44 research outputs found

    Role of the anterior temporal lobes in semantic representations: paradoxical results of a cTBS study

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    According to the 'Semantic Hub' model, which was developed from data gathered in the moderate to advanced stages of semantic dementia (SD), a unitary amodal mechanism, located in the anterior parts of both temporal lobes (ATLs), should support the interactive activation of semantic representations in all modalities and for all semantic categories. This model has been challenged by clinical findings, which show that in the early stages of SD, when important asymmetries can be observed at the level of the right and left ATLs, the semantic impairment can be modality-specific, mainly affecting lexical-semantic knowledge when the left temporal lobe is more atrophic and pictorial representations when atrophy prevails on the right side. On the other hand, findings of experiments conducted in normal subjects with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulations (rTMS), support the unitary model. In the most compelling of these studies, rTMS was used to investigate the role of right and left ATLs directly, by comparing semantic processing of the same concepts, presented as written words or pictures. The efficiency of semantic processing for words and pictures was reduced to the same degree by rTMS applied to the left and right ATLs. However, to consider more in depth some methodological inconsistencies of these studies and with the aim of discussing the effects of rTMS on high-level cognitive functions, we decided to repeat that experimental paradigm, using the continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) protocol over the right ATL, left ATL and vertex (as control site). A significant interaction was found between side of cTBS application and type of stimulus, but, contrary to our predictions, we observed significantly faster (rather than slower) responses to pictures after application of cTBS to the right ATL and no difference between responses to written words after application of cTBS to the left ATL in comparison with the vertex. These unexpected results are discussed with respect to the nature of the semantic representations supported by the right and left ATLs and to re-appraisal of the 'virtual lesion' account to explain results obtained with rTMS experiments on high-level cognitive functions

    Blindfolded Balance Training in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease: A Sensory-Motor Strategy to Improve the Gait

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    Aim. Recent evidence suggested that the use of treadmill training may improve gait parameters. Visual deprivation could engage alternative sensory strategies to control dynamic equilibrium and stabilize gait based on vestibulospinal reflexes (VSR). We aimed to investigate the efficacy of a blindfolded balance training (BBT) in the improvement of stride phase percentage reliable gait parameters in patients with Parkinson’s Disease (PD) compared to patients treated with standard physical therapy (PT). Methods. Thirty PD patients were randomized in two groups of 15 patients, one group treated with BBT during two weeks and another group treated with standard PT during eight weeks. We evaluated gait parameters before and after BBT and PT interventions, in terms of double stance, swing, and stance phase percentage. Results. BBT induced an improvement of double stance phase as revealed (decreased percentage of double stance phase during the gait cycle) in comparison to PT. The other gait parameters swing and stance phase did not differ between the two groups. Discussion. These results support the introduction of complementary rehabilitative strategies based on sensory-motor stimulation in the traditional PD patient’s rehabilitation. Further studies are needed to investigate the neurophysiological circuits and mechanism underlying clinical and motor modifications

    Evidence for interhemispheric imbalance in stroke patients as revealed by combining transcranial magnetic stimulation and electroencephalography

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    Interhemispheric interactions in stroke patients are frequently characterized by abnormalities, in terms of balance and inhibition. Previous results showed an impressive variability, mostly given to the instability of motor-evoked potentials when evoked from the affected hemisphere. We aim to find reliable interhemispheric measures in stroke patients with a not-evocable motor-evoked potential from the affected hemisphere, by combining transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and electroencephalography. Ninteen stroke patients (seven females; 61.26 ± 9.8 years) were studied for 6 months after a first-ever stroke in the middle cerebral artery territory. Patients underwent four evaluations: clinical, cortical, corticospinal, and structural. To test the reliability of our measures, the evaluations were repeated after 3 weeks. To test the sensitivity, 14 age-matched healthy controls were compared to stroke patients. In stroke patients, stimulation of the affected hemisphere did not result in any inhibition onto the unaffected. The stimulation of the unaffected hemisphere revealed a preservation of the inhibition mechanism onto the affected. This resulted in a remarkable interhemispheric imbalance, whereas this mechanism was steadily symmetric in healthy controls. This result was stable when cortical evaluation was repeated after 3 weeks. Importantly, patients with a better recovery of the affected hand strength were the ones with a more stable interhemispheric balance. Finally, we found an association between microstructural integrity of callosal fibers, suppression of interhemispheric TMS-evoked activity and interhemispheric connectivity. We provide direct and sensitive cortical measures of interhemispheric imbalance in stroke patients. These measures offer a reliable means of distinguishing healthy and pathological interhemispheric dynamics

    Microstructural damage of the posterior corpus callosum contributes to the clinical severity of neglect

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    One theory to account for neglect symptoms in patients with right focal damage invokes a release of inhibition of the right parietal cortex over the left parieto-frontal circuits, by disconnection mechanism. This theory is supported by transcranial magnetic stimulation studies showing the existence of asymmetric inhibitory interactions between the left and right posterior parietal cortex, with a right hemispheric advantage. These inhibitory mechanisms are mediated by direct transcallosal projections located in the posterior portions of the corpus callosum. The current study, using diffusion imaging and tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS), aims at assessing, in a data-driven fashion, the contribution of structural disconnection between hemispheres in determining the presence and severity of neglect. Eleven patients with right acute stroke and 11 healthy matched controls underwent MRI at 3T, including diffusion imaging, and T1-weighted volumes. TBSS was modified to account for the presence of the lesion and used to assess the presence and extension of changes in diffusion indices of microscopic white matter integrity in the left hemisphere of patients compared to controls, and to investigate, by correlation analysis, whether this damage might account for the presence and severity of patients' neglect, as assessed by the Behavioural Inattention Test (BIT). None of the patients had any macroscopic abnormality in the left hemisphere; however, 3 cases were discarded due to image artefacts in the MRI data. Conversely, TBSS analysis revealed widespread changes in diffusion indices in most of their left hemisphere tracts, with a predominant involvement of the corpus callosum and its projections on the parietal white matter. A region of association between patients' scores at BIT and brain FA values was found in the posterior part of the corpus callosum. This study strongly supports the hypothesis of a major role of structural disconnection between the right and left parietal cortex in determining 'neglect'

