207 research outputs found

    From Achille Bertelli onward: more than 100 years of research and production of dietary supplements based on natural molecules typical of the Mediterranean diet

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    Achille Bertelli was an aeronautics pioneer and an innovative entrepreneur of the pharmaceutical industry. After graduating in Chemistry in Italy, he moved to the United States of America where he opened a chemical-pharmaceutical laboratory in San Francisco in 1879, and later moved back to Italy where he opened a chemical and pharmaceutical industry in Milan (1886). The “A. Bertelli” pharmaceutical company developed the famous cough pills “Catramina Bertelli”, as well as new cosmetics and perfumes. Apart from his chemical experience, Achille Bertelli was a passionate aeronautics expert. He wrote many essays on this topic and devoted himself to aeronautical experiments by designing theapparatus “Autovol”, “Aerocurvo”, “Autovol no. 2”, “Autovolno. 3", which are considered the prototypes of the helicopter. Achille Bertelli was also the president of the Electric Company of Salò, which installed an electrical system that served the lighting in many cities on Lake Garda (Italy). Finally, Achille Bertelli also participated in the Italian revival after the First World War, especially by supporting the agricultural revival. Throughout his life, Achille Bertelli teamed with several famous people from all over Italy, such as Gabriele D’Annunzio, Cesare Lombroso and Cordero di Montezemolo. Today, Achille Bertelli’s interest for natural molecules, his ideas, and his entrepreneurial approach are carried forward by his descendant, Matteo Bertelli

    Comprender y mejorar la educación secundaria : ambiente y clima institucional

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    Fil: Ferreyra, Horacio Ademar. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Educación; ArgentinaFil: Bonetti, Olga Concepción. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Educación; ArgentinaFil: Vidales, Silvia Noemí. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Educación; Argentin

    La prescripción de los delitos sexuales: otra manifestación más de la violencia contra las mujeres en México. Una mirada desde el derecho de acceso a la justicia y a una vida libre de violencia

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    Este trabajo está dedicado a todas las mujeres víctimas de violencia sexual, quienes han atravesado todos los obstáculos imaginables para acceder a la justicia y que al día de hoy siguen luchando por su derecho a una vida digna y libre de violencia.En México, no existe un solo aspecto de la vida política, social, cultural y económica que no represente un entorno hostil para las mujeres o que no produzca y reproduzca todos los tipos de violencia. Por años se ha buscado combatir la desigualdad y discriminación que viven las mujeres día con día y, a pesar de haber diversos logros muy importantes, aún existen múltiples obstáculos que impiden el ejercicio de sus derechos en condiciones de igualdad, sobre todo de carácter legal. Uno de esos obstáculos legales, que es consecuencia de la discriminación por razones de género, al mismo tiempo que una causa de la reproducción de la violencia institucional, es la figura de la prescripción, entendida como la imposibilidad de iniciar un proceso penal por un hecho delictivo por el simple transcurso del tiempo. La prescripción se aborda en el presente documento como una forma de discriminación en contra de las mujeres debido a que la cultura y el contexto normalizado de violencia determinan en gran medida las posibilidades y capacidades de denuncia de los actos de violencia sexual que viven, siendo la violencia sexual un hecho que afecta de manera desproporcionada -aunque no exclusiva- a las mujeres. Así, el objeto de este informe es que sirva de fundamento para comenzar a cuestionarnos la figura de la prescripción, así como su necesidad dentro del sistema jurídico y los impactos negativos que tiene en las mujeres víctimas de violencia sexual. El nexo causal entre la prescripción, la discriminación y la impunidad en este tipo de delitos es innegable y, por ello, es urgente que se elimine esta figura de los códigos penales nacionales a fin de continuar con los esfuerzos para erradicar la violencia contra la mujer y garantizar el acceso a la justicia.Diseño editorial, Salomón Echavarría CastroI. Introducción. -- II. Parte 1 / La figura de la prescripción. -- III. Parte 2 / Los delitos sexuales como expresión de la violencia patriarcal. -- IV. Parte 3 / La naturaleza de los delitos sexuales. -- V. Parte 4 / La prescripción de los delitos sexuales como una forma de discriminación. -- VI. Parte 5 / Hacia la construcción de un Estado que proteja a las mujeres

    Stereotactic radiotherapy of nodal oligometastases from prostate cancer: a prisma-compliant systematic review

