65 research outputs found

    Neurologic Paraneoplastic Syndromes

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    Algumas síndromes neurológicas estão ocasionalmente associadas ao cancro sistémico, na forma de síndrome paraneoplásica. Destas, a degenerescência cerebelosa subaguda, neuronopatia sensitiva, dermatomiosite polimiosite, síndrome miasténica de Eaton-Lambert e neuronopatia motora subaguda tornam obrigatória uma investigação exaustiva, no sentido de identificar o tumor primitivo, devido à sua forte correlação com neoplasia oculta.Os AA apresentam uma revisão sumária destas síndromes, ilustrando as três primeiras com casos clínicos. Faz-se referência aos aspectos imunológicos associados e à sua importância na caracterização destas entidades

    Sembradora KUHN ESPRO 6000 R: Siembra de calidad

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    En la sede de Kuhn Ibérica, en Huesca, se llevó a cabo la prueba de campo de la sembradora Kuhn neumática de chorrillo Espro 6000 R, realizando pruebas tanto en las instalaciones de la misma sede como posteriormente en parcela agrícola. Este trabajo se desarrolló el 27 de octubre de 2017 por técnicos del LAMAGRI (Laboratorio de Maquinaria Agrícola) de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Huesca, personal técnico del fabricante del equipo de siembra y los agricultores Fernando Gariburo y Juan Allué, quienes pusieron a disposición del ensayo el tractor de trabajo (John Deere 7200R, de 200 CV de potencia) y la parcela donde realizar las pruebas de campo

    Can we simulate the biomechanical effects of exoskeletons prior to workstation implementation? Application of the Forces ergonomic method

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    Increasingly, exoskeletons are becoming a valuable tool for prevention technicians to promote occupational health and reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders in industry. However, the effective implementation of industrial exoskeletons is a complex challenge. Deciding whether these devices are the optimal solution to the detected ergonomic risks at a specific workstation is not straightforward. This study presents the modelling of three commercial passive exoskeletons, one for lumbar and two for shoulder risk reduction, to be considered in the musculoskeletal risk assessment of industrial workstations. The presented modelling considers the forces and moments applied by exoskeletons to the body using the Forces ergonomic method, providing the musculoskeletal risk for each joint based on inertial motion capture data registered at each workstation. This approach is exemplified on simulated and actual production workstations. The results reveal that the modelling application allows an objective understanding of the biomechanical effects of exoskeletons. Modelling establishes a predictive tool to assess and make decisions regarding the suitability of the exoskeleton prior to implementation at a workstation

    Clinical and anatomopathological features of eosinophilic oesophagitis in children and adults

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    Introduction: Eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE) is a chronic clinical-pathological disorder with an immunological basis characterised by symptoms of oesophageal dysfunction and, histologically, eosinophilic inflammation. Objective: To evaluate the clinical characteristics and differences in children and adults diagnosed with EoE in a tertiary level hospital. Method: Descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study. We randomly selected 40 children and 40 adults diagnosed with EoE between 2009 and 2016. The patient characteristics were analysed by means of epidemiological, clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic variables. Results: The average age at diagnosis was 10 years (children) and 34 years (adults), with a higher frequency in males. The majority were sensitised to aeroallergens (77.5% children vs. 82.5% adults) and foods (75% children vs. 82.5% adults). Statistically significant differences were detected in sensitisation to fruits (p = 0.007) and grains (p < 0.001). Differences were observed in impaction (22.5% children vs. 82.5% adults), dysphagia (42.5% children vs. 77.5% adults) and abdominal pain (25% children vs. 7.5% adults). Endoscopy showed that children had a higher frequency of exudates (92.5%) and adults, trachealisation (50% vs. 5%) and stenosis (17.5% vs. 2.5%). Statistically significant differences were found in treatment with topical corticosteroids (30% children vs. 77.5% adults), with a variable positive response. 77.5% of the patients received elimination diets. Conclusions: Statistically significant differences were observed between the paediatric and adult populations in the food sensitisation profiles, clinical manifestations, endoscopic findings and treatments received. This is a complex pathology that calls for a multidisciplinary team and would require new non-invasive techniques to facilitate its management

    Pulverizador Amazone UF-1801: Electrónica y fluido para un tratamiento de calidad

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    En este artículo damos a conocer la prueba de campo realizada a un pulverizador hidráulico Amazone, modelo UF-1801, con barra de pulverización de 28 metros, suspendido al tercer punto del tractor (Fotos 1 y 14). La prueba se llevó a cabo el 15 de abril de 2016 en una parcela agrícola del término municipal de Villanueva de Gállego (Zaragoza), asistiendo a la misma personal técnico del importador y distribuidor para España de la marca, Deltacinco, del concesionario de la zona, Lomaq Maquinaria, y técnicos del Laboratorio de Maquinaria Agrícola de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Huesca (Universidad de Zaragoza). El pulverizador objeto de la prueba fue el modelo mencionado con anterioridad, fabricado en 2014 y comercializado en 2015, que a fecha del ensayo llevaba las boquillas originales y había trabajado del orden de 3.500 ha, distribuido 720.000 litros de producto en un total de 150 horas, según los datos almacenados en la unidad de control y gestión del mismo, es decir, con valores medios de capacidad de trabajo de 23,5 ha/h y dosis medias de aplicación de 206 l/ha

