53 research outputs found

    Peran Faktor Demografi dalam Pengembangan Hutan Kota di Sumatera Bagian Selatan

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    Fokus utama peranan hutan kota adalah pada jasa-jasa lingkungan. Sayangnya, kota-kota di negara- negara berkembang menghadapi banyak tantangan dalam mengembangkan hutan kota ini. Faktor demografi bertambahnya jumlah penduduk dipahami sebagai masalah bagi kota dalam mengintegrasikan hutan kota ke dalam perencanaan kota dan pengembangannya. Hasil penelitian di negara maju menyebutkan bahwa justru kepadatan penduduk merupakan potensi dalam pengembangan hutan kota. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang peran faktor demografi dalam hubungannya dengan pengembangan hutan kota. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan makro dan mikro. Cara makro membandingkan kinerja hutan kota antarkota yang berbeda secara demografi, sementara cara mikro mencari tahu perbedaan kinerja hutan kota antarwilayah yang berbeda kepadatan penduduknya dalam satu kota. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepadatan penduduk sebagai faktor demografi berperan sebagai penghambat dan pendukung pengembangan hutan kota. Kebutuhan luas minimal hutan kota suatu kota sebaiknya dihitung berdasarkan keadaan demografi kota

    Peran Parapihak dalam Pemanfaatan Lahan Gambut; Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir, Sumatera Selatan

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    Rehabilitasi lahan gambut berbasis pohon masih merupakan upaya yang langka, baik dari sisi program maupun keberhasilannya. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menjawab pertanyaan umum tentang bagaimana menjadikan program rehabilitasi lahan gambut berbasis pohon dapat didukung oleh parapihak, melalui studi kasus di Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir. Analisis stakeholder dan faktor-faktor kelembagaan dan sosial ekonomi yang mendukung aksi kolektif pemanfaatan lahan gambut digunakan sebagai metode dalam mencari pemungkin terjadinya dukungan parapihak terhadap upaya rehabilitasi. Penerimaan sosial yang tinggi terhadap suatu komoditas atau jenis USAha dan kemudahan dalam membuat batas sebuah jenis USAha adalah faktor pemungkin dominan yang layak diperhatikan agar terjadi aksi kolektif dalam program rehabilitasi lahan gambut di Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir

    Penatakelolaan Kawasan Hutan Rawan Konflik melalui Pendekatan Metodologi Sistem Lunak : Kasus Hutan Penelitian Benakat, Sumatera Selatan

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    Banyak kawasan hutan Indonesia berada dalam kondisi tidak terkelola dan terabaikan sehingga dianggap sebagai kawasan konflik. Hal tersebut terjadi karena ketidaktegasan pemerintah berkaitan dengan keinginan pemangku kepentingan terhadap penggunaan sumber daya. Salah satu pendekatan yang dikenal baik yang memfokuskan pada penjelasan sudut pandang yang berbeda ialah Soft System Methode (SSM), yang digunakan luas dan berhasil dalam banyak situasi masalah yang rumit. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan pemahaman opini stakeholder yang berbeda (terpencar) terhadap Perubahan yang diinginkan dan memungkinkan, dengan menggunakan SSM. Penelitian dilaksanakan di salah satu blok pengelolaan yang terabaikan di Hutan Penelitian Benakat di Sumatera Selatan, yang disebut “Agroforestry Block”. Disimpulkan bahwa tahap intervensi dari SSM yang dikendalikan dengan fasilitas reflektif/umpan Balik dapat meningkatkan pembelajaran sosial diantara pelaku-pelaku yang bertentangan, sehingga menawarkan cara baru terhadap pengelolaan masa depan blok agroforestry. Tahap ini belum secara signifikan mengubah perilaku partisipan yang terliba

    Aboveground Forest Carbon Stock in Protected Area: A Case Study of Bukit Tigapuluh National Park, Indonesia

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    The role of protected areas has been expanded into climate change mitigation, specifically on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+). A reliable and practical method for measuring, reporting and verifying carbon stock is an essential component for REDD+. This study aims to recognize the characteristic and estimate aboveground forest carbon (AGC) stock in the tropical protected tropical area using a combination of terrestrial forest inventory and spatial data. A 168 cluster plots totaling 33.6 hectares were taken proportionally based on the percentage of forest cover types (dryland primary natural forest/DPF and dryland secondary natural forest/DSF) using a traditional forest inventory method (more than 5 cm dbh). Results showed that Bukit Tigapuluh National Park secured a significant AGC stock which has been estimated to be 269.2 [247.07; 291.43] tC/ha or 35,823,639 [32,872,312; 38,774,966] tC in total, being stored in approximately 133,051 hectares of the tropical rain forest. This result was higher than other studies in non-protected areas but slightly lower than other studies within protected areas. This finding supported the argument that protected areas possess a higher figure of AGC stock than other forest management units. The high amount of forest carbon biomass in the protected areas shall be very important assets for conducting the role of conservation for REDD+.

    Tunggu Tubang and Ulu Ayek: Social Mechanism of Sustainable Protected Forest Management

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    Practices and traditional knowledge of smallholder farmers living forests is a potential resource to enhance landscape management. However, knowledge of the smallholder-forest relationship is still rare to explore social mechanisms that allow their relationship lasting long. The research aims to obtain further understanding of the traditional practices of forest management in Semende, South Sumatera. We visited 32 villages in Semende and stayed on several occasions in the 10 villages. We used descriptive phenomenological approach to understand the social process of successful forest management by farmers. We find the key that leads to the relations of sawah-forest to be able to be maintained against changes, that is consistent attitude towards the core values of life, whatever happens and changes. Social mechanism in the form of practices of knowledge-institution-tunggu tubang is an integral package to ensure the sustainability of forest. The social mechanism is driven by the values of respect for the elderly, extended family, real work, the search for stability and serenity in the bonds of humanity. These findings may be valuable lessons for improving forest policy.

