87 research outputs found


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    In the title complex, [Co(C13H14N3O3)2(H2O)2], the CoII atom has a distorted octa­hedral coordination, formed by four N atoms from two (±)-2-(5-isopropyl-5-methyl-4-oxo-4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazol-2-yl)nicotinate ligands and two O atoms from two water mol­ecules. Intra­molecular N—H⋯O and O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds are present. In the crystal, inter­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the complex mol­ecules into a chain along [010]

    Sex- and age-related differences in the management and outcomes of chronic heart failure: an analysis of patients from the ESC HFA EORP Heart Failure Long-Term Registry

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    Aims: This study aimed to assess age- and sex-related differences in management and 1-year risk for all-cause mortality and hospitalization in chronic heart failure (HF) patients. Methods and results: Of 16 354 patients included in the European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure Long-Term Registry, 9428 chronic HF patients were analysed [median age: 66 years; 28.5% women; mean left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) 37%]. Rates of use of guideline-directed medical therapy (GDMT) were high (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin receptor blockers, beta-blockers and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists: 85.7%, 88.7% and 58.8%, respectively). Crude GDMT utilization rates were lower in women than in men (all differences: P\ua0 64 0.001), and GDMT use became lower with ageing in both sexes, at baseline and at 1-year follow-up. Sex was not an independent predictor of GDMT prescription; however, age >75 years was a significant predictor of GDMT underutilization. Rates of all-cause mortality were lower in women than in men (7.1% vs. 8.7%; P\ua0=\ua00.015), as were rates of all-cause hospitalization (21.9% vs. 27.3%; P\ua075 years. Conclusions: There was a decline in GDMT use with advanced age in both sexes. Sex was not an independent predictor of GDMT or adverse outcomes. However, age >75 years independently predicted lower GDMT use and higher all-cause mortality in patients with LVEF 6445%


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    Vodenje ljudi je zelo zahtevna naloga, saj mora vodja voditi tako, da bodo zaposleni delovali v dobro podjetja. S tem je potrebno spremeniti klasične in tradicionalne vloge vodenja. Vodja mora postati fleksibilen in prilagodljiv, ne sme se več samo osredotočati na številke in količine, svojo energijo mora usmeriti tudi na ljudi, ki jih vodi. Vodja mora zato obvladovati vse prvine uspešnega komuniciranja. Le na tak način bo postal boljši vodja in se s svojimi zaposlenimi lažje prilagajal moderni poslovni realnosti. S tem bo lahko uspešno reševal medsebojne odnose in konflikte, ki nastajajo med zaposlenimi v podjetju. Konflikti se pojavljajo v vsaki organizaciji, med posamezniki in v skupini. V današnjih časih so konflikti že dobrodošli, saj lahko z njimi dosežemo tudi boljše poslovanje podjetja. To so pozitivni konflikti, ki nam pomagajo pri utrjevanju skupin znotraj podjetja, spodbujajo inovativnost zaposlenih, med zaposlenimi spodbujajo tekmovalnost in s tem tudi doseganje večje produktivnosti. Vse to pa lahko vodi do tega, da si izberemo nove cilje in nove interese ter jih poskušamo tudi doseči. Negativne posledice konfliktov se lahko kažejo kot razbijanje enotnosti sistema in lahko povzročajo napetosti med posamezniki in skupinami. Konflikte moramo pravi čas prepoznati in jih pričeti sproti obvladovati in reševati.Human resource leadership is a most demanding task since it requires of the leader to lead his employees in the way that they want to act to the benefit of the company. Therefore classical and traditional management roles must be changed. A leader must be flexible, should not concentrate only on numbers and quantities but has to redirect his energy to people he leads as well. A leader has to master all of the elements of effective communication to become a better leader and, together with his employees, to be capable of adapting to the present business reality. Only then can he strengthen the relations and solve conflicts between employees. Conflicts can occur in every organisation, both between the individuals and within the group. Conflicts can also be useful since they can improve operations. We are talking about positive conflicts which can be helpful since they lead to consolidation of teams within the companythey promote innovations, stimulate competition and hence help to increase the productivity. All of the aforementioned can stimulate us to set up new goals and interests we to strive to achieve. Negative impacts of the conflicts are reflected in disunity of the system and can cause tensions between individuals as well as groups. The conflicts must be identified in time and managed and solved as they occur

    A Simple and Efficient Synthesis of 2-Imidazolin-2-ones.

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    Fine-tuning pretrained BERT model for Slovene classification tasks

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    Za reševanje nalog na področju obdelave besedil so trenutno najbolj uspešni modeli arhitekture transformer, kot je vnaprej naučen model BERT. Pri prilagajanju predhodno naučenega modela za specifično nalogo ponavadi prilagodimo vse parametre modela. V delu preučujemo metode prilagajanja modela BERT, ki prilagodijo le manjši del parametrov. Analiziramo rezultate pri reševanju klasifikacijskih nalog v slovenščini. Prilagajamo večjezikovna modela CroSloEngual BERT in mBERT na nalogah prepoznavanja imenskih entitet in označevanja univerzalnih besednih vrst. Uporabimo štiri različne metode prilagajanja: prilagajanje celotnega modela, prilagajanje le zadnje plasti, prilagajanje z adapterjem in prilagajanje z metodo združevanja adapterjev. Pokažemo, da prilagajanje z adapterjem, kljub majhnemu številu prilagojenih parametrov, dosega dobre rezultate in da lahko z združevanjem adapterjev dosežemo tudi boljše rezultate kot pri prilagajanju celotnega modela. Ugotovimo, da je metoda združevanja adapterjev koristnejša pri klasifikacijskih nalogah višjega nivoja. Slabost te metode je čas učenja, saj je celoten postopek združevanja adapterjev lahko dolgotrajen.Transformer based models, such as pretrained BERT model, are currently the most successful approach to text processing tasks. When tuning BERT for a specific task, we usually fine-tune all the model\u27s parameters. We investigate methods for fine-tuning BERT models, which fine-tune only a fraction of parameters for a specific task. We analyze results on Slovene classification tasks. We fine-tune multilingual models CroSloEngual BERT and mBERT on named entity recognition and UPOS tagging. We compare four fine-tuning methods: full model fine-tuning, tuning only the classification head, adapter tuning, and AdapterFusion fine-tuning. We show that adapter tuning achieves good results, despite the small number of tuned parameters, and that AdapterFusion tuning can achieve better results than full model fine-tuning. We discover that AdapterFusion tuning is more beneficial when solving higher level classification tasks. The downside of this method is that it is time consuming


