383 research outputs found

    La syrinx dans la peinture et la mosaĂŻque du IIe s. av. J.-C. au IVe s. ap. J.-C.

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    La syrinx, flûte champêtre à multiples tuyaux, est surtout connue comme la "flûte de Pan", parce que Pan, ce dieu mi-homme, mi-chèvre, en serait le créateur. Cependant, chez d’autres auteurs anciens il y a des versions différentes. Mais c’est surtout à partir de mosaïques et de peintures comprises entre le IIè s. av. J.-C. et le IVè s. ap. J.-C. que nous prenons conscience que cette flûte est l’attribut d’autres personnages soit: les satyres, les putti, les bergers etc., ce qui a comme conséquence de changer le symbolisme de l’instrument. Nous constatons que la syrinx est spécifiquement rattachée au domaine champêtre comme nous le montrent non pas seulement nos peintures et nos mosaïques analysées, mais aussi d’autres types de support comparatif : sarcophage, statue, monnaie, textile, vase etc. Enfin, toujours à partir de nos monuments, une typologie a été dressée pour ressortir les différents modèles de syrinx, les plus importants et/ou les plus significatifs.Montréal Trigonix inc. 201

    Amnios et problèmes de surface oculaire

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    La membrane amniotique, enclave interne de la vie naissante, présente diverses propriétés exploitées en ophtalmologie. Elle est utile pour : (1) limiter la formation d’adhésions fibreuses entre la paupière et le globe oculaire (symblépharon) ou la progression d’excroissances fibrovasculaires vers la cornée (ptérygion) ; (2) contribuer à la guérison d’ulcères cornéens, de kératites bulleuses et des déficiences en cellules souches de la cornée dues à des brûlures thermiques, chimiques ou d’autre origine. L’amnios, alors greffé avec des cellules limbiques saines, favoriserait la prolifération de cellules moins différenciées, aptes à reconstruire l’épithélium cornéen. La membrane amniotique contient des cytokines, réduit l’acuité des réactions immunologiques et possède des propriétés antalgiques, anti-bactériennes et anti-inflammatoires ; de plus, elle favorise, comme le fait la peau foetale, une guérison avec un minimum de cicatrices. La connaissance des mécanismes d’action de la membrane amniotique obtenue grâce à la recherche pourrait fournir de nouvelles avenues pharmacologiques afin de traiter des maladies de la surface oculaire.The amniotic membrane, the most internal placental membrane, has various properties useful in ophthalmology. Collected on delivery by elective Caesarean section, the amnion is prepared under sterile conditions, and, usually, cryopreserved until its use as a biological bandage or as a substrate for epithelial growth in the management of various ocular surface conditions. Specifically, the amnion is used to : (1) limit formation of adhesive bands between eyelids and eyeball (symblepharon) or the progression of a fibrovascular outgrowth towards the cornea (pterygium) or to (2) facilitate the healing of corneal ulcers, bullous keratopathy, and corneal stem cell deficiency. In this last condition, either hereditary or acquired after a thermal or a chemical burn, corneal stem cells, located at a transitional zone between the cornea and conjunctiva, are lost. These cells are essential for renewal of corneal epithelium in normal and in diseased states. The loss of these cells leaves the corneal surface free for invasion by conjunctival epithelium. Not only, does conjunctival epithelium support the development of vascularisation on the normally avascular cornea, but some conjunctival cells differentiate into mucus secreting goblet cells. Such a change in phenotype leads to loss of corneal transparency and visual disability. The removal of this fibro-vascular outgrowth in combination with transplantation of both amniotic membrane and corneal stem cells are used to treat this condition. The amnion stimulates the proliferation of less differentiated cells which have the potential to reconstruct the cornea. This potential is at the origin of the hypothesis that the amnion may provide an alternative niche for limbal stem cells of the corneal epithelium. It abounds in cytokines and has antalgic, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-immunogenic properties, in addition to allowing, like fetal skin does, wound healing with minimal scar formation. These desirable properties are responsible for the increasing use of amniotic membrane in ophthalmology. The complete understanding of the mechanisms of action of amniotic membrane for ocular surface diseases has yet to be understood. Once revealed by research, they may provide new pharmacological avenues to treat ocular surface diseases

