207 research outputs found

    Les inspecteurs vétérinaires face aux normes privées

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    L’article analyse comment le mĂ©tier d’inspecteur vĂ©tĂ©rinaire pour la sĂ©curitĂ© sanitaire des aliments Ă©volue avec l’entrĂ©e en vigueur du « Paquet hygiĂšne » en Europe, d’une part, et la mise sous assurance qualitĂ© des services vĂ©tĂ©rinaires, d’autre part. Le « Paquet hygiĂšne » constitue la nouvelle rĂ©fĂ©rence juridique de l’intervention des inspecteurs : il a la particularitĂ© d’accorder une place centrale Ă  la production par les industriels de leurs propres normes techniques, selon le systĂšme HACCP. La norme ISO 17020, pour sa part, est une norme organisationnelle, d’application volontaire, initialement pensĂ©e pour l’entreprise. L’inspection vĂ©tĂ©rinaire en a fait le ressort de la modernisation de son action depuis 2002. Conduite dans deux dĂ©partements, notre enquĂȘte met en Ă©vidence comment les pratiques, l’organisation du travail et les relations entre inspecteurs et inspectĂ©s sont redĂ©finies par ces Ă©volutions et que l’accumulation de nouvelles normes rĂ©glementaires et organisationnelles entraĂźne l’émergence d’injonctions contradictoires pour les agents au travail.food safety, veterinarian services, Hygiene package, HACCP, quality standard

    Les éleveurs de porcs face à leurs détracteurs en Dordogne et dans le FnistÚre

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    RĂ©sumĂ©Les Ă©leveurs de porcs sont soumis Ă  la critique de leur projet d'Ă©levage lors des enquĂȘtes publiques liĂ©es aux procĂ©dures d'autorisation de leurs Ă©tablissements. Au quotidien, ils peuvent aussi ĂȘtre critiquĂ©s dans leur territoire de travail et dans leur lieu de rĂ©sidence. Ces reproches sont d'autant plus Ă©prouvants que ces Ă©leveurs sont fragilisĂ©s par la rĂ©organisation de leur territoire de travail dĂ©sormais ouvert Ă  l'agrotourisme. L'enquĂȘte repose sur des entretiens effectuĂ©s dans deux dĂ©partements contrastĂ©s du point de vue de l'organisation territoriale : la Dordogne et le FinistĂšre. Elle rĂ©vĂšle que ces Ă©leveurs, contraints de modifier leurs pratiques, doivent recomposer leur identitĂ©.AbstractHog Farmers under criticism in Dordogne and FinistĂšreHog farmers have come under criticism, especially during public hearings for licenses. They are also being criticized for everyday activities at their places of work and residence. These criticisms are all the harder to bear since their position is fragile owing to the reorganization of the “territory” they work, which has been opened to agrotourism. Interviews were conducted in two French departments quite different in terms of territorial organization: Dordogne and FinistĂšre. Swineherds are being forced to rework their identity as the meaning of their work changes

    Des usines Ă  la campagne aux villes industrielles

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    L’objet de cet article est de retracer sociologiquement l’histoire du droit des installations classĂ©es ou plutĂŽt de la partie de ce droit qui concerne l’urbanisation autour des Ă©tablissements dangereux et qui entend ainsi encadrer les relations entre la ville et l’industrie. Cette perspective permet d’envisager deux aspects complĂ©mentaires de cette question : d’une part, on examine le droit comme une façon de reprĂ©senter un problĂšme et notamment comment la place de la question urbaine y a Ă©tĂ© pensĂ©e et dĂ©finie ; d’autre part, on s’intĂ©resse aux rĂšgles juridiques comme des outils, des ressources de catĂ©gories, de concepts qui dĂ©finissent des cadres pour l’action publique. Ainsi, l'histoire du droit des installations classĂ©es contribue Ă  mettre en lumiĂšre la façon dont la gestion de la proximitĂ© ville/industrie articule en permanence (mais selon des modalitĂ©s qui varient au fil du temps) les dimensions sociales, Ă©conomiques et environnementales qui permettent aujourd'hui d'apprĂ©hender et de dĂ©finir le dĂ©veloppement durable.The main aim of this paper is to relate the history of a part of the environmental French law, the one which govern the urban development in the vicinity of the dangerous chemical plants. From a sociological point of view, two aspects of this issue may be simultaneously analysed. In one hand, we examine the law as a way to represent the problem of cohabitation between urban area and industry: how this question has been successively thought out and defined? On the other hand, we take an interest in the juridical rules considered as tools, resources and concepts for public management. According to this approach, the history of this part of French law highlight how urban planning and risk management permanently link the social, economical and environmental dimensions of sustainability. But it shows also that those three factors play a part that vary from time to time

    Could FaRP-Like Peptides Participate in Regulation of Hyperosmotic Stress Responses in Plants?