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    Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is the standard treatment of metastatic prostate cancer (PCa). However, metastases-directed therapies can delay the initiation or switch of systemic treatments and allow local control (LC) and prolonged progression-free survival (PFS), particularly in patients with lymph nodes (LN) oligometastases. We performed a systematic review on stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) in this setting. Papers reporting LC and/or PFS were selected. Data on ADT-free survival, overall survival, and toxicity were also collected from the selected studies. Fifteen studies were eligible (414 patients), 14 of them were retrospective analyses. A high heterogeneity was observed in terms of patient selection and treatment. In one study SBRT was delivered as a single 20 Gy fraction, while in the others the median total dose ranged between 24 and 40 Gy delivered in 3-6 fractions. LC and PFS were reported in 15 and 12 papers, respectively. LC was reported as a crude percentage in 13 studies, with 100% rate in seven and 63.2-98.0% in six reports. Five studies reported actuarial LC (2-year LC: 70.0-100%). PFS was reported as a crude rate in 11 studies (range 27.3-68.8%). Actuarial 2-year PFS was reported in four studies (range 30.0-50.0%). SBRT tolerability was excellent, with only two patients with grade 3 acute toxicity and two patients with grade 3 late toxicity. SBRT for LN oligorecurrences from PCa in safe and provides optimal LC. However, the long-term effect on PFS and OS is still unclear as well as which patients are the best candidate for this approach

    Alternative splicing of NF-YA promotes prostate cancer aggressiveness and represents a new molecular marker for clinical stratification of patients

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    Approaches based on expression signatures of prostate cancer (PCa) have been proposed to predict patient outcomes and response to treatments. The transcription factor NF-Y participates to the progression from benign epithelium to both localized and metastatic PCa and is associated with aggressive transcriptional profile. The gene encoding for NF-YA, the DNA-binding subunit of NF-Y, produces two alternatively spliced transcripts, NF-YAs and NF-YAl. Bioinformatic analyses pointed at NF-YA splicing as a key transcriptional signature to discriminate between different tumor molecular subtypes. In this study, we aimed to determine the pathophysiological role of NF-YA splice variants in PCa and their association with aggressive subtypes

    Phenotypic and functional characterization of endothelial progenitor cells isolated from peripheral blood of renal cell carcinoma patients

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    Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) are mobilized from either bone marrow or arterial walls to restore blood perfusion to ischemic organs and establish the vascular network within growing tumors [1]. The Ca2+ machinery plays a key role in EPC activation and might serve a molecular target for novel therapies of highly angiogenic tumors, such as renal cell carcinoma (RCC) [1]. The Ca2+ toolkit is remodelled in EPCs isolated from RCC patients (RCC-EPCs) as respect to healthy donors [2]. The present study was undertaken to evaluate for the first time the functional properties of EPCs isolated from tumor patients by focusing on RCC-EPCs. We extended our analysis at microscopic level by monitoring the sub-cellular structure of RCC-EPCs relative to their Ca2+ signalling fingerprint. Our results showed a striking functional and ultrastructural difference between RCC-EPCs and their normal counterparts, which might be the basis for designing novel, more specific anti-angiogenic treatments

    Dietary supplements for Lipedema

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    Lipedema is a chronic disease that mostly manifests in females as the abnormal distribution of subcutaneous adipose connective tissue, usually coupled with bruising, pain, and edema. Lipedema molecular pathophysiology is currently not clear, but several studies suggest that genetics and hormonal imbalance participate in lipedema pathogenesis. Women with lipedema present in some cases with elevated body mass index, and the appearance of obesity in addition to lipedema, where the obesity can cause serious health issues as in lipedema-free individuals with obesity, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disorders.  Unlike obesity, lipedema tissue does not respond well to diet or physical exercise alone. Therefore, in this review we discuss the effect of various dietary supplements that, along with diet and physical exercise, cause fat burning and weight loss, and which could potentially be important in the treatment of lipedema. Indeed, an effective fat burner should convert stored fats into energy, mobilize and break down triglycerides in adipocytes, boost metabolism and inhibit lipogenesis. Common ingredients of fat burning supplements are green tea, caffeine, chromium, carnitine, and conjugated linoleic acid. The use of fat burners could act synergistically with a healthy diet and physical exercise for decreasing adipose tissue deposition in patients with lipedema and resolve related health issues. The effects of fat burners in human studies are sometimes contradictory, and further studies should test their effectiveness in treating lipedema

    COVID-19 pandemic experiences, ethical conflict and decision-making process in critical care professionals (Quali-Ethics-COVID-19 Research Part 1): An international qualitative study

