1,997 research outputs found

    A new representative of the lichid genus Ohleum (Trilobita) from the Eifelian (Middle Devonian) of southern Belgium

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    Trilobites of the family Lichidae are relatively poorly diversified within the Eifelian mixed siliciclastic-carbonate succession of the southern margin of the Dinant Synclinorium (Belgium). Until now, they were only represented by species belonging to the genera Ceratarges and Eifliarges. The recent discovery of a well-preserved specimen within the Eifelian-aged Jemelle Formation in the Couvin area led us to propose the first detailed description of a representative of the genus Ohleum (O. magreani sp. nov.) in the Ardenne

    Cosecha silvestre de peperina (Minthosthachys mollis) en Córdoba, Argentina : implicancias socioeconómicas

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    En la Provincia de Córdoba se comercializan numerosas especies de plantas aromáticas. Una de las más importantes es la peperina (Minthosthachys mollis (Kunth.) Griseb), utilizada en la elaboración de infusiones digestivas, yerba mate compuesta y bebidas tipo amargo. La demanda de las empresas que utilizan la especie en sus productos es cubierta exclusivamente por cosecha silvestre, en su mayor parte proveniente de una zona considerada marginal para la explotación agrícola-ganadera. Ante esta situación, se evaluó la importancia socioeconómica de la comercialización de la especie en la región, a través de encuestas dirigidas a recolectores y a empresas acopiadoras. Los resultados más importantes mostraron que la recolección de peperina está entre las 3 fuentes principales de ingresos del recolector

    Cosecha silvestre de peperina (Minthosthachys mollis) en Córdoba, Argentina: implicancias socioeconómicas

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    En la Provincia de Córdoba se comercializan numerosas especies de plantas aromáticas. Una de las más importantes es la peperina (Minthosthachys mollis (Kunth.) Griseb), utilizada en la elaboración de infusiones digestivas, yerba mate compuesta y bebidas tipo amargo. La demanda de las empresas que utilizan la especie en sus productos es cubierta exclusivamente por cosecha silvestre, en su mayor parte proveniente de una zona considerada marginal para la explotación agrícola-ganadera. Ante esta situación, se evaluó la importancia socioeconómica de la comercialización de la especie en la región, a través de encuestas dirigidas a recolectores y a empresas acopiadoras. Los resultados más importantes mostraron que la recolección de peperina está entre las 3 fuentes principales de ingresos del recolector.

    DOGeye: Controlling your Home with Eye Interaction

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    Nowadays home automation, with its increased availability, reliability and with its ever reducing costs is gaining momentum and is starting to become a viable solution for enabling people with disabilities to autonomously interact with their homes and to better communicate with other people. However, especially for people with severe mobility impairments, there is still a lack of tools and interfaces for effective control and interaction with home automation systems, and general-purpose solutions are seldom applicable due to the complexity, asynchronicity, time dependent behavior, and safety concerns typical of the home environment. This paper focuses on user-environment interfaces based on the eye tracking technology, which often is the only viable interaction modality for users as such. We propose an eye-based interface tackling the specific requirements of smart environments, already outlined in a public Recommendation issued by the COGAIN European Network of Excellence. The proposed interface has been implemented as a software prototype based on the ETU universal driver, thus being potentially able to run on a variety of eye trackers, and it is compatible with a wide set of smart home technologies, handled by the Domotic OSGi Gateway. A first interface evaluation, with user testing sessions, has been carried and results show that the interface is quite effective and usable without discomfort by people with almost regular eye movement control

    Development of Open-Set Word Recognition in Children: Speech-Shaped Noise and Two-Talker Speech Maskers

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    The goal of this study was to establish the developmental trajectories for children’s open-set recognition of monosyllabic words in each of two maskers: two-talker speech and speech-shaped noise

    About orientation dependence of physico-chemical properties of HPHT diamond surfaces thermally treated in H2 and D2 environments

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    Recently [1] we reported on some preliminary results on different physico-chemical properties of diamond (100), (110) and (111) surfaces hydrogenated by using molecular hydrogen only. The main conclusions were that thermal hydrogenation was as efficient as plasma one and that the creation of the conducting surface channel was activated by a larger energy on the (100) surface with respect to the other two. The reason, at least in the case of the comparison between (100) and (111) surfaces, could be either attributed to the presence of a carbon – oxygen double bond before hydrogenation in the former case [2] or to a better coverage by carbon – hydrogen bonds in the latter one. In the present work, further results on surface conductivity after hydrogenation steps carried out at different temperatures are described and discussed, in order to discriminate between purely thermal and kinetic effects. Moreover, other results are reported on diamond powders (0.25 micrometer mean size) in order to draw some qualitative and quantitative conclusions about hydrogen presence and behavior at the diamond surfaces. In order to better clarify the results, a large part of chemical measurements were performed after deuteration steps carried out using the same conditions as thermal hydrogenation