29 research outputs found

    Chemical characterization and anti-inflammatory and antioxidant potential of fruits of Eugenia candolleana DC

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    The aim of this study was to present a comprehensive evaluation of the chemical composition, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities of the pulp and seeds of Eugenia candolleana fruits collected at two stages of maturation. The results showed that fruits are a good source of vitamins and minerals such as thiamine and riboflavin, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, potassium and zinc, besides high amounts of protein and dietary fiber. The fruits showed a higher proportion of unsaturated fatty acids, with a predominance of linoleic acid in all samples. The seeds presented a significantly higher content of phenolic and tannins than pulp, however, anthocyanins were found exclusively in the pulp and skin of the fruits. Maturation affected the composition of phenolics where the mature stage presented significantly fewer phenolic compounds. Quercetin, pyrogallol and gallic acid were the main compounds identified in the pulp and seeds. Both pulp and seeds presented potential antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities, however, the seeds have significantly higher activity. The seed extracts significantly reduced the production of nitric oxide and the cytokines IL-6 and TNF-α in macrophages, highlighting a potential anti-inflammatory activity. The fruits can be included in diets as a strategy to improve the diversity of food supply, in addition, the seed flour can be used as a potential food supplement, besides valuing agro-industrial by-products


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    Foram investigadas as concentrações dos agrotóxicos organoclorados lindano, HCB e p,p- DDE em leite esterilizado e calculada a ingesta diária desses compostos por crianças matriculadas na primeira série do Ensino Fundamental, no município de Santa Maria, RS (BRASIL). As concentrações de lindano (17,9 ng/g de gordura ± 26,5), HCB (3,4 ng/g de gordura ± 1,5) e p,p-DDE (6,5 ng/g de gordura ± 4,4) nas amostras de leite enquadraram- se abaixo do limite máximo de resíduos estabelecido pelo Codex Alimentarius (FAO, 1993). O consumo médio de leite esterilizado pelas crianças foi de 390,9 mL/dia. A ingesta diária estimada de compostos organoclorados (0,210 µg/dia de lindano; 0,039 µg/dia de HCB e 0,076 µg/dia de p,p-DDE) a partir de leite esterilizado ficou abaixo da ingesta diária admissível estabelecida pelo Codex Alimentarius. Conclui-se que o leite comercializado no município de Santa Maria não representa risco toxicológico sob o aspecto avaliado

    Óleo essencial de eucalipto como bioestimulador do crescimento de fungos ectomicorrízicos in vitro

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/198050989285The secondary metabolites extracted from forest species known as micossimbiontes can stimulate the growth of in vitro ectomycorrhizal isolates. We determined the effect of concentration of Eucalyptus grandis essential oil in stimulating growth of the ectomycorrhizal Pisolithus sp. (UFSC Pt 24 and UFSC Pt 188), Pisolithus microcarpus (UFSC Pt 116) Chondrogaster angustiporus (UFSC Ch 163), Scleroderma citrinum (UFSC Sc 124) and Suillus sp. (UFSM RA RA UFSM 2.2 and 2.8) in liquid culture medium. After a period of 25 days of incubation, we evaluated the morphology and growth of the isolates. The addition of essential oil at concentrations from 20 to 30 µL L-1 promoted mycelial growth in vitro in isolated Pt 24 UFSC, UFSC Pt 116, Ch 163 UFSC, UFSC Sc 124, UFSM RA RA UFSM 2.2 and 2.8. The addition of essential oil at a concentration of 20 µL L-1 resulted in an increase in the diameter and branching hyphae of isolates UFSC Pt 116 and Pt 24 UFSC. The use of essential oil in the preparation of culture media for the growth of ectomycorrhizal isolates has shown to be efficient and to increase the mycelial mass of the fungus.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/198050989285Os metabólitos secundários extraídos de essências florestais conhecidamente micossimbiontes podem estimular o crescimento de isolados ectomicorrízicos in vitro. Assim, determinou-se o efeito de concentrações do óleo essencial de Eucalyptus grandis no estímulo ao crescimento dos fungos ectomicorrízicos Pisolithus sp. (UFSC Pt 24 e UFSC Pt 188), Pisolithus microcarpus (UFSC Pt 116), Chondrogaster angustiporus (UFSC Ch 163), Scleroderma citrinum (UFSC Sc 124) e Suillus sp. (UFSM RA 2.2 e UFSM RA 2.8) em meio de cultura líquido. Após o período de 25 dias de incubação, avaliou-se a morfologia e o crescimento dos isolados. A adição do óleo essencial nas concentrações de 20 a 30 μL L-1 promoveu crescimento miceliano in vitro nos isolados UFSC Pt 24, UFSC Pt 116, UFSC Ch 163, UFSC Sc 124, UFSM RA 2.2 e UFSM RA 2.8. A adição do óleo essencial na concentração de 20 μL L-1 resultou em aumento no diâmetro e na ramificação das hifas dos isolados UFSC Pt 116 e UFSC Pt 24. A utilização de óleo essencial na elaboração de meios de cultura para o crescimento de isolados ectomicorrízicos mostra-se eficiente, por aumentar a produção de massa micelial do fungo

