168 research outputs found

    Struktur Komunitas Fitoplankton di Perairan yang Terdampak Air Bahang PLTU Paiton Kabupaten Probolinggo Jawa Timur

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    PLTU Paiton merupakan salah satu pembangkit listrik tenaga uap menggunakan air sebagai pendingin kondensor kemudian dikembalikan lagi ke perairan sekitar sebagai air bahang, sehingga akan memberikan input panas bagi perairan. Meningkatnya suhu perairan akibat air bahang ini, secara langsung maupun tidak langsung akan berpengaruh terhadap komponen biotik dan abiotik penyusun ekosistem laut, salah satu yang akan terpengaruh adalah fitoplankton yakni berupa struktur komunitas yang meliputi keanekaragaman, kelimpahan jenis, maupun keseragaman jenis fitoplankton disuatu perairan. Dari deskripsi tersebut, maka dilakukan penelitian mengenai struktur komunitas fitoplankton di perairan yang terdampak air bahang PLTU Paiton yang dilakukan pada bulan Maret hingga Juni 2015 dengan 6 kali pengambilan sampel di lima titik sekitar PLTU Paiton (Mercusuar, Intake, Outlet, Banyuglugur, dan Tengah). Data struktur komunitas yang diambil berupa kelimpahan, keanekaragaman, dan keseragaman fitoplankton yang selanjutnya dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif dan diuji menggunakan analisis regresi linier serta analisis ordinasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan uji regresi linier dan ordinasi RDA, struktur komunitas fitoplankton di perairan sekitar PLTU Paiton tidak dipengaruhi air bahang secara signifikan. Secara deskriptif kuantitatif struktur komunitas fitoplankton ini digambarkan dengan hasil keanekaragaman yang tergolong sedang (2.3026<H<6.9078) dengan nilai kelimpahan berkisar antara 7819 ind/m3 hingga 16255 ind/m3. Serta nilai keseragaman jenis labil (0.5< E ¤0.75) ditandai dengan adanya dominansi genus Oscillatoria sp. di setiap titik

    Perception and satisfaction level of students regarding the teaching practices during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic caused an unanticipated shift in the way classes were delivered. Institutions moved towards online teaching as the only way to provide lectures and laboratory work. Both instructors and students had to quickly adapt to this challenging change. The objective of this study was to examine students’ perspectives and levels of satisfaction in food-related majors regarding the teaching practices adopted. A questionnaire was created and distributed through professional networks and universities that offer food-related degrees worldwide. Participants were asked to rate their degree of satisfaction with virtual classes through a five-point Likert scale ranging from 1 «strongly disagree», 2 «disagree», 3 «neither agree nor disagree», 4 «agree» to 5 «strongly agree». Out of 388 student participants, about 49% were satisfied with the general formats of their online classes. Completing a discipline remotely took more effort than if it was taught in a face-to-face modality was felt by 66% of participants, and 56% were not motivated to attend the online classes. About 34% believed that remote learning would negatively affect their professional future, whilst 24% alleged the opposite. Additionally, about 52% of students shared that it would be better for some disciplines to be remotely taught in the future.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Time trends in prostate cancer mortality according to major geographic regions of Brazil: an analysis of three decades

