34 research outputs found

    The effect of vitamin C deficiency and chronic ultraviolet-B exposure on corneal ultrastructure: a preliminary investigation

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    Purpose: In the visually debilitating condition of climatic droplet keratopathy, corneal transparency is progressively lost. Although the precise cause of the disease and the mechanism by which it progresses are not known, a lifetime exposure to high solar radiation and a vitamin C–deficient diet may be involved in its development. This study examines the effect of dietary ascorbate levels and ultraviolet (UV)-B exposure on corneal stromal structure. Methods: Eight guinea pigs were divided into four treatment groups (A, B, C, and D). For 15 weeks, Groups A and C were fed an ascorbate-rich diet (2 mg/100 g bodyweight/day), while Groups B and D received an ascorbate-deficient diet (0.07 mg/100 g bodyweight/day). For the last 12 weeks of the study, Groups C and D also experienced chronic UVB exposure (0.12 J/cm2 for 40 min/day). Following euthanasia, the corneas were enucleated and their stromal ultrastructure examined using X-ray scattering and electron microscopy. Results: UVB exposure resulted in an increased corneal thickness (p<0.001), but this was not accompanied by a widespread expansion of the collagen fibrillar array, and in the case of ascorbate-deficient animals, stromal thickening was associated with the compaction of collagen fibrils (p<0.01). Neither UVB exposure nor ascorbic acid deficiency caused any change in the average diameter or D-periodicity of the stromal collagen fibrils. Conclusions: UVB-induced changes in the corneal ultrastructure were most pronounced in animals fed an ascorbic acid–deficient diet. This suggests that ascorbic acid may play a vital role in protecting the corneal stroma from the harmful effects of UVB

    The effect of vitamin C deficiency and chronic ultraviolet-B exposure on corneal ultrastructure: a preliminary investigation

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    Purpose: In the visually debilitating condition of climatic droplet keratopathy, corneal transparency is progressively lost. Although the precise cause of the disease and the mechanism by which it progresses are not known, a lifetime exposure to high solar radiation and a vitamin C–deficient diet may be involved in its development. This study examines the effect of dietary ascorbate levels and ultraviolet (UV)-B exposure on corneal stromal structure. Methods: Eight guinea pigs were divided into four treatment groups (A, B, C, and D). For 15 weeks, Groups A and C were fed an ascorbate-rich diet (2 mg/100 g bodyweight/day), while Groups B and D received an ascorbate-deficient diet (0.07 mg/100 g bodyweight/day). For the last 12 weeks of the study, Groups C and D also experienced chronic UVB exposure (0.12 J/cm2 for 40 min/day). Following euthanasia, the corneas were enucleated and their stromal ultrastructure examined using X-ray scattering and electron microscopy. Results: UVB exposure resulted in an increased corneal thickness (p<0.001), but this was not accompanied by a widespread expansion of the collagen fibrillar array, and in the case of ascorbate-deficient animals, stromal thickening was associated with the compaction of collagen fibrils (p<0.01). Neither UVB exposure nor ascorbic acid deficiency caused any change in the average diameter or D-periodicity of the stromal collagen fibrils. Conclusions: UVB-induced changes in the corneal ultrastructure were most pronounced in animals fed an ascorbic acid–deficient diet. This suggests that ascorbic acid may play a vital role in protecting the corneal stroma from the harmful effects of UVB

    Antibiotic resistance determinants in the interplay between food and gut microbiota

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    A complex and heterogeneous microflora performs sugar and lactic acid fermentations in food products. Depending on the fermentable food matrix (dairy, meat, vegetable etc.) as well as on the species composition of the microbiota, specific combinations of molecules are produced that confer unique flavor, texture, and taste to each product. Bacterial populations within such “fermented food microbiota” are often of environmental origin, they persist alive in foods ready for consumption, eventually reaching the gastro-intestinal tract where they can interact with the resident gut microbiota of the host. Although this interaction is mostly of transient nature, it can greatly contribute to human health, as several species within the food microbiota also display probiotic properties. Such an interplay between food and gut microbiota underlines the importance of the microbiological quality of fermented foods, as the crowded environment of the gut is also an ideal site for genetic exchanges among bacteria. Selection and spreading of antibiotic resistance genes in foodborne bacteria has gained increasing interest in the past decade, especially in light of the potential transferability of antibiotic resistance determinants to opportunistic pathogens, natural inhabitants of the human gut but capable of acquiring virulence in immunocompromised individuals. This review aims at describing major findings and future prospects in the field, especially after the use of antibiotics as growth promoters was totally banned in Europe, with special emphasis on the application of genomic technologies to improve quality and safety of fermented foods

