591 research outputs found

    When Sex Doesn't Sell: Using Sexualized Images of Women Reduces Support for Ethical Campaigns

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Public Library of Science via the DOI in this recordImages of scantily clad women are used by advertisers to make products more attractive to men. This “sex sells” approach is increasingly employed to promote ethical causes, most prominently by the animal-rights organization PETA. Yet sexualized images can dehumanize women, leaving an unresolved paradox – is it effective to advertise an ethical cause using unethical means? In Study 1, a sample of Australian male undergraduates (N = 82) viewed PETA advertisements containing either sexualized or non-sexualized images of women. Intentions to support the ethical organization were reduced for those exposed to the sexualized advertising, and this was explained by their dehumanization of the sexualized women, and not by increased arousal. Study 2 used a mixed-gender community sample from the United States (N = 280), replicating this finding and extending it by showing that behaviors helpful to the ethical cause diminished after viewing the sexualized advertisements, which was again mediated by the dehumanization of the women depicted. Alternative explanations relating to the reduced credibility of the sexualized women and their objectification were not supported. When promoting ethical causes, organizations may benefit from using advertising strategies that do not dehumanize women.Australian Research Counci

    How is the Driver's Workload Influenced by the Road Environment?

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    This paper focuses on the study of the driver\u2019s workload while driving on a rural two-lane road with different traffic flows. The aim of the research is to examine a parameter that could be representative of the driving effort, quite sensible to the external factors that cause disturbance to the regular driving activity. To solve this problem, the authors used a specific instrumented vehicle for monitoring some physiological parameters of the driver (as the eye movements and the Galvanic Skin Resistance), referring their values to the road context. The results are very interesting and confirm that knowing the workload is useful to improve the road safety only if it is related to the external context, as well as road geometry, traffic, visibility, etc. Only in this way, the road administrators can deduce proper information to plan and direct accurate and productive upgrade working operation

    Analysis of different visual strategies of ‘isolated vehicle’and ‘disturbed vehicle’

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    This paper analyses the driver’ visual behaviour in the different conditions of ‘isolated vehicle’ and ‘disturbed vehicle’. If the meaning of the former is clear, the latter condition considers the influence on the driving behaviour of various objects that could be encountered along the road. These can be classified in static (signage, stationary vehicles at the roadside, etc.) and dynamic objects (cars, motorcycles, bicycles). The aim of this paper is to propose a proper analysis regarding the driver’s visual behaviour. In particular, the authors examined the quality of the visually information acquired from the entire road environment, useful for detecting any critical safety condition. In order to guarantee a deep examination of the various possible behaviours, the authors combined the several test outcomes with other variables related to the road geometry and with the dynamic variables involved while driving. The results of this study are very interesting. As expected, they obviously confirmed better performances for the ‘isolated vehicle’ in a rural two-lane road with different traffic flows. Moreover, analysing the various scenarios in the disturbed condition, the proposed indices allow the authors to quantitatively describe the different influence on the visual field and effects on the visual behaviour, favouring critical analysis of the road characteristics. Potential applications of these results may contribute to improve the choice of the best maintenance strategies for a road, to select the optimal signage location, to define forecasting models for the driving behaviour and to develop useful instruments for intelligent transportation systems

    Physical properties of AGN host galaxies as a probe of SMBH feeding mechanisms

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    Using an advanced semi analytic model (SAM) for galaxy formation, we have investigated the statistical effects of assuming two different mechanisms for triggering AGN activity on the properties of AGN host galaxies. We have considered a first accretion mode where AGN activity is triggered by disk instabilities (DI) in isolated galaxies, and a second feeding mode where such an activity is triggered by galaxy mergers and fly-by events (interactions, IT). We obtained the following results:i) for hosts with M1011MM_* \lesssim 10^{11} M_{\bigodot}, both DI and IT modes are able to account for the observed AGN hosts stellar mass function; for more massive hosts, the DI scenario predicts a lower space density than the IT model, lying below the observational estimates for z>0.8.ii) The analysis of the color-magnitude diagram (CMD) of AGN hosts for redshift z < 1.5 can provide a good observational test to effectively discriminate between the DI and IT mode, since DIs are expected to yield AGN host galaxy colors skewed towards bluer colors, while in the IT scenario the majority of hosts are expected to reside in the red sequence.iii) While both IT and DI scenarios can account for AGN triggered in main sequence or starburst galaxies, DIs fail in triggering AGN activity in passive galaxies.iv) The two modes are characterized by a different duration of the AGN phase, with DIs lasting even on time scales \sim Gyr, much longer with respect to the IT scenario.v) The scatter of the SFRLbolSFR-L_{bol} relation could represent another crucial diagnostics to discriminate between the two triggering modes, since the DI scenario predicts an appreciably lower scatter of the relation than the IT scenario. vi) Disk instabilities are not able to account for the observed fraction of AGN in groups for z < 1 and clusters for z < 0.7, while the IT scenario provides a good match to observational data.Comment: Paper accepted for publication in section 4. Extragalactic astronomy of Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The multi-phase winds of Markarian 231: from the hot, nuclear, ultra-fast wind to the galaxy-scale, molecular outflow

