280 research outputs found

    Il-ġeografija ta' Ħal-Kirkop

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    This document includes a list of the Parish priests at Ħal-Kirkop.Jidher li Ħal Kirkop (Figura 1 [1985]) irreżista l-bidliet kbar ta' matul dan iż-żmien, il-bidla politika, ekonomika u strutturali li għaddew minnha l-Gżejjer Maltin. Dan sar minħabba d-daqs tal-popolazzjoni, il-firxa tal-bini, l-ekonomija u l-użu ta' l-art ta' madwar ir-raħal (Figura 2). L-iskop ta' dan il-kapitlu hu li jippreżenta l-ġeografija ta' Ħal Kirkop u l-inħawi ta' madwaru. Għaldaqstant, huwa tajjeb li wieħed jibda b' deskrizzjoni tal-ġeografija fiżika taż-żona, u jkompli b'deskrizzjoni tal-ġeografija tal-popolazzjoni, ta' l-aħħar imsawra fuq l-aħħar mitt sena.peer-reviewe

    Aspetti della vita cristiana nell'isola di Malta verso la meta' del seicento

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    Nel corso degli ultimi decenni, un certo numero di studiosi, stimolato da scopi politici, si mise al lavoro per risolvere vari problem delta storia maltese. Nonostante ciò, la maggioranza stragrande delle pubblicazioni si restringe alle vicende storiche dell'Ordine, Gerosolimitano, il quale per la durata di quasi tre secoli detenme nell'isola il potere civile. Sappiamo senza ombra di dubbio che allora il popolo per intero professava la Religione Cattolica, ma l'impronta indelebile impressa dalla Religione nella vita popolare ci è ancora quasi del tutto sconosciuta. Le nostre, indagini non si prefiggono come scopo di narrare nè la storia civile, nè quella ecclesiastica; cerchiamo solo di colmare in qualche modo una lacuna nella storia delle forme inteletttuali e della cultura del popolino specialmente in quel che riguarda la fede, le tradizioni, e le usanze,. Osserviamo come il modo di vivere della gente rispecciava gli intimi sentimenti della anima. Notiamo come l'attività pastorale del clero si ripercuoteva sulla vita religiosa della plebe. Investighiamo il senso cristiano della vita coniugale da dove sgorgavano e si alimentavano nel bimbo i primi affetti verso il Dio Supremo.peer-reviewe

    A subgraph isomorphism algorithm and its application to biochemical data

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    BackgroundGraphs can represent biological networks at the molecular, protein, or species level. An important query is to find all matches of a pattern graph to a target graph. Accomplishing this is inherently difficult (NP-complete) and the efficiency of heuristic algorithms for the problem may depend upon the input graphs. The common aim of existing algorithms is to eliminate unsuccessful mappings as early as and as inexpensively as possible.ResultsWe propose a new subgraph isomorphism algorithm which applies a search strategy to significantly reduce the search space without using any complex pruning rules or domain reduction procedures. We compare our method with the most recent and efficient subgraph isomorphism algorithms (VFlib, LAD, and our C++ implementation of FocusSearch which was originally distributed in Modula2) on synthetic, molecules, and interaction networks data. We show a significant reduction in the running time of our approach compared with these other excellent methods and show that our algorithm scales well as memory demands increase.ConclusionsSubgraph isomorphism algorithms are intensively used by biochemical tools. Our analysis gives a comprehensive comparison of different software approaches to subgraph isomorphism highlighting their weaknesses and strengths. This will help researchers make a rational choice among methods depending on their application. We also distribute an open-source package including our system and our own C++ implementation of FocusSearch together with all the used datasets (http://ferrolab.dmi.unict.it/ri.html). In future work, our findings may be extended to approximate subgraph isomorphism algorithms

    A subgraph isomorphism algorithm and its application to biochemical data

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    BackgroundGraphs can represent biological networks at the molecular, protein, or species level. An important query is to find all matches of a pattern graph to a target graph. Accomplishing this is inherently difficult (NP-complete) and the efficiency of heuristic algorithms for the problem may depend upon the input graphs. The common aim of existing algorithms is to eliminate unsuccessful mappings as early as and as inexpensively as possible.ResultsWe propose a new subgraph isomorphism algorithm which applies a search strategy to significantly reduce the search space without using any complex pruning rules or domain reduction procedures. We compare our method with the most recent and efficient subgraph isomorphism algorithms (VFlib, LAD, and our C++ implementation of FocusSearch which was originally distributed in Modula2) on synthetic, molecules, and interaction networks data. We show a significant reduction in the running time of our approach compared with these other excellent methods and show that our algorithm scales well as memory demands increase.ConclusionsSubgraph isomorphism algorithms are intensively used by biochemical tools. Our analysis gives a comprehensive comparison of different software approaches to subgraph isomorphism highlighting their weaknesses and strengths. This will help researchers make a rational choice among methods depending on their application. We also distribute an open-source package including our system and our own C++ implementation of FocusSearch together with all the used datasets (http://ferrolab.dmi.unict.it/ri.html). In future work, our findings may be extended to approximate subgraph isomorphism algorithms

