1,496 research outputs found
The Bs oscillation amplitude analysis
The properties of the amplitude method for \Bs oscillation analyses are
studied in detail. The world combination of measured amplitudes is converted
into a likelihood profile as a function of oscillation frequency. A procedure
is proposed to estimate the probability that the minimum observed is due to a
statistical fluctuation. This method, applied to the data available at the time
of 1999 Winter Conferences, gives .Comment: 27 pages, 16 figur
The oscillation amplitude analysis
The properties of the amplitude method for \Bs oscillation analyses are studied in detail. The world combination of measured amplitudes is converted into a likelihood profile as a function of oscillation frequency. A procedure is proposed to estimate the probability that the minimum observed is due to a statistical fluctuation. This method, applied to the data available at the time of 1999 Winter Conferences, gives .The properties of the amplitude method for \Bs oscillation analyses are studied in detail. The world combination of measured amplitudes is converted into a likelihood profile as a function of oscillation frequency. A procedure is proposed to estimate the probability that the minimum observed is due to a statistical fluctuation. This method, applied to the data available at the time of 1999 Winter Conferences, gives
Presencia del Coríxido neártico Trichocorixa verticalis verticalis (Fieber, 1851) (Heteroptera, Corixidae) en el Algarve (S Portugal)
This paper describes the presence of the nearctic water boatman Trichocorixa verticalis verticalis in southern Portugal. This species has been cited recently for the first time in Europe from individuals captured in southern Spain. This species, native to Atlantic coast of America, has also been cited from New Caledonia and South Africa, and has been found in the open sea. Two kinds of introduction are reported for this species: involuntary introduction with exotic fish, and passive dispersion through marine currents and severe storms. The possibility of this kind of introduction in Europe is discussed.Esta nota describe la presencia del coríxido neártico Trichocorixa verticalis verticalis en el sur de Portugal. Recientemente, esta especie ha sido citada por primera vez en Europa de ejemplares capturados en el sur de España. Esta especie, nativa de la costa atlántica americana, también ha sido citada en Nueva Caledonia y África del Sur, y se ha encontrado en mar abierto. Se conocen dos vías de introducción de esta especie: introducción involuntaria a través de peces exóticos y dispersión pasiva a través de corrientes marinas y fuertes tormentas. Se discuten las posibilidades de estas dos vías de introducción en Europa
Given a non-zero polynomial f in a polynomial ring R with coefficients in a finite field of prime characteristic p, we present an algorithm to compute a differential operator delta which raises 1/f to its pth power. For some specific families of polynomials, we also study the level of such a differential operator delta, i.e., the least integer e such that delta is R-pe -linear. In particular, we obtain a characterization of supersingular elliptic curves in terms of the level of the associated differential operator
Light-Trap: A SiPM Upgrade for Very High Energy Astronomy and Beyond
With the development of the Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Technique (IACT),
Gamma-ray astronomy has become one of the most interesting and productive
fields of astrophysics. Current IACT telescope arrays (MAGIC, H.E.S.S, VERITAS)
use photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) to detect the optical/near-UV Cherenkov
radiation emitted due to the interaction of gamma rays with the atmosphere. For
the next generation of IACT experiments, the possibility of replacing the PMTs
with Silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) is being studied. Among the main
drawbacks of SiPMs are their limited active area (leading to an increase in the
cost and complexity of the camera readout) and their sensitivity to unwanted
wavelengths. Here we propose a novel method to build a relatively low-cost
pixel consisting of a SiPM attached to a PMMA disc doped with a wavelength
shifter. This pixel collects light over a much larger area than a single
standard SiPM and improves sensitivity to near-UV light while simultaneously
rejecting background. We describe the design of a detector that could also have
applications in other fields where detection area and cost are crucial. We
present results of simulations and laboratory measurements of a pixel prototype
and from field tests performed with a 7-pixel cluster installed in a MAGIC
telescope camera.Comment: Proceedings of the 35th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC
2017), Bexco, Busan, Korea. Id:81
Nuevo equipo para medir la distribución de la densidad aparente de piezas cerámicas: DENSEXPLORER
Este trabajo ha participado en la 38 edición de los premios Alfa de Oro, otorgados por la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, durante la Feria Internacional de Cerámica de Valencia CEVISAMA 2014
Densexplorer es el primer dispositivo capaz de determinar la distribución de la densidad aparente de baldosas cerámicas industriales de gran tamaño, de forma no destructiva, no perjudicial para la salud, respetuosa con el medio ambiente, incrementando la productividad respecto a los equipos actuales. El sistema está basado en la medida puntual de la absorción de rayos X y del espesor de la pieza.Densexplorer is the first device for industrial manufacturing plant capable of determining the distribution of bulk density of large ceramic tiles in a non-destructively way, which is not harmful to health, respectful with the environment and that increases the productivity of the process regarding to existing equipment. The system is based on the X-ray absorption technique, in which a material absorbs an amount of radiation depending on its thickness and density
A Light Calibration System for the ProtoDUNE-DP Detector
A LED-based fiber calibration system for the ProtoDUNE-Dual Phase (DP) photon
detection system (PDS) has been designed and validated. ProtoDUNE-DP is a 6x6x6
m3 liquid argon time-projection-chamber currently being installed at the
Neutrino Platform at CERN. The PDS is based on 36 8-inch photomultiplier tubes
(PMTs) and will allow triggering on cosmic rays. The system serves as prototype
for the PDS of the final DUNE DP far detector in which the PDS also has the
function to allow the 3D event reconstruction on non-beam physics. For this
purpose an equalized PMT response is desirable to allow using the same
threshold definition for all PMT groups, simplifying the determination of the
trigger efficiency. The light calibration system described in this paper is
developed to provide this and to monitor the PMT performance in-situ.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure
Intra and inter-annual variation of functional structure of macroinvertebrate assemblages in Mediterranean temporary ponds
Temporal variation of the functional structure of macroinvertebrate assemblages in Mediterranean temporary ponds has been studied in Sardinia (Italy). Sixteen small and shallow ponds (less than 2 ha and less than 2 m deep) subject to low human pressure were sampled in different periods
Algunos ejemplos de relación entre agregación, capacidad de infiltración y erosión en suelos mediterráneos
[Resumen] Este trabajo tiene por objeto evaluar la influencia de la agregación sobre la capacidad de infiltración y la tendencia a la erosión de suelos mediterráneos sobre litología caliza. Se identifican algunas variables de agregación que influyen de una manera importante en la infiltración y la erosión, aunque es en combinación con otras características del suelo cuando estas variables explican mejor dichos parámetros. Se consiguen una serie de modelos de ecuaciones de regresión múltiple basadas en variables indicadoras de la agregación de los suelos y otras características (cobertura vegetal, materia orgánica, pedregosidad y humedad del suelo) que explican bastante bien la capacidad de infiltración, la concentración de sedimentos y la erosión de los suelos en las zonas de estudio.[Abstract] The objective of this work is to evaluate the influence of soil aggregation on soil infiltration capacity and erosion in mediterranean soils developed on limestones. Sorne key-variables related to soil aggregation which play an important role on soil infiltration capacity and erosion are identified. Especially the combination of these variables with other soil characterisitics give the most satisfactory results explaining soil infiltration and erosiono Sorne models of multiple regression equations based in variables related to aggregation and other soil characteristics (vegetation cover, organic matter, stoniness and soil moisture) are obtained. They explain quite well the infiltration capacity, the sediment concentration and the erosion in the study zones
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