1,275 research outputs found

    Pig slurry incorporation with tillage does not reduce short-term soil CO2 fluxes

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    Tillage and organic fertilization impact short-term soil CO2 fluxes. However, the interactive effect of these two management practices has been rarely studied under field conditions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of tillage (NT, no-tillage, and CT, conventional tillage) and fertilization strategy (PS, pig slurry, and MF, mineral fertilizer) on short-term soil CO2 fluxes in a rainfed Mediterranean agroecosystem. Soil CO2 fluxes were measured several times during two tillage and pre-sowing fertilization periods in 2012 and 2013 (7 and 6 times in 2012 and 2013, respectively). In the two years studied, tillage and fertilization significantly affected soil CO2 fluxes, but the interaction between both factors was not significant. The application of PS resulted in a sharp and immediate increase in the soil CO2 flux. One hour after the application of the organic fertilizer, soil CO2 emissions increased from 0.05 to 0.70 g CO2 m−2 h−1 and from 0.08 to 0.82 g CO2 m−2 h−1 in 2012 and 2013, respectively. Unlike fertilization, 1 h after tillage similar soil CO2 fluxes were observed in CT and NT plots. However, after 7 h, larger fluxes were observed in CT compared with NT in both years. Cumulative CO2 flux during the first 24 h after fertilization and tillage was about three- and two-fold greater in PS than in MF and in CT than in NT, respectively. The results of this study showed that in rainfed Mediterranean systems, soil management and fertilization have a noteworthy impact on short-term soil CO2 losses though no interactive effects were observed between both management practices.This research was supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain (AGL2010-22050-C03-01/02; AGL2013-49062- C4-4-R) and the COMET-Global project (FACCE-JPI grant)

    Temperature-dependent dynamical nuclear polarization bistabilities in double quantum dots in the spin-blockade regime

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    The interplay of dynamical nuclear polarization (DNP) and leakage current through a double quantum dot in the spin-blockade regime is analyzed. A finite DNP is built up due to a competition between hyperfine (HF) spin-flip transitions and another inelastic escape mechanism from the triplets, which block transport. We focus on the temperature dependence of the DNP for zero energy-detuning (i.e. equal electrostatic energy of one electron in each dot and a singlet in the right dot). Our main result is the existence of a transition temperature, below which the DNP is bistable, so a hysteretic leakage current versus external magnetic field B appears. This is studied in two cases: (i) Close to the crossing of the three triplet energy levels near B=0, where spin-blockade is lifted due to the inhomogeneity of the effective magnetic field from the nuclei. (ii) At higher B-fields, where the two spin-polarized triplets simultaneously cross two different singlet energy levels. We develop simplified models leading to different transition temperatures T_TT and T_ST for the crossing of the triplet levels and the singlet-triplet level crossings, respectively. We find T_TT analytically to be given solely by the HF couplings, whereas T_ST depends on various parameters and T_ST>T_TT. The key idea behind the existence of the transition temperatures at zero energy-detuning is the suppression of energy absorption compared to emission in the inelastic HF transitions. Finally, by comparing the rate equation results with Monte Carlo simulations, we discuss the importance of having both HF interaction and another escape mechanism from the triplets to induce a finite DNP.Comment: 26 pages, 17 figure

    Evaluación de riesgos laborales de un puesto de trabajo: Director Banda Municipal de Castellón de la Plana

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    Treball de Final de Màster Universitari en Prevenció de Riscos Laborals (Pla de 2013). Codi: SIS017. Curs acadèmic 2013-201

    Análisis de la incidencia del factor territorial en la adjudicación de la competencia en el código general del proceso ( articulo 28, numeral primero)