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    Titles in Portuguese and Spanish = Tendência temporal da mortalidade por câncer de próstata segundo macrorregiões do Brasil: uma análise de três décadas = Las tendencias de la mortalidad por cáncer de próstata a través del tiempo, según las diferentes regiones brasileñas: un análisis de tres décadasThe aim of this study was to analyze prostate cancer mortality and time trends in Brazil, according to major geographic regions, States, and age brackets. Data on deaths from 1980 to 2010 were obtained from the Mortality Information System. Mortality trends were estimated using Prais-Winsten generalized linear regression. An upward time trend was observed in mortality in all regions of Brazil, with a mean annual increase of 2.8%. The upward trend in mortality occurred in most of the age brackets, with a concentration of deaths in men 70 to 79 years of age (41%) and a significant increase in the 40 to 60-year age bracket. The mortality rate increased significantly in all age brackets in the Northeast, compared to the other regions of Brazil. The study highlighted the importance of redistributing deaths from ill-defined causes in order to correct the mortality rates. The results point to significant regional differences and the need for continuous monitoring of mortality from prostate cancer in Brazil. = Analisar a distribuição e a tendência temporal da mortalidade por câncer de próstata segundo macrorregiões, Unidades Federativas (UF) e faixa etária no Brasil. Foram utilizados dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM), dos óbitos ocorridos entre 1980 e 2010. Estimou-se a tendência de mortalidade pelo método de Prais-Winsten de regressão linear generalizada. Verificou-se tendência temporal ascendente na taxa de mortalidade em todas as regiões do país, com aumento médio de 2,8% ao ano. A tendência ascendente na taxa de mortalidade ocorreu na maioria das faixas etárias, com concentração de óbitos entre homens de 70 a 79 anos (41%) e aumento significativo entre 40 e 60 anos. Houve um aumento significativo na taxa de mortalidade da Região Nordeste, e nas 25 UF em todas as faixas etárias comparada às demais regiões do Brasil. Verificou-se a importância na redistribuição de óbitos por causas mal definidas para correção das taxas de mortalidade. Os resultados apontam diferenças significativas regionais e a necessidade de monitoramento contínuo da mortalidade por câncer de próstata no Brasil. = Se analiza la distribución y la tendencia temporal de la mortalidad por cáncer de próstata según macrorregiones, Unidades Federativas (UF) y franja etaria en Brasil. Fueron utilizados datos del Sistema de Información sobre Mortalidad (SIM), con los óbitos acaecidos entre 1980 y 2010. Se estimó la tendencia de mortalidad por el método de Prais-Winsten de regresión lineal generalizado. Se verificó una tendencia temporal ascendente en la tasa de mortalidad en todas las regiones del país, con un aumento medio de un 2,8% al año. La tendencia ascendente en la tasa de mortalidad se produjo en la mayoría de las franjas de edad, concentrándose los óbitos entre hombres de 70 a 79 años (41%) y un aumento significativo entre 40 y 60 años. Hubo un aumento significativo en la tasa de mortalidad de la Región Nordeste, y en las 25 UF en todas las franjas de edad, comparadas con las demás regiones de Brasil. Se verificó la importancia en la redistribución de óbitos por causas mal definidas para la corrección de las tasas de mortalidad. Los resultados apuntan diferencias significativas regionales y la necesidad de un monitoreo continuo de la mortalidad por cáncer de próstata en Brasil.Mara Beatriz Martins Conceição, Antonio Fernando Boing, Karen Glazer Pere

    Socioeconomic inequalities in expenditures and income committed to the purchase of medicines in Southern Brazil = Desigualdades socioeconomicas en los gastos y comprometimiento de la renta con medicamentos en el Sur de Brasil

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    Abstract published in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Article in English and Portuguese.OBJECTIVE: To describe socioeconomic inequalities regarding the use, expenditures and the income committed to the purchase of medicines. METHODS: A cross-sectional population-based study was carried out with 1,720 adults living in the urban area of Florianópolis, Southern Brazil, in 2009. Cluster sampling was adopted and census tracts were the primary sampling units. Use of medicines and the expenditures incurred in their purchase in the past 30 days were investigated through interviews. Use, expenditures and the income committed concerning medicines were analyzed according to per capita family income, self-reported skin color, age and sex, adjusting for the complex sample. RESULTS: The prevalence of medicine use was 76.5% (95%CI: 73.8; 79.3), higher among women and in older individuals. The mean expenditure on medicine was R46.70,withhighervaluesamongwomen,whites,olderindividualsandamongricherpeople.While3.1 46.70, with higher values among women, whites, older individuals and among richer people. While 3.1% of the richest committed more than 15% of their income to purchasing medicine, that figure reached 9.6% in the poorest group. The proportion of people that had to buy medicines after an unsuccessful attempt to obtain them in the public health system was higher among the poor (11.0%), women (10.2%) and the elderly (11.1%). A large part of the adults bought medicines contained in the National List of Essential Medicines (19.9%) or in the Municipal List of Essential Medicines (28.6%), with significant differences according to gender, age and income. CONCLUSIONS: There is socioeconomic, age and gender inequality in the income committed to the purchase of medicines, with worse conditions for the poor, older individuals and women. = OBJETIVO: Describir las desigualdades socioeconómicas relacionadas con el uso, gastos y comprometimiento de la renta con la compra de medicamentos. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal de base poblacional con 1.720 adultos de área urbana de Florianópolis, Sur de Brasil en 2009. Se realizó la selección de la muestra por conglomerados y las unidades primarias fueron los sectores censitarios. Se investigó el uso de medicamentos y los gastos con su compra en los 30 días anteriores, por medio de entrevista. Uso, gasto y comprometimiento de renta debido a medicamentos fueron analizados según la renta familiar per capita, el color de la piel auto-referida, edad y el sexo de los individuos, ajustado para muestra compleja. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia del uso de medicamentos fue de 76,5% (IC95%:73,8;79,3), mayor entre las mujeres y en aquellos con edad avanzada. El promedio de gastos con medicamentos fue igual a R 46,70, con valores más elevados entre las mujeres, los blancos, los de edad más elevada y entre los más ricos. Mientras que 3,1% de los más ricos comprometieron más de 15% de sus rendimientos en la compra de medicamentos, ese valor llegó a 9,6% en los más pobres. La proporción de personas que tuvieron que comprar medicamentos posterior al intento fracasado de obtenerlos por el Sistema Único de Salud fue mayor entre los más pobres (11,0%), mujeres (10,2%) y en aquellos con edad avanzada (11,1%). Gran parte de los adultos compró medicamentos ubicados en la Relación Nacional de Medicamentos Esenciales (19,9%) o en la Relación Municipal de Medicamentos Esenciales (28,6%), con diferencias significativas según sexo, edad y renta. CONCLUSIONES: Existe desigualdad socioeconómica, de edad y de género en el comprometimiento de renta con la compra de medicamentos, con peores condiciones para los más pobres, los de edad avanzada y para las mujeres.Alexandra Crispim Boing; Andréa Dâmaso Bertoldi; Karen Glazer Pere

