10 research outputs found

    Economics and Business Innovation

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    Матеріал, представлений у підручнику відображає сучасні проблеми впливу інновацій на підприємницьку діяльність бізнес-структур. У підручнику розглядаються питання впровадження інновацій в економічних системах, а також наводяться матеріали, що висвітлюють специфіку управління інноваційними процесами. Зокрема, в них розглядаються питання: генерування інновацій на підприємствах, реалізації цифрових трансформацій, інтенсифікації бізнес-процесів в умовах сучасних промислових революцій, формування інноваційних моделей ведення бізнесу, а також інші актуальні в сьогоднішніх умовах питання. Підручник призначений для викладачів і студентів, а також може бути використаний керівниками підприємств, фахівцями та бізнесменами в їх практичній діяльності.The material presented in the textbook reflects modern problems of the influence of innovations on the entrepreneurial activity of business structures. The textbook examines the issues of introducing innovations in economic systems, as well as provides materials highlighting the specifics of managing innovation processes. In particular, they consider the following issues: generation of innovations at enterprises, implementation of digital transformations, intensification of business processes in the conditions of modern industrial revolutions, formation of innovative business models, as well as other issues relevant in today's conditions. The textbook is intended for teachers and students, and can also be used by enterprise managers, specialists and businessmen in their practical activities

    Modern industrial revolutions and improvement of mechanisms for sustainable socio-economic development: The EU experience and practice of the Ukraine

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    Розкривається зміст та взаємообумовленість сучасних промислових революцій (Industries 3.0, 4.0, 5.0). Характеризуються механізми забезпечення сестейнового розвитку на різних рівнях функціонування соціально-економічних систем. Окрема увага приділяється ходу трансформаційних процесів на територіальному рівні та в окремих секторах господарства (енергетика, агровиробництво, транспорт). В центрі уваги також такі актуальні тренди сучасного розвитку, як інтелектуалізація соціально-економічних систем, цифровізація економіки, дематеріалізація процесів виробництва та споживання. Для науковців різних сфер діяльності, фахівців підприємств та органів виконавчої влади, викладачів і студентів вищих навчальних закладів

    Psychological Distinguished Characteristics of Legal Education in the Context of Reformation of the Legal System of Ukraine

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    The article will be interesting for specialists in psychology and law, scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff, who participate in educational process in sphere of legal education of individual. This article describes (justifies) the insufficiency of illustration, in previously written scientific projects, of the basics of legal education on current stage of Ukrainian reforms, in which main psychological aspects would be taken into account. These aspects are based on creation of individual's legal culture with prevalence of universal human values. This article shows that modern life realities demand determination of place and role for legal education, taking into account psychological aspects, in the context of reformation of the Legal System, its aim and tasks, review and improvement of forms and methods. Scientific task on justification of main psychological principles of legal education on current stage of our state development was formulated. The main idea is creation of legal culture of individual in whom universal human values prevail. It is defined, that legal education mast be based on: deeply rooted folk traditions of humanism;  folk pedagogics; best samples of world culture (which are the most important factors of personality formation); ideological principles of universal human  values and ideas of creation of constitutional stat; ideological basis (The Constitution of Ukraine); pluralism; fusion of possibilities of folk pedagogics; the best moral and ethical traditions; moral laws of the Bible; the best samples of achievements of world civilization; culture; idea of philosophical and religious social consciousness; interconnection and coherence of legal education with modern state-building processes in Ukraine. Pedagogues, psychologists and lawyers, who are involved in work on problems of legal education, should concentrate their efforts on possibilities of psychology and law to ensure behavior, which would guaranty progressive and irreversible development of society

    Designing a Decision Support System for the Weakly Formalized Problems in the Provision of Cybersecurity

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    We devised a decision support system (DSS) for the weakly formalized problems of information protection and the provision of cybersecurity at the informatization objects. The system is based on the models that describe the tasks of information safety and cyberprotection in the conceptual and functional aspects. We described the process of compiling a knowledge base of DSS for the circumstances related to the detection of hard-to-explain attributes of anomalies and attacks. The DSS "Decision Support System of Management protection of information – DMSSCIS", which we designed, makes it possible to improve understanding of the analyzed situations that occur in the process of cyberprotection of mission critical computer systems. While tested at the enterprises, it was established that the "DMSSCIS" system enabled effective visualization and interpretation of results of current assessment of the revealed hard-to-explain attributes of anomalies and cyberattacks, as well as allowed us to describe current situation in the course of multistage targeted cyberattacks. It was established that the application of DSS "DMSSCIS" in the interaction with other systems for the intelligent recognition of illegitimate interference in the computer systems operations made it possible to improve efficiency of decision making on information security. While testing, it was found that the application of the "DMSSCIS" system allowed reducing the time required to inform persons, responsible for cybersecurity, about the incidents by 6.9–7.2 times

    Development of Expert Assessment Methods in Planning Energy Supply of Buildings with Renewable Energy Sources

