43 research outputs found

    On the "renormalization" transformations induced by cycles of expansion and contraction in causal set cosmology

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    We study the ``renormalization group action'' induced by cycles of cosmic expansion and contraction, within the context of a family of stochastic dynamical laws for causal sets derived earlier. We find a line of fixed points corresponding to the dynamics of transitive percolation, and we prove that there exist no other fixed points and no cycles of length two or more. We also identify an extensive ``basin of attraction'' of the fixed points but find that it does not exhaust the full parameter space. Nevertheless, we conjecture that every trajectory is drawn toward the fixed point set in a suitably weakened sense.Comment: 22 pages, 1 firgure, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    A Lorentzian Gromov-Hausdoff notion of distance

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    This paper is the first of three in which I study the moduli space of isometry classes of (compact) globally hyperbolic spacetimes (with boundary). I introduce a notion of Gromov-Hausdorff distance which makes this moduli space into a metric space. Further properties of this metric space are studied in the next papers. The importance of the work can be situated in fields such as cosmology, quantum gravity and - for the mathematicians - global Lorentzian geometry.Comment: 20 pages, 0 figures, submitted to Classical and quantum gravity, seriously improved presentatio

    The moduli space of isometry classes of globally hyperbolic spacetimes

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    This is the last article in a series of three initiated by the second author. We elaborate on the concepts and theorems constructed in the previous articles. In particular, we prove that the GH and the GGH uniformities previously introduced on the moduli space of isometry classes of globally hyperbolic spacetimes are different, but the Cauchy sequences which give rise to well-defined limit spaces coincide. We then examine properties of the strong metric introduced earlier on each spacetime, and answer some questions concerning causality of limit spaces. Progress is made towards a general definition of causality, and it is proven that the GGH limit of a Cauchy sequence of Cα±\mathcal{C}^{\pm}_{\alpha}, path metric Lorentz spaces is again a Cα±\mathcal{C}^{\pm}_{\alpha}, path metric Lorentz space. Finally, we give a necessary and sufficient condition, similar to the one of Gromov for the Riemannian case, for a class of Lorentz spaces to be precompact.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Class. Quant. Gra

    Evidence for a continuum limit in causal set dynamics

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    We find evidence for a continuum limit of a particular causal set dynamics which depends on only a single ``coupling constant'' pp and is easy to simulate on a computer. The model in question is a stochastic process that can also be interpreted as 1-dimensional directed percolation, or in terms of random graphs.Comment: 24 pages, 19 figures, LaTeX, adjusted terminolog

    A numerical study of the correspondence between paths in a causal set and geodesics in the continuum

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    This paper presents the results of a computational study related to the path-geodesic correspondence in causal sets. For intervals in flat spacetimes, and in selected curved spacetimes, we present evidence that the longest maximal chains (the longest paths) in the corresponding causal set intervals statistically approach the geodesic for that interval in the appropriate continuum limit.Comment: To the celebration of the 60th birthday of Rafael D. Sorki

    Emergent Continuum Spacetime from a Random, Discrete, Partial Order

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    There are several indications (from different approaches) that Spacetime at the Plank Scale could be discrete. One approach to Quantum Gravity that takes this most seriously is the Causal Sets Approach. In this approach spacetime is fundamentally a discrete, random, partially ordered set (where the partial order is the causal relation). In this contribution, we examine how timelike and spacelike distances arise from a causal set (in the case that the causal set is approximated by Minkowski spacetime), and how one can use this to obtain geometrical information (such as lengths of curves) for the general case, where the causal set could be approximated by some curved spacetime.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, based on talk by P. Wallden at the NEB XIII conferenc

