195 research outputs found

    Synthesis, structural and magnetic properties of TM22+[MOIV(CN)(8)]center dot nH(2)O

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    Octacyanomolybdates (OCMs) TM2 divided by[Mo(CN)(8)]center dot nHO, where TM is Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu were synthesised and characterised by IR spectroscopy and UV-VIS spectroscopy. The UV-VIS spectrum showed the intervalence charge transfer (IVCT) band between Mo-IV-CN-Cu-II and Mo-V-CN-Cu-I around 510 nm. Studied OCMs adopt tetragonal crystal structure. The H-1 NMR signals reflect the magnetic moment of the TM2- ions (mu(P)). The decay rates of free induction decay (FID) signals increase as pp and the applied static rf-field increases. The spin-lattice relaxation times at 27.7 MHz vary from 0.0187 ins (Mn) up to 0.45 ms (Cu). Magnetization measurements indicate long-range magnetic ordering of Mn- and Co- OCMs with the Curie temperature T-c = 4 K. The remaining OCMs (TM is Fe, Ni, Cu) are paramagnetic down to T = 1.9 K

    Technológiai Előretekintési Program

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    Az Országos Mûszaki Fejlesztési Bizottság döntése alapján 1998-ban átfogó elemzés kezdôdött Technoló- giai Elôretekintési Program (TEP) néven. A program célja, hogy a piaci és technológiai lehetôségek feltá- rásával hozzájáruljon a hosszú távú versenyképesség növeléséhez és ezen keresztül az életminôség javításá- hoz. A TEP a gazdasági, társadalmi folyamatok, a tudo- mány és technika eredményeinek elemzésével megje- löli azon kulcskérdéseket, döntési pontokat, amelyek meghatározzák az egyes szakmai területek illetve az ország jövôjét a következô 15-25 évben. Az Irányító Testület és a munkacsoportok elemezték a jelenlegi helyzetet, eltérô jövôképeket vázoltak fel, és a legked- vezôbbnek ítélt – de a mai feltételek mellett, tudatos, összehangolt erôfeszítések nélkül nem feltétlenül a leg- valószínûbb – jövôkép megvalósítását célzó ajánlásokat fogalmaztak meg. A legkedvezôbb jövôképbôl leve- zetett ajánlások tehát mindazoknak szólnak, akik köz- vetlenül vagy közvetve hatással lehetnek az egyes szakterületek vagy a magyar társadalom és gazdaság egészének jövôjére

    Development of sperm vitrification protocols for freshwater fish (Eurasian perch, Perca fluviatilis) and marine fish (European eel, Anguilla anguilla)

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    [EN] Vitrification was successfully applied to the sperm of two fish species, the freshwater Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) and marine European eel (Anguilla anguilla). Sperm was collected, diluted in species specific non-activating media and cryoprotectants and vitrified by plunging directly into liquid nitrogen without pre-cooling in its vapor. Progressive motility of fresh and vitrified-thawed sperm was evaluated with computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA). Additional sperm quality parameters such as sperm head morphometry parameters (in case of European eel) and fertilizing capacity (in case of Eurasian perch) were carried out to test the effectiveness of vitrification. The vitrification method for Eurasian perch sperm resulting the highest post-thaw motility (14 +/- 1.6%) was as follows: 1:5 dilution ratio, Tanaka extender, 30% cryoprotectant (15% methanol + 15% propylene-glycol), cooling device: Cryotop, 2 mu l droplets, and for European eel sperm: dilution ratio 1:1, with 40% cryoprotectant (20% MeOH and 20% PG), and 10% FBS, cooling device: Cryotop, with 2 mu l of sperm suspension. Viable embryos were produced by fertilization with vitrified Eurasian perch sperm (neurulation: 2.54 +/- 1.67%). According to the ASMA analysis, no significant decrease in head area and perimeter of vitrified European eel spermatozoa were found when compared to fresh spermatozoa.The work was funded by the NKFI (previously OTKA) project number K-109847 and by a Short-term Scientific Mission awarded to E. Kasa by the COST Office (Food and Agriculture COST Action FA1205: Assessing and improving the quality of aquatic animal gametes to enhance aquatic resources. The need to harmonize and standardize evolving methodologies, and improve transfer from academia to industry; AQUAGAMETE). The work was supported by the project Research Center of Excellence - 9878-3/2016/FEKUT of the Ministry of Human Resources of Hungary and the project EUREKA_HU_12-1-2012-0056 (PERCAHATCH).Kása, E.; Bernáth, G.; Kollár, T.; Zarski, D.; Lujic, J.; Marinovic, Z.; Bokor, Z.... (2017). Development of sperm vitrification protocols for freshwater fish (Eurasian perch, Perca fluviatilis) and marine fish (European eel, Anguilla anguilla). General and Comparative Endocrinology. 245:102-107. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ygcen.2016.05.010S10210724

    Parentage testing and looking for single nucleotide markers associated with antler quality in deer (<i>Cervus elaphus</i>)

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    To provide a cost-efficient parentage testing kit for red deer (Cervus elaphus), a 63 SNP set has been developed from a high-density Illumina BovineHD BeadChip containing 777 962 SNPs after filtering of genotypes of 50 stags. The successful genotyping rate was 38.6 % on the chip. The ratio of polymorphic loci among effectively genotyped loci was 6.5 %. The selected 63 SNPs have been applied to 960 animals to perform parentage control. Thirty SNPs out of the 63 had worked on the OpenArray platform. Their combined value of the probability of identity and exclusion probability was 4.9×10-11 and 0.99803, respectively. A search for loci linked with antler quality was also performed on the genotypes of the above-mentioned stags. Association studies revealed 14 SNPs associated with antler quality, where low-quality antlers with short and thin main beam antlers had values from 1 to 2, while high-quality antlers with long and strong main beams had values between 4 and 5. The chance for a stag to be correctly identified as having high-value antlers is expected to be over 88 %.</p

    Photon-Atom Coupling with Parabolic Mirrors

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    Efficient coupling of light to single atomic systems has gained considerable attention over the past decades. This development is driven by the continuous growth of quantum technologies. The efficient coupling of light and matter is an enabling technology for quantum information processing and quantum communication. And indeed, in recent years much progress has been made in this direction. But applications aside, the interaction of photons and atoms is a fundamental physics problem. There are various possibilities for making this interaction more efficient, among them the apparently 'natural' attempt of mode-matching the light field to the free-space emission pattern of the atomic system of interest. Here we will describe the necessary steps of implementing this mode-matching with the ultimate aim of reaching unit coupling efficiency. We describe the use of deep parabolic mirrors as the central optical element of a free-space coupling scheme, covering the preparation of suitable modes of the field incident onto these mirrors as well as the location of an atom at the mirror's focus. Furthermore, we establish a robust method for determining the efficiency of the photon-atom coupling.Comment: Book chapter in compilation "Engineering the Atom-Photon Interaction" published by Springer in 2015, edited by A. Predojevic and M. W. Mitchell, ISBN 9783319192307, http://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783319192307. Only change to version1: now with hyperlinks to arXiv eprints of other book chapters mentioned in this on