4 research outputs found

    Changes in concentrations of biochemical indicators of blood of Polish Holstein-Friesian cows in the periparturient period and at the lactation peak

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    The experiment was conducted on 30 periparturient Polish Holstein-Friesian Black-and-White cows. Animals were kept in a loose-housing system and received TMR (total mixed ration) whose qualitative and quantitative composition varied with the stage of lactation and milk yield. Blood for biochemical analyses was collected by a veterinarian three times: 1-3 weeks prepartum (I), 1-3 weeks postpartum (II), and 4-8 weeks postpartum. Blood samples were analysed for energy metabolism (glucose concentration), protein metabolism (total protein and albumins), liver status (aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase) lipid metabolism (cholesterol and triglycerides), and minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus). The parameters were stable and generally within the physiologically normal range, except protein which in lactations 2-3 and 4 slightly exceeded the reference value at the third blood sampling. The reference values were also exceeded for albumins in lactations 1, 2-3 and 4 at the third blood sampling. Differences (p ≤ 0.01) were observed only in the cholesterol content at the peak of lactation between the first and fourth lactation. The cows yielding more than 9,700 kg milk were characterized by higher blood glucose levels, but lower protein levels compared to the cows producing less than 9,700 kg milk. At the peak of lactation, the protein level exceeded normal values regardless of the milk production level. In our study, peak lactation cows with lower milk yield showed a higher level of AST, which exceeded normal values. In our study, the lipid indicators (cholesterol and triglycerides) were within the physiologically normal range. The highest cholesterol level was observed during the dry period in the blood of lower yielding cows. All blood parameters were stable and fell within the physiologically normal range except for protein, which slightly exceeded the reference value at the third sampling

    Zmiany histopatologiczne w mięśniu piersiowym powierzchniowym bażantów ( Phasinus colchicus ; Phasinus c. Mongolicus)

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    The aim of investigation was the frequency of histopathological changes of the m. pectoralis superficialis of game and Mongolian pheasants of different ages. The samples for analyze from pectoral muscle were taken after bird slaughter immediately at 12, 16 and 20 weeks of age. Then with from the samples made the histological slides and stained with H + E coloring method to visualize of the muscle tissue structure. The muscle structure analysis was conducted per area 1.5 mm2 with the following histopathological changes: atrophy, shape changes, giant fibers, necrosis, hyaline degeneration, splitting, connective tissue hypertrophy and inflammatory. There was a small frequency of histopathological changes in both pheasant varieties. The most histopathological changes ware observed atrophy and changes of fiber shape. Other changes were sporadic. The connective tissue hypertrophy and inflammatory infiltration were not observed in any individuals. Mongolian pheasants found slightly higher frequency of histopathological changes, but these differences were not statistically significant. Considering the above facts, it can be stated that m. pectoralis superficialis both varieties of pheasants because of the small number of histopathological changes observed in their structure and their nutritional value are valuable raw materials for the high-quality food production