    Accessibility, equity, and the journey to work

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    Inequality in transport provision is an area of growing concern among transport professionals, as it results in low-income individuals travelling at lower speeds while covering smaller distances. Accessibility, the ease of reaching destinations, may hold the key in correcting these inequalities through providing a means to evaluate land use and transport interventions. This article examines the relationship between accessibility and commuting duration for low-income individuals, compared to the general population, in three major Canadian metropolitan regions, Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver using multilevel mixed effects statistical models for car and public transport commuters separately. Accessibility measures are generated for jobs and workers both at the origin (home) and the destination (place of work) to account for the impact of competing labor and firms. Our models show that the impacts of accessibility on commuting duration are present and stronger for low-income individuals than for the general population, and the differences in impact are more visible for public transport commuters. The results suggest that low-income individuals have more to gain (in terms of reduced commute time) from increased accessibility to low-income jobs at the origin and to workers at the destination. Similarly, they also have more to lose from increased accessibility to low-income workers at the origin and to low- income jobs at the destination, which are proxies for increased competition. Policies targeting improvements in accessibility to jobs, especially low-income ones, by car and public transport while managing the presence of competition can serve to bridge the inequality gap that exists in commuting behavior.The work was partially funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). The authors would like to thank Gillaume Barreau for the car travel time and distance information provided for each city and Robbin Deboosere for the transit travel time and distance information as well as developing the accessibility measures by car to jobs

    La responsabilité sociétale des organisations : proposition d’un modèle pour l’intégration de ISO 26000

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    Avec l’évolution rapide du concept de responsabilité sociale des entreprises dans les dernières décennies, une multitude d’initiatives internationales visant toutes l’intégration de la responsabilité sociale aux activités des entreprises ont fait leur apparition dans le monde des affaires. Les Lignes directrices relatives à la responsabilité sociétale, développées par l’organisation internationale de normalisation (ISO) et mieux connue sous le nom de ISO 26000, font partie de ces initiatives. Cette dernière se démarque particulièrement des autres car elle constitue un consensus international quant à la définition de la responsabilité sociétale des organisations qui y est proposée et quant aux thématiques qu’elle recommande de prendre en compte dans son intégration aux activités des organisations. Il demeure toutefois ardu pour les entreprises, particulièrement pour les petites et moyennes entreprises, de bien saisir les implications liées aux lignes directrices ISO 26000 et de s’approprier tous les concepts qui y figurent. En effet, peu d’indications claires sur la manière de mettre en oeuvre la responsabilité sociétale de manière tangible sont disponibles. Une réflexion s’impose donc sur la manière d’intégrer concrètement le contenu de ISO 26000 aux activités, processus et décisions des entreprises. Ainsi, l’objectif du présent essai est de proposer un modèle impliquant une démarche complète afin d’accompagner les petites et moyennes entreprises québécoises dans l’internalisation de leur responsabilité sociétale. Par une étude approfondie des lignes directrices ISO 26000 et une revue des outils de mise en oeuvre pertinents, une démarche complète en neuf étapes se profile. Chacune des étapes est ensuite associée à des outils de mise en oeuvre afin de simplifier davantage le processus et de compléter le modèle. Bien que la responsabilité sociétale des organisations telle que proposée par ISO 26000 soit un référentiel très pertinent pour une entreprise désirant intégrer celle-ci à ses activités, plusieurs critiques sont soulevées quant à son applicabilité et aux réelles motivations des entreprises choisissant cette voie. Les arguments qui sous-tendent ces critiques sont donc exposés. Enfin, des alternatives à la responsabilité sociétale des organisations en tant que moyen de prendre en compte efficacement ses impacts négatifs sur l’environnement et la société sont également suggérées

    Des bourreaux et des loups : les représentations du mal dans Dieu et nous seuls pouvons et Un loup est un loup de Michel Folco

