355 research outputs found
Effect of Exercise Intensity on Differentiated and Undifferentiated Ratings of Perceived Exertion During Cycle and Treadmill Exercise in Recreationally Active and Trained Women
PURPOSE: To examine the effect of aerobic exercise intensity on components of the differentiated perceived exertion model in young women performing weight bearing and non-weight bearing aerobic exercise. METHODS: Subjects were 18-25 yr old women who were recreationally active (N = 19; VO2max = 33.40 ml/kg/min) and trained (N = 22; VO2max = 43.3 ml/kg/min). Subjects underwent two graded exercise tests (GXT) separated by 48 hours. The first GXT used a treadmill and employed a modified Bruce protocol to assess ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) and VO2max. The second GXT used a cycle ergometer with a load incremented protocol to assess RPE and VO2peak. RPE-Overall, -Legs, and -Chest, as well as oxygen uptake (VO2) and heart rate were recorded each minute. Individual regression analyses were used to identify RPE-Overall,-Legs, and -Chest at 40, 60, 80% VO2max/peak. Separate two factor (site (3) x intensity (3)) ANOVAs with repeated measures on site and intensity were computed for each training status. Furthermore, RPE responses were also examined with a one factor (site (3)) within subject ANOVA with repeated measure on site at the ventilatory breakpoint. RESULTS: For both the recreationally active and trained groups no significant differences were observed for RPE-Overall, -Legs, and -Chest during treadmill exercise. However, for cycling exercise results indicated that RPE-Legs was significantly greater at all exercise intensities than RPE-Overall and RPE-Chest for trained subjects while for recreationally active subjects RPE-Legs was only significantly higher at the highest exercise intensity. Responses at the ventilatory breakpoint during cycle exercise indicated that RPE-Legs was significantly greater than RPE-Chest and RPE-Overall for trained subjects but not for recreationally active subjects. Signal dominance was not observed at an intensity equivalent to the ventilatory breakpoint during treadmill exercise in either of the groups. CONCLUSION: In recreationally active and trained females signal dominance was demonstrated only during cycling exercise, but not during treadmill exercise. Signal integration could not be demonstrated during cycling and treadmill exercise at various intensities
Vapor pressure and evaporation rate of certain heat-resistant compounds in a vacuum at high temperatures
The vapor pressure and evaporation rate of borides of titanium, zirconium, and chrome; and of strontium and carbides of titanium, zirconium, and chrome, molybdenum silicide; and nitrides of titanium, niobium, and tantalum in a vacuum were studied. It is concluded that all subject compounds evaporate by molecular structures except AlB sub 12' which dissociates, losing the aluminum
Development of a simple system for the oxidation of electron-rich diazo compounds to ketones
Mild heating of diazo compounds in DMSO furnishes ketone products in moderate to excellent yields. The
reaction is particularly effective on electron-rich substrates and exhibits high chemoselectivity, allowing
for the use of diazo compounds containing additional oxidation-prone functional groups. This straightforward
protocol offers an alternate route to synthetically useful ɑ-ketoesters from readily available aryl diazoacetates
The research of stability in real time of the ophthalmic drops prepared in pharmacies, containig nitrofurazone and chloramphenicol
Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie "Nicolae Testemiţanu" din Republica MoldovaIntroducere. De rând cu formele farmaceutice
industriale, formele farmaceutice magistrale nu-şi pierd
actualitatea, deoarece permit individualizarea tratamentului
pentru fiecare pacient. Ordinul Nr.10 din 06.01.06 MS RM
„Cu privire la supravegherea calităţii formelor
medicamentoase preparate în farmacii”, nu prevede stabilirea
termenelor de valabilitate pentru formele extemporale, din
aceste considerente s-a propus studiul de stabilitate a două
forme magistrale
Scopul lucrării. Determinarea termenului de valabilitate
în timp real, al picăturilor oftalmice cu conţinut de nitrofural
şi al picăturilor oftalmice cu conţinut de cloramfenicol,
izotonizate cu clorură de sodiu.
Material şi metode. Pentru determinarea cantitativă a
nitrofuralului s-a utilizat metoda fotocolorimetrică, iar pentru
determinarea cantitativă a cloramfenicolului
spectrofotometria. Cantitatea de clorură de sodiu s-a
determinat prin metoda argentometrică.