    Perbandingan Postur Kerja Dengan Metode Reba dan Qec Pada Pekerja Alat Kesehatan di PT. XYZ

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    Ergonomics hazard is one of the hazards caused by the relationship between work activities, use of tools, and a bad work environment that causes injury or illness to workers. In carrying out the work, it is still done manually and is done repeatedly in non-ergonomic and awkward positions every day for a long period of time. Therefore, there is a need for ergonomic hazards. This research was conducted in May 2022 using descriptive quantitative research. Ergonomics hazard risk level assessment using REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment) and QEC (Quick Exposure Checklsit) methods. The population in the study found 27 workers. The sample taken is 27 workers with total sampling technique. Data collection techniques were carried out using REBA worksheets and QEC questionnaires. The results showed that the ergonomic risk description using the REBA method was dominated by a moderate risk level of 20 workers, while the ergonomic risk description using the QEC method was dominated by a moderate risk of 21 workers. evaluation of the comparison of action levels using the REBA and QEC methods has resulted in 26 workers getting the risk level score at the same level. Each method that threatens ergonomics hazards has different characteristics and assessments in each body part so that it can affect the final score. Suggestions that can be recommended are to provide training on ergonomics to workers and provide facilities that make work easie

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kelelahan Kerja pada Kru Kapal di PT. X

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    Kru kapal merupakan sumber daya manusia yang sangat berperan penting dalam pengoperasian kapal, dari hasil observasi dan wawancara singkat didapatkan beberapa kru kapal mengalami keluhan yang mengarah pada kelelahan kerja dan terjadinya insiden tabrakan kapal karena faktor kelelahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan karakteristik individu dan beban kerja dengan kelelahan kerja pada kru kapal di PT.X. Penelitian ini berupa observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah kru kapal tunda sebanyak 133 responden dengan total sampel sebanyak 100 responden. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara menggunakan kuisioner IFRC untuk mengukur tingkat kelelahan subjektif dan melakukan observasi secara langsung. Analisis data pada penelitian ini yaitu analisis univariat dan multivariat yang menggunakan uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik individu yang berhubungan dengan kelelahan kerja yaitu pada lama kerja dan status gizi. Beban kerja memiliki hubungan dengan kelelahan kerja. Saran bagi perusahaan yaitu adanya forum diskusi perihal evaluasi kerja, pemilihan menu diet dan monitoring, pemberian program olahraga bersama, pengawasan sistem lembur. Saran bagi pekerja yaitu tidak memaksakan diri apabila timbul gejala, melakukan istirahat dan stretching, mengkonsumsi air mineral, menjaga pola makan dan pola hidup sehat. Saran bagi penelitian selanjutnya yaitu sebagai sumber referensi untuk penelitian lebih mendalam terutama pada faktor lingkungan kerja dan beban kerja mental

    Why is tropical peatland conservation so challenging? Findings from a livelihood assessment in Sumatra, Indonesia

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    In recent years, widespread peatland degradation has occurred in Indonesia as a result of both natural events and human activities. Although there is a strong push for restoration from national and international stakeholders, at the local level, farmers and communities are still widely managing peatlands with unsustainable practices including their conversion into agricultural land. To understand the causes of such a challenging situation, we carried out a survey to investigate the drivers of local livelihoods in the typical peatland village community of Kayu Labu in South Sumatra Province. Our findings showed that while the unsustainable practices adopted do not align with either the long-term interests of this community or the wider public interest, they do align with the best socioeconomic interests of the farmers. A preliminary examination of the livelihood options chosen illustrates the strong contrast between public and private interests. In particular, in local communities like Kayu Labu, the profit margins for oil palm and rubber are higher than those for sustainable alternatives. We conclude that, to address the problem of peatland degradation and to design successful and sustainable peatland restoration initiatives, decision-makers need to understand the local socioeconomic situation, people’s livelihoods, and their expectations. A key option is to increase the roles and responsibilities of local communities in determining the rules that relate to land management. Only then are regulatory and policy interventions likely to improve peatland conservation and restoration outcomes

    Community perceptions of peat rewetting in Tumbang Nusa Village, Indonesia

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    Indonesia is committed to rewetting peatlands to reduce the risk of fires and to decrease national greenhouse gas emissions. The three main approaches currently being implemented for rewetting peatlands in Indonesia are: 1) installing dams in drainage canals - “canal blocking”; 2) filling in drainage canals - “backfilling”; and 3) drilling wells to access water to fight fires - “deep wells”. Tumbang Nusa in Central Kalimantan was chosen in 2020 as a pilot village to trial fire management through rewetting, although some engineering and logistical questions remain. Peatland rewetting is a complex process, and it is essential to determine public support as well as the potential for communities to live and work with rewet peat landscapes. Community attitudes to rewetting and their involvement in the process are not well understood. This article reports on 20 interviews conducted with villagers in Tumbang Nusa about their perceptions of rewetting. It identifies that the general attitude to rewetting is positive, but there is confusion and a lack of involvement with regard to where deep wells have been drilled and where canal blocks are located, as well as how they work and can be used. Villagers are concerned about their livelihoods and the impacts of fire. To support communities where rewetting will occur, careful management of the physical processes is needed, but even more important is the need for greater involvement of local communities in actively developing possibilities for their own futures on rewet peat
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