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    Les deux premiers romans de Michel Folco, Dieu et nous seuls pouvons (1991) et Un loup est un loup (1995), ont reçu un très bon accueil du public et de la presse, mais ont été pratiquement ignorés par la critique universitaire. Ces romans historiques méritent pourtant qu’on les étudie. Cet admirateur de Dumas propose des romans d’aventures d’inspiration historique, qui en apparence sont construits dans la plus pure tradition du genre. Or, les textes sont plus complexes qu’il n’y paraît : ils ont absorbé un intertexte fort et multiple, incorporé des fantasmatiques sociales inquiétantes, offrent une représentation originale du rapport entre l’être humain et la nature. Centrés autour des figures du bourreau et du loup, ils présentent un traitement singulier de ces symboles du mal et remettent en question la haine ancestrale dont ils sont l’objet. Dans un univers romanesque hanté par le motif de la vengeance, c’est l’ensemble de la société qui est représentée comme violente, intolérante et cruelle. La notion de mal est questionnée, redéfinie, déplacée. C’est ce déplacement qui est l’objet de ce mémoire, lequel se donne pour but de montrer comment les textes travaillent des récits historiques ainsi que des représentations mythiques et religieuses.The first two novels of Michel Folco, Dieu et nous seuls pouvons (1991) and Un loup est un loup (1995), were well received by the general public and the press, but were largely ignored by the academic community. These historical novels do however deserve our attention. This Dumas admirer proposes adventure novels of historical inspiration which seem to be constructed in the purest form of the genre. Yet the texts are more complex than it appears: they have absorbed a strong and multiple intertext, incorporated disturbing social fantasies and they offer an original narrative of the relationship between Man and Nature. Centered around the characters of the executioner and the wolf, the novels present a unique approach to these symbols of evil and question the ancestral hatred to which they are subjected. In this fictional universe, haunted by vengeance, it is society as a whole that is depicted as violent, intolerant and cruel. The notion of evil is redefined, questioned and distorted. It is this very distortion that is the topic of this thesis, whose purpose is to show how these texts transform historical accounts as well as mythical and religious representations

    La réinsertion sociale des personnes assujetties à l'emprisonnement avec sursis du point de vue des délinquants et des intervenants communautaires

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    La présente étude porte sur la réinsertion sociale des personnes soumises à une peine d’emprisonnement avec sursis, une sentence purgée en collectivité. Cette peine comprend à la fois un objectif de réinsertion ainsi qu’une visée punitive. Précisément, il s’agit de connaître l’expérience des personnes assujetties à cette peine et celle des intervenants. La collecte des données a été effectuée par entrevue semi-dirigée. L’échantillon est composé de huit participants, soit deux délinquants et six intervenants. La taille de l’échantillon est restreinte en raison de limites méthodologiques et par la suspension obligée des activités de collecte de données au printemps 2020 en raison de la COVID-19. Les résultats de l’étude ne peuvent donc pas être généralisés. L’analyse des données est effectuée de façon thématique et montre que l’emprisonnement avec sursis permet de contrôler et de surveiller les délinquants davantage pendant la première partie de la sentence, soit durant l’assignation à domicile. En ce sens, la réinsertion sociale des délinquants appert être lacunaire. Les résultats témoignent que l’assouplissement provoqué par la période de couvre-feu permet de mieux répondre aux besoins des délinquants. En conséquence, leur réinsertion sociale s’actualise de manière concrète. Également, l’intervention dans un contexte sociojudiciaire s’avère influencer leur retour en société. La réinsertion sociale est un sujet essentiel auquel il faut s’intéresser afin de mieux comprendre la réalité des délinquants. Cela contribue à l’avancement des droits sociaux des personnes marginalisées. Cette étude propose certaines améliorations en ce qui a trait à l’intervention dans un contexte sociojudiciaire et dans l’intention de promouvoir la justice sociale.Abstract : This study examines the social reintegration of people serving a conditional sentence, a sentencing measure served in the community. This sentence includes both a rehabilitation objective, as well as a punitive one. Specifically, the study aims to learn about the experience of those who serve this sentence and of the intervention workers, in order to identify the challenges. Data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews. The sample is made up of eight participants, two of whom are serving a conditional sentence and six intervention workers. The sample size is restricted due to methodological limitations and the forced suspension of data collection activities in the spring of 2020 due to COVID-19. The results of the study therefore cannot be generalized. The data analysis was done thematically and shows that conditional imprisonment allows for more control and supervision of offenders during the first part of the sentence, which is during house arrest. In this sense, the social reintegration of offenders appears to be incomplete. The results show that the easing of constraints due to the curfew period better meets the needs of offenders. As a result, their social reintegration is actualized in a concrete manner. Furthermore, intervention in a social-judicial context influences their return to society. Social reintegration is an essential subject that must be addressed to better understand the reality of offenders. This would contribute to the advancement of the social rights of marginalized people. This study suggests some improvements in terms of intervention in a socio-judicial context and with the intention of promoting social justice