Rezultate. S-au preparat câte 3 serii de soluţie nitrofural
0,02% şi soluţie cloramfenicol 0,25%; care s-au ambalat
corespunzător şi sterilizat timp de 30 minute la temperatura
de 100°C. Studiul s-a efectuat în timp real, cu o periodicitate
de 7 zile, în condiţii obişnuite (temperatura 25°C±2°C).
Identificarea şi dozarea componentelor s-a realizat conform
metodelor elaborate. Rezultatele determinărilor cantitative au
fost prelucrate statistic.
Eroarea relativă a mediei (E%) pentru nitrofural este 4,99,
pentru cloramfenicol 1,68, iar pentru clorură de sodiu 1,80.
Concluzii. Pe parcursul a 60 de zile s-a testat stabilitatea
picăturilor oftalmice cu conţinut de nitrofural şi
cloramfenicol. Termenul de valabilitate propus pentru
formele date este egal cu 2 luni.Introduction. The magistral pharmaceutical preparations
remain their actuality along with the industrial
pharmaceutical preparations, as it enables the
individualization of treatment for each patient. The Moldovan
Health Ministry’s order JV2IO dated 06.01.2006 "On quality
supervision of dosage forms prepared in pharmacies” does
not provide the establishment of validity terms for
extemporaneous preparations, thus it was proposed to study
the stability of two magistral preparations.
The aim of the study. To establish the validity term of
the ophthalmic drops with nitrofurazone and ophthalmic
drops with chloramphenicol, isotonised with sodium chloride
in real time.
Material and methods. For establishing the quantity of
nitrofurazone, the photocolorimetric method was used, while
for establishing the quantity of chloramphenicol, the
spectrophotometry was used. The quantity of sodium chloride
was determined by argentometry method.
Results. 3 series of 0,02% nitrofurazone solution and
0,25% chloramphenicol solution were prepared, properly
packaged and sterilized for 30 min. at the temperature of
100°C degrees. The research was conducted in real time with
periodicity of 7 days, in ordinary conditions (temperature of
25°C±2°C). The identification and assay of components were
performed in accordance with the elaborated methods. The
result of the quantity determinations were statistically
processed. The relative error of medium (E%) for
nitrofurazone is 4,99, for chloramphenicol 1,68 and for the
sodium chloride 1,80.
Conclusions. It has been tested the stability of
ophthalmological drops with nitrofurazone with
chloramphenicol during 60 days. The validity term of these
preparations is 2 months
High-Fidelity Sequence-Selective Duplex Formation by Recognition-Encoded Melamine Oligomers.
Melamine oligomers composed of repeating triazine-piperidine units and equipped with phenol and phosphine oxide side-chains form H-bonded duplexes. The melamine backbone provides sufficient rigidity to prevent intramolecular folding of oligomers up to three recognition units in length, leading to reliable duplex formation between sequence complementary oligomers. NMR spectroscopy and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) were used to characterize the self-assembly properties of the oligomers. For length-complementary homo-oligomers, duplex formation in toluene is characterized by an increase in stability of an order of magnitude for every base-pair added to the chain. NMR spectra of dilute solutions of the AD 2-mer show that intramolecular H-bonding between neighboring recognition units on the chain (1,2-folding) does not occur. NMR spectra of dilute solutions of both the AAD and the ADD 3-mer show that 1,3-folding does not take place either. ITC was used to characterize interactions between all pairwise combinations of the six different 3-mer sequences, and the sequence complementary duplexes are approximately an order of magnitude more stable than duplexes with a single base mismatch. High-fidelity duplex formation combined with the synthetic accessibility of the monomer building blocks makes these systems attractive targets for further investigation
Investigation of the thermophysical properties of high-melting materials with the aid of a complex of instruments
The evaporation rate, vapor pressure, heats of evaporation reaction (sublimation, dissociation), enthalpy, electrical resistance, heat capacity, emissivity, and heat conductivity of various carbides, borides, sulfides, nitrides, selenides, and phosphides were investigated. A set of high temperature high vacuum devices, calorimeters (designed for operation at 400 to 1300 K and from 1200 K), and mass spectrometers, most of which were specially developed for these studies, is described
