24 research outputs found

    Effect of handling in pre-weaning rabbits

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    [EN] The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of regular daily handling on weight gain and on the fear reaction towards a new environment and human beings in domestic kits (Tonic Immobility test: TI, Emergence test: ET). Two groups in the same environment and fed the same diet were analysed: handled group and control (17 litters, 9 kits/litter per group). No differences in weight gain were recorded. During ET at 33 days of age, handled kits took less time to enter the arena than control group kits. TI duration was shorter in handled kits, which required more inductions than the control group. It was found that minimal human contact imposed before nursing reduced the fear of humans in rabbit kits. Our handling method requires minimal contact and can be used to reduce fear and improve welfare in rabbits. Moreover, the short length of the handling procedure allows stockpersons to produce tamer rabbits, reducing stress levels.This research was funded by PRIN 2005 (MUR - Roma). We would like to thank the farm “Erminia Vezzoli” located in Covo (Bergamo, Italy).Zucca, D.; Redaelli, V.; Marelli, S.; Bonazza, V.; Heinzl, E.; Verga, M.; Luzi, F. (2012). Effect of handling in pre-weaning rabbits. World Rabbit Science. 20(2):97-101. doi:10.4995/wrs.2012.1083SWORD9710120

    Aging of brain in hypercholesterolemic mice (ApoE -/-): melatonin receptor distribution

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    The protective role of melatonin has been investigated [1]. Some studies underlined its significant neuroprotective action with a role in aging processing. In patients with Alzheimer’s Disease, parallel to degenerative tissue changes, there was an overall decrease in the intensity of melatonin receptors in the pineal gland and occipital cortex [2]. Melatonin type 1 (MT1) and type 2 (MT2) receptors disclosed a quite widespread distribution in different brain regions. Recently our group demonstrated that an animal model of hypercholesterolemia, such as ApoE-/- mice, is more susceptible to developing severe liver injury, suggesting that in addition to vascular disease, increased cholesterol products and oxidative stress may also play a role in accelerating aging in the liver [3]. On the basis of this consideration, the aim of our work is to characterize the distribution of MT1 and MT2 in brain of ApoE -/- mice at different age (6 weeks, 16 weeks and 60 weeks) together with senescence markers using immunohistochemical technique to verify the role of these receptors in aging process. The results show an altered distribution of melatonin receptors and synaptic connectivity, indicating a process of aging in ApoE -/- mice and suggesting that melatonin treatment may represent a new approach to reduce brain aging and degeneration

    H2O2 stress damage is reversed by melatonin in a spinal cord organotypic model

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    Spinal cord injury (SCI) is characterized to be a two-step process: the primary lesion consisting of the initial trauma; the secondary damage, characterized by multiple processes including inflammation, oxidative stress and cell death that lead to a significant expansion of the original damage and to an increase of the functional deficit (1). Among the aforementioned processes, the oxidative stress plays a significant role in pathophysiology of SCI. In this study, we evaluated the role of the melatonin, an indoleamine recognized as a potent antioxidant and immunomodulator (2, 3 )Reiter et al., 1995, Favero et al., 2015), on the oxidative stress, the tissue vitality and the neuritic plasticity in an experimental model of organotypic cultures of Sprague Dawley rat spinal cord slice (SPS) treated with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and/or melatonin. Five experimental protocols were performed: 1) control; 2) H2O2 exposure (50 μM); 3) melatonin treatment (5-10M for 24 hours); 4) H2O2 exposure and post-treatment with melatonin; 5) H2O2 exposure after pre-treatment with melatonin. Cellular death was investigated by propidium iodide (PI) assay and the vitality by MTT assay. The total thiols (SH) levels, contrasting the oxidative stress, the neuronal specific nuclear protein (NeuN) and the synaptophysin (Syp) immunopositivity were also evaluated. Melatonin significantly decreases the number of dead cells and increases slice vitality, mainly in slices treated before H2O2 exposure. Moreover, melatonin attenuates total thiols decrease and NeuN and Syp immunopositivity reduction. Overall, these findings suggest that melatonin may exert a potential beneficial effect upon the progression of SCI secondary damage, protecting the tissue from a further degeneration.This work was supported by grants from Giorgio Brunelli Foundation for Spinal Cord Injuries Research