    The Equity Implications of Highway Development and Expansion: Four Indicators

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    ABSTRACT: Highway development and expansion target peak period travel where congestion is more important. We show that investments in roadways made to reduce traffic congestion lead to inequitable benefits. This is because fewer low-income workers and low-income travelers travel by car and at peak times due to their job scheduling and activities. Also, travelled distances of low-income workers are generally shorter so that benefits of flow improvements are more modest. As such, congestion mitigation disproportionally advantages higher-income groups in terms of travel speed and time. While urban planning and environmental protection are important reasons to avoid roadway expansion, resulting inequities are rarely documented and considered

    I only get some satisfaction: Introducing satisfaction into measures of accessibility

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    Improving accessibility is a goal pursued by many metropolitan regions to address a variety of objectives. Accessibility, or the ease of reaching destinations, is traditionally measured using observed travel time and has of yet not accounted for user satisfaction with these travel times. As trip satisfaction is a major component of the underlying psychology of travel, we introduce satisfaction into accessibility measures and demonstrate its viability for future use. To do so, we generate a new satisfaction-based measure of accessibility where the impedance functions are determined from the travel time data of satisfying trips gathered from the 2017/2018 McGill Transport Survey. This satisfaction-based measure is used to calculate accessibility to jobs by four modes (public transport, car, walking, and cycling) in the Montreal metropolitan region, with the results then compared to a standard gravity-based measure of accessibility. We then offer a dissatisfaction index where we combine the ratio between satisfaction-based and gravity-based accessibility measures with mode share data. This index highlights areas with potentially high proportions of dissatisfied commuters and where interventions for each mode could have the highest impacts on the quality of life of a given mode commuter. Such analysis is then combined with a vulnerability index to show the value of this measure in setting priorities for vulnerable groups. The study demonstrates the importance of including satisfaction in accessibility measures and allows for a more nuanced interpretation of the ease of access by researchers, planners, and policy-makers.This research was funded in part by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. We would like to thank the McGill Campus Planning and Sustainability Office for their support with the 2017/2018 McGill Transport Survey. Daniel Schwartz provided technical support, for which the authors are very grateful. We would also like to thank the McGill community for their participation in the survey, Guillaume Bareau for provision of the Google API, and Robbin Deboosere for generating public transport travel times

    Will you ride the train? A combined home-work spatial segmentation approach

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    ABSTRACT: While the influence of land use and transport networks on travel behavior is known, few studies have jointly examined the effects of home and work location characteristics when modelling travel behavior. In this study, a two-step approach is proposed to investigate the combined effect of home and work location characteristics on the intent to use a new public transport service. Using data from the 2019 Montreal Mobility Survey (n=1698), this study examines the intent to use the RĂ©seau Express MĂ©tropolitain (REM), a light rail under construction in Montreal, for commuting. A segmentation analysis is first conducted to characterize commuters based on their home and work location characteristics, resulting in six distinct home-work clusters. The clusters are then included in an ordered logistic regression modelling the intent to use the REM, along with socio-economic and attitudinal characteristics. Results from a dominance analysis reveal that the clusters are the third most important determinants of the intent to use the REM, even when controlling for individual characteristics. The addition of the clusters leads to a significant improvement of the model (likelihood of -2388.9 improved from -2400.7, p-value < 0,05). All other clusters have a significantly lower probability (between 32 and 51% less likely) of intent to use the REM than the typical commuters (who commute from the suburbs to downtown, often by transit), at a 95% confidence interval. These findings underscore the implications of pursuing radial public-transport networks, illustrating the ability of the proposed approach to identify which groups are likely to benefit from a public-transport project and to propose recommendations anchored in joint home and work location patterns
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