    Influence of respiratory and inflammatory parameters preceding intubation on survival of patients with COVID-19 ARDS- A single centre retrospective analysis

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    It remains unclear if intubation and ventilation earlier in the disease course confers a survival advantage in acute respiratory distress syndrome. Our objective was to determine whether patients with COVID-19 who died following mechanical ventilation were more advanced in their disease compared to survivors. Forty-seven patients admitted directly to our centre received ventilation, of who 26 (57%) patients died. The rate of fall in SpO2:FiO2 ratio (p = 0.478) and increasing respiratory rate (p = 0.948) prior to IMV were similar between survivors and non-survivors. Our data support a trial of continuous positive airway pressure prior to IMV in patients with moderate-to-severe COVID-19 ARDS

    Rocky shore molluscan assemblages from natural and artificial substrata in the Maltese Islands

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    This work was partially funded through the European Social Fund under the Strategic Educational Pathways Scholarship (STEPS) scheme grants.The mediolittoral macrofaunal assemblages associated with concrete jetties and natural rocky substrata in two Maltese bays were compared to assess potential differences in the molluscan assemblages between artificial and natural hard substrata. The whole extent of the mediolittoral zone was sampled and the molluscs present were identified and counted. Overall species richness was significantly lower on jetties. Densities of species common on the natural rock, such as Cerithium spp. and Eatonina spp., were lower on jetties; however, the densities of Patella spp. were higher.peer-reviewe

    Biological aspects and ecological effects of a bed of the invasive non-indigenous mussel Brachidontes pharaonis (Fischer P., 1870) in Malta

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    No mussel beds were known to occur in the Maltese Islands previous to 2009, when a single bed of the Lessepsian immigrant Brachidontes pharaonis, first recorded from the islands in 1970, was discovered in Birzebbugia Bay. The population structure of B. pharaonis was investigated to assess its potential to spread and colonise new shores, while the biotic community at the mussel bed was compared to that present on uncolonised substratum to determine the effects of mussel bed establishment on the associated biota. Results indicate a lower species richness and slightly different community structure with greater small-scale heterogeneity at the mussel bed site compared to the adjacent rocky shore where mussels are present but where there is no bed formation. The B. pharaonis population had a peak density of 16550 ± 2051 ind.m-2 within the mussel bed and included recent recruits. These data suggest that the B. pharaonis population has the potential to expand. Establishment of extensive beds by this invasive mussel could change the structure of native rocky shore assemblages around the Maltese Islands and elsewhere in the Mediterranean.peer-reviewe

    Storm Warnings: Time Sensitive Proximity

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    Weather-predictive tasks during high risk severe weather events are carried out for the common good of the community by virtual teams of weather professionals. Severe weather predictors are responsible for producing the early warnings that inform people in harms way and potentially save lives. Should we be concerned with the use of “other-generated” information from social media used by these professionals? Teams extend understanding of an event by looking to external sources of situationally relevant information such as storm spotters, publicly generated photos and comments posted to online social media (OSM), and communication with community partners. Situationally relevant OSM, specifically Twitter, provides insight to the information behavior of the team. Here we examine the role of proximity and how it impacts decisions on potentially life-saving information sharing in time sensitive information environments: proximity within the team (shared knowledge state) and proximity to the event (hashtag) specifically are addressed

    Webs of Proximity and Just-in-Time Information

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    Disciplinary webs of proximity frequently overlap at the periphery of a topic where interests intersect for problem-solving. Failure to account for disciplinary differences can result in dis-ease – tension that interferes with meaning-making. This can be especially problematic in just-in-time information settings. An unexpected social media case study involving severe weather reporting and algorithm-driven system censorship makes evident the role of a constellation of pragmatic factors that can enhance or hinder just-in-time information delivery. Employing webs of proximity, we probe the severe weather censorship event with complementary bodies of knowledge and disciplinary perspectives. Intersectionalities are discussed through lenses of proximity and epidata. Entanglements of commonality between differing web plots are represented in a negotiation vestibule. The possibility of the communication channel itself being noise is presented. The vestibule highlights opportunities for negotiation points to attempt functional meaning-making

    Oil spill risk assessment on the Maltese coastal areas

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    A significant percentage of the global oil transport goes through the Mediterranean sea. Most of the maritime traffic carrying oil and other dangerous liquid substances travels across the Malta Channel. The risk of marine spillages within the stretch of sea between Malta and Sicily is very high and beaching on the Maltese shores can cause irreversible environmental damage at the detriment of important economic resources. The aim of this work is to determine the probability and volume percentage of oil that would reach the coast in case of an accident in the proximity of the Maltese Islands. Various spill scenarios are considered to get a realistic estimate as much as possible.peer-reviewe