    FMRI resting slow fluctuations correlate with the activity of fast cortico-cortical physiological connections

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    Recording of slow spontaneous fluctuations at rest using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) allows distinct long-range cortical networks to be identified. The neuronal basis of connectivity as assessed by resting-state fMRI still needs to be fully clarified, considering that these signals are an indirect measure of neuronal activity, reflecting slow local variations in de-oxyhaemoglobin concentration. Here, we combined fMRI with multifocal transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), a technique that allows the investigation of the causal neurophysiological interactions occurring in specific cortico-cortical connections. We investigated whether the physiological properties of parieto-frontal circuits mapped with short-latency multifocal TMS at rest may have some relationship with the resting-state fMRI measures of specific resting-state functional networks (RSNs). Results showed that the activity of fast cortico-cortical physiological interactions occurring in the millisecond range correlated selectively with the coupling of fMRI slow oscillations within the same cortical areas that form part of the dorsal attention network, i.e., the attention system believed to be involved in reorientation of attention. We conclude that resting-state fMRI ongoing slow fluctuations likely reflect the interaction of underlying physiological cortico-cortical connections

    Exploring the Relationship between Semantics and Space

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    The asymmetric distribution of human spatial attention has been repeatedly documented in both patients and healthy controls. Biases in the distribution of attention and/or in the mental representation of space may also affect some aspects of language processing. We investigated whether biases in attention and/or mental representation of space affect semantic representations. In particular, we investigated whether semantic judgments could be modulated by the location in space where the semantic information was presented and the role of the left and right parietal cortices in this task. Healthy subjects were presented with three pictures arranged horizontally (one middle and two outer pictures) of items belonging to the same semantic category. Subjects were asked to indicate the spatial position in which the semantic distance between the outer and middle pictures was smaller. Subjects systematically overestimated the semantic distance of items presented in the right side of space. We explored the neural correlates underpinning this bias using rTMS over the left and right parietal cortex. rTMS of the left parietal cortex selectively reduced this rightward bias. Our findings suggest the existence of an attentional and/or mental representational bias in semantic judgments, similar to that observed for the processing of space and numbers. Spatial manipulation of semantic material results in the activation of specialised attentional resources located in the left hemisphere

    Left hand dominance affects supra-second time processing

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    Previous studies exploring specific brain functions of left- and right-handed subjects have shown variances in spatial and motor abilities that might be explained according to consistent structural and functional differences. Given the role of both spatial and motor information in the processing of temporal intervals, we designed a study aimed at investigating timing abilities in left-handed subjects. To this purpose both left- and right-handed subjects were asked to perform a time reproduction of sub-second vs. supra-second time intervals with their left and right hand

    Cerebellar theta burst stimulation in stroke patients with ataxia

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    Evidence for effective improvement of the symptoms of cerebellar stroke is still limited. Here, we investigated the effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) applied over the injured cerebellar hemisphere in six patients with posterior circulation stroke. We applied a two-week course of cerebellar intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS). Before and after the iTBS treatment, paired-pulse TMS methods were used to explore: i) the functional connectivity between the cerebellar hemisphere and the contralateral primary motor cortex (M1), by means of the cerebellar brain inhibition (CBI) protocol; and ii) the intracortical circuits in the contralateral M1, by means of the short intra-cortical inhibition (SICI) and intra-cortical facilitation (ICF) protocols. Patients were also evaluated using the Modified International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale (MICARS). Cerebellar iTBS induced a decrease in CBI and an increase in ICF at an interstimulus interval of 15 msec. These neurophysiological changes were paralleled by a clinical improvement, shown by the MICARS posture and gait subscale scores. Cerebellar iTBS could be a promising tool to promote recovery of cerebellar stroke patients

    Cerebellar theta burst stimulation in stroke patients with ataxia

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    Evidence for effective improvement of the symptoms of cerebellar stroke is still limited. Here, we investigated the effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) applied over the injured cerebellar hemisphere in six patients with posterior circulation stroke. We applied a two-week course of cerebellar intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS). Before and after the iTBS treatment, paired-pulse TMS methods were used to explore: i) the functional connectivity between the cerebellar hemisphere and the contralateral primary motor cortex (M1), by means of the cerebellar brain inhibition (CBI) protocol; and ii) the intracortical circuits in the contralateral M1, by means of the short intra-cortical inhibition (SICI) and intra-cortical facilitation (ICF) protocols. Patients were also evaluated using the Modified International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale (MICARS). Cerebellar iTBS induced a decrease in CBI and an increase in ICF at an interstimulus interval of 15 msec. These neurophysiological changes were paralleled by a clinical improvement, shown by the MICARS posture and gait subscale scores. Cerebellar iTBS could be a promising tool to promote recovery of cerebellar stroke patients