275 research outputs found


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    Approaches for dynamical responses identification in example of system with three freedom degrees with tie between two of outside elements are offered. First approach bases on using of mathematical models-analogues of automation control theory, second approach bases on rules of transformation of design schemes of chains theory. Conversion from design schemes to equivalent in dynamical attitude of structural schemes of automation control is applied at using of structural method. Feedback tie in automation control system dedicated to the protection object is dynamical responses on external disturbance and at zero value of the disturbance disposed of the coerced elasticity of the system. The using of direct conversion of design schemes for the rules of chains theory shows identical results for both approaches

    Features of carnitine metabolism in young athletes

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    Objective: to study the indicators of carnitine metabolism in young athletes of various specializations.Materials and methods: This study involved 46 people with different levels of physical activity aged 15 to 18 years. The first group consisted of 18 girls professionally involved in field hockey (mean age, 16.17 ± 0.31 years). The second group included 21 swimmers (10 girls and 11 boys, mean age 17.00 ± 0.26 years). The control group included 7 young men with a standard mode of motor activity, not involved in sports (the age of the subjects was 16 years). In the course of the study, the method of liquid tandem chromatography-mass spectrometry with ionization in an electrospray was used. The material for research is capillary blood. As a result of the analysis of the material, the concentrations of bound carnitine (acylcarnitines) and free carnitine were determined in µmol/l.Results: Comparative blood analysis between the three groups showed differences in free carnitine levels. It was shown that the concentration of free carnitine in the blood plasma of field hockey athletes was significantly lower than in the groups of swimmers and non-athletes (p < 0.001). At the same time, the values of indicators of bound carnitine did not differ significantly between all subjects. We also studied that the values of the carnitine coefficient were significantly higher in the group of hockey players compared to other groups (p < 0.001).Conclusion: The decrease in free carnitine levels in the group of hockey players is probably the result of long-term adaptation of the body to conditions in which glucose is the main energy substrate for working muscles. Further studies are needed to clarify the exact mechanisms of development of this phenomenon

    Macrophage and tumor cell responses to repetitive pulsed X-ray radiation

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    To study a response of tumor cells and macrophages to the repetitive pulsed low-dose X-ray radiation. Methods. Tumor growth and lung metastasis of mice with an injected Lewis lung carcinoma were analysed, using C57Bl6. Monocytes were isolated from a human blood, using CD14+ magnetic beads. IL6, IL1-betta, and TNF-alpha were determined by ELISA. For macrophage phenotyping, a confocal microscopy was applied. "Sinus-150" was used for the generation of pulsed X-ray radiation (the absorbed dose was below 0.1 Gy, the pulse repetition frequency was 10 pulse/sec). The irradiation of mice by 0.1 Gy pulsed X-rays significantly inhibited the growth of primary tumor and reduced the number of metastatic colonies in the lung. Furthermore, the changes in macrophage phenotype and cytokine secretion were observed after repetitive pulsed X-ray radiation. Conclusion. Macrophages and tumor cells had a different response to a low-dose pulsed X-ray radiation. An activation of the immune system through changes of a macrophage phenotype can result in a significant antitumor effect of the low-dose repetitive pulsed X-ray radiation


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    The article considers the design activities of schoolchildren as a way of developing divergent thinking.В статье рассматривается проектная деятельность учащихся общеобразовательных школ как способ развития дивергентного мышления

    Fluoride technology of obtaining REM magnetic alloys and master alloys

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    Rare earth permanent magnets (REPM) based on neodymium-Fe-boron system are the most promising, since they have the highest magnetic and satisfactory mechanical characteristics. The paper covers physical-chemical principles and shows the results of experimental studies of the process of obtaining REM alloys and master alloys using fundamentally new fluoride technology based on ladle calciothermal REM fluorides and Fe reduction