    Validation of a CFD model by using 3D sonic anemometers to analyse the air velocity generated by an air-assisted sprayer equipped with two axial fans

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    A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of the air flow generated by an air-assisted sprayer equipped with two axial fans was developed and validated by practical experiments in the laboratory. The CFD model was developed by considering the total air flow supplied by the sprayer fan to be the main parameter, rather than the outlet air velocity. The model was developed for three air flows corresponding to three fan blade settings and assuming that the sprayer is stationary. Actual measurements of the air velocity near the sprayer were taken using 3D sonic anemometers. The workspace sprayer was divided into three sections, and the air velocity was measured in each section on both sides of the machine at a horizontal distance of 1.5, 2.5, and 3.5 m from the machine, and at heights of 1, 2, 3, and 4 m above the ground The coefficient of determination (R2) between the simulated and measured values was 0.859, which demonstrates a good correlation between the simulated and measured data. Considering the overall data, the air velocity values produced by the CFD model were not significantly different from the measured values

    Situación actual y proyecciones futuras de las pesquerías multiespecíficas de peces en la región suroriental de Cuba: Situação atual e projecções futuras da pesca de peixes multiespecíficos na região sudeste de Cuba

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    Las pesquerías multiespecíficas de peces en Cuba incluyen alrededor de 150 especies, diferentes artes de pesca que se utilizan simultáneamente y un número elevado de puertos de desembarques, lo que dificulta el monitoreo y la evaluación de estos recursos, por lo cual el manejo ha sido limitado. Por ello nos propusimos evaluar el estado actual, así como las compensaciones futuras en biomasa, captura y ganancias de las especies más vulnerables bajo diferentes estrategias de manejo. Mediante el método Catch-MSY se estimó el estado actual, y un modelo bioeconómico se empleó para realizar las proyecciones a largo plazo de las salidas. Los stocks estudiados se encuentran agotados, y la mayoría con valores que implican un alto riesgo para la sustentabilidad de sus poblaciones. Además, la mayoría están sobreexplotados y sufren pesca ilegal. Sin embargo, a largo plazo bajo estrategias de manejo sustentable, muestran oportunidades de recuperación y de tener pesquerías económicamente rentables siempre que se elimine la pesca ilegal y se apliquen incentivos económicos

    Ensemble learning application to discover new trypanothione synthetase inhibitors

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    Trypanosomatid-caused diseases are among the neglected infectious diseases with the highest disease burden, affecting about 27 million people worldwide and, in particular, socio-economically vulnerable populations. Trypanothione synthetase (TryS) is considered one of the most attractive drug targets within the thiol-polyamine metabolism of typanosomatids, being unique, essential and druggable. Here, we have compiled a dataset of 401 T. brucei TryS inhibitors that includes compounds with inhibitory data reported in the literature, but also in-house acquired data. QSAR classifiers were derived and validated from such dataset, using publicly available and open-source software, thus assuring the portability of the obtained models. The performance and robustness of the resulting models were substantially improved through ensemble learning. The performance of the individual models and the model ensembles was further assessed through retrospective virtual screening campaigns. At last, as an application example, the chosen model-ensemble has been applied in a prospective virtual screening campaign on DrugBank 5.1.6 compound library. All the in-house scripts used in this study are available on request, whereas the dataset has been included as supplementary material.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasLaboratorio de Investigación y Desarrollo de Bioactivo

    Orquiectomía en canino criptorquido unilateral

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    El presente trabajo corresponde a un caso quirúrgico de un paciente canino de 5 años de edad, que presentaba criptorquidismo. Se decidió la resolución quirúrgica, con el objetivo de evitar posibles complicaciones futuras. El procedimiento se realizó con éxito y el paciente se recuperó perfectamente. En pacientes criptórquidos, se recomienda realizar la esterilización a temprana edad

    Design and testing of an agricultural implement for underground application of rodenticide bait

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    An agricultural implement for underground application of rodenticide bait to control the Mediterranean pocket gopher (Microtus Duodecimcostatus) in fruit orchards has been designed and tested. The main objective of this research was to design and test the implement by using the finite element method (FEM) and considering a range of loads generated on most commonly used furrow openers in agricultural implements. As a second step, the prototype was tested in the field by analysing the effects of forward speed and application depth on the mechanical behaviour of the implement structure. The FEM was used in the design phase and a prototype was manufactured. The structural strains on the prototype chassis under working conditions were tested by using strain gauges to validate the design phase. Three forward speeds (4.5, 5.5, and 7.0 km/h), three application depths (0.12, 0.15, and 0.17 m), and two types of soil (clayey-silty-loam and clayey-silty-sandy) were considered. The prototype was validated successfully by analysing the information obtained from the strain gauges. The Von Mises stresses indicated a safety coefficient of 1.9 for the most critical load case. Although both forward speed and application depth had a significant effect on the stresses generated on the chassis, the latter parameter critically affected the structural behaviour of the implement. The effects of the application depth on the strains were linear such that strains increased with depth. In contrast, strains remained roughly constant regardless of variation in the forward speed