repeat region 1-repeat unit 3 (RR1-RU3, presence or absence) had dissimilar distributions among human and bovine isolates. More than 99% of 108 human isolates possessed the tir 255 T\u3eA T allele and lacked RR1-RU3. In contrast, the tir 255 T\u3eA T allele and RR1-RU3 absence were found in 55% and 57%, respectively, of 77 bovine isolates. Both polymorphisms associated strongly with isolate source (p \u3c 0.0001), but not by pulsed field gel electrophoresis type or by stx1 and stx2 status (as determined by PCR). Two eae polymorphisms were identified in a 2,755-bp segment of 44 human and bovine isolates; 42 isolates had identical eae sequences. The eae polymorphisms did not associate with isolate source. Conclusion: Polymorphisms in tir but not eae predict the propensity of STEC O157 isolates to cause human clinical disease. The over-representation of the tir 255 T\u3eA T allele in human-derived isolates vs the tir 255 T\u3eA A allele suggests that these isolates have a higher propensity to cause disease. The high frequency of bovine isolates with the A allele suggests a possible bovine ecological niche for this STEC O157 subset

    Vascular-confined multi-passage discoidal nanoconstructs for the low-dose docetaxel inhibition of triple-negative breast cancer growth

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    AbstractTaxane efficacy in triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is limited by insufficient tumor accumulation and severe off-target effects. Nanomedicines offer a unique opportunity to enhance the anti-cancer potency of this drug. Here, 1,000 nm × 400 nm discoidal polymeric nanoconstructs (DPN) encapsulating docetaxel (DTXL) and the near infrared compound lipid-Cy5 were engineered. DPN were obtained by filling multiple times cylindrical wells in a poly(vinyl alcohol) template with a polymer mixture comprising poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) and poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEG-DA) chains together with therapeutic and imaging agents. The resulting "multi-passage" DPN exhibited higher DTXL loading, lipid-Cy5 stability, and stiffness as compared to the conventional "single-passage" approach. Confocal microscopy confirmed that DTXL-DPN were not taken up by MDA-MB-231 cells but would rather sit next to the cell membrane and slowly release DTXL thereof. Empty DPN had no toxicity on TNBC cells, whereas DTXL-DPN presented a cytotoxic potential comparable to free DTXL (IC50 = 2.6 nM ± 1.0 nM vs. 7.0 nM ± 1.09 nM at 72 h). In orthotopic murine models, DPN accumulated in TNBC more efficiently than free-DTXL. With only 2 mg/kg DTXL, intravenously administered every 2 days for a total of 13 treatments, DTXL-DPN induced tumor regression and were associated to an overall 80% survival rate as opposed to a 30% survival rate for free-DTXL, at 120 days. All untreated mice succumbed before 90 days. Collectively, this data demonstrates that vascular confined multi-passage DPN, biomimicking the behavior of circulating platelets, can efficiently deliver chemotherapeutic molecules to malignant tissues and effectively treat orthotopic TNBC at minimal taxane doses

    Competition and the origins of novelty: experimental evolution of niche-width expansion in a virus

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    Competition for resources has long been viewed as a key agent of divergent selection. Theory holds that populations facing severe intraspecific competition will tend to use a wider range of resources, possibly even using entirely novel resources that are less in demand. Yet, there have been few experimental tests of these ideas. Using the bacterial virus (bacteriophage) ϕ6 as a model system, we examined whether competition for host resources promotes the evolution of novel resource use. In the laboratory, ϕ6 exhibits a narrow host range but readily produces mutants capable of infecting novel bacterial hosts. Here, we show that when ϕ6 populations were subjected to intense intraspecific competition for their standard laboratory host, they rapidly evolved new generalist morphs that infect novel hosts. Our results therefore suggest that competition for host resources may drive the evolution of host range expansion in viruses. More generally, our findings demonstrate that intraspecific resource competition can indeed promote the evolution of novel resource-use phenotypes