    Asociación entre prácticas de ordeño y recuento de organismos psicrótrofos en leche de tanque de frío

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    The objective of this work was to determine on-farm risk factors for psychrotrophic bacterial counts in bulk tank milk from dairy farms in Argentina. Raw milk samples from bulk tanks of 27 dairy farms were examined for total psychrotrophic counts (TPC), proteolytic psychrotrophic counts (PPC) and lipolytic psychrotrophic counts (LPC) (dependent or outcome variables). A survey recording infrastructure conditions, milking equipment and milking management (independent variables) was performed. Bivariate association proofs and logistic regression analyses were used to determine association between independent variables and psychrotrophic bacterial counts. Milk cooled in plate heat exchangers or barrel tanks were 16.39 and 10.52 times more likely to yield TPC and PPC above the standard established for high quality milk compared with milk cooled in bulk tanks, respectively. Periodic cleaning of cooling tanks (3 times a week or daily) was associated with lower TPC (approximately 1.5 log CFU/ml) than weekly cleaning frequency and farms where milkers did not wash their hands during milking time were 7.81 times more likely to have higher PPC. No association was found between LPC and any of the independent variables. The only variable associated with TPC and PPC in a logistic regression model was the refrigeration system used on the farm. Dairy farms that possessed bulk milk cooling tanks yielded the lowest bacterial counts. Results of this study highlight the importance of both the type of cooling system used on the farm and its adequate hygienic maintenance for obtaining low pshychrotrophic counts at dairy farm.El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar los factores de riesgo para altos recuentos de organismos psicrótrofos en leche de tanques de tambos de la Argentina. Se examinaron muestras de leche cruda de tanques de frío de 27 tambos, y se realizó el recuento de organismos psicrótrofos totales (PT), de psicrótrofos proteolíticos (PP) y de psicrótrofos lipolíticos (PL) (variables dependientes). Se realizó una encuesta para registrar las condiciones de infraestructura, el equipo de ordeño y las prácticas de ordeño (variables independientes). Se utilizaron pruebas bivariadas de asociación y regresión logística para determinar la asociación entre las variables independientes y los recuentos de organismos psicrótrofos. La leche enfriada en sistemas de placas de intercambio o tanques tipo cuba tuvo una probabilidad mayor de dar recuentos elevados de PT y PP (16,39 y 10,52) comparada con la enfriada en tanques tipo "panza fría". La limpieza periódica del equipo de frío (3 veces por semana o diariamente) se asoció con bajos recuentos de PT (aproximadamente 1,5 log de UFC/ml). Los tambos cuyos ordeñadores no se higienizaban las manos durante el ordeño tuvieron una probabilidad 7,81 veces mayor de tener recuentos elevados de PP. No se encontró asociación entre el recuento de PL y las variables independientes. La única variable asociada con los recuentos de PT y PP en el modelo de regresión logística fue el sistema de enfriamiento utilizado en el tambo. El tipo de sistema de refrigeración usado y su adecuado mantenimiento higiénico son importantes para la obtención de leche con baja carga de organismos psicrótrofos en el tambo.Fil: Molineri, Ana Inés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigación de la Cadena Láctea. - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela. Instituto de Investigación de la Cadena Láctea; ArgentinaFil: Signorini Porchietto, Marcelo Lisandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigación de la Cadena Láctea. - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela. Instituto de Investigación de la Cadena Láctea; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Cuatrín, Alejandra L.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela; ArgentinaFil: Canavesio, Vilma R.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela; ArgentinaFil: Neder, Veronica. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela; ArgentinaFil: Russi, Norma B.. Universidad Nacional del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Bonazza, Julio C.. Universidad Nacional del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Calvinho, Luis F.. Universidad Nacional del Litoral; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela; Argentin

