12 research outputs found

    Fighting Aggregation‐Caused Quenching and Leakage of Dyes in Fluorescent Polymer Nanoparticles: Universal Role of Counterion

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    Dye‐loaded polymer nanoparticles (NPs) emerge as a powerful tool for bioimaging applications, owing to their exceptional brightness and controlled small size. However, aggregation‐caused quenching (ACQ) and leakage of dyes at high loading remain important challenges of these nanomaterials. The use of bulky hydrophobic counterions has been recently proposed as an effective approach to minimize ACQ and dye leakage, but the role of counterion structure is still poorly understood. Here, a systematic study based on ten counterions, ranging from small hydrophilic perchlorate up to large hydrophobic tetraphenylborate derivatives, reveals how counterion nature can control encapsulation and emission of a cationic dye (rhodamine B octadecyl ester) in NPs prepared by nanoprecipitation of a biodegradable polymer, poly‐lactide‐co‐glycolide (PLGA). We found that increase in counterion hydrophobicity enhances dye encapsulation efficiency and prevents dye adsorption at the particle surface. Cellular imaging studies revealed that ≄95 % encapsulation efficiency, achieved with most hydrophobic counterions (fluorinated tetraphenylborates), is absolutely required because non‐encapsulated dye species at the surface of NPs are the origin of dye leakage and strong fluorescence background in cells. The size of counterions is found to be essential to prevent ACQ, where the largest species, serving as effective spacer between dyes, provide the highest fluorescence quantum yield. Moreover, we found that the most hydrophobic counterions favor dye–dye coupling inside NPs, leading to ON/OFF fluorescence switching of single particles. By contrast, less hydrophobic counterions tend to disperse dyes in the polymer matrix favoring stable emission of NPs. The obtained structure‐property relationships validate the counterion‐based approach as a mature concept to fight ACQ and dye leakage in the development of advanced polymeric nanomaterials with controlled optical properties

    BODIPY-loaded polymer nanoparticles: chemical structure of cargo defines leakage from nanocarrier in living cells

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    Uncontrolled release of encapsulated drugs and contrast agents from biodegradable polymer nanoparticles (NPs) is a central problem in drug delivery and bioimaging. In particular, it concerns polymeric NPs prepared by nanoprecipitation, where this release (so-called burst release) can be very significant, leading to side effects and/or bioimaging artifacts. Here, we made a systematic study on the effect of chemical structure of cargo molecules, BODIPY dye derivatives, on their capacity to be loaded into ~50 nm PLGA NPs without leakage in biological media. Absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy suggested that most of dyes, except the most polar BODIPY derivative, formed blended structures with polymer NPs. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy of dye-loaded NPs in the presence of serum proteins revealed that only the most hydrophobic BODIPY dyes, bearing one octadecyl chain or two octyl chains, remain inside NPs, while all other derivatives are released into serum medium. The time-laps absorption and fluorescence studies confirmed this result, suggesting the release kinetics for the leaky NPs on the time scale of hours. Fluorescence microscopy of living cells incubated with BODIPY-loaded NPs showed that most of them exhibit strong dye leakage observed as homogeneous distribution of fluorescence all over the cytoplasm. Importantly, NPs loaded with the most hydrophobic dyes, exhibited high stability showing a dotted pattern in the perinuclear region, typical for endosomes and lysosomes. Our results highlight significance of the cargo hydrophobicity for efficient encapsulation inside polymeric NPs prepared by nanoprecipitation, which enables designing stable cargo-loaded nanomaterials for bioimaging and drug delivery.

    In Vivo FRET Imaging to Predict the Risk Associated with Hepatic Accumulation of Squalene-Based Prodrug Nanoparticles.