    Open questions in the social lives of viruses

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    Social interactions among viruses occur whenever multiple viral genomes infect the same cells, hosts, or populations of hosts. Viral social interactions range from cooperation to conflict, occur throughout the viral world, and affect every stage of the viral lifecycle. The ubiquity of these social interactions means that they can determine the population dynamics, evolutionary trajectory, and clinical progression of viral infections. At the same time, social interactions in viruses raise new questions for evolutionary theory, providing opportunities to test and extend existing frameworks within social evolution. Many opportunities exist at this interface: Insights into the evolution of viral social interactions have immediate implications for our understanding of the fundamental biology and clinical manifestation of viral diseases. However, these opportunities are currently limited because evolutionary biologists only rarely study social evolution in viruses. Here, we bridge this gap by (1) summarizing the ways in which viruses can interact socially, including consequences for social evolution and evolvability; (2) outlining some open questions raised by viruses that could challenge concepts within social evolution theory; and (3) providing some illustrative examples, data sources, and conceptual questions, for studying the natural history of social viruses

    Sex-Specific Expression of Alternative Transcripts in \u3ci\u3eDrosophila\u3c/i\u3e

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    Background: Many genes produce multiple transcripts due to alternative splicing or utilization of alternative transcription initiation/termination sites. This \u27transcriptome expansion\u27 is thought to increase phenotypic complexity by allowing a single locus to produce several functionally distinct proteins. However, sex, genetic and developmental variation in the representation of alternative transcripts has never been examined systematically. Here, we describe a genome-wide analysis of sex-specific expression of alternative transcripts in Drosophila melanogaster. Results: We compared transcript profiles in males and females from eight Drosophila lines (OregonR and 2b, and 6 RIL) using a newly designed 60-mer oligonucleotide microarray that allows us to distinguish a large proportion of alternative transcripts. The new microarray incorporates 7,207 oligonucleotides, satisfying stringent binding and specificity criteria that target both the common and the unique regions of 2,768 multi-transcript genes, as well as 12,912 oligonucleotides that target genes with a single known transcript. We estimate that up to 22% of genes that produce multiple transcripts show a sex-specific bias in the representation of alternative transcripts. Sexual dimorphism in overall transcript abundance was evident for 53% of genes. The X chromosome contains a significantly higher proportion of genes with female-biased transcription than the autosomes. However, genes on the X chromosome are no more likely to have a sexual bias in alternative transcript representation than autosomal genes. Conclusion: Widespread sex-specific expression of alternative transcripts in Drosophila suggests that a new level of sexual dimorphism at the molecular level exists

    Phylogenetic classification of Escherichia coli O157:H7 strains of human and bovine origin using a novel set of nucleotide polymorphisms

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    Novel SNPs from human and bovine O157:H7 E. coli isolates are mapped, revealing that the majority of human disease is caused by a bovine subset of this strain

    Sex-specific expression of alternative transcripts in Drosophila

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    BACKGROUND: Many genes produce multiple transcripts due to alternative splicing or utilization of alternative transcription initiation/termination sites. This 'transcriptome expansion' is thought to increase phenotypic complexity by allowing a single locus to produce several functionally distinct proteins. However, sex, genetic and developmental variation in the representation of alternative transcripts has never been examined systematically. Here, we describe a genome-wide analysis of sex-specific expression of alternative transcripts in Drosophila melanogaster. RESULTS: We compared transcript profiles in males and females from eight Drosophila lines (OregonR and 2b, and 6 RIL) using a newly designed 60-mer oligonucleotide microarray that allows us to distinguish a large proportion of alternative transcripts. The new microarray incorporates 7,207 oligonucleotides, satisfying stringent binding and specificity criteria that target both the common and the unique regions of 2,768 multi-transcript genes, as well as 12,912 oligonucleotides that target genes with a single known transcript. We estimate that up to 22% of genes that produce multiple transcripts show a sex-specific bias in the representation of alternative transcripts. Sexual dimorphism in overall transcript abundance was evident for 53% of genes. The X chromosome contains a significantly higher proportion of genes with female-biased transcription than the autosomes. However, genes on the X chromosome are no more likely to have a sexual bias in alternative transcript representation than autosomal genes. CONCLUSION: Widespread sex-specific expression of alternative transcripts in Drosophila suggests that a new level of sexual dimorphism at the molecular level exists