    Asociación entre prácticas de ordeño y recuento de organismos psicrótrofos en leche de tanque de frío

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    The objective of this work was to determine on-farm risk factors for psychrotrophic bacterial counts in bulk tank milk from dairy farms in Argentina. Raw milk samples from bulk tanks of 27 dairy farms were examined for total psychrotrophic counts (TPC), proteolytic psychrotrophic counts (PPC) and lipolytic psychrotrophic counts (LPC) (dependent or outcome variables). A survey recording infrastructure conditions, milking equipment and milking management (independent variables) was performed. Bivariate association proofs and logistic regression analyses were used to determine association between independent variables and psychrotrophic bacterial counts. Milk cooled in plate heat exchangers or barrel tanks were 16.39 and 10.52 times more likely to yield TPC and PPC above the standard established for high quality milk compared with milk cooled in bulk tanks, respectively. Periodic cleaning of cooling tanks (3 times a week or daily) was associated with lower TPC (approximately 1.5 log CFU/ml) than weekly cleaning frequency and farms where milkers did not wash their hands during milking time were 7.81 times more likely to have higher PPC. No association was found between LPC and any of the independent variables. The only variable associated with TPC and PPC in a logistic regression model was the refrigeration system used on the farm. Dairy farms that possessed bulk milk cooling tanks yielded the lowest bacterial counts. Results of this study highlight the importance of both the type of cooling system used on the farm and its adequate hygienic maintenance for obtaining low pshychrotrophic counts at dairy farm.El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar los factores de riesgo para altos recuentos de organismos psicrótrofos en leche de tanques de tambos de la Argentina. Se examinaron muestras de leche cruda de tanques de frío de 27 tambos, y se realizó el recuento de organismos psicrótrofos totales (PT), de psicrótrofos proteolíticos (PP) y de psicrótrofos lipolíticos (PL) (variables dependientes). Se realizó una encuesta para registrar las condiciones de infraestructura, el equipo de ordeño y las prácticas de ordeño (variables independientes). Se utilizaron pruebas bivariadas de asociación y regresión logística para determinar la asociación entre las variables independientes y los recuentos de organismos psicrótrofos. La leche enfriada en sistemas de placas de intercambio o tanques tipo cuba tuvo una probabilidad mayor de dar recuentos elevados de PT y PP (16,39 y 10,52) comparada con la enfriada en tanques tipo "panza fría". La limpieza periódica del equipo de frío (3 veces por semana o diariamente) se asoció con bajos recuentos de PT (aproximadamente 1,5 log de UFC/ml). Los tambos cuyos ordeñadores no se higienizaban las manos durante el ordeño tuvieron una probabilidad 7,81 veces mayor de tener recuentos elevados de PP. No se encontró asociación entre el recuento de PL y las variables independientes. La única variable asociada con los recuentos de PT y PP en el modelo de regresión logística fue el sistema de enfriamiento utilizado en el tambo. El tipo de sistema de refrigeración usado y su adecuado mantenimiento higiénico son importantes para la obtención de leche con baja carga de organismos psicrótrofos en el tambo.Fil: Molineri, Ana Inés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigación de la Cadena Láctea. - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela. Instituto de Investigación de la Cadena Láctea; ArgentinaFil: Signorini Porchietto, Marcelo Lisandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigación de la Cadena Láctea. - Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela. Instituto de Investigación de la Cadena Láctea; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Cuatrín, Alejandra L.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela; ArgentinaFil: Canavesio, Vilma R.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela; ArgentinaFil: Neder, Veronica. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela; ArgentinaFil: Russi, Norma B.. Universidad Nacional del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Bonazza, Julio C.. Universidad Nacional del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Calvinho, Luis F.. Universidad Nacional del Litoral; Argentina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela; Argentin

