87 research outputs found

    Nonlinear dynamics of electromagnetic pulses in cold relativistic plasmas

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    In the present analysis we study the self consistent propagation of nonlinear electromagnetic pulses in a one dimensional relativistic electron-ion plasma, from the perspective of nonlinear dynamics. We show how a series of Hamiltonian bifurcations give rise to the electric fields which are of relevance in the subject of particle acceleration. Connections between these bifurcated solutions and results of earlier analysis are made.Comment: 12th International Congress on Plasma Physics, 25-29 October 2004, Nice (France

    Excitation of wakefields in carbon nanotubes: a hydrodynamic model approach

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    The interactions of charged particles with carbon nanotubes may excite electromagnetic modes in the electron gas produced in the cylindrical graphene shell constituting the nanotube wall. This wake effect has recently been proposed as a potential novel method of short-wavelength high-gradient particle acceleration. In this work, the excitation of these wakefields is studied by means of the linearized hydrodynamic model. In this model, the electronic excitations on the nanotube surface are described treating the electron gas as a 2D plasma with additional contributions to the fluid momentum equation from specific solid-state properties of the gas. General expressions are derived for the excited longitudinal and transverse wakefields. Numerical results are obtained for a charged particle moving within a carbon nanotube, paraxially to its axis, showing how the wakefield is affected by parameters such as the particle velocity and its radial position, the nanotube radius, and a friction factor, which can be used as a phenomenological parameter to describe effects from the ionic lattice. Assuming a particle driver propagating on axis at a given velocity, optimal parameters were obtained to maximize the longitudinal wakefield amplitude.<br/

    Study of quasimonoenergetic electron bunch generation in self-modulated laser wakefield acceleration using TW or sub-TW ultrashort laser pulses

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    This work presents a study on laser wakefield electron acceleration in the self-modulated regime (SM-LWFA) using 50-fs laser pulses with energy on the mJ scale, at λ = 0.8 µm, impinging on a thin H2 gas jet. Particle-in-cell simulations were performed using laser peak powers ranging from sub-terawatt to a few terawatts and plasma densities varying from the relativistic self-focusing threshold up to values close to the critical density. The differences in the obtained acceleration processes are discussed. Results show that bunched electron beams with full charge on the nC scale and kinetic energy in the MeV range can be produced and configurations with peak density in the range 0.5–5 × 1020 atoms/cm3 generate electrons with maximum energies. In this range, some simulations generated quasimonoenergetic bunches with ∼0.5% of the total accelerated charge and we show that the beam characteristics, process dynamics, and operational parameters are close to those expected for the blowout regime. The configurations that led to quasimonoenergetic bunches from the sub-TW SM-LWFA regime allow the use of laser systems with repetition rates in the kHz range, which can be beneficial for practical applications

    An active plasma beam dump for EuPRAXIA beams

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    Plasma wakefields driven by high power lasers or relativistic particle beams can be orders of magnitude larger than the fields produced in conventional accelerating structures. Since the plasma wakefield is composed not only of accelerating but also of decelerating phases, this paper proposes to utilize the strong decelerating field induced by a laser pulse in the plasma to absorb the beam energy, in a scheme known as the active plasma beam dump. The design of this active plasma beam dump has considered the beam output by the EuPRAXIA facility. Analytical estimates were obtained, and compared with particle-in-cell simulations. The obtained results indicate that this active plasma beam dump can contribute for more compact, safer, and greener accelerators in the near future

    Application of Nanostructures and Metamaterials in Accelerator Physics

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    Carbon-based nanostructures and metamaterials offer extraordinary mechanical and opto-electrical properties, which make them suitable for applications in diverse fields, including, for example, bioscience, energy technology and quantum computing. In the latest years, important R&D efforts have been made to investigate the potential use of graphene and carbon-nanotube (CNT) based structures to manipulate and accelerate particle beams. In the same way, the special interaction of graphene and CNTs with charged particles and electromagnetic radiation might open interesting possibilities for the design of compact coherent radiation sources, and novel beam diagnostics techniques as well. This paper gives an overview of novel concepts based on nanostructures and metamaterials with potential application in the field of accelerator physics. Several examples are shown and future prospects discussed

    Plasma beam dumps for the EuPRAXIA facility

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    Beam dumps are indispensable components for particle accelerator facilities to absorb or dispose beam kinetic energy in a safe way. However, the design of beam dumps based on conventional technology, i.e., energy deposition via beam–dense matter interaction, makes the beam dump facility complicated and large in size, partly due to the high beam intensities and energies achieved. In addition, specific methods are needed to address the radioactive hazards that these high-power beams generate. On the other hand, the European Plasma Research Accelerator with eXcellence in Application (EuPRAXIA) project can advance the laser–plasma accelerator significantly by achieving a 1–5 GeV high-quality electron beam in a compact layout. Nevertheless, beam dumps based on the conventional technique will still produce radiation hazards and make the overall footprint less compact. Here, a plasma beam dump will be implemented to absorb the kinetic energy from the EuPRAXIA beam. In doing so, the overall compactness of the EuPRAXIA layout could be further improved, and the radioactivity generated by the facility can be mitigated. In this paper, results from particle-in-cell simulations are presented for plasma beam dumps based on EuPRAXIA beam parameters

    Uso de animação nas etapas da modelagem matemática: “Procurando Nemo”/ Using of animation in the mathematical modelling steps: “Finding Nemo”

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    O presente artigo é fruto de uma prática educativa, desenvolvida na disciplina de Modelagem na Educação Básica, ministrada no curso de Licenciatura em Matemática, do Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo (Ifes) e no Ciclo de Palestras de Matemática, do Departamento de Matemática, do Centro de Ciências da Natureza e Exatas, da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – RS (DMAT/CCNE/UFSM). Os atores do processo foram sessenta e seis licenciandos em Matemática, sendo trinta e dois do Ifes e trinta e quatro da UFSM. Os objetivos foram, em um primeiro contato com o tema, apresentar as etapas da Modelagem Matemática, discutir a lei do fluxo laminar e apresentar possíveis equívocos de interpretação na animação “Procurando Nemo”, quando um grupo de tartarugas navega pela corrente leste australiana. O procedimento adotado à análise e coleta de dados foi o método de análise da produção de significados, no viés Modelo dos Campos Semânticos. A partir dos significados produzidos pelos atores concluímos que a referida prática, nos moldes propostos, elucidou as etapas da Modelagem Matemática, permitindo discutir o reconhecimento da situação problema, a formulação de hipóteses, o uso e a validação do modelo, a interpretação da solução, bem como uma discussão a respeito do consumo exacerbado e do descarte inadequado, sobretudo de plástico nos oceanos