    Comparative untargeted metabolome analysis of ruminal fuid and feces of Nelore steers (Bos indicus).

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    We conducted a study to identify the fecal metabolite profle and its proximity to the ruminal metabolism of Nelore steers based on an untargeted metabolomic approach. Twenty-six Nelore were feedlot with same diet during 105 d. Feces and rumen fuid were collected before and at slaughter, respectively. The metabolomics analysis indicated 49 common polar metabolites in the rumen and feces. Acetate, propionate, and butyrate were the most abundant polar metabolites in both bio-samples. The rumen presented signifcantly higher concentrations of the polar compounds when compared to feces (P< 0.05); even though, fecal metabolites presented an accentuated representability of the ruminal fuid metabolites. All fatty acids present in the ruminal fuid were also observed in the feces, except for C20:2n6 and C20:4n6. The identifed metabolites ofer information on the main metabolic pathways (higher impact factor and P< 0.05), as synthesis and degradation of ketone bodies; the alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolisms, the glycine, serine; and threonine metabolism and the pyruvate metabolism. The fndings reported herein on the close relationship between the ruminal fuid and feces metabolic profles may ofer new metabolic information, in addition to facilitating the sampling for metabolism investigation in animal production and health routines

    Chemical caracterization of volatiles compounds and study of antioxidant potential in Capsicum chili peppers

