5,862 research outputs found

    Cluster size distributions in gas jets for different nozzle geometries

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    Cluster size distributions were investigated in case of different nozzle geometries in argon and xenon using Rayleigh scattering diagnostics. Different nozzle geometries result in different behaviour, therefore both spatial- and temporal cluster size distributions were studied to obtain a well-characterized cluster target. It is shown that the generally used Hagena scaling can result in a significant deviation from the observed data and the behaviour cannot be described by a single material condensation parameter. The results along with the nanoplasma model applied to the data of previous high harmonic generation experiments allow the independent measurement of cluster size and cluster density.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Pemodelan Kecelakaan Sepeda Motor Di Kota Surabaya Dengan Metode Glm (Generalized Linear Model)

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    The growth of motorcycles in the recent years is rapidly increasing, about16.54% per year. Due to this growth, the amount of accident on the roads hasincreased in number, where one of the areas that has increasing number ofaccident is Surabaya. This research aims to set up the prediction models ofmotorcycle accidents (MCA) and motorcycle victims (KSI).The method used is field research with the primary data based on thetraffic and the road geometric survey, while the data of accidents in the year 2006to April 2009 is as the secondary data which is obtained from the PoliceDepartment. The method used to analyze the data is Generalized Linear Models(GLM) with Poisson distribution and logarithm link function.From the model of motorcycle accident (MCA), it could be predicted thatthe increasing of either traffic or motorcycle proportion 10%, would increase thenumber of motorcycle accidents 37.86% and 42.78% per year. The increase of theroad width 1.0 meter is predicted to make the motorcycle accident decrease12.59% per year, while the road with the lines < 3 is predicted could decrease thenumber of motorcycle accident 44.46% per year. The model of motorcyclevictims who died or seriously injured (KSI) shows that the increase of traffic 10%would increase the motorcycle accident for the victims who died or seriouslyinjured 34.72% per year, while the limit of motorcycle proportion to < 70% andthe increase of road width 1.0 meter is predicted able to decrease the victims whodied or seriously injured 46.69% and 20.24% per year

    Perbandingan Metode Bina Marga Dan Metode Pci (Pavement Condition Index) Dalam Penilaian Kondisi Perkerasan Jalan (Studi Kasus Ruas Jalan Kaliurang, Kota Malang)

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    The assessment of pavement condition is needed to establish the appropriatemaintenance program. The methods that usually used to evaluate pavement condition arethe method of Bina Marga and PCI (Pavement Condition Index) method. This study aimsto assess the pavement condition of Kaliurang street with these two methods beingcompared.This study used field research in which the primary data was the result ofpavement condition survey. The priority of pavement maintenance of Bina Marga methodrated from 0 to more than 7, while the PCI rated from 0 to 100.The evaluation results of either Bina Marga or PCI method indicate that thepavement of Kaliurang street still has fair performance but needs some maintenance andrehabilitation

    Analisis Kebutuhan Taksi Gogo Di Kota Kupang Dengan Teknik Stated Preference

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    Taksi GOGO adalah taksi pertama yang dilengkapi argometer di Kota Kupang dengan jumlah armada 43 unit. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karateristik pengguna Taksi, pengaruh permintaan Taksi GOGO dibandingkan dengan angkutan umum yang lain, kebutuhan Taksi GOGO di Kota Kupang. Berdasarkan data dari 100 responden, diketahui karateristik pengguna Taksi di Kota Kupang sebagian besar berumur 25-34 tahun, mempunyai 1 kendaraan pribadi, mempunyai penghasilan diatas Rp.3.000.000, dan menggunakan Taksi GOGO sekali seminggu. Kebutuhan Taksi GOGO adalah sebanyak 91 armada, maka perlu ditambah 48 unit. Hasil untuk model logit binomial selisih 83% orang memilih menggunakan Taksi GOGO meskipun dengan biaya yang sama dengan angkutan umum lainnya dan 78% orang memilih menggunakan Taksi GOGO meskipun dengan waktu tempuh yang sama. Untuk model logit binomial nisbah 68% orang memilih Taksi GOGO meskipun dengan biaya yang sama dengan angkutan umum lainnya dan 69% dan orang memilih Taksi GOGO meskipun dengan waktu tempuh yang sama

    Penggunaan Limbah Batu Marmer Dari Gunung Batu Naitapan Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan

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    The activity of marble mining at Mount Naitapan produces wastes such as powder and marble rocks. Efforts to utilize this waste as an alternative to aggregate in concrete mix. This research aims to discover the magnitude of compressive strength if aggregates in concrete that using marble waste as replacement. Specimens used is concrete cylinders. The marble waste used in three treatments of substitution they were substitution of marble powder by sand, marble rocks by the split stone, marble powder and marble rock by sand and split stone.The percentage of each substitution is 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%. The test result showed that for concrete with the substitution of marble powder by the sand and substitution of marble powder and marble rock by sand and split stone to substitute 75% increase while the compressive strength of 100% lower compressive strength. Substitution of marble rocks by the split stone had increased compressive strength

    Analisis Karakteristik Dan Biaya Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas Di Kota Kupang

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    Kecelakaan lalu lintas merupakan indikator utama tingkat keselamatan jalan raya. Kota Kupang sebagai ibukota Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) adalah salah satu daerah penyumbang angka kecelakaan terbesar di NTT. Penelitian ini disusun untuk mengetahui karakteristik kecelakaan lalu lintas, besar biaya kecelakaan lalu lintas pada ruas jalan di Kota Kupang, serta besar santunan yang harus dibayarkan oleh PT Jasa Raharja. Data yang digunakan adalah data jumlah kecelakaan lalu lintas Kota Kupang sepanjang tahun 2010-2013. Hasil analisis deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik kecelakaan lalu lintas yang dominan terjadi adalah pada hari Minggu (22%), pukul 12.01–18.00 WITA (38%), posisi tabrakan depan - depan (30%), tipe tabrakan ganda (82%), jenis kelamin laki-laki (77%), usia 17 tahun - 30 tahun (64%), profesi Swasta (48%), pendidikan terakhir SMA (48%), dan tidak memiliki SIM (76%). Analisis biaya korban kecelakaan lalu lintas (BBKO) dengan metode The Gross Output menunjukkan bahwa ruas jalan Timor Raya dengan panjang 11 kilometer merupakan ruas jalan dengan BBKO terbesar yaitu Rp.,-, dimana biaya kecelakaan per kilometernya yang paling tinggi adalah pada tahun 2013 yaitu sebesar Rp. 514,013,928/ km. Jumlah total santunan (maksimal) Jasa Raharja yang harus dibayarkan kepada korban kecelakaan lalu lintas di kota Kupang periode tahun 2011–2013 ialah sebesar Rp.4.905.000.000.-. Traffic accident is a major indicator of road safety level. Kupang city as the capital of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) is one of the largest contributors to the number of traffic accidents in the province. This research was to determine the characteristics of traffic accidents, the accident cost, and the compensation to be paid by PT Jasa Raharja (the state insurance company). The data of traffic accidents were taken throughout year 2010 to 2013. The descriptive analysis results showed that the dominant traffic accidents occurred on Sunday (22 %) , at 12:01 to 18:00 pm (38 %), head-on collisions (30 %), two-vehicle collisions (82 %), involve male (77 %), 17 - 30 years old (64 %), work at private sector (48 %), senior high school graduate (48 %), and does not have a driver's license (76 %). The accident cost analysis used The Gross Output method showed that Timor Raya road, with a length of 11 kilometers, has the highest traffic accident cost that is Rp., where the highest accident cost per kilometer was in year 2013 that is Rp.514,013,928/km. The total amount of (maximum) compensation should be paid by PT Jasa Raharja, to the traffic accident victims in Kupang city at year 2011 to 2013, is Rp.4.905.000.000.-

    Penggunaan Gypsum Block Untuk Mengukur Kadar Air Pada Tanah Lempung

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    The test of soil moisture content that most often method applied is gravimetric. By the development of sciences, nowdays a sensor device test on soil moisture content that is called gypsum block. Such devices could be directed inplanted in the place where the moisture content would be measured. This research aimed at getting the calibration equation and correlation coefficient of gypsum block and to determine whethergypsum block could be used as a test of moisture content of clay. The kind of sample was taken from Oebelo village, Central Kupang Subdistrict, East Nusa Tenggara and variations of water used were 15%, 20%, 30.7% and 40%, and total samples were 20. The results of the research revealed that calibration equation of gypsum block to the measurements for 7 days (constant resistantion) was Y=1.323x-0.54 by r = 0.835. The results of field testing and compared with gravimetric method obtained difference moisture content value in the range of 0.26%-2.56%. From the results it could be concluded that the gypsum block could be used as a device to measure the moisture content of clay
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