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    Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) is used here for the first time to monitor the in vivo fate of nanoparticles made of the squalene-gemcitabine prodrug and two novel derivatives of squalene with the cyanine dyes 5.5 and 7.5, which behave as efficient FRET pair in the NIR region. Following intravenous administration, nanoparticles initially accumulate in the liver, then they show loss of their integrity within 2 h and clearance of the squalene bioconjugates is observed within 24 h. Such awareness is a key prerequisite before introduction into clinical settings.journal article2018 Feb2017 11 30importedSupporting information : librement accessible sur le site de l'éditeur

    Robust Augmented Reality registration method for Localization of Solid Organs’ Tumors Using CT-derived Virtual Biomechanical Model and Fluorescent Fiducials

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    Presented at the SAGES 2016 Annual Meeting, March 16–19, 2016, Boston, MAInternational audienceAccurate localization of solid organs tumors is crucial to ensure both radicality and organ function preservation. Augmented Reality (AR) is the fusion of computer-generated and real-time images. AR can be used in surgery as a navigation tool, by creating a patient-specific virtual model through 3D software manipulation of DICOM imaging (e.g. CT-scan). The virtual model can be superimposed to the real-time images to obtain the enhanced real-time localization. However, the 3D virtual model is rigid, and does not take into account inner structures’ deformations. We present a concept of automated navigation system, enabling transparency visualization of internal anatomy and tumor’s margins, while the organs undergo deformation during breathing or surgical manipulation

    Auto-assemblage de colorants ioniques fluorescents Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de nanoparticules de polymĂšres : ingĂ©nierie de fluorescence efficace et commutable

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    Encapsulation of ionic dyes with help of bulky hydrophobic counterions into polymer nanomaterials emerged as powerful method for generating ultrabright fluorescent nanoparticles (NPs) for bioimaging. Here, this counterion-based approach is extended to cyanine dyes, operating from blue to near-infrared range. Based on cyanine-loaded NPs, a multicolour cell barcoding method for long-term cell tracking is developed. Second, the role of bulky hydrophobic counterion in self-assembly of cationic dyes inside polymeric NPs is studied by testing a large library of anions. We show that high hydrophobicity of a counterion enhances dye encapsulation, prevents particle aggregation and tunes dye clustering, while large size prevents dyes from self-quenching. Third, counterions based on aluminates and barbiturates are shown to outperform fluorinated tetraphenylborates. This work provides a solid basis for counterion-enhanced encapsulation and emission concept in preparation of dye-loaded fluorescent NPs.L’encapsulation dans des nanomatĂ©riaux de polymĂšres de colorants ioniques Ă  l’aide de contre-ions hydrophobes volumineux apparaĂźt ĂȘtre une mĂ©thode trĂšs efficace pour gĂ©nĂ©rer des nanoparticules (NPs) fluorescentes ultra-brillantes pour la bioimagerie. Nous avons d’abord Ă©tendu cette approche par contre-ions aux colorants cyanine opĂ©rant dans la gamme du bleu au proche infra-rouge. A partir de NPs chargĂ©s en cyanines, une methode de code-barre multicolore pour le traçage cellulaire Ă  long terme a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©. Ensuite, le rĂŽle des contre-ions hydrophobes volumineux dans l’auto-assemblage des colorants cationiques Ă  l’intĂ©rieur des NPs de polymĂšres a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ© en testant une large collection d’anions. Nous avons montrĂ© qu’une forte hydrophobicitĂ© du contre-ion augmente l’encapsulation du colorant, rĂ©gule son clustering et empĂȘche l’agrĂ©gation de nanoparticules, alors qu’une grande taille empĂȘche l’auto-inhibition de fluorescence. Enfin, nous avons introduit les contre-ions Ă  base d’aluminates et de barbiturates, qui sur-performent les tetraphĂ©nylborates fluorĂ©s. Ce travail procure une base solide au concept d’émission et d’encapsulation augmentĂ©es par contre-ions pour la prĂ©paration de NPs chargĂ©s en colorants fluorescents

    Counterion-insulated near-infrared dyes in biodegradable polymer nanoparticles for in vivo imaging

