9 research outputs found

    Sosiaalisen median hyödyntäminen Nuori Yrittäjyys -ohjelman näkyvyyden lisäämiseksi

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    Opinnäytetyön aiheena ovat sosiaalinen media ja yrittäjyyskasvatus. Työn tarkoituksena on antaa Etelä-Savon ammattiopistolle ideoita, kuinka opiskelijat saataisiin kiinnostumaan yrittäjyyskoulutuksesta sosiaalista mediaa hyödyntämällä. Yrittäjyyskoulutuksella tässä opinnäytetyössä tarkoitetaan Nuori Yrittäjyys-ohjelmaa, joka on osa kasainvälistä Junior Achievement – Young Enterprise -verkostoa. Tutkimusongelmat työssä olivat, kuinka Etelä-Savon ammattiopiston opiskelijat saataisiin kiinnostumaan Nuori Yrittäjyys-ohjelmasta sosiaalista mediaa hyödyntämällä ja mitkä ovat ne sosiaalisen median kanavat, joiden kautta nuoret tavoitetaan ja minkälainen sisältö heitä kiinnostaa. Teoreettinen viitekehys koostui yrittäjyydestä, yrittäjyyskasvatuksesta ja markkinoimisesta sosiaalisessa mediassa. Teoriaosuudessa käsitellään myös sisältömarkkinointia ja sisältöstrategiaa. Kyseessä on laadullinen tutkimus. Aineistonkeruumenetelmänä työssä käytettiin teemahaastattelua. Haastattelun kaksi pääteemaa olivat sosiaalinen media ja NY-yrittäjyys. Tutkimusjoukoksi valikoitui työn aiheen ja tutkimusongelmien perusteella viisi Etelä-Savon ammattiopiston nuorta opiskelijaa, jotka eivät ole itse NY-yrittäjiä, mutta tietävät ohjelman ja pääasiat siitä. Tutkimuksen perusteella kävi ilmi, että nuoret käyttävät sosiaalista mediaa paljon ja se on tehokas tapa tavoittaa nuoret. Nuoret käyttävät eniten Instagramia, Facebookia, Snapchatia ja Youtubea. Sisällön osalta heitä kiinnostavat selvästi eniten kuvat ja videot. Johtopäätelmänä voidaan sanoa, että toimeksiantajan tulisi hyödyntää sosiaalista mediaa NY-yrittäjyyden markkinoimisessa nuorille. NY-yrittäjyyden markkinoimisessa tulisi hyödyntää etenkin nykyisiä NY-yrittäjiä, sillä heillä on sosiaalisen median osaamista ja nuoret olisivat kiinnostuneita seuraamaan yrittäjien itse julkaisemaa sisältöä sosiaalisessa mediassa. Seuraamalla NY-yrittäjiä nuoret voisivat kiinnostua siitä itsekin. NY-yrittäjyyden esilletuomisessa voisi hyödyntää etenkin sisältömarkkinointia.The main subject of this thesis is social media and entrepreneurship education. The objec- tive of this thesis was to give the client ideas how students of South Savo Vocational College would get engaged in entrepreneurship education by using social media. In this case entrepreneurship education is the Nuori Yrittäjyys program, which is part of a worldwide Junior Achievement – Young Enterprise network. The research problems were how students of South Savo Vocational College would get in- terested in the Nuori Yrittäjyys -program by using social media and what are the social me- dia channels for reaching young people and what kind of content they are interested in. The theoretical framework consisted of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education and social media marketing. The theoretical part also discusses content marketing and content marketing strategy. This thesis was a qualitative study. The research method used was a theme interview. Two themes in the interview were social media and the Nuori Yrittäjyys program. The interviewees were young students of South Savo Vocational College, who are not NY-entrepreneurs yet, but they know what that is all about. The results of the research were clear. Young people use social media a lot and it is an ef- fective way to reach them. The social media channels they use the most are Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and Youtube. They are most interested in photos and videos. The commissioner should use social media to market the NY-program. The current NY-en- trepreneurs could market the NY-program for students on social media channels. They should use especially content marketing. That way students could possibly get interested in the NY-program as well

    Serum uric acid and its association with metabolic syndrome and carotid atherosclerosis in obese children

