1,658 research outputs found

    Process of definition and development of the Haitian-Dominican borderland

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    The borderline that currently divides the island of Hispaniola has undergone a complicated process of definition. Since colonial times, central authorities have claimed the area while contradictorily ignoring the societies that developed in the region. It was not until the first decades of the twentieth century that the two countries were officially divided and a borderline was enforced. The massacre of approximately 15,000 Haitians ordered by the Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo in 1937 is the event that brought attention to the border nationalization process. In my research I argue that the conflict between the two countries had both an economic and a racial base and that the closure and definition of the border was intended to separate two societies perceived as different by the Dominican authorities, but that in reality constituted a bicultural world

    La ira de Aguirre

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    Cuadro. Alberto Aguirre. Sin editor. Medellín. septiembre de 1984

    Oro colombiano en manos extranjeras

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    "Yo siempre creí que vuestro país era fabuloso en bienes artísticos, pero veo que lo es aún más en la nobleza e hidalguía de sus gentes" afirmaba, y con razón, la reina María Cristina de Habsburgo , el 11 de noviembre de 1892, en la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid. Inauguraba la exposición iberoamericana que abría la conmemoración del cuarto centenario del descubrimiento de América. La razón de tanta admiración era encilla: el gobierno de Colombia le acababa de hacer un regalo inesperado y regio, en el sentido estricto del término, consistente en 122 piezas de orfebrería precolombina que acababan de ser descubiertas en el municipio de Filandia, en el hoy departamento del Quindía, conocido poste riormente como "el tesoro de los quimbayas", especie de versión moderna de la leyenda de Eldorado

    Socavón de nostalgia

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    Díaz azules. El río del tiempo. Fernando Vallejo

    Edward Paulino. Dividing Hispaniola: The Dominican Republic’s Border Campaign against Haiti, 1930-1961.

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    Gestión del talento humano y productividad laboral de los trabajadores de una municipalidad distrital, Lima, 2023

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    El objetivo principal de la investigación consistió en analizar y comprender la relación entre la gestión del talento humano y la productividad laboral. Para alcanzar dicho objetivo, se empleó una metodología básica basada en un enfoque cuantitativo y correlacional. Se recopilaron datos numéricos y estadísticos a fin de identificar patrones, tendencias y relaciones entre dichas variables. Los resultados obtenidos revelaron una relación significativa entre estas variables, resaltando el nivel de significancia obtenido (P=0,000), lo cual indica que la probabilidad de que esta asociación sea al azar es extremadamente baja. Además, el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson de 0,859 evidenció una correlación positiva muy fuerte entre la gestión del talento humano y la productividad laboral. Esto significa que a medida que se mejora la gestión del talento humano, la productividad laboral tiende a aumentar de manera consistente. En conclusión, estos hallazgos respaldan la importancia de fomentar una cultura organizacional sólida en términos de gestión del talento humano, la cual proporciona condiciones favorables y apoyo para facilitar la integración, el crecimiento y la satisfacción de los empleados. Al invertir en el desarrollo y el bienestar del talento humano, las organizaciones pueden mejorar su productividad y obtener ventajas competitivas en el mercado laboral

    MgO-based adsorbents for CO2 adsorption: Influence of structural and textural properties on the CO2 adsorption performance

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    MgO-based adsorbents for CO2 adsorption: Influence of structural and textural properties on the CO2 adsorption performanceA series ofMgO-based adsorbents were prepared through solution–combustion synthesis and ball-milling process. The prepared MgO-based powders were characterized using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, N2 physisorptionmeasurements, and employed as potential adsorbents for CO2 adsorption. The influence of structural and textural properties of these adsorbents over the CO2 adsorption behaviour was also investigated. The results showed that MgO-based products prepared by solution–combustion and ball-milling processes, were highly porous, fluffy, nanocrystalline structures in nature, which are unique physico-chemical properties that significantly contribute to enhance their CO2 adsorption. It was found that the MgO synthesized by solution combustion process, using a molar ratio of urea to magnesium nitrate (2:1), and treated by ball-milling during 2.5 hr (MgO-BM2.5h), exhibited the maximum CO2adsorption capacity of 1.611 mmol/g at 25°C and 1 atm, mainly via chemisorption. The CO2 adsorption behaviour on the MgO-based adsorbents was correlated to their improved specific surface area, total pore volume, pore size distribution and crystallinity. The reusability of synthesized MgO-BM2.5h was confirmed by five consecutive CO2 adsorption–desorption times, without any significant loss of performance, that supports the potential of MgO-based adsorbent. The results confirmed that the special features of MgO prepared by solution–combustion and treated by ball-milling during 2.5 hr are favorable to be used as effective MgO-based adsorbent in post-combustion CO2 capture technologies