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    We present the best sensitivity and angular resolution maps of the molecular disk and outflow of Mrk 231, as traced by CO observations obtained with IRAM/PdBI, and we analyze archival Chandra and NuSTAR observations. We constrain the physical properties of both the molecular disk and outflow, the presence of a highly-ionized ultra-fast nuclear wind, and their connection. The molecular outflow has a size of ~1 kpc, and extends in all directions around the nucleus, being more prominent along the south-west to north-east direction, suggesting a wide-angle biconical geometry. The maximum projected velocity of the outflow is nearly constant out to ~1 kpc, thus implying that the density of the outflowing material decreases from the nucleus outwards as r2r^{-2}. This suggests that either a large part of the gas leaves the flow during its expansion or that the bulk of the outflow has not yet reached out to ~1 kpc, thus implying a limit on its age of ~1 Myr. We find M˙OF=[5001000] M yr1\dot M_{OF}=[ 500-1000]~ M_{\odot}~yr^{-1} and E˙kin,OF=[710]×1043\dot E_{kin,OF}=[7-10]\times 10^{43} erg s1^{-1}. Remarkably, our analysis of the X-ray data reveals a nuclear ultra-fast outflow (UFO) with velocity -20000 km s1^{-1}, M˙UFO=[0.32.1] Myr1\dot M_{UFO}=[0.3- 2.1] ~M_\odot yr^{-1}, and momentum load P˙UFO/P˙rad=[0.21.6]\dot P_{UFO}/\dot P_{rad}=[0.2-1.6].We find E˙kin,UFOE˙kin,OF\dot E_{kin,UFO}\sim \dot E_{kin,OF} as predicted for outflows undergoing an energy conserving expansion. This suggests that most of the UFO kinetic energy is transferred to mechanical energy of the kpc-scale outflow, strongly supporting that the energy released during accretion of matter onto super-massive black holes is the ultimate driver of giant massive outflows. We estimate a momentum boost P˙OF/P˙UFO[3060]\dot P_{OF}/\dot P_{UFO}\approx [30-60]. The ratios E˙kin,UFO/Lbol,AGN=[15]%\dot E_{kin, UFO}/L_{bol,AGN} =[ 1-5]\% and E˙kin,OF/Lbol,AGN=[13]%\dot E_{kin,OF}/L_{bol,AGN} = [1-3]\% agree with the requirements of the most popular models of AGN feedback.Comment: 16 pages, 17 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Measurements of Si Hybrid CMOS X-Ray Detector Characteristics

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    The development of Hybrid CMOS Detectors (HCDs) for X-Ray telescope focal planes will place them in con- tention with CCDs on future satellite missions due to their faster frame rates, flexible readout scenarios, lower power consumption, and inherent radiation hardness. CCDs have been used with great success on the current generation of X-Ray telescopes (e.g. Chandra, XMM, Suzaku, and Swift). However their bucket-brigade read-out architecture, which transfers charge across the chip with discrete component readout electronics, results in clockrate limited readout speeds that cause pileup (saturation) of bright sources and an inherent susceptibility to radiation induced displacement damage that limits mission lifetime. In contrast, HCDs read pixels with low power, on-chip multiplexer electronics in a random access fashion. Faster frame rates achieved with multi-output readout design will allow the next generation's larger effective area telescopes to observe bright sources free of pileup. Radiation damaged lattice sites effect a single pixel instead of an entire row. Random access, multi-output readout will allow for novel readout modes such as simultaneous bright-source-fast/whole-chip-slow readout. In order for HCDs to be useful as X-Ray detectors, they must show noise and energy resolution performance similar to CCDs while retaining advantages inherent to HCDs. We will report on readnoise, conversion gain, and energy resolution measurements of an X-Ray enhanced Teledyne HAWAII-1RG (H1RG) HCD and describe techniques of H1RG data reduction.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    AGN X-ray variability in the XMM-COSMOS survey

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    We took advantage of the observations carried out by XMM in the COSMOS field during 3.5 years, to study the long term variability of a large sample of AGN (638 sources), in a wide range of redshift (0.1<z<3.5) and X-ray luminosity (1041<10^{41}<L(2-10)<1045.5<10^{45.5}). Both a simple statistical method to asses the significance of variability, and the Normalized Excess Variance (σrms2\sigma^{2}_{rms}) parameter, where used to obtain a quantitative measurement of the variability. Variability is found to be prevalent in most AGN, whenever we have good statistic to measure it, and no significant differences between type-1 and type-2 AGN were found. A flat (slope -0.23+/-0.03) anti-correlation between σrms2\sigma^{2}_{rms} and X-ray luminosity is found, when significantly variable sources are considered all together. When divided in three redshift bins, the anti-correlation becomes stronger and evolving with z, with higher redshift AGN being more variable. We prove however that this effect is due to the pre-selection of variable sources: considering all the sources with available σrms2\sigma^{2}_{rms} measurement, the evolution in redshift disappears. For the first time we were also able to study the long term X-ray variability as a function of MBHM_{\rm BH} and Eddington ratio, for a large sample of AGN spanning a wide range of redshift. An anti-correlation between σrms2\sigma^{2}_{rms} and MBHM_{\rm BH} is found, with the same slope of the anti-correlation between σrms2\sigma^{2}_{rms} and X-ray luminosity, suggesting that the latter can be a byproduct of the former one. No clear correlation is found between σrms2\sigma^{2}_{rms} and the Eddington ratio in our sample. Finally, no correlation is found between the X-ray σrms2\sigma^{2}_{rms} and the optical variability.Comment: 14 Pages, 13 figures. Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal on December 6, 201