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    El objetivo principal de este artículo es analizar la incidencia del factor territorial en la adjudicación de la competencia en el Código General del Proceso, específicamente en lo que aparece determinado en el artículo 28, numeral primero. Para ello fue necesario retomar los conceptos de los factores de competencia en el factor territorial, el impedimento en el rechazo de procesos de parte de los jueces y la falta de competencia de los jueces en diferentes distritos judiciales de Colombia. En el análisis se identifica el vacío que el numeral 1 del art. 28 del CGP presenta frente a los procesos legales que se surten por nacionales en contra de compañías o empresas internacionales que no cuentan con domicilio en Colombia, pero que sí cuentan con una representación legal. Cabe señalar que en los procesos contenciosos — salvo disposición legal en contra—, se presentan cuatro circunstancias relativas a la competencia: a) el juez del domicilio del demandado es quien tiene competencia; b) si son varios los demandados o el demandado tiene varios domicilios, es competente el de cualquiera de ellos a elección del demandante; c) en el caso de que el demandado no posea residencia en el país, será adecuado el juez de su residencia, y d) si el demandado no tiene domicilio en el país o no se conoce, será competencia del juez del domicilio o de la dirección del demandante. Finalmente, se encuentra que según el artículo 28, numeral 1, con las modificaciones vigentes (actualizado el 15 de julio de 2022), la jurisdicción ordinaria requiere que se demande en el territorio de domicilio de representación legal, sin tomar en cuenta que intrínsecamente el denunciado cardinal es la persona jurídica y no su representante legal. Lo que se desprende de lo anterior es que el vacío jurídico que las empresas y compañías extranjeras aprovechan para evadir responsabilidades en Colombia puede llenarse a través de la citación del mencionado artículo 28 del CGP.Universidad Libre Seccional Pereira -- Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Políticas y Sociales -- Especialización en Derecho Procesal, Probatorio y OralidadThe main objective of this article is to analyze the incidence of the territorial factor in the adjudication of jurisdiction in the General Process Code, specifically in what is determined in article 28, first numeral. For this, it was necessary to return to the concepts of competition factors in the territorial factor, the impediment in the rejection of processes by judges and the lack of competence of judges in different judicial districts of Colombia. The analysis identifies the gap that numeral 1 of art. 28 of the CGP presents against the legal processes that are supplied by nationals against companies or international companies that do not have domicile in Colombia, but that do have legal representation. It should be noted that in contentious proceedings —unless otherwise provided by law—, there are four circumstances relating to jurisdiction: a) the judge of the defendant's domicile is the one who has jurisdiction; b) if there are several defendants or the defendant has several domiciles, any of them is competent at the choice of the plaintiff; c) in the event that the defendant does not have a residence in the country, the judge of his residence will be appropriate, and d) if the defendant does not have a domicile in the country or is unknown, it will be the jurisdiction of the judge of the domicile or address of the plaintiff. Finally, it is found that according to article 28, numeral 1, with the current modifications (updated on July 15, 2022), the ordinary jurisdiction requires that it be sued in the territory of domicile of legal representation, without taking into account that intrinsically the denounced cardinal is the legal entity and not its legal representative. What can be deduced from the above is that the legal vacuum that foreign companies and companies take advantage of to evade responsibilities in Colombia can be filled through the citation of the aforementioned article 28 of the CGP

    Violencia y crecimiento económico

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    Esta investigación examina los impactos adversos que la criminalidad tiene sobre la economía salvadoreña con vistas a evaluar la magnitud de sus efectos negativos sobre el potencial de crecimiento. En promedio, a lo largo del período 1962-2008, la economía salvadoreña ha dejado de producir un monto equivalente al 7.4% del PIB a causa de la criminalidad. Las vidas perdidas a causa de la criminalidad tienen un valor económico equivalente al 20.9% del PIB por persona en edad de trabajar. La brecha fiscal producida por los ingresos que el gobierno deja de percibir de las actividades generadas en la economía subterránea representa un monto equivalente al 0.6% del PIB. Estos hallazgos sugieren que en El Salvador la criminalidad es un freno real para el crecimiento económico que impone primas de riesgo muy altas para el país. La que la tasa de rentabilidad de cualquier proyecto debe ser muy alta para que este resulte atractivo para un inversionista

    Simulating climate change and land use effects on soil nitrous oxide emissions in Mediterranean conditions using the Daycent model

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    In Mediterranean agroecosystems, limited information exists about possible impacts of climate change on soil N2O emissions under different land uses. This paper presents a modelling study with a dual objective. Firstly, the biogeochemical Daycent model was evaluated to predict soil N2O emissions in different land uses in a typical Mediterranean agroecosystem. Secondly, the study aimed to determine the impact of climate change on soil N2O emissions in different Mediterranean land uses over an 85-year period. Soil N2O emissions were measured in three land uses (cropland, abandoned land and afforested land) over 18 months (December 2011 to June 2013) in a characteristic Mediterranean site in Spain. For climate change simulations, Daycent was run with and without atmospheric CO2 enrichment using climate data from the CGCM2-A2 model. The cumulative N2O emissions predicted by the Daycent model agreed well with the observed values. The lack of fit (LOFIT) and the relative error (E) statistics determined that the model error was not greater than the error in the measurements and that the bias in the simulation values was lower than the 95% confidence interval of the measurements. For the different land uses and climate scenarios, annual cumulative N2O emissions ranged from 126 to 642 g N2O-N ha−1 yr−1. Over the simulated 85-year period, climate change decreased soil N2O emissions in all three land uses. At the same time, under climate change, water filled pore space (WFPS) values decreased between 4% and 15% depending on the land use and climate change scenario considered. This study demonstrated the ability of the Daycent model to simulate soil N2O emissions in different land uses. According to model predictions, in Mediterranean conditions, climate change would lead to reduced N2O emissions in a range of land uses.Jorge Álvaro-Fuentes acknowledges the receipt of a fellowship from the OECD Co-operative Research Programme: Biological Resource Management in Sustainable Agricultural Systems in 2013. Daniel Plaza-Bonilla received a “Juan de la Cierva” grant from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain. This study was also possible through funds provided by the Aragon Regional Government and La Caixa (grant GA-LC-050/2011), the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain (grant AGL2013-49062-C4-4-R) and the COMET-Global project (FACCE-JPI grant). We are grateful to María José Salvador and Javier Bareche for laboratory assistance