The article carries out the comparative analysis of the basic approaches to the choice of competitive strategies of banks. The aim of the paper is to substantiation of theoretical and methodical principles of banks' competitiveness in the current conditions of financial market development.The factors that affect the level of competitiveness of banks are determined. The authors of the article classifies them into factors that cause structural imbalances in the economy, factors of macroeconomic and microeconomic functioning of banks.Competitiveness of banks can not be considered without the competitiveness of their products and services. Between them there is a close relationship, they determine the development of each other.The authors of the article prove that banking competition differs from classical competition between commodity producers. These differences are: the object of banking competition is not goods, but the resources that the bank generates to carry out active operations; in banking market, banks can act as a seller, not only the buyer; the implementation of banking services may be carried out within the bank without the involvement of external sales channels; the situation of competition arises not only between banking institutions, it is also connected with the activities of non-banking financial institutions; the activities of banking institutions are strictly regulated by the National Bank of Ukraine. Modern conditions of functioning of the banking market testify to the necessity of development and introduction of strategic management of bank competitiveness, development of new methods of formation and implementation of competitive advantages and strategies. Development strategies need to be developed taking into account uncertainty, they should be as flexible as possible and provide for the possibility of realizing banking risks. Thus, it can be construed that the current state of development of banking business is accompanied by crises occurring both in the economic and financial spheres of the country; therefore, ensuring the competitiveness of banks must first of all be based on the development of effective, convincing messages for investors, clients and employees. The main actions of banks that make it possible to present their competitiveness should be this: ensuring financially sustainable development; the protection of the existing own banking business is the elaboration of a contingency plan; work on the prospect.Осуществлен сравнительный анализ основных подходов к выбору конкурентных стратегий банков. Осуществлен сравнительный анализ основных подходов к выбору конкурентных стратегий банков. Определены факторы, влияющие на уровень конкурентоспособности банков. Их классифицировано на факторы, вызванные структурными дисбалансами экономики, факторы макроэкономического и микроэкономического функционирования банков. Получен вывод о том, что современное состояние развития банковского бизнеса сопровождается кризисными явлениями, происходящие как в экономической, так и в финансовой сферах страны, поэтому обеспечение конкурентоспособности банков прежде всего должно базироваться на разработке действенных, убедительных сообщений для инвесторов, клиентов и работников. Основные действия банков, дающие возможность представить их конкурентоспособность, должны заключаться в обеспечении финансово устойчивого развития; защите имеющегося собственного банковского бизнеса; работе на перспективу.Здійснено порівняльний аналіз основних підходів до вибору конкурентних стратегій банків.Метою роботи є обґрунтування теоретичних і методичних засад конкурентоспроможності банків у сучасних умовах розвитку фінансового ринку.Визначено чинники, які впливають на рівень конкурентоспроможності банків. Їх класифіковано на фактори, що викликані структурними дисбалансами економіки, фактори макроекономічного і мікроекономічного функціонування банків. Конкурентоспроможність банків неможливо розглядати без конкурентоспроможності його продуктів і послуг. Між ним існує тісний взаємозв’язок, вони зумовлюють розвиток один одного. Доведено, що банківська конкуренція відрізняється від класичної конкуренції між товаровиробниками. Ці відмінності полягають у такому: об’єктом банківської конкуренції є не товари, а ресурси, які банк формує для здійснення активних операцій; на ринку банківських послуг банківська установа може виступати в ролі не тільки продавця, а й покупця; реалізація банківських послуг може здійснюватися в межах банку без залучення зовнішніх каналів збуту; ситуація конкурентності виникає не лише між банківськими установами, вона пов’язана також із діяльністю небанківських фінансових установ; діяльність банківських установ суворо регламентується Національним банком України. Сучасні умови функціонування банківського ринку свідчать про доцільність розроблення і впровадження стратегічного управління конкурентоспроможністю банку, розвитку нових методик формування і реалізації конкурентних переваг та стратегій. Стратегії розвитку потрібно формувати з урахуванням невизначеності, вони повинні бути максимально гнучкими і передбачати можливість реалізації банківських ризиків.