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    Nowadays there is much tension in the Russian modern vine growing industry around the issue of enhancing the range of grape varieties, which is aimed at production of highly adaptive grape plants and sustainable production of competitive grape varieties in the unstable stressing weather conditions of the moderate continental climate in the south of Russia. In this view, we believe it important to carry out research into the origin, generation and preservation of genetic resources so that they can be involved in the selection process and reach most important objectives of the national economy. The role of a variety and ampelographic collections becomes more important. The Anapa ampelographic collection (http://azosviv.info/category/osnovnye_razdely/anapskaya_ampelograficheskaya_kollekciya) is Russia’s largest gene pool depository of grape varieties brought from various countries of Europe, Asia and America, and Russia’s regions as well. It contains 4921 grape varieties, including Vitis vinifera L. (2975), V. amurensis Rupr. (40), V. labrusca L. (50), the interspecies varieties V. vinifera L.×V. amurensis Rupr. (210), V. vinifera L.×V. labrusca L. (168), blended interspecies hybrids V. vinifera L.× hybrids SV (220), V. vinifera L.×V. amurensis Rupr.×hybrids SV (70), and other samples. We carry out extensive research into collection varieties for their production and selection. We select varieties and forms showing good agronomic characters in productivity, quality of grapes and wine products, winter hardiness, drought resistance, and resistance to pests. We have identified, preserved and now use in selection, as sources of good agronomic characters of resistance to low temperatures in winter, such varieties as Riesling of the Rhine, Rkatsiteli, Aligoté, Riesling of Italy, Traminer Pink, Pinot Noir, Rara Neagra, Cabernet Sauvignon, Coarna Neagra, Pinot Gris, Gamay Freaux, Saperavi, Muscat Ottonel, Madeleine Angevine, Cabernet Franc, Khikhvi, Pearl of Csaba, Chardonnay, Krasnostop of Anapa, Dostoiniy, Krasnostop AZOS, etc. The collection has given birth to twenty seven varieties and elite forms, of which twelve varieties have been sent to the State Committee for the Testing of New Varieties of Agricultural Plants (Pluto, Muzhestvenniy (Courageous), Gordiy (Proud), Maran, Varvarovsky, Harmony, Progress, Gorniy (Mountaneous), Saturn, Dimitry, Vladimir, Kurchansky). We carry out a molecular genetic testing of the accumulated gene pool and DNA-classification of varieties. We have studied the microsatellite polymorphism in the genotypes of autochthonous grape varieties of the Don River and the Republic of Dagestan. We are performing the DNA-classification of varieties selected by the North Caucasian Regional Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture (Krasnodar), which is advantageous for the identification of pure varieties in planting material and vineyards and specifying of the parent forms of grape varieties, as well as when any disputes arise as to the variety authorship

    Geoantineutrino Spectrum, 3He/4He-ratio Distribution in the Earth's Interior and Slow Nuclear Burning on the Boundary of the Liquid and Solid Phases of the Earth's Core

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    The description problem of geoantineutrino spectrum and reactor antineutrino experimental spectrum in KamLAND, which takes place for antineutrino energy \~2.8 MeV, and also the experimental results of the interaction of uranium dioxide and carbide with iron-nickel and silicaalumina melts at high pressure (5-10 GP?) and temperature (1600-2200C) have motivated us to consider the possible consequences of the assumption made by V.Anisichkin and coauthors that there is an actinid shell on boundary of liquid and solid phases of the Earth's core. We have shown that the activation of a natural nuclear reactor operating as the solitary waves of nuclear burning in 238U- and/or 232Th-medium (in particular, the neutron- fission progressive wave of Feoktistov and/or Teller-Ishikawa-Wood) can be such a physical consequence. The simplified model of the kinetics of accumulation and burnup in U-Pu fuel cycle of Feoktistov is developed. The results of the numerical simulation of neutron-fission wave in two-phase UO2/Fe medium on a surface of the Earth's solid core are presented. The georeactor model of 3He origin and the 3He/4He-ratio distribution in the Earth's interior is offered. It is shown that the 3He/4He ratio distribution can be the natural quantitative criterion of georeactor thermal power. On the basis of O'Nions-Evensen-Hamilton geochemical model of mantle differentiation and the crust growth supplied by actinid shell on the boundary of liquid and solid phases of the Earth's core as a nuclear energy source (georeactor with power of 30 TW), the tentative estimation of geoantineutrino intensity and geoantineutrino spectrum on the Earth surface are given.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figures. Added text, formulas, figures and references. Corrected equations. Changed content of some section