2,106 research outputs found

    A model for the time uncertainty measurements in the Auger surface detector array

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    The precise determination of the arrival direction of cosmic rays is a fundamental prerequisite for the search for sources or the study of their anisotropies on the sky. One of the most important aspects to achieve an optimal measurement of these directions is to properly take into account the measurement uncertainties in the estimation procedure. In this article we present a model for the uncertainties associated with the time measurements in the Auger surface detector array. We show that this model represents well the measurement uncertainties and therefore provides the basis for an optimal determination of the arrival direction. With this model and a description of the shower front geometry it is possible to estimate, on an event by event basis, the uncertainty associated with the determination of the arrival directions of the cosmic rays

    Deceleration of the solar wind in the Earth foreshock region: ISEE 2 and IMP 8 observations

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    The deceleration of the solar wind in the region of the interplanetary space filled by ions backstreaming from the Earth bow shock was studied using a two spacecraft technique. This deceleration, which is correlated with the "diffuse" but not with the "reflected" ion population, depends on the solar wind bulk velocity: at low velocities (below 300 km/sec) the velocity decrease is about 5 km/sec, while at higher velocities (above 400 km/sec) the decrease may be as large as 30 km/sec. Along with this deceleration, the solar wind undergoes a deflection of about 1 deg away from the direction of the Earth bow shock. The energy balance shows that the kinetic energy loss far exceeds the thermal energy which is possibly gained by the solar wind, therefore, at least part of this energy must go into waves and/or into the backstreaming ions

    Successful private–public funding of paediatric medicines research: lessons from the EU programme to fund research into off-patent medicines

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    The European Paediatric Regulation mandated the European Commission to fund research on off-patent medicines with demonstrated therapeutic interest for children. Responding to this mandate, five FP7 project calls were launched and 20 projects were granted. This paper aims to detail the funded projects and their preliminary results. Publicly available sources have been consulted and a descriptive analysis has been performed. Twenty Research Consortia including 246 partners in 29 European and non-European countries were created (involving 129 universities or public funded research organisations, 51 private companies with 40 SMEs, 7 patient associations). The funded projects investigate 24 medicines, covering 10 therapeutic areas in all paediatric age groups. In response to the Paediatric Regulation and to apply for a Paediatric Use Marketing Authorisation, 15 Paediatric Investigation Plans have been granted by the EMAPaediatric Committee, including 71 studies of whom 29 paediatric clinical trials, leading to a total of 7,300 children to be recruited in more than 380 investigational centres. Conclusion: Notwithstanding the EU contribution for each study is lower than similar publicly funded projects, and also considering the complexity of paediatric research, these projects are performing high-quality research and are progressing towards the increase of new paediatric medicines on the market. Private–public partnerships have been effectively implemented, providing a good example for future collaborative actions. Since these projects cover a limited number of offpatent drugs and many unmet therapeutic needs in paediatrics remain, it is crucial foreseeing new similar initiatives in forthcoming European funding programmes

    Consideraciones sobre la educación en ingeniería geotécnica

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    La ingeniería en general, y la geotecnia quizás más, es una disciplina no bien difundida en cuanto a su rol frente a la sociedad a la que sirve. Esta situación es bastante curiosa siendo como es, una especialidad vinculada a la seguridad y al ambiente. En este trabajo se desarrollan y reseñan algunas ideas que tienen que ver con los objetivos y métodos de enseñanza y su futuro. Se trata de generar un debate sobre los conceptos de “enseñanza-aprendizaje” o, “enseñanza-entrenamiento”, siempre desde la óptica de la situación de nuestra Nación

    Materials and technological processes for High-Gradient accelerating structures: new results from mechanical tests of an innovative braze-free cavity

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    Pure oxygen-free high-conductivity copper is a widely used material for manufacturing accelerating cavities working at room temperature. Several studies attempted to explain limitations associated with the maximum allowed field gradients and the behaviour of vacuum RF breakdown in copper accelerating structures through generation and movement of dislocations under stresses associated with RF electric and magnetic fields. Pure copper and also copper alloys undergo mechanical and thermal treatments to be hardened and strengthened during manufacturing, although their mechanical properties significantly change after heating above 590ˆC. High temperature brazing and diffusion bonding are assembly methods widely used to manufacture ultra-high vacuum accelerating devices. However, these processes, occurring at about 800-1000ˆC, significantly affect the mechanical properties of copper and copper alloys. We present here a novel Tungsten Inert Gas welding procedure, which is fast and keeps the high-gradient surfaces of the cavity and other components well below the copper annealing temperature. This process may be successfully used to manufacture copper-based accelerating components. This technology preserves the hardness and cleanliness of copper in order to achieve the maximum accelerating gradient

    Deep shower interpretation of the cosmic ray events observed in excess of the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin energy

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    We consider the possibility that the ultra-high-energy cosmic ray flux has a small component of exotic particles which create showers much deeper in the atmosphere than ordinary hadronic primaries. It is shown that applying the conventional AGASA/HiRes/Auger data analysis procedures to such exotic events results in large systematic biases in the energy spectrum measurement. SubGZK exotic showers may be mis-reconstructed with much higher energies and mimick superGZK events. Alternatively, superGZK exotic showers may elude detection by conventional fluorescence analysis techniques.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    Mapping of Data-Sharing Repositories for Paediatric Clinical Research—A Rapid Review

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    The re-use of paediatric individual patient data (IPD) from clinical trials (CTs) is essential to overcome specific ethical, regulatory, methodological, and economic issues that hinder the progress of paediatric research. Sharing data through repositories enables the aggregation and dissemination of clinical information, fosters collaboration between researchers, and promotes transparency. This work aims to identify and describe existing data-sharing repositories (DSRs) developed to store, share and re-use paediatric IPD from CTs. A desk review of platforms providing access to electronic DSRs was conducted. A two-stage process was used to characterize DSRs: a first step of identification, followed by a second step of suitability assessment using a set of eight purpose-built indicators. From an initial set of forty-five publicly available DSRs, twenty-one DSRs were identified as meeting the eligibility criteria. Only two DSRs were found to be totally focused on the paediatric population. Despite an increased awareness of the importance of data-sharing, the results of this study show that paediatrics remains an area in which targeted efforts are still needed. Promoting initiatives to raise awareness of these DSRs and creating ad-hoc measures and common standards for the sharing of paediatric CTs data could help to bridge this gap in paediatric research

    Perception of changes in marine benthic habitats: The relevance of taxonomic and ecological memory

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    Having a reliable ecological reference baseline is pivotal to understanding the current status of benthic assemblages. Ecological awareness of our perception of environmental changes could be better described based on historical data. Otherwise, we meet with the shifting baseline syndrome (SBS). Facing SBS harmful consequences on environmental and cultural heritage, as well as on conservation strategies, requires combining historical data with contemporary biomonitoring. In the present “era of biodiversity”, we advocate for (1) the crucial role of taxonomy as a study of life diversity and (2) the robust, informative value of museum collections as memories of past ecosystem conditions. This scenario requires taxonomist skills to understand community composition and diversity, as well as to determine ecosystem change trends and rates. In this paper, we focus on six Mediterranean benthic habitats to track biological and structural changes that have occurred in the last few decades. We highlight the perception of biological changes when historical records make possible effective comparisons between past reference situations and current data. We conclude that the better we know the past, the more we understand present (and will understand future) ecosystem functioning. Achieving this goal is intrinsically linked to investing in training new taxonomists who are able to assure intergeneration connectivity to transmit cultural and environmental heritage, a key aspect to understanding and managing our changing ecosystems