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    V diplomski nalogi smo predstavili razvoj kadrov v Gimnaziji in srednji šoli Rudolfa Maistra (GSŠRM). Diplomska naloga je razdeljena na dva dela. V prvem delu smo teoretično opredelili pomen razvoja kadrov. Proučili smo dejavnike raziskovalnih vprašanj: doživljanje strokovnega razvoja, razvoj kariere in motiviranost zaposlenih za lasten razvoj. V drugem delu smo vsa predhodno teoretično ugotovljena spoznanja podkrepili z raziskavo v realnem okolju. V GSŠRM smo raziskali, kako poteka razvoj kadrov. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je v GSŠRM sistem razvoja dobro razvit, vendar je analiza pokazala, da so na nekaterih področjih možne še izboljšave. V sklepu smo pripravili smernice za izboljšave v delovanju razvoja kadrov. To bi v prihodnosti pripomoglo k še boljšim delovnim rezultatom, večji uspešnosti in zadovoljstvu zaposlenih.This diploma thesis presents the development of human resources in the grammar and secondary school Gimnazija in srednja šola Rudolfa Maistra (abbreviated as GSŠRM). The thesis is organized in two parts. The first part provides a theoretical framework outlining the importance of human resource development. It also examines the factors underlying the research questions, i.e. the perception of professional development, career development and employees’ motivation to pursue their own development. The second part of the thesis involves a research carried out in a real environment, which supports the findings that had been established previously in theory. In this context, it was examined how human resource development is managed in GSŠRM. The research results have shown that GSŠRM has a well-defined HR development system in place, but according to the analysis there is room for improvement in some areas. The conclusion of the thesis provides guidelines on how to improve human resource development. Going forward, this could improve the school’s results, performance and boost employee satisfaction


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    Zemljiška knjiga kot evidenca nepremičnin, ki vsebuje podatke o stvarnih pravicah na nepremičninah in pravnih dejstvih o nepremičninah, v zadnjem času pridobiva velik pomen predvsem zaradi vpliva na trg z nepremičninami. Za zagotavljanje zaupanja v zemljiško knjigo, ki je eno izmed temeljnih načel zemljiškega prava, je pomembno ažurno poslovanje zemljiške knjige, saj le tako lahko stranke pridobijo točne podatke o pravicah in pravnih dejstvih na nepremičninah, kar vpliva na pravno varnost pri prometu z nepremičninami. Delovanje zemljiške knjige se je v zadnjih letih močno spremenilo predvsem z njeno informatizacijo, ki je del projekta posodobitve evidentiranja nepremičnin. Informatizacija zemljiške knjige je močno vplivala na zmanjšanje sodnih zaostankov na vseh sodiščih, vendar pa se zadeve še vedno ne rešujejo dovolj hitro, predvsem na večjih sodiščih ne, kjer je število nerešenih zadev še vedno veliko. Zakaj kljub temu, da je bil projekt informatizacije končan že leta 2004, zemljiška knjiga še ne posluje dovolj ažurno? Kateri so glavni vzroki za nastanek zemljiškoknjižnih zaostankov in kaj bi lahko vplivalo na njihovo zmanjšanje? Na ta vprašanja odgovarjam v nalogi, kjer bom predstavila tudi delovanje zemljiške knjige. Pri nalogi sem se omejila na delo zemljiške knjige v Trbovljah, kjer sem zaposlena kot referentka, in na zemljiško knjigo v Ljubljani, ki sodi med največja sodišča v Sloveniji in ima še vedno veliko število zemljiškoknjižnih zaostankov.By recording of real estate, which contains data on real rights thereof and legal facts about real estate, the importance of the Land Registry has increased lately, especially due to exercising its influence over the real estate market. In order to assure the confidence in land register, which is one of the basic principles of the Land Law, it is important to keep the records on land register up to date. Only thus can clients obtain accurate data on rights and legal facts about real estate, which affects legal security in carrying out real estate trade. In recent years, the activity of the Land Registry has changed a great deal, first of all due to informatization of land register, as a part of the Modernization of Real-Estate Recording Project. The informatization of land register has strongly affected the reduction of court cases backlogs at all courts, but the cases are still not resolved quickly enough, especially at large courts, where there is still a large number of unresolved cases. Why is the operation of the Land Registry still not updated enough despite the fact that the informatization project was completed as early as 2004? What are the main reasons for the occurrence of backlogs and what could affect the reduction thereof? These questions as well as the operation of the Land Registry are dealt with in this thesis. As a clerk employed with the Land Registry in Trbovlje I restricted myself to the operation of the Land Registry in Trbovlje and to the operation of the Land Registry in Ljubljana, the latter being one of the largest courts in Slovenia and still working on a great number of land register backlogs