143 research outputs found

    Особенности расчета отпускных в 2014 году

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    Расчет отпускных - одна из самых популярных операций у бухгалтеров по расчету заработной платы. Отпускные уверенно занимают второе место, уступая лишь непосредственно самой зарплате. Долгое время правила расчета отпускных оставались неизменными, но со 2 апреля 2014 года средний заработок определяют исходя из 29,3 дней, а не 29,4. Соответствующие поправки внесены в статью 139 Трудового кодекса Федеральным законом от 02.04.2014 № 55-ФЗ

    Konsensusstatement "Praktische Fertigkeiten im Medizinstudium" – ein Positionspapier des GMA-Ausschusses für praktische Fertigkeiten

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    Einleitung: Angestoßen durch die Änderung der Approbationsordnung haben die berufspraktischen Kompetenzen in Deutschland eine höhere Priorität erhalten und werden in den medizinischen Fakultäten deswegen vermehrt vermittelt. Dadurch entstand die Notwendigkeit, den Prozess mehr und mehr zu standardisieren. Auf Initiative der deutschsprachigen Skills Labs wurde der GMA-Ausschuss für praktische Fertigkeiten gegründet, der einen kompetenzbasierten Lernzielkatalog entwickelte, dessen Entstehung und Struktur hier beschrieben wird. Ziel des Kataloges ist es, die praktischen Fertigkeiten im Medizinstudium zu definieren und damit den Fakultäten eine rationale Planungsgrundlage für die zur Vermittlung praktischer Fertigkeiten notwendigen Ressourcen zu geben. Methodik: Aufbauend auf schon vorhandenen deutschsprachigen Lernzielkatalogen wurde mittels einem mehrfach iterativem Kondensationsprozesses, der der Erarbeitung von S1-Leitlinien entspricht, vorgegangen, um eine breite fachliche und politische Abstützung zu erhalten. Ergebnisse: Es wurden 289 verschiedene praktische Lernziele identifiziert, die zwölf verschiedenen Organsystemen, drei Grenzbereichen zu anderen Kompetenzbereichen und einem Bereich mit organsystemübergreifenden Fertigkeiten zugeordnet. Sie wurden drei verschiedenen zeitlichen und drei verschiedenen Tiefendimensionen zugeordnet und mit dem Schweizer und dem Österreichischem Pendant abgeglichen. Diskussion: Das vorliegende Konsensusstatement kann den deutschen Fakultäten eine Grundlage zur Planung der Vermittlung praktischer Fertigkeiten bieten und bildet einen wichtigen Schritt zu einem nationalen Standard medizinischer Lernziele. Blick in die Zukunft: Das Konsensusstatement soll einen formativen Effekt auf die medizinischen Fakultäten haben, ihre praktischen Unterrichtsinhalte entsprechend zu vermitteln und die Ressourcen danach zu planen

    Defective airway intraflagellar transport underlies a combined motile and primary ciliopathy syndrome caused by IFT74 mutations

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    Ciliopathies are inherited disorders caused by defective cilia. Mutations affecting motile cilia usually cause the chronic muco-obstructive sinopulmonary disease primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) and are associated with laterality defects, while a broad spectrum of early developmental as well as degenerative syndromes arise from mutations affecting signalling of primary (non-motile) cilia. Cilia assembly and functioning requires intraflagellar transport of cargos assisted by IFT-B and IFT-A adaptor complexes. Within IFT-B, the N-termini of partner proteins IFT74 and IFT81 govern tubulin transport to build the ciliary microtubular cytoskeleton. We detected a homozygous 3 kb intragenic IFT74 deletion removing the exon 2 initiation codon and 40 N-terminal amino acids in two affected siblings. Both had clinical features of PCD with bronchiectasis, but no laterality defects. They also had retinal dysplasia and abnormal bone growth, with a narrowed thorax and short ribs, shortened long bones and digits and abnormal skull shape. This resembles short-rib thoracic dysplasia, a skeletal ciliopathy previously linked to IFT defects in primary cilia, not motile cilia. Ciliated nasal epithelial cells collected from affected individuals had reduced numbers of shortened motile cilia with disarranged microtubules, some mis-orientation of the basal feet, and disrupted cilia structural and IFT protein distributions. No full length IFT74 was expressed, only truncated forms that were consistent with N-terminal deletion and inframe translation from downstream initiation codons. In affinity purification mass spectrometry, exon 2-deleted IFT74 initiated from the nearest inframe downstream methionine 41 still interacts as part of the IFT-B complex, but only with reduced interaction levels and not with all its usual IFT-B partners. We propose that this is a hypomorphic mutation with some residual protein function retained, that gives rise to a non-lethal primary skeletal ciliopathy combined with defective motile cilia and PCD