    Emerging issues and key focus areas in food science, technology, and engineering higher education

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    Food studies is an interdisciplinary field involving food production, distribution, consumption, and social, economic, and environmental impacts. Food science, technology, and engineering have undergone a significant transformation over the past few decades. Moreover, the food industry faces numerous critical challenges ranging from food safety, sustainability, health, and nutrition to changing consumer preferences and global food security. The food industry needs a workforce prepared for the most recent technical developments and also highly skilled. Working group 1.2, on Emerging Issued, Key Focus Areas, of IUFoST (International Union of Food Science and Technology) activities address education materials and methods on topics such as sustainability of food systems, emerging technologies, food safety, food insecurity, ethical considerations, among others. The working group organizes webinars series on teaching methods and methodologies, current critical topics in food studies, and, more recently, is opening an international web forum. This forum will promote effective communication and sharing of information in the field. It will cover topics such as curricula development, education in specific world regions, opportunities of collaboration, research education-related topics, and industry collaborations. Working group 1.2 of IUFoST is also a key element for networking with several other organizations working towards a new generation of food science, technology, and engineering professionals with the skills and knowledge required to drive innovation and reshape the industry.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Suicide time trends in Brazil from 1980 to 2005

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    Abstract and keywords in English and Portuguese. Title in Portuguese: Tendência temporal do suicídio no Brasil no período 1980-2005The aim of this study was to describe suicide time trends in Brazil from 1980 to 2005. The data were obtained from the National Mortality Information System and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Suicides rates were calculated for the entire period for the country as a whole and the 26 States and Federal District. Annual increases or decreases in mortality rates were also estimated using Prais-Winsten generalized linear regression. The mean suicide rate was 4.12 per 100,000 inhabitants (6.45/100,000 in men and 1.80/100,000 in women). The study showed an increasing suicide trend in men (+1.41% per year, 95%CI: 1.00;1.23) and a decreasing trend in women (-0.53% per year, 95%CI: -0.04;-1.02). Suicide rates increased with age. In general, for all age groups and for both genders, the highest rates were in São Paulo and in the States of the South and Central-West regions. = O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a tendência temporal das taxas de mortalidade por suicídio no Brasil, no período de 1980 a 2005. Os dados foram obtidos junto ao Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade e ao Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Foram calculadas as taxas médias de suicídio para todo o período, para cada estado, Distrito Federal e para o país como um todo, segundo sexo e faixas etárias. Também foram calculadas as variações médias anuais do suicídio pela regressão linear generalizada de Prais-Winsten. Foi observada, no período, taxa média de suicídio de 4,12 por 100 mil habitantes, variando de 6,45 por 100 mil habitantes entre homens a 1,80 por 100 mil habitantes entre mulheres, com tendência de ascensão entre os homens (+1,41% ao ano, IC95%: 1,00;1,23) e de declínio entre as mulheres (-0,53%, IC95%: -0,04;-1,02). O suicídio aumentou com o avanço da idade em ambos os sexos. De uma maneira geral, para todas as faixas etárias e para ambos os sexos, as maiores taxas foram encontradas em São Paulo e nos estados das regiões Sul e Centro-oeste.Fabíola Stolf Brzozowski, Giovana Bacilieri Soares, Jucemar Benedet, Antonio Fernando Boing, Marco Aurélio Pere