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    ObjectiveThe association between hyperuricemia, metabolic syndrome (MS), and atherosclerotic vascular disease has been reported in adults, but very little is known about this association in children. The aims of our study were to ascertain the correlates of uric acid (UA) in a sample of obese children, and to investigate whether UA is associated with carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) independently from classical risk factors including MS.MethodsWe analyzed carotid IMT along with serum triglycerides, total and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, glucose, insulin, insulin resistance index (as homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance), alanine aminotransferase, γ-glutamyltransferase, creatinine, and UA in 120 obese children and 50 healthy control children.ResultsUA concentrations were significantly higher in obese children compared with controls; moreover, they correlated with the most established cardiovascular risk factors. In the group of obese children, after adjustment for age, sex, pubertal stage, and creatinine, an independent association between UA levels and the presence of MS syndrome was observed (unstandardized coefficient, 0.044 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 0.015–0.072); P<0.01). Carotid IMT significantly increased in the fourth quartile of UA compared with that in the first, second, and third quartile (0.49 (0.46–0.53), 0.53 (0.49–0.56), and 0.55 (0.52–0.59) vs 0.61 (95% CI, 0.58–0.64); P<0.01). When multivariate analysis was performed after adjusting for age, gender, pubertal stage, creatinine, and MS (considered as a single clinical entity), or the individual components of MS simultaneously included, the association between UA and carotid IMT was significant (P<0.01).ConclusionsIn obese children and adolescents, increased UA levels are associated with carotid atherosclerosis

    Bovine serum amine oxidase and chromate-modified iron oxide nanoparticles for polyamine biosensing

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    Surface active maghemite nanoparticles (SAMNs) represent a new class of naked maghemite nanoparticles, characterized by peculiar surface properties. A novel hybrid nanomaterial based on SAMNs was developed by coating nanoparticle surface with bichromate, leading to a SAMN@Cr2O7 core\u2013shell nanoconjugate. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, cyclic voltammetry, and chronoamperometry showed lower charge transfer resistances, higher capacitive currents, better electrochemical performances, as well as more reversible electrochemical behavior with respect to bare SAMNs. Bichromate shell enhanced SAMN electrocatalytic proper- ties toward hydrogen peroxide reduction at neutral pH. Furthermore, bovine serum amino oxidase (BSAO) was immobilized on the surface of SAMN@Cr2O7 by self-assembly, leading to a magnetic drivable nanocatalyst for polyamine oxidation (SAMN@Cr2O7-BSAO). The hybrid bio-nanomaterial was kinetically characterized and compared with the native enzyme. Immobilized BSAO showed a catalytic constant of about 10.2 % with respect to the native enzyme, while the Michaelis constant, Km , was about 3.7 times higher upon enzyme immobilization. Correspondingly, the binding process led to a 2.4 fold decrease of BSAO catalytic efficiency, kcat/Km. The immobilized enzyme (SAMN@Cr2O7-BSAO) was exploited, in a simple carbon paste electrode configuration, for the development of a new reagentless electrochemical biosensor for polyamines

    Effects of common gram&#8209;negative pathogens causing male genitourinary&#8209;tract infections on human sperm functions

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    Male genitourinary tract (MGT) bacterial infections are considered responsible for 15% of male infertility, but the mechanisms underlying decreased semen quality are poorly known. We evaluated in vitro the effect of strains of Gram-negative uropathogenic species (two E.coli strains, three K. pneumoniae strains, P. aeruginosa and E. cloacae) on motility, viability, mitochondrial oxidative status, DNA fragmentation and caspase activity of human spermatozoa. All strains, except P. aeruginosa, reduced significantly sperm motility, with variable effects. Sperm Immobilizing Factor (SIF) was largely responsible for deteriorating effects on sperm motility of E. coli strains since they were completely reverted by knockout of SIF coding recX gene. Sequence alignment for RecX showed the presence of high homologous sequences in K. pneumoniae and E. cloacae but not in P. aeruginosa. These results suggest that, in addition to E.coli, other common uropathogenic Gram-negative bacteria affect sperm motility through RecX products. In addition to sperm motility, the E. coli strain ATCC 35218 also affected sperm viability, and induced caspase activity, oxidative stress and DNA fragmentation suggesting an interspecies variability in the amount and/or type of the produced spermatotoxic factors. In general, our results highlight the need for a careful evaluation of semen infections in the diagnostic process of the infertile man

    Iron oxide-chromate core-shell nanostructure for the electrochemical biosensing of polyamines in liver cancer tissues