    Paralog-specific TTC30 regulation of Sonic hedgehog signaling

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    The intraflagellar transport (IFT) machinery is essential for cilia assembly, maintenance, and trans-localization of signaling proteins. The IFT machinery consists of two large multiprotein complexes, one of which is the IFT-B. TTC30A and TTC30B are integral components of this complex and were previously shown to have redundant functions in the context of IFT, preventing the disruption of IFT-B and, thus, having a severe ciliogenesis defect upon loss of one paralog. In this study, we re-analyzed the paralog-specific protein complexes and discovered a potential involvement of TTC30A or TTC30B in ciliary signaling. Specifically, we investigated a TTC30A-specific interaction with protein kinase A catalytic subunit α, a negative regulator of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling. Defects in this ciliary signaling pathway are often correlated to synpolydactyly, which, intriguingly, is also linked to a rare TTC30 variant. For an in-depth analysis of this unique interaction and the influence on Shh, TTC30A or B single- and double-knockout hTERT-RPE1 were employed, as well as rescue cells harboring wildtype TTC30 or the corresponding mutation. We could show that mutant TTC30A inhibits the ciliary localization of Smoothened. This observed effect is independent of Patched1 but associated with a distinct phosphorylated PKA substrate accumulation upon treatment with forskolin. This rather prominent phenotype was attenuated in mutant TTC30B. Mass spectrometry analysis of wildtype versus mutated TTC30A or TTC30B uncovered differences in protein complex patterns and identified an impaired TTC30A–IFT57 interaction as the possible link leading to synpolydactyly. We could observe no impact on cilia assembly, leading to the hypothesis that a slight decrease in IFT-B binding can be compensated, but mild phenotypes, like synpolydactyly, can be induced by subtle signaling changes. Our systematic approach revealed the paralog-specific influence of TTC30A KO and mutated TTC30A on the activity of PRKACA and the uptake of Smoothened into the cilium, resulting in a downregulation of Shh. This downregulation, combined with interactome alterations, suggests a potential mechanism of how mutant TTC30A is linked to synpolydactyly

    A Consensus Statement on Practical Skills in Medical School – a position paper by the GMA Committee on Practical Skills

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    Introduction: Encouraged by the change in licensing regulations the practical professional skills in Germany received a higher priority and are taught in medical schools therefore increasingly. This created the need to standardize the process more and more. On the initiative of the German skills labs the German Medical Association Committee for practical skills was established and developed a competency-based catalogue of learning objectives, whose origin and structure is described here

    De-Suppression of Mesenchymal Cell Identities and Variable Phenotypic Outcomes Associated with Knockout of Bbs1

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    Bardet–Biedl syndrome (BBS) is an archetypal ciliopathy caused by dysfunction of primary cilia. BBS affects multiple tissues, including the kidney, eye and hypothalamic satiety response. Understanding pan-tissue mechanisms of pathogenesis versus those which are tissue-specific, as well as gauging their associated inter-individual variation owing to genetic background and stochastic processes, is of paramount importance in syndromology. The BBSome is a membrane-trafficking and intraflagellar transport (IFT) adaptor protein complex formed by eight BBS proteins, including BBS1, which is the most commonly mutated gene in BBS. To investigate disease pathogenesis, we generated a series of clonal renal collecting duct IMCD3 cell lines carrying defined biallelic nonsense or frameshift mutations in Bbs1, as well as a panel of matching wild-type CRISPR control clones. Using a phenotypic screen and an unbiased multi-omics approach, we note significant clonal variability for all assays, emphasising the importance of analysing panels of genetically defined clones. Our results suggest that BBS1 is required for the suppression of mesenchymal cell identities as the IMCD3 cell passage number increases. This was associated with a failure to express epithelial cell markers and tight junction formation, which was variable amongst clones. Transcriptomic analysis of hypothalamic preparations from BBS mutant mice, as well as BBS patient fibroblasts, suggested that dysregulation of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) genes is a general predisposing feature of BBS across tissues. Collectively, this work suggests that the dynamic stability of the BBSome is essential for the suppression of mesenchymal cell identities as epithelial cells differentiate

    Autophosphorylation on S614 inhibits the activity and the transforming potential of BRAF