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    Orientador: Helena Teixeira GodoyTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de AlimentosResumo: Nos últimos anos, no Brasil, o volume das exportações de pimentas Capsicum aumentou significativamente, fato que fez com que este produto agrícola se posicionasse como a segunda principal hortaliça exportada pelo país. Acredita-se que o crescimento nas exportações de pimentas esteja relacionado à avidez do mercado por este condimento que é amplamente empregado em formulações alimentícias industrializadas ou caseiras em diversos países. Além disso, a indústria de alimentos as emprega largamente como agente colorante e flavorizante em molhos, sopas, carnes processadas, lanches, doces e bebidas alcoólicas. Dada esta ampla utilização, pode-se considerar os caracteres sensoriais, proporcionados pelas pimentas, como um fator importante na qualidade sensorial dos alimentos que as empregam em suas formulações. Neste trabalho, o objetivo foi analisar a fração volátil e a fixa de três variedades de pimentas Capsicum brasileiras: malagueta (Capsicum frutescens), dedo-de-moça (Capsicum baccatum var. pendulum) e murupi (Capsicum chinense) em dois estádios de maturação (tecnológica e comercial). Para a fração volátil foi empregada microextração em fase sólida do espaço de cabeça (HS-SPME, ¿Headspace-Solid Phase Microextraction¿). Foram testadas as fibras: carboxen/polidimetilsiloxano (CAR/PDMS-75µm), polidimetilsiloxano (PDMS-100µm), divinilbenzeno/polidimetilsiloxano (DVB/PDMS-65µm), carbowax/divinilbenzeno (CW/DVB-70µm), e divinilbenzeno/carboxen/polidimetilsiloxano (DVB/CAR/PDMS-50/30µm), sendo que, esta última foi a que apresentou melhor eficiência na captura dos voláteis. Para esta fibra foram otimizadas as condições de extração utilizando delineamento composto central rotacional (DCCR). Empregando-se as condições ótimas de extração por HS-SPME e cromatografia gasosa (GC, ¿Gas Chromatography¿) hifenada a detector de ionização em chama (FID, ¿Flame Ionization detector¿) e espectrometria de massas (MS, ¿Mass Spectrometry¿), um total de 83 voláteis foram identificados na pimenta malagueta, em sua maioria ésteres e alcoóis; enquanto que na pimenta dedo-de-moça foram identificados 50 voláteis, em sua maioria monoterpenos e sesquiterpenos e na pimenta murupi foram identificados 79 voláteis, em sua maioria ésteres e sesquiterpenos. Também foi verificada uma diminuição das áreas dos picos dos voláteis nas três amostras, com o processo de maturação, principalmente nas amostras de pimenta dedo-de-moça, na qual a maioria dos voláteis desapareceu com o amadurecimento. Para a análise das frações voláteis das pimentas, também foram desenvolvidas e otimizadas metodologias de cromatografia gasosa bidimensional abrangente (GCxGC, ¿Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gás Chromatography¿) hifenada aos detectores FID e espectrometria de massas por tempo de voo (TOF/MS, ¿Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry¿). Através destas técnicas multidimensionais um total de 220 compostos voláteis foi identificado (125 em pimenta malagueta, 123 em murupi e 75 em dedo-de-moça), destes compostos, 24 apresentaram potencial para discriminação das amostras e foram utilizados na análise de componentes principais (PCA). Os resultados do PCA permitiram discriminar as amostras entre si e também segundo seus estádios de maturação. As amostras de pimenta malagueta foram discriminadas principalmente por compostos pertencentes ao grupo dos ésteres ramificados; a pimenta murupi, por sesquiterpenos e a pimenta dedo-de-moça pela presença de aldeídos e metoxipirazina. Além disso, foi avaliado o potencial antioxidante das frações fixas das três pimentas, também em diferentes estádios de maturação e em diferentes épocas do ano. Nas análises foram empregados os ensaios de compostos fenólicos totais (CFT) por Folin-Ciocalteau, e atividade antioxidante pelos métodos de redução do ferro (FRAP- ¿Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power¿) e de seqüestro do radical livre DPPH. (2,2-difenil-1-picrilhidrazil). Os maiores valores de CFT foram observados para as amostras imaturas do primeiro ano sendo que os valores médios de fenólicos totais aumentaram com o amadurecimento de todas as pimentas investigadas. Verificou-se também a existência de correlações positivas entre os resultados de CFT e os métodos de ação antioxidantes, sendo que, esta correlação foi maior para o método de FRAP do que para o de DPPH, provavelmente em função das particularidades de estereoquímica destes ensaios antioxidantesAbstract: In the last years, in Brazil, the exportations of chili peppers has increased significantly, therefore, this agricultural product became the second largest vegetable exported by the country. It is believed, that growth in exports of chili peppers is related to the greed of the market for this spice that is widely used in food formulations in many different countries. Moreover, the food industry employs the chili peppers as coloring and flavoring agent in sauces, soups, processed meats, snacks, sweets and beverages. Given this widespread use can be considered the characters provided by the sensory chili peppers as an important factor in the sensory quality of food. The aim of this study was to evaluate the volatile and fixed fractions of three varieties of Brazilian chili peppers: ¿malagueta¿ (Capsicum frutescens), ¿dedo-de-moça¿ (Capsicum baccatum var. Pendulum) and ¿murupi¿ (Capsicum chinense) in two stages of maturation (technological and commercial). For the volatile fraction was used headspace-solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME). For the extraction phase, five fibers were tested: carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane (CAR/PDMS-75µm), polydimethiylsiloxane (PDMS-100µm) divinylbenzene/polydimethylsiloxane (DVB/PDMS-65µm), carbowax/divinylbenzene (CW/DVB-70µm), and divinylbenzene/carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane (DVB/CAR/PDMS-50/30µm) that showed be the more efficient fiber in trapping the volatiles compounds. The optimization of the extraction conditions was carried out using multivariate strategies such as factorial design and response surface methodology. Using the optimal extraction by HS-SPME and gas chromatography (GC) detector coupled with flame ionization (FID) and mass spectrometry (MS), a total of 83 compounds were identified in malagueta, mostly esters and alcohols, while in dedo-de-moça 50 compounds were identified, mostly monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes and in murupi 79 compounds were identified, mostly esters and sesquiterpenes. Moreover, a decrease of peak areas with the maturation process of compounds was observed in the three samples, especially in samples of dedo-de-moça, in which most of the compounds disappeared during ripening. In the present work, methods for comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC × GC) coupled to FID detectors and mass spectrometry time of flight (TOF/MS) were developed and optimized for the analysis of volatile fractions of chili peppers. Through these multidimensional techniques a total of 220 volatile compounds were identified, these compounds, 24 showed potential to discriminate the samples and were used in principal component analysis (PCA). The results of PCA show variability among samples and also according to their maturation stages. Samples of malagueta were discriminated mainly by compounds belonging to the group of branched esters, the murupi, by sesquiterpenes and the dedo-de-moça by the presence of aldehydes and methoxypyrazine. Also, in this study the antioxidant potential of fixed fractions of three peppers was evaluated, also in different stages of maturation and in different seasons. For analysis, the tests of total phenolic compounds (CFT) by Folin-Ciocalteau and antioxidant activity by the methods of reduction of iron (FRAP, "Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Potential¿) and DPPH radical scavenging assay. (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) were used. The highest values of CFT were observed for the immature samples of the first year and the medium values of total fenólicos increased with the ripening of all of the investigated peppers. The existence of positive correlations between the results of CFT and the antioxidant action methods was also verified, and, this correlation went larger for the method of FRAP than for the one of DPPH, probably in function of the particularities of stereochemistryof these antioxidant assaysDoutoradoDoutor em Ciência de Alimento