    Zmiany histopatologiczne w mięśniu piersiowym powierzchniowym bażantów ( Phasinus colchicus ; Phasinus c. Mongolicus)

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    The aim of investigation was the frequency of histopathological changes of the m. pectoralis superficialis of game and Mongolian pheasants of different ages. The samples for analyze from pectoral muscle were taken after bird slaughter immediately at 12, 16 and 20 weeks of age. Then with from the samples made the histological slides and stained with H + E coloring method to visualize of the muscle tissue structure. The muscle structure analysis was conducted per area 1.5 mm2 with the following histopathological changes: atrophy, shape changes, giant fibers, necrosis, hyaline degeneration, splitting, connective tissue hypertrophy and inflammatory. There was a small frequency of histopathological changes in both pheasant varieties. The most histopathological changes ware observed atrophy and changes of fiber shape. Other changes were sporadic. The connective tissue hypertrophy and inflammatory infiltration were not observed in any individuals. Mongolian pheasants found slightly higher frequency of histopathological changes, but these differences were not statistically significant. Considering the above facts, it can be stated that m. pectoralis superficialis both varieties of pheasants because of the small number of histopathological changes observed in their structure and their nutritional value are valuable raw materials for the high-quality food production

    Untranslated regions of thyroid hormone receptor beta 1 mRNA are impaired in human clear cell renal cell carcinoma

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    Thyroid hormone receptor β1 (TRβ1) is a hormone-dependent transcription factor activated by 3,5,3'-l-triiodothyronine (T3). TRβ1 functions as a tumor suppressor and disturbances of the THRB gene are frequent findings in cancer. Translational control mediated by untranslated regions (UTRs) regulates cell proliferation, metabolism and responses to cellular stress, processes that are involved in carcinogenesis. We hypothesized that reduced TRβ1 expression in clear cell renal cell cancer (ccRCC) results from regulatory effects of TRβ1 5' and 3'UTRs on protein translation. We determined TRβ1 expression and alternative splicing of TRβ1 5' and 3'UTRs in ccRCC and control tissue together with expression of the type 1 deiodinase enzyme (coded by DIO1, a TRβ1 target gene). Tissue concentrations of T3 (which are generated in part by D1) and expression of miRNA-204 (an mRNA inhibitor for which a putative interaction site was identified in the TRβ1 3'UTR) were also determined. TRβ1 mRNA and protein levels were reduced by 70% and 91% in ccRCC and accompanied by absent D1 protein, a 58% reduction in tissue T3 concentration and 2-fold increase in miRNA-204. Structural analysis of TRβ1 UTR variants indicated that reduced TRβ1 expression may be maintained in ccRCC by posttranscriptional mechanisms involving 5'UTRs and miRNA-204. The tumor suppressor activity of TRβ1 indicates that reduced TRβ1 expression and tissue hypothyroidism in ccRCC tumors is likely to be involved in the process of carcinogenesis or in maintaining a proliferative advantage to malignant cells.status: publishe

    Consensus guideline for the diagnosis and management of pituitary adenomas in childhood and adolescence: Part 1, general recommendations.

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    Tumours of the anterior part of the pituitary gland represent just 1% of all childhood (aged <15 years) intracranial neoplasms, yet they can confer high morbidity and little evidence and guidance is in place for their management. Between 2014 and 2022, a multidisciplinary expert group systematically developed the first comprehensive clinical practice consensus guideline for children and young people under the age 19 years (hereafter referred to as CYP) presenting with a suspected pituitary adenoma to inform specialist care and improve health outcomes. Through robust literature searches and a Delphi consensus exercise with an international Delphi consensus panel of experts, the available scientific evidence and expert opinions were consolidated into 74 recommendations. Part 1 of this consensus guideline includes 17 pragmatic management recommendations related to clinical care, neuroimaging, visual assessment, histopathology, genetics, pituitary surgery and radiotherapy. While in many aspects the care for CYP is similar to that of adults, key differences exist, particularly in aetiology and presentation. CYP with suspected pituitary adenomas require careful clinical examination, appropriate hormonal work-up, dedicated pituitary imaging and visual assessment. Consideration should be given to the potential for syndromic disease and genetic assessment. Multidisciplinary discussion at both the local and national levels can be key for management. Surgery should be performed in specialist centres. The collection of outcome data on novel modalities of medical treatment, surgical intervention and radiotherapy is essential for optimal future treatment