    Platelet Rich Plasma stimulates human hair growth in vitro

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    Several factors are involved in hair growth and cycling (Buffoli et al., 2013). Platelet concentrates have a new important role in regenerative medicine and thus in dermatology, oral, plastic and orthopaedic surgery and hair growth (Franco et al., 2012). In this study we evaluated in vitro the effects of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), an autologous platelet preparation, on hair growth. In particular, we compared four different culture media (Philpott et al., 1990): 1-William’s E culture medium with supplemented factors; 2-William’s E culture medium with supplemented factors and Platelet Rich Plasma; 3-William’s E culture medium without supplemented factors; 4-William’s E culture medium without supplemented factors but with PRP. Hair shaft elongation was measured at 0, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours: digitally fixed images of slices were analyzed using an image analyzer considering as measurable portion the shaft part between the bulb upper border and the top of the hair end. The values obtained were used to calculate the percentage of elongation for each time. Growth in hair cultured with William’s E medium with supplemented factors and PRP resulted higher with respect to the other media. Moreover, these results suggest that PRP stimulates human hair growth in vitro

    Platelet preparations in neuronal cell differentiation

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    Concentrated Growth Factors (CGF) is a platelet rich preparation that has the important feature of a tight fibrin network and containing a large number of growth factors possessing great regenerative potentialities [1]. The regeneration of nervous system is one of the mail goal of regenerative medicine. The aim of this study is to test the in vitro CGF effects on both differentiated and undifferentiated SH-SY5Y cells, derived from human neuroblastoma. To induce differentiation, SH-SY5Y cells have been treated with Retinoic Acid (RA) 10µM, in both basal and complete medium and in the presence and absence of CGF. After 72 hours, different parameters have been investigated: the morphological characteristics of the cells, the cell proliferation, the cellular vitality using the MTT test, the CGF and/or RA differentiation property and the immunocytochemical analysis of neuronal specific markers (NeuN, Sinaptophisine, β-III-tubulin, Nestin). Moreover the NGF (Nerve Growth Factor) and BDNF (Brain Derived Growth Factor) release have been assayed by ELISA test. Our results obtained suggest that treatment with CGF, also used alone, positively affects cell differentiation and neuronal phenotype regulating the expression of the neuronal markers and improving the outgrowth of neurites. Taken together these results seems to be promised into new approaches for neuronal regeneration using platelet preparations

    HuD is a neural translation enhancer acting on mTORC1-responsive genes and counteracted by the Y3 small non-coding RNA

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    The RNA-binding protein HuD promotes neurogenesis and favors recovery from peripheral axon injury. HuD interacts with many mRNAs, altering both stability and translation efficiency. We generated a nucleotide resolution map of the HuD RNA interactome in motor neuron-like cells, identifying HuD target sites in 1,304 mRNAs, almost exclusively in the 3' UTR. HuD binds many mRNAs encoding mTORC1-responsive ribosomal proteins and translation factors. Altered HuD expression correlates with the translation efficiency of these mRNAs and overall protein synthesis, in a mTORC1-independent fashion. The predominant HuD target is the abundant, small non-coding RNA Y3, amounting to 70% of the HuD interaction signal. Y3 functions as a molecular sponge for HuD, dynamically limiting its recruitment to polysomes and its activity as a translation and neuron differentiation enhancer. These findings uncover an alternative route to the mTORC1 pathway for translational control in motor neurons that is tunable by a small non-coding RNA

    Platelet preparations in dentistry: How? Why? Where? When?

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    The aim of this article is to review the outcomes of platelet preparations in dentistry. A structured electronic search discovered 348 articles, which described the use of autologous platelet concentrates with a relevance to clinical dentistry. Among these articles, 220 articles investigated platelet rich plasma, 99 investigated platelet rich fibrin, 22 investigated plasma rich in growth factors and 7 investigated the use of concentrated growth factors. Several studies reported beneficial treament outcomes in terms of enhanced bone and soft tissue regeneration