    Efforts to secure universal access to HIV/AIDS treatment: A comparison of BRICS countries

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    This article illustrates how the BRICS countries have been building their focused leadership, making important high level commitment and national policy changes, and improving their health systems, in addressing the HIV/AIDS epidemics in respective settings. Specific aspects are focused on efforts of creating public provisions to secure universal access to ARVs from the aspects of active responsive system and national program, health system strengthening, fostering local production of ARVs, supply chain management, and information system strengthening. Challenges in each BRICS country are analyzed respectively. The most important contributors to the success of response to HIV/AIDS include: creating legal basis for healthcare as a fundamental human right; political commitment to necessary funding for universal access and concrete actions to secure equal quality care; comprehensive system to secure demands that all people in need are capable of accessing prevention, treatment and care; active community involvement; decentralization of the management system considering the local settings; integration of treatment and prevention; taking horizontal approach to strengthen health systems; fully use of the TRIPS flexibility; and regular monitoring and evaluation to serve evidence based decision making. © 2013 Chinese Cochrane Center, West China Hospital of Sichuan University and Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd

    Linking Physical Activity to Breast Cancer via Sex Steroid Hormones, Part 2:The Effect of Sex Steroid Hormones on Breast Cancer Risk

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    We undertook a systematic review and appraised the evidence for an effect of circulating sex steroid hormones and sex hormone–binding globulin (SHBG) on breast cancer risk in pre- and postmenopausal women. Systematic searches identified prospective studies relevant to this review. Meta-analyses estimated breast cancer risk for women with the highest compared with the lowest level of sex hormones, and the DRMETA Stata package was used to graphically represent the shape of these associations. The ROBINS-E tool assessed risk of bias, and the GRADE system appraised the strength of evidence. In premenopausal women, there was little evidence that estrogens, progesterone, or SHBG were associated with breast cancer risk, whereas androgens showed a positive association. In postmenopausal women, higher estrogens and androgens were associated with an increase in breast cancer risk, whereas higher SHBG was inversely associated with risk. The strength of the evidence quality ranged from low to high for each hormone. Dose–response relationships between sex steroid hormone concentrations and breast cancer risk were most notable for post-menopausal women. These data support the plausibility of a role for sex steroid hormones in mediating the causal relationship between physical activity and the risk of breast cancer. See related reviews by Lynch et al., p. 11 and Swain et al., p. 1

    The influence of health expenditures on household impoverishment in Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE To analyze the variation in the proportion of households living below the poverty line in Brazil and the factors associated with their impoverishment. METHODS Income and expenditure data from the Household Budget Survey, which was conducted in Brazil between 2002-2003 (n = 48,470 households) and 2008-2009 (n = 55,970 households) with a national sample, were analyzed. Two cutoff points were used to define poverty. The first cutoff is a per capita monthly income below R100.00in2002−2003andR100.00 in 2002-2003 and R140.00 in 2008-2009, as recommended by the Bolsa Família Program. The second, which is proposed by the World Bank and is adjusted for purchasing power parity, defines poverty as per capita income below US2.34andUS2.34 and US3.54 per day in 2002-2003 and 2008-2009, respectively. Logistic regression was used to identify the sociodemographic factors associated with the impoverishment of households. RESULTS After subtracting health expenditures, there was an increase in households living below the poverty line in Brazil. Using the World Bank poverty line, the increase in 2002-2003 and 2008-2009 was 2.6 percentage points (6.8%) and 2.3 percentage points (11.6%), respectively. Using the Bolsa Família Program poverty line, the increase was 1.6 (11.9%) and 1.3 (17.3%) percentage points, respectively. Expenditure on prescription drugs primarily contributed to the increase in poor households. According to the World Bank poverty line, the factors associated with impoverishment include a worse-off financial situation, a household headed by an individual with low education, the presence of children, and the absence of older adults. Using the Bolsa Família Program poverty line, the factors associated with impoverishment include a worse-off financial situation and the presence of children. CONCLUSIONS Health expenditures play an important role in the impoverishment of segments of the Brazilian population, especially among the most disadvantaged
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