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    International audienceThe ability to respond to hyperosmotic stress is one of the numerous conserved cellular processes that most of the organisms have to face during their life. In metazoans, some peptides belonging to the FMRFamide-like peptide (FLP) family were shown to participate in osmoregulation via regulation of ion channels; this is, a well-known response to hyperosmotic stress in plants. Thus, we explored whether FLPs exist and regulate osmotic stress in plants. First, we demonstrated the response of Arabidopsis thaliana cultured cells to a metazoan FLP (FLRF). We found that A. thaliana express genes that display typical FLP repeated sequences, which end in RF and are surrounded by K or R, which is typical of cleavage sites and suggests bioactivity; however, the terminal G, allowing an amidation process in metazoan, seems to be replaced by W. Using synthetic peptides, we showed that amidation appears unnecessary to bioactivity in A. thaliana, and we provide evidence that these putative FLPs could be involved in physiological processes related to hyperosmotic stress responses in plants, urging further studies on this topic

    Ancient origin of somatic and visceral neurons

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    Background: A key to understanding the evolution of the nervous system on a large phylogenetic scale is the identification of homologous neuronal types. Here, we focus this search on the sensory and motor neurons of bilaterians, exploiting their well-defined molecular signatures in vertebrates. Sensorimotor circuits in vertebrates are of two types: somatic (that sense the environment and respond by shaping bodily motions) and visceral (that sense the interior milieu and respond by regulating vital functions). These circuits differ by a small set of largely dedicated transcriptional determinants: Brn3 is expressed in many somatic sensory neurons, first and second order (among which mechanoreceptors are uniquely marked by the Brn3+/Islet1+/Drgx+ signature), somatic motoneurons uniquely co-express Lhx3/4 and Mnx1, while the vast majority of neurons, sensory and motor, involved in respiration, blood circulation or digestion are molecularly defined by their expression and dependence on the pan-visceral determinant Phox2b. Results: We explore the status of the sensorimotor transcriptional code of vertebrates in mollusks, a lophotrochozoa clade that provides a rich repertoire of physiologically identified neurons. In the gastropods Lymnaea stagnalis and Aplysia californica, we show that homologues of Brn3, Drgx, Islet1, Mnx1, Lhx3/4 and Phox2b differentially mark neurons with mechanoreceptive, locomotory and cardiorespiratory functions. Moreover, in the cephalopod Sepia officinalis, we show that Phox2 marks the stellate ganglion (in line with the respiratory — that is, visceral— ancestral role of the mantle, its target organ), while the anterior pedal ganglion, which controls the prehensile and locomotory arms, expresses Mnx. Conclusions: Despite considerable divergence in overall neural architecture, a molecular underpinning for the functional allocation of neurons to interactions with the environment or to homeostasis was inherited from the urbilaterian ancestor by contemporary protostomes and deuterostomes

    Cephalopod genomics: a plan of strategies and organization

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    The Cephalopod Sequencing Consortium (CephSeq Consortium) was established at a NESCent Catalysis Group Meeting, "Paths to Cephalopod Genomics-Strategies, Choices, Organization," held in Durham, North Carolina, USA on May 24-27, 2012. Twenty-eight participants representing nine countries (Austria, Australia, China, Denmark, France, Italy, Japan, Spain and the USA) met to address the pressing need for genome sequencing of cephalopod mollusks. This group, drawn from cephalopod biologists, neuroscientists, developmental and evolutionary biologists, materials scientists, bioinformaticians and researchers active in sequencing, assembling and annotating genomes, agreed on a set of cephalopod species of particular importance for initial sequencing and developed strategies and an organization (CephSeq Consortium) to promote this sequencing. The conclusions and recommendations of this meeting are described in this white paper

    Cephalopod genomics : a plan of strategies and organization

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    © The Author(s), 2012. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Standards in Genomic Sciences 7 (2012): 175-188, doi:10.4056/sigs.3136559.The Cephalopod Sequencing Consortium (CephSeq Consortium) was established at a NESCent Catalysis Group Meeting, “Paths to Cephalopod Genomics- Strategies, Choices, Organization,” held in Durham, North Carolina, USA on May 24-27, 2012. Twenty-eight participants representing nine countries (Austria, Australia, China, Denmark, France, Italy, Japan, Spain and the USA) met to address the pressing need for genome sequencing of cephalopod molluscs. This group, drawn from cephalopod biologists, neuroscientists, developmental and evolutionary biologists, materials scientists, bioinformaticians and researchers active in sequencing, assembling and annotating genomes, agreed on a set of cephalopod species of particular importance for initial sequencing and developed strategies and an organization (CephSeq Consortium) to promote this sequencing. The conclusions and recommendations of this meeting are described in this White Paper.The Catalysis Group Meeting was supported by the National Science Foundation through the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) under grant number NSF #EF-0905606

    RĂ©gime sans gluten

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    Tuberculosis, despite its prevention, remains an endemic affection in Morocco. Although rare, pseudo surgical forms and especially peritonitis are mainly due to delayed diagnosis. We report the case of a 30-year-old woman, admitted for peritonitis. The diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis was established during surgery with macroscopic observation of granulations, and confirmed after biopsy specimens by identification of a giant lymph node cell granuloma with caseous necrosis. Outcome was favorable after appropriate antibiotic therapy. This observation emphasizes the fact that peritonitis, although a rare complication of peritoneal tuberculosis, poses problems of positive and differential diagnosis. Even if treatment is based on antituberculous quadritherapy, surgery is sometimes necessary and should be decided in due time