    A Classical Sequential Growth Dynamics for Causal Sets

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    Starting from certain causality conditions and a discrete form of general covariance, we derive a very general family of classically stochastic, sequential growth dynamics for causal sets. The resulting theories provide a relatively accessible ``half way house'' to full quantum gravity that possibly contains the latter's classical limit (general relativity). Because they can be expressed in terms of state models for an assembly of Ising spins living on the relations of the causal set, these theories also illustrate how non-gravitational matter can arise dynamically from the causal set without having to be built in at the fundamental level. Additionally, our results bring into focus some interpretive issues of importance for causal set dynamics, and for quantum gravity more generally.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures, LaTeX, added references and a footnote, minor correction

    Evidence for an entropy bound from fundamentally discrete gravity

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    The various entropy bounds that exist in the literature suggest that spacetime is fundamentally discrete, and hint at an underlying relationship between geometry and "information". The foundation of this relationship is yet to be uncovered, but should manifest itself in a theory of quantum gravity. We present a measure for the maximal entropy of spherically symmetric spacelike regions within the causal set approach to quantum gravity. In terms of the proposal, a bound for the entropy contained in this region can be derived from a counting of potential "degrees of freedom" associated to the Cauchy horizon of its future domain of dependence. For different spherically symmetric spacelike regions in Minkowski spacetime of arbitrary dimension, we show that this proposal leads, in the continuum approximation, to Susskind's well-known spherical entropy bound.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures. Comment on Bekenstein bound added and smaller corrections. To be published in Class.Quant.Gra

    Instantons and unitarity in quantum cosmology with fixed four-volume

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    We find a number of complex solutions of the Einstein equations in the so-called unimodular version of general relativity, and we interpret them as saddle points yielding estimates of a gravitational path integral over a space of almost everywhere Lorentzian metrics on a spacetime manifold with topology of the "no-boundary" type. In this setting, the compatibility of the no-boundary initial condition with the definability of the quantum measure reduces reduces to the normalizability and unitary evolution of the no-boundary wave function \psi. We consider the spacetime topologies R^4 and RP^4 # R^4 within a Taub minisuperspace model with spatial topology S^3, and the spacetime topology R^2 x T^2 within a Bianchi type I minisuperspace model with spatial topology T^3. In each case there exists exactly one complex saddle point (or combination of saddle points) that yields a wave function compatible with normalizability and unitary evolution. The existence of such saddle points tends to bear out the suggestion that the unimodular theory is less divergent than traditional Einstein gravity. In the Bianchi type I case, the distinguished complex solution is approximately real and Lorentzian at late times, and appears to describe an explosive expansion from zero size at T=0. (In the Taub cases, in contrast, the only complex solution with nearly Lorentzian late-time behavior yields a wave function that is normalizable but evolves nonunitarily, with the total probability increasing exponentially in the unimodular "time" in a manner that suggests a continuous creation of new universes at zero volume.) The issue of the stability of these results upon the inclusion of more degrees of freedom is raised.Comment: 32 pages, REVTeX v3.1 with amsfonts. (v2: minor typos etc corrected.

    The Decay of Magnetic Fields in Kaluza-Klein Theory

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    Magnetic fields in five-dimensional Kaluza-Klein theory compactified on a circle correspond to ``twisted'' identifications of five dimensional Minkowski space. We show that a five dimensional generalisation of the Kerr solution can be analytically continued to construct an instanton that gives rise to two possible decay modes of a magnetic field. One decay mode is the generalisation of the ``bubble decay" of the Kaluza-Klein vacuum described by Witten. The other decay mode, rarer for weak fields, corresponds in four dimensions to the creation of monopole-anti-monopole pairs. An instanton for the latter process is already known and is given by the analytic continuation of the \KK\ Ernst metric, which we show is identical to the five dimensional Kerr solution. We use this fact to illuminate further properties of the decay process. It appears that fundamental fermions can eliminate the bubble decay of the magnetic field, while allowing the pair production of Kaluza-Klein monopoles.Comment: 25 pages, one figure. The discussion of fermions has been revised: We show how fundamental fermions can eliminate the bubble-type instability but still allow pair creation of monopole