    Los museos arqueológicos regionales: Una mirada del presente hacia el pasado

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    Colombia se abre hacia sí misma y hacia el mundo desde la gran variedad de sus regiones. Nuestra realidad cultural tiene base regional y se hace universal a partir de ella. Si esta afirmación es aún válida hoy en día después de una voluntad continuada en el tiempo por lograr una unidad cultural, una identidad nacional, qué pensar de la Colombia prehispánica cuando era imposible hablar siquiera de país, de Colombia, de nacionalidad. Cuando Colombia era un territorio habitado por sociedades tan disímiles como su naturaleza y con un desarrollo tan desigual como lo era su consolidación cultural.    Museo regional Nariño: Desde el Spondylus hasta el Barniz de Pasto     La limitante que, producto de una justa voluntad de proteger los bienes del patrimonio cultura l colombiano, impone la construcción de locales cerrados que dificultan la amplia difusión de la cultura, como es el caso de las bóvedas de seguridad de los Museos del Oro del Banco de la República, nos planteó una pregunta de difícil solución: ¿A quién queremos llegarle con estos museos regionales?&nbsp

    Intestinal, urinary and uterine antispasmodic effects of isoespintanol, metabolite from <i>Oxandra xylopioides</i> leaves

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    Background: Isoespintanol is a monoterpene isolated from the leaves of Oxandra xylopioides Diels. (Annonaceae) with antioxidant and antiinflammatory effects. It was of interest to know whether it has antispasmodic effects such as other known drugs, phloroglucinol and trimethoxybenzene, used in therapeutics for treating biliary, urinary and uterine spasms. Purpose: To assess whether isoespintanol possesses antispasmodic effects on intestine, uterus and bladder. Study design: A preclinical study was performed in which isoespintanol, phloroglucinol and trimethoxybenzene were evaluated with concentration–contractile response curves (CRC) of carbachol in isolated rat intestine and bladder, and with CRC of serotonin (5-HT) in rat uterus. Moreover, it was assessed whether isoespintanol interferes with Ca2+ influx by making CRC of Ca2+ in high-K+ medium in intestine and bladder. Results: Isoespintanol non-competitively inhibited the CRC of carbachol with affinity constant (pK) of 4.78 ± 0.09 in intestine and 4.60 ± 0.09 in bladder. Phloroglucinol and trimethoxybenzene were also non-competitive antagonists, but isoespintanol was 8 times more potent than trimethoxybenzene and similarly potent than phloroglucinol in intestine. In bladder, isoespintanol resulted 8 times more potent than trimethoxybenzene. The maximal inhibition of contraction followed the order of isoespintanol > trimethoxybenzene > phloroglucinol in intestine, and isoespintanol > trimethoxybenzene in bladder. Moreover, isoespintanol also completely and non-competitively inhibited the CRC of Ca+2, with a pK of 5.1 ± 0.1 in intestine, and 4.32 ± 0.07 in bladder. In uterus isoespintanol reduced, completely and non-competitively, the contraction produced by 5-HT with pK of 5.05 ± 0.07. Conclusion: Results demonstrate that isoespintanol is a very good intestinal, urinary and uterine antispasmodic, with higher potency than the other drugs used in therapeutics. The mechanism of action of isoespintanol is the interference with Ca+2 influx, at a difference of trimethoxybenzene and phloroglucinol.Departamento de Ciencias Biológica

    Intestinal, urinary and uterine antispasmodic effects of isoespintanol, metabolite from <i>Oxandra xylopioides</i> leaves

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    Background: Isoespintanol is a monoterpene isolated from the leaves of Oxandra xylopioides Diels. (Annonaceae) with antioxidant and antiinflammatory effects. It was of interest to know whether it has antispasmodic effects such as other known drugs, phloroglucinol and trimethoxybenzene, used in therapeutics for treating biliary, urinary and uterine spasms. Purpose: To assess whether isoespintanol possesses antispasmodic effects on intestine, uterus and bladder. Study design: A preclinical study was performed in which isoespintanol, phloroglucinol and trimethoxybenzene were evaluated with concentration–contractile response curves (CRC) of carbachol in isolated rat intestine and bladder, and with CRC of serotonin (5-HT) in rat uterus. Moreover, it was assessed whether isoespintanol interferes with Ca2+ influx by making CRC of Ca2+ in high-K+ medium in intestine and bladder. Results: Isoespintanol non-competitively inhibited the CRC of carbachol with affinity constant (pK) of 4.78 ± 0.09 in intestine and 4.60 ± 0.09 in bladder. Phloroglucinol and trimethoxybenzene were also non-competitive antagonists, but isoespintanol was 8 times more potent than trimethoxybenzene and similarly potent than phloroglucinol in intestine. In bladder, isoespintanol resulted 8 times more potent than trimethoxybenzene. The maximal inhibition of contraction followed the order of isoespintanol > trimethoxybenzene > phloroglucinol in intestine, and isoespintanol > trimethoxybenzene in bladder. Moreover, isoespintanol also completely and non-competitively inhibited the CRC of Ca+2, with a pK of 5.1 ± 0.1 in intestine, and 4.32 ± 0.07 in bladder. In uterus isoespintanol reduced, completely and non-competitively, the contraction produced by 5-HT with pK of 5.05 ± 0.07. Conclusion: Results demonstrate that isoespintanol is a very good intestinal, urinary and uterine antispasmodic, with higher potency than the other drugs used in therapeutics. The mechanism of action of isoespintanol is the interference with Ca+2 influx, at a difference of trimethoxybenzene and phloroglucinol.Departamento de Ciencias Biológica