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    International audienceThe BRAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase, known as BRAF, belongs to the RAF kinase family. It regulates the MAPK/ERK signalling pathway affecting several cellular processes such as growth, survival, differentiation, and cellular transformation. BRAF is mutated in ~8% of all human cancers with the V600E mutation constituting ~90% of mutations. Here, we have used quantitative mass spectrometry to map and compare phosphorylation site patterns between BRAF and BRAF V600E. We identified sites that are shared as well as several quantitative differences in phosphorylation abundance. The highest difference is phosphorylation of S614 in the activation loop which is ~5fold enhanced in BRAF V600E. Mutation of S614 increases the kinase activity of both BRAF and BRAF V600E and the transforming ability of BRAF V600E. The phosphorylation of S614 is mitogen inducible and the result of autophosphorylation. These data suggest that phosphorylation at this site is inhibitory, and part of the physiological shut-down mechanism of BRAF signalling

    DYX1C1 is required for axonemal dynein assembly and ciliary motility

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    Dyx1c1 has been associated with dyslexia and neuronal migration in the developing neocortex. Unexpectedly, we found that deletion of Dyx1c1 exons 2–4 in mice caused a phenotype resembling primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD), a genetically heterogeneous disorder characterized by chronic airway disease, laterality defects, and male infertility. This phenotype was confirmed independently in mice with a Dyx1c1c.T2A start codon mutation recovered from an ENU mutagenesis screen. Morpholinos targeting dyx1c1 in zebrafish also created laterality and ciliary motility defects. In humans, recessive loss-of-function DYX1C1 mutations were identified in twelve PCD individuals. Ultrastructural and immunofluorescence analyses of DYX1C1-mutant motile cilia in mice and humans revealed disruptions of outer and inner dynein arms (ODA/IDA). DYX1C1 localizes to the cytoplasm of respiratory epithelial cells, its interactome is enriched for molecular chaperones, and it interacts with the cytoplasmic ODA/IDA assembly factor DNAAF2/KTU. Thus, we propose that DYX1C1 is a newly identified dynein axonemal assembly factor (DNAAF4)

    Intronic enhancers of the human SNCA gene predominantly regulate its expression in brain in vivo.

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    Evidence from patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) and our previously reported α-synuclein (SNCA) transgenic rat model support the idea that increased SNCA protein is a substantial risk factor of PD pathogenesis. However, little is known about the transcription control of the human SNCA gene in the brain in vivo. Here, we identified that the DYT6 gene product THAP1 (THAP domain-containing apoptosis-associated protein 1) and its interaction partner CTCF (CCCTC-binding factor) act as transcription regulators of SNCA. THAP1 controls SNCA intronic enhancers' activities, while CTCF regulates its enhancer-promoter loop formation. The SNCA intronic enhancers present neurodevelopment-dependent activities and form enhancer clusters similar to "super-enhancers" in the brain, in which the PD-associated single-nucleotide polymorphisms are enriched. Deletion of the SNCA intronic enhancer clusters prevents the release of paused RNA polymerase II from its promoter and subsequently reduces its expression drastically in the brain, which may provide new therapeutic approaches to prevent its accumulation and thus related neurodegenerative diseases defined as synucleinopathies

    A targeted multi-proteomics approach generates a blueprint of the ciliary ubiquitinome

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    Establishment and maintenance of the primary cilium as a signaling-competent organelle requires a high degree of fine tuning, which is at least in part achieved by a variety of post-translational modifications. One such modification is ubiquitination. The small and highly conserved ubiquitin protein possesses a unique versatility in regulating protein function via its ability to build mono and polyubiquitin chains onto target proteins. We aimed to take an unbiased approach to generate a comprehensive blueprint of the ciliary ubiquitinome by deploying a multi-proteomics approach using both ciliary-targeted ubiquitin affinity proteomics, as well as ubiquitin-binding domain-based proximity labelling in two different mammalian cell lines. This resulted in the identification of several key proteins involved in signaling, cytoskeletal remodeling and membrane and protein trafficking. Interestingly, using two different approaches in IMCD3 and RPE1 cells, respectively, we uncovered several novel mechanisms that regulate cilia function. In our IMCD3 proximity labeling cell line model, we found a highly enriched group of ESCRT-dependent clathrin-mediated endocytosis-related proteins, suggesting an important and novel role for this pathway in the regulation of ciliary homeostasis and function. In contrast, in RPE1 cells we found that several structural components of caveolae (CAV1, CAVIN1, and EHD2) were highly enriched in our cilia affinity proteomics screen. Consistently, the presence of caveolae at the ciliary pocket and ubiquitination of CAV1 specifically, were found likely to play a role in the regulation of ciliary length in these cells. Cilia length measurements demonstrated increased ciliary length in RPE1 cells stably expressing a ubiquitination impaired CAV1 mutant protein. Furthermore, live cell imaging in the same cells revealed decreased CAV1 protein turnover at the cilium as the possible cause for this phenotype. In conclusion, we have generated a comprehensive list of cilia-specific proteins that are subject to regulation via ubiquitination which can serve to further our understanding of cilia biology in health and disease