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    Aim and Objectives: The aim of this study was to explore the sources of ethical conflict and the decision-making processes of ICU nurses and physicians during the first and subsequent waves of the COVID-19 pandemic. Background: Depside several studies exploring ethical conflicts during COVID-19 pandemic, few studies have explored in depth the perceptions and experiences of critical care professionals regarding these conflicts, the decision-making process or which have analysed the complexity of actually implementing the recommendations of scientific societies and professional/healthcare institutions in interdisciplinary samples. Design: A descriptive phenomenological study. Methods: Thirty-eight in-depth interviews were conducted with critical care nurses and physicians from five hospitals in Spain and Italy between December 2020 and May 2021. A thematic content analysis of the interview transcripts was conducted by two researchers. Consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ) were employed to ensure the quality and transparency of this study. Results: Two main themes emerged as sources of ethical conflict: the approach to end of life in exceptional circumstances and the lack of humanisation and care resources. The former comprised two subthemes: end-of-life care and withholding and withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment; the latter comprised three subthemes: the impossibility of guaranteeing the same opportunities to all, fear of contagion as a barrier to taking decisions and the need to humanise care. Conclusions: Professionals sought to take their decisions in line with professional ethics and bioethical principles, but, nevertheless, they experienced moral dilemmas and moral distress when not being able to care for, or to treat, their patients as they believed fit. Relevance to Clinical Practice: Further education and training are recommended on the provision of end-of-life and post mortem care, effective communication techniques via video calls, disclosure of bad news and bioethical models for decision-making in highly demanding situations of uncertainty, such as those experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic


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    VALUTAZIONE DEL DANNO PRIMARIO ED OSSIDATIVO AL DNA IN LINFOCITI SALIVARI PER IL MONITORAGGIO DEGLI EFFETTI BIOLOGICI PRECOCI CAUSATI DALL’INQUINAMENTO ATMOSFERICO NEI BAMBINI: STUDIO MAPEC Samuele Vannini (1) - Sara Levorato (1) - Elisabetta Ceretti (2) - Milena Villarini (1) - Silvia Bonetta (3) - Cristina Fatigoni(1) - Annalaura Carducci (4) - Tania Salvatori (1) - Maria Rosaria Tumolo (5) - Alessio Perotti (6) - Silvia Bonizzoni (7) - Alberto Bonetti (8) - Massimo Moretti (1) - Umberto Gelatti (2) Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Perugia, Italia (1) - Dipartimento di Specialità Medico-Chirurgiche, Scienze Radiologiche e Sanità Pubblica, Università degli Studi di Brescia, Brescia, Italia (2) - Dipartimento di Scienze della Sanità Pubblica e Pediatriche, Università degli Studi di Torino, Torino, Italia (3) - Dipartimento di Biologia, Università degli Studi di Pisa, Pisa, Italia (4) - Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Biologiche ed Ambientali, Università del Salento, Lecce, Italia (5) - Dipartimento di Bioscienze, Università del Studi di Parma, Parma, Italia (6) - Ufficio Minori, Comune di Brescia, Brescia, Italia (7) - Centro Servizi Multisettoriale e Tecnologico, Csmt Gestione S.c.a.r.l., Brescia, Italia (8) Il particolato è l’inquinante atmosferico che provoca i maggiori danni alla salute umana in Europa (Agenzia Europea dell’Ambiente; www.eea.europa.eu). Tra le prime 30 città più inquinate del continente, oltre la metà sono italiane, in particolare quelle situate nella pianura Padana, con concentrazioni di PM10, PM2,5 e NOx ben al di sopra dei valori di riferimento europei. Studi epidemiologici hanno rilevato un’associazione positiva tra esposizione ad inquinamento atmosferico, soprattutto al PM, ed incidenza e mortalità per diverse malattie cronico-degenerative, come cancro al polmone, malattie cardiovascolari e diabete. I bambini, in particolar modo, risultano esposti ad un elevato rischio per quanto riguarda gli effetti a breve e lungo termine dell’inquinamento atmosferico. Dati recenti suggeriscono che alcune alterazioni genetiche che si verificano nella prima infanzia posso incrementare il rischio di malattie cronico-degenerative in età adulta. L’obiettivo dello studio MAPEC (Monitoring Air Pollution Effects on Children for supporting Public Health policy) è quello di valutare l’associazione tra inquinamento atmosferico e biomarcatori di effetti genotossici precoci nei bambini, e di proporre un modello per la stima del rischio globale causato dagli inquinanti atmosferici. Lo studio ha previsto il reclutamento di circa 1.000 bambini, di età compresa tra 6-8 anni, in cinque città italiane (200 bambini per città) caratterizzate da diverse concentrazioni di inquinanti atmosferici: Brescia, Torino, Pisa, Perugia e Lecce. Campioni di saliva sono stati raccolti in due differenti stagioni, inverno e primavera, caratterizzate da differenze qualitative e quantitative degli inquinanti atmosferici (1.000 × 2 = 2.000 campioni). Nei linfociti salivari è stato valutato il danno primario e ossidativo al DNA mediante il test della microgel elettroforesi su singole cellule (comet assay). Alla conferenza verranno presentati i risultati preliminari relativi al campionamento invernale