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    A novel core-shell hybrid nanomaterial based on surface active maghemite nanoparticles (SAMNs) and chromate Cr2O72- was developed. The SAMN@Cr2O7 complex was characterized by in field (5 T) M\uf6ssbauer spectroscopy at 5 K, which showed the appearance of Fe(II) atoms at the interface between nanoparticles and chromium. Moreover, high-angle annular dark-field imaging (HAADF) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) for elemental mapping in a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) in parallel with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis, mapped chromium distribution on SAMN surface mirroring iron(III) binding sites distribution. Furthermore, electrochemical techniques showed lower charge transfer resistances, higher capacitive current, better electrochemical performances, as well as more reversible electrochemical behavior with respect to bare SAMNs. Chromium shell improved electrocatalytic properties of SAMNs toward hydrogen peroxide electroreduction. Furthermore, an enzyme, namely, bovine serum amino oxidase (BSAO), was immobilized on the surface of SAMN@Cr2O7, leading to an biologically active bio-nano-conjugate for polyamine oxidation (SAMN@Cr2O7-BSAO), which was exploited for the development of a new reagentless electrochemical biosensor for polyamine detection. The system successfully distinguished tumor tissues from healthy liver by polyamine content in human liver extracts from biopsies

    Ternary Hybrid \u3b3-Fe2O3/CrVI/Amine Oxidase Nanostructure for Electrochemical Sensing: Application for Polyamine Detection in Tumor Tissue

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    Dichromate binds to surface-active maghemite nanoparticles (SAMNs) to form a stable core\u2013shell nanostructures (SAMN@CrVI). The hybrid was characterized by M\uf6ssbauer spectroscopy, high-angle annular dark-field imaging, electron energy-loss spectroscopy, and electrochemical techniques, which revealed a strong interaction of dichromate with the nanoparticle surface. Electrochemical characterization showed lower charge-transfer resistance, better electrochemical performance, and more reversible electrochemical behavior with respect to naked SAMNs. Moreover, SAMN@CrVI is an excellent electrocatalyst for hydrogen peroxide reduction. Furthermore, an enzyme, namely, bovine serum amine oxidase (BSAO: EC\u20051.4.3.6), was immobilized on SAMN@CrVI by self-assembly to give a ternary hybrid nanostructured catalyst for polyamine oxidation (SAMN@CrVI-BSAO). SAMN@CrVI-BSAO was applied for the development of a reagentless, fast, inexpensive, and interference-free polyamine biosensor, which was successfully exploited for the discrimination of tumorous tissue from healthy tissue in human crude liver extracts

    Development and validation of a scoring system to predict response to obeticholic acid in primary biliary cholangitis

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    Background & aims: Obeticholic acid (OCA) is the only licensed second-line therapy for primary biliary cholangitis (PBC). With novel therapeutics in advanced development, clinical tools are needed to tailor the treatment algorithm. We aimed to derive and externally validate the OCA response score (ORS) for predicting the response probability of individuals with PBC to OCA. Methods: We used data from the Italian RECAPITULATE (N 441) and the IBER-PBC (N 244) OCA real-world prospective cohorts to derive/validate a score including widely available variables obtained either pre-treatment (ORS), or also after 6 months of treatment (ORS+). Multivariable Cox's regressions with backward selection were applied to obtain parsimonious predictive models. The predicted outcomes were biochemical response according to POISE (ALP/ULN<1.67 with a reduction of at least 15%, and normal bilirubin), or ALP/ULN<1.67, or NORMAL RANGE criteria (NR: normal ALP, ALT and bilirubin) up to 24 months. Results: Depending on the response criteria, ORS included age, pruritus, cirrhosis, ALP/ULN, ALT/ULN, GGT/ULN and bilirubin. ORS+ also included ALP/ULN and bilirubin after 6 months of OCA therapy. Internally validated c-statistics for ORS were of 0.75, 0.78 and 0.72 for POISE, ALP/ULN<1.67 and NR response, which raised to 0.83, 0.88, 0.81 with ORS+, respectively. The respective performances in validation were of 0.70, 0.72 and 0.71 for ORS, and 0.80, 0.84, 0.78 for ORS+. Results were consistent across groups with mild/severe disease. Conclusions: We developed and externally validated a scoring system capable to predict OCA response according to different criteria. This tool will enhance a stratified second-line therapy model to streamline standard care and trial delivery in PBC