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    Bulky hydrophobic counterions were applied for encapsulation of near-infrared cyanine dyes into biodegradable polymer matrix with minimized self-quenching, yielding fluorescent nanoparticles with stealth PEG shell for in vivo imaging. , Polymeric nanoparticles (NPs) are highly attractive for biomedical applications due to their potential biodegradability and capacity to encapsulate different loads, notably drugs and contrast agents. For in vivo optical bioimaging, NPs should operate in the near-infrared region (NIR) and exhibit stealth properties. In the present work, we applied the approach of ionic dye insulation with bulky hydrophobic counterions for encapsulation of near-infrared cyanine dyes (Cy5.5 and Cy7 bearing two octadecyl chains) into biodegradable polymer (PLGA) NPs. We found that at high dye loading (20–50 mM with respect to the polymer), the bulkiest fluorinated tetraphenylborate counterion minimized best the aggregation-caused quenching and improved fluorescence quantum yields of both NIR dyes, especially of Cy5.5. In addition, bulky counterions also enabled formation of small 40 nm polymeric NPs in contrast to smaller counterions. To provide them stealth properties, we prepared 40 nm dye-loaded PEGylated NPs through nanoprecipitation of synthetic PLGA–PEG block copolymer with the dye/counterion salt. The obtained NIR NPs loaded with Cy5.5 dye salt allowed in vivo imaging of wild-type mice with a good contrast after IV injection. Compared to the bare PLGA NPs, PLGA–PEG NPs exhibited significantly slower accumulation in the liver. Biodistribution studies confirmed the preferential accumulation in the liver, although PLGA and PLGA–PEG NPs could also be distributed in other organs, with the following tendency: liver > spleen > lungs > kidney > heart > testis > brain. Overall, the present work validated the counterion approach for encapsulation of NIR cyanine dyes into biodegradable polymer NPs bearing covalently attached PEG shell. Thus, we propose a simple and robust methodology for preparation of NIR fluorescent biodegradable polymer NPs, which could further improve the existing optical imaging for biomedical applications

    Integrity of lipid nanocarriers in bloodstream and tumor quantified by near-infrared ratiometric FRET imaging in living mice

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    AbstractLipid nanocarriers are considered as promising candidates for drug delivery and cancer targeting because of their low toxicity, biodegradability and capacity to encapsulate drugs and/or contrasting agents. However, their biomedical applications are currently limited because of a poor understanding of their integrity in vivo. To address this problem, we report on fluorescent nano-emulsion droplets of 100nm size encapsulating lipophilic near-infrared cyanine 5.5 and 7.5 dyes with a help of bulky hydrophobic counterion tetraphenylborate. Excellent brightness and efficient Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) inside lipid NCs enabled for the first time quantitative fluorescence ratiometric imaging of NCs integrity directly in the blood circulation, liver and tumor xenografts of living mice using a whole-animal imaging set-up. This unique methodology revealed that the integrity of our FRET NCs in the blood circulation of healthy mice is preserved at 93% at 6h of post-administration, while it drops to 66% in the liver (half-life is 8.2h). Moreover, these NCs show fast and efficient accumulation in tumors, where they enter in nearly intact form (77% integrity at 2h) before losing their integrity to 40% at 6h (half-life is 4.4h). Thus, we propose a simple and robust methodology based on ratiometric FRET imaging in vivo to evaluate quantitatively nanocarrier integrity in small animals. We also demonstrate that nano-emulsion droplets are remarkably stable nano-objects that remain nearly intact in the blood circulation and release their content mainly after entering tumors

    Near-infrared fluorescent coatings of medical devices for image-guided surgery

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    International audienceRapidly expanding field of image-guided surgery needs new materials for near-infrared imaging with deep tissue penetration. Here, we introduce near-infrared coating of equipment (NICE) for image-guided surgery based on a series of lipophilic cyanine-7.5 dyes with bulky hydrophobic counterions and a biocompatible polymer, poly(methyl methacrylate). The NICE material exhibits superior brightness (15-20-fold higher) and photostability compared to fluorescent coatings based on commonly used indocyanine green (ICG). It can be deposited on different surfaces and devices, such as steel and gold fiducials, silicone and PVC catheters, polymeric surgical sutures and gauzes. Such coated medical devices show excellent stability in air and buffer for 150 days. Accelerated ageing revealed their shelf-life of 3 years. They are also stable in serum-containing media, whereas ICG-based coating shows rapid dye leakage. NICE is compatible with standard sterilization protocols based on ethylene oxide and vapor. Moreover, our coating material is biocompatible, where cultured cells spread effectively without signs of cytotoxicity. Ex vivo studies suggest that NICE on fiducials can be visualized as deep as 0.5 cm, and NICE on catheters enables their visualization inside ureters and esophagus. Finally, NICE on different medical devices has been validated for image-guided surgery in porcine and human cadaver models. Thus, the developed NIR coating material emerges as a powerful tool for a variety of medical applications