    Soldadura blanda

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    Cartilla que presenta los materiales, herramientas, operaciones, métodos y esquemas para los procesos de: soldadura con estaño y soldadura de tuberías.Primer that presents the materials, tools, operations, methods and schemes for the processes of: tin welding and pipe welding.Materiales -- Orden de operaciones -- Soldadura de estaño -- Generalidades -- Útiles de trabajo -- Soldadura -- Clasificación de los alambres de soldadura -- Cautines -- Cautines electricos -- Selección del tamaño del cautín -- Preparación de las piezas a soldar -- Encendido del soplete -- Estañado del cautín -- Aplicación de la soldadura -- Soldadura de tuberías de refrigeración -- Soldadura de tuberíasnaDocumento elaborado bajo la asesoría O.I.T24 página

    Do no-till and pig slurry application improve barley yield and water and nitrogen use efficiencies in rainfed Mediterranean conditions?

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    Tillage and N fertilization strategies including mineral and organic sources need to be studied in combination given their importance on the production cost that farmers face and their potential interaction on crop performance. A four-year (2010–2014) experiment based on barley monocropping was carried out in NE Spain in a typical rainfed Mediterranean area. Two tillage treatments (CT, conventional tillage; NT, no-tillage) and three rates of N fertilization (0; 75 kg N ha−1, applied at top-dressing; 150 kg N ha−1, applied at pre-sowing and at top-dressing at equal rate), with two types of fertilizers (ammonium-based mineral fertilizer and organic fertilizer with pig slurry), were compared in a randomized block design with three replications. Different soil (water and nitrate contents) and crop (above-ground biomass, grain yield, yield components and N concentration in biomass and grain) measurements were performed. Water- and nitrogen use efficiencies (WUE and NUE) as well as other N-related indexes (grain and above-ground biomass N uptake; NHI, nitrogen harvest index; NAR, apparent nitrogen recovery efficiency) were calculated. Barley above-ground biomass and grain yield were highly variable and depended on the rainfall received on each cropping season (ranging between 280 mm and 537 mm). Tillage and N fertilization treatments affected barley grain yields. No-tillage showed 1.0, 1.7 and 6.3 times greater grain yield than CT in three of the four cropping seasons as a result of the greater soil water storage until tillering. Water scarcity during the definition of the number of spikes per m2 under CT would have compromised the compensation mechanism of the other two yield components. Pig slurry application led to the same (3 of 4 years) or higher (1 of 4 years) grain yield than an equivalent rate of mineral N fertilizer. Regardless the N origin, barley yield did not respond to the application of 150 kg N ha−1 split between pre-sowing and top-dressing compared to the 75 kg N ha−1 rate applied as top-dressing. A significant nitrate accumulation in the soil over the experimental period was observed under CT. Greater barley water use efficiency for yield (WUEy), N uptake and grain N content were found under NT than CT in three of the four cropping seasons studied. Moreover, for a given N rate, the use of organic fertilization increased significantly the WUEy as an average of CT and NT. When CT was used, a greater NHI was observed when using pig slurry compared with mineral N as an average of the four years studied. However, the use of different N fertilization treatments (rates or types) under CT or NT did not increase the NUE compared with the control. Our study demonstrates that the use of NT and the application of agronomic rates of N as pig slurry leads to greater barley yield and water- and nitrogen-use efficiencies than the traditional management based on CT and mineral N fertilization.We thank Silvia Martí, Carlos Cortés, Ana Bielsa, Maria José Salvador, Josan Palacio and Héctor Martínez for their technical assistance. Daniel Plaza-Bonilla received a Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Grant from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain. This research was supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (grants AGL2007-66320-C02-01, AGL2010-22050-C03-01/02 and AGL2013-49062-C4). This paper has been produced within the context of the Red SIRENA network (Ref. AGL2015-68881-REDT) funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain

    Posicionamiento y presencia de las mujeres en el ámbito ocupacional. El caso del estado de Colima, México

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    Colima es el segundo estado de la República Mexicana de menor población, con apenas poco más 550 mil habitantes. La participación de las mujeres colimenses en la ocupación es de gran importancia si consideramos que la PEA femenina asciende a 118,884 mujeres que representa el 41.3 por ciento de la PEA total del estado, porcentaje superior a la nacional que es del 37.7 por ciento, ubicándose como la 2ª entidad del país de mayor participación de las mujeres en las actividades económicas. Por ello, hemos considerado importante mostrar cuales son los aspectos, desde el punto de vista ocupacional, en los que las mujeres colimenses se han ido posicionando y con ello contribuyendo al desarrollo de Colima, lo que pone en evidencia una mayor presencia de las mujeres en el campo laborar y ocupacional del estado de Colima. Para tal fin, e inspirados en un trabajo de integración de estadísticas de género que nos fue encomendado por el Instituto Colimense de las Mujeres del estado de Colima, México en el 2009, y con base en las información de la Encuesta Nacional de Ocupación y Empleo (ENOE) del Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía INEGI, consideramos valioso elaborar un diagnóstico a manera de ensayo, que muestre el rol de la mujer colimense en el campo de la ocupació