Сучасний стан розвитку банківського бізнесу супроводжується кризовими явищами, які відбуваються як в економічній, так і у фінансовій сферах країни, тому забезпечення конкурентоспроможності банків передусім повинно базуватися на розробці дієвих, переконливих повідомлень для інвесторів, клієнтів та працівників. Основні дії банків, що дають змогу представити їхню конкурентоспроможність, повинні полягати в забезпеченні фінансово стійкого розвитку; захисті наявного власного банківського бізнесу; роботи на перспективу
Rolul asistentului medical în creșterea ratei de vaccinare a copiilor de 0 - 12 luni la nivel de asistență medicală primară
Introducere. Republica Moldova se confruntă cu o tendință alarmantă de scădere
a acoperirii vaccinale. Conform Biroului Național de Statistică, în perioada 2020-
2021 s-a înregistrat o rată de acoperire sub 90% cu vaccinurile necesare de a fi
administrate, în primele 12 luni de viață a copiilor. În conformitate cu Standardele
de supraveghere a copiilor de 0-18 ani în condiţii de ambulatoriu, acest grup de
vârstă se află sub supravegherea echipei medicului de familie, totuși, actele normative nu definesc clar rolurile fiecărui membru al echipei în consilierea vaccinării, ceea ce poate influența rata de vaccinare a populație.
Scopul. Evaluarea rolului asistentului medical în realizarea procesului de imunizare a copiilor de 0-12 luni și identificarea modalităților de sporire a implicării
Material și metode. A fost realizat un studiu bibliografic simplu, fiind căutate cuvintele-cheie: „nurse sau asistent medical”, „copii” „rata de vaccinare”, în limba engleză, în baza de date PubMed, în publicații apărute în ultimii 5 ani. Din cele 78 de
surse generate au fost analizate 15 surse, care au făcut legătura dintre noțiuni și
s-au referit la copii de 0-12 luni.
Rezultate. Conform actelor normative în vigoare în Republica Moldova imunizarea copiilor de 0-12 luni se realizează preponderent la nivel de asistență medicală
primară și reprezintă prerogativa echipei medicului de familie și a asistentului
medical. Profesiograma stabilește că, asistentul medical efectuează imunizarea categoriilor de populație, conform calendarului de vaccinare, sub supravegherea
medicului de familie, totodată nu face referire la informarea populație și la consilierea vaccinării. Analiza cercetărilor identificate a reliefat că, majoritatea actelor
normative în domeniul descriu abilitățile clinice ale asistenților medicali privind
supravegherea și respectiv imunizarea copiilor de 0-12 luni, dar nu arată o consecvență fermă în evaluarea domeniului lor de practică. Factorii care au cauzat
reticența părinților la administrarea vaccinurilor au fost diverși, cum ar fi conținutul vaccinului, neîncrederea în personalul medical, informațiile false despre
vaccinuri, timpul de așteptare în instituția medicală pentru primirea vaccinului,
gradul de conștientizare cu privire la bolile care pot fi prevenite prin vaccinare,
vârsta și dozele recomandate conform calendarelor naționale. Prin urmare, rolul
asistentului medical în sporirea ratei de vaccinare a copiilor poate fi realizat prin
aplicarea strategiilor de comunicare direcționate, pentru a stabili o conștientizare
mai largă a comunității cu privire la bolile care pot fi prevenite prin vaccinare, optimizarea programării și a procesului de vaccinare în instituția medicală. Cunoștințele și atitudinile individuale ale asistenților medicali față de vaccinare pot influența decizia pacientului de a adera la campaniile de imunizare. Astfel, asistenții
medicali au raportat necesitatea actualizării cunoștințelor în domeniu și a dezvoltării competențelor în consilierea vaccinării, și strategii de promovare a imunizărilor la nivel individual și comunitar.
Concluzii. Asistentul medical are un rol important în asigurarea ratei de vaccinare
la copii, dar potențialul acestuia nu este valorificat suficient. Pentru sporirea implicării asistentului medical în procesul de imunizare sunt necesare intervenții la
nivel individual, instituțional și de sistem
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