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    The object of research is the process of expert evaluation in planning the energy supply of buildings using renewable energy sources. The conducted research is based on the application of system analysis methods to formalize the process of expert evaluation in the planning of an energy system with renewable energy sources. Here were used methods of expert evaluation of characteristics of qualitative criteria, methods of the theory of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic for the formation of the value of criteria, and methods of estimating the reliability of the expert evaluation. Methods of structural analysis and functional modelling of information systems are used to build structural and functional models of the expert evaluation process. The issue of creating an appropriate information system for planning a power system with renewable energy sources is considered. One of the components of the information system is the unit for evaluating candidate experts. A six-level algorithm of the hierarchical structure of expert selection is proposed. As a result of the algorithm, an expert group is formed. This paper shows the process of narrowing the circle of experts from twenty to three candidates. The list of criteria influencing the choice of experts is formed: length of service, availability of the certificate, the efficiency of decision-making, education. The process of assessing the stability of experts' opinions is shown. It is proposed to use the method of processing the opinions of experts to find the value of the membership functions of qualitative criteria. As a result of the study, a group of three experts was formed, whose opinions are taken into account when choosing alternatives to the energy system. In accordance with the proposed information technology of energy supply planning of buildings using renewable energy sources, an information system in the form of a web-oriented application is proposed. A separate part of the information system is a subsystem for working with experts. The diagram of sequence of actions of the expert and the interface of work with system is developed. The use of the information system allowed to increase the efficiency of questionnaires of experts and decision-making on the choice of the optimal structure of the power system as a whole

    Aggregation of Multidimensional Data for the Decision Support Process for the Management of Microgrids with Renewable Energy Sources

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    The object of research is the process of processing and storing data when making decisions on managing the life cycle of electricity generation and consumption in microgrids with renewable energy sources. The prospects of the study are due to the fact that in order to provide a full-fledged decision support process in the management of microgrids with renewable energy sources, it is necessary to consolidate and manipulate multidimensional data in multithreading and online information processing. To solve the problem, the theoretical methods of analysis, abstraction, induction and deduction were used. To ensure multidimensionality and multithreading of data processing, it is proposed to develop a data warehouse based on the snowflake data model. Efficiency of information processing in real time is provided by an operational database built on the principle of OLTP. The organization of the joint work of the data warehouse with the operational database, the consolidation and manipulation of data is provided by triggers. The result of the work is a data warehouse that will be used in the decision support system for managing energy microgrids, which will improve the efficiency of data processing and storage. This is achieved by combining the work of a centralized data warehouse with an operational database, as well as the use of a separate data mart for each user of the system. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the data warehouse will become part of the decision support system for processing information about the life cycle of energy in the management of energy infrastructure. Compared to using a single database for a decision support system, this approach ensures the speed of working with data and allows differentiating between the use of a data warehouse for analytics and data manipulation operations. The data warehouse was deployed in a cloud environment on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform and the Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) web service. Secure access to client data is implemented using data marts

    Management of Information Protection Based on the Integrated Implementation of Decision Support Systems

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    We developed the method and the model for managing protection of objects of informatization, based on the integrated implementation of decision support systems for the tasks on cybersecurity. The proposed solutions differ from the existing ones by the possibility to automate the procedure of generating variants for controlling actions using the decision support system, designed as a web application. The described model for the coordination of experts' opinions is based on the Delphi method. The approach proposed makes it possible to coordinate expert opinions, including to take into account different interval estimates of the degree of protection and information security metrics of the objects of informatization.Results are presented of testing under actual conditions at the enterprises of Ukraine the software complex "Decision support system for managing cyber security of an enterprise ‒ DMSSCSE". The DSS is adapted for the on-line work of experts. It was established that the DSS "DMSSCSE" makes it possible to improve effectiveness of the applied organizational and technical measures to protect objects of informatization. The proposed solutions enabled bringing down the cost of organizing comprehensive information protection systems by 12−15 % compared to the existing method

    Applying an Adaptive Method of the Orthogonal Laguerre Filtration of Noise Interference to Increase the Signal/noise Ratio

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    A relevant task for control systems is to reduce the impact of noise interference in order to increase the signal/noise ratio (SNR). This issue is relevant to other technical systems as well. This work addresses the orthogonal Laguerre filtration of noise processes, which are described by the linear random processes. The proposed method of filtration makes it possible to reduce the influence of noise interference, which is described by the stationary linear random processes, in the operation of correlation systems. The essence of this method implies the use of orthogonal Laguerre filters as the input links of the correlation system.The sequence of the noise processes, which are uncorrelated over a significant time interval of their mutual shift, has been derived on the basis of orthogonal Laguerre filtration of the stationary white noise. Such processes are described by the stationary linear random processes and are the models of a wide range of noise interference, which are explored in the operation of various technical systems, including control, detection, recognition, measurement systems, etc. The application of this method decreases the effect of noise interference with different correlation-spectral characteristics and increases the SNR at the output from the correlation system. Practical tasks on reducing the action of stationary noise interference have been solved within the framework of the proposed adaptive method of orthogonal Laguerre filtration; to this end, the article shows a structural-logical scheme of the correlation system. Using the software, the algorithm of the adaptive filtration based on the complex Laguerre filters has been implemented. The implementation has been carried out for an actual noise interference that belongs to the RLC class of noise, employing the pre-training of the filter. The effectiveness of reducing the impact of the predefined stationary noise interference has been confirmed by the derived efficiency coefficients the size of –6 dB and –16 dB for the set of the interference zeroing point