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    Microencapsulated eucalyptol and eugenol as growth promoters in broilers

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    Antibiotic growth promoter has been effectively used in poultry production for stimulating growth and preventing diseases. However, the use of antibiotics has been questioned due to the possible appearance of resistant bacteria. Special attention has been paid to the use of essential oils as natural alternatives for antibiotics. We investigated the use of different concentrations of microencapsulated eucalyptol and eugenol in broiler chickens diet as alternative growth promoters for avilamycin. One-day-old male broiler chickens were submitted to 7 different dietary treatments. The eugenol demonstrated strong antioxidant activity and both eugenol and eucalyptol showed antimicrobial activity. The broiler performance showed no significant difference to the group with administration of 10 mg/kg of avilamycin when eucalyptol (500 mg/kg) or eugenol (500 mg/kg) were used separately in diet. Our findings suggest that the microencapsulated phytotherapic agents are a potential alternative to the use of avilamycin as growth promoter in broilers during the broilers growing phase51263

    GC-Olfactometric Analysis as a Tool for Comprehensive Characterization of Aromatic Profiles in Cocoa-Based Beverages with a Natural Chocolate Substitute

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    Cocoa is the third most important global agricultural export commodity. However, because it is a crop sensitive to climatic change, there has been an active search for cocoa substitutes worldwide. Roasted jackfruit seeds were previously described as having a chocolate aroma and are affordable and accessible. In this study, we characterized and identified by SPME-GC-O and SPME-GC-MS the aroma profile of cocoa-based beverages formulated with jackfruit seed flour as a natural cocoa substitute. Our analysis tentatively identified 71 odor-active aroma descriptors with some similarities between formulations. Overall, 15 odor-active aromas were present in all beverages. The formulation containing only cocoa/chocolate showed the following aroma descriptors: cocoa, hazelnut, peanut butter, earthy, and roast, which are mostly related to the presence of 2,3-dimethylpyrazine and 2,3-diethyl-5-methylpyrazine. The fermented beverage had a content of complex pyrazines such as 2,3,5-trimethyl-6-isopentylpyrazine and methylpropylpyrazine. Our data indicated that both the control and fermented beverages showed a similar aromatic profile, mainly earthy, pyrazine, and chocolate. Qualitative similarities in the pyrazine content were observed between the fermented jackfruit seed flour and cocoa beverages. In conclusion, fermented jackfruit seed flour can be incorporated into cocoa-based beverages as a natural chocolate substitute, offering the potential to elevate the chocolate aroma

    Effect of Hop β-Acids Extract Supplementation on the Volatile Compound Profile of Roasted Chicken Meat

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    The increased interest in greener sources of antioxidants has spurred the research on natural alternatives to enhance poultry production. This study aimed to investigate the effects of natural antioxidant extracts’ (hop β-acids extract) diet supplementation at different concentrations (0, 30, 60, and 120 mg kg−1) on the volatile compound profile of roasted chicken meat. A method based on headspace solid-phase micro-extraction coupled to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC-MS) was optimized by response surface design to extract the volatile compounds. The optimum extraction conditions were 80 °C and 45 min. A total of 95 volatile compounds were identified in roasted chicken meat, especially aldehydes, alkanes, alcohols, esters, and pyrazines. Principal component analysis (PCA) separated the samples as a function of β-acid supplementation, indicating that increased levels of supplementation lead to distinct volatile profiles in roasted chicken meat. Aldehydes such as octanal and hexanal (8.94% and 17.63%, respectively, for 30 mg kg−1 treatment) played an important role in distinguishing the samples. Those compounds are the main oxidation products of unsaturated fatty acids, which are possibly protected by the antioxidant properties of hop β-acid extracts. Some other compounds with odoriferous importance detected for this level of supplementation were: 2,6-dimethyl pyrazine (5.12%), 2-pentylfuran (2.94%), and 1-octen-3-ol (1.88%). This study significantly contributes to the elucidation of the impact of hops β-acids supplementation in the chicken meat aroma profile, opening new venues for its potential application