81 research outputs found

    Weighted Configuration Model

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    The configuration model is one of the most successful models for generating uncorrelated random networks. We analyze its behavior when the expected degree sequence follows a power law with exponent smaller than two. In this situation, the resulting network can be viewed as a weighted network with non trivial correlations between strength and degree. Our results are tested against large scale numerical simulations, finding excellent agreement.Comment: Proceedings CNET200

    Percolation in self-similar networks

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    We provide a simple proof that graphs in a general class of self-similar networks have zero percolation threshold. The considered self-similar networks include random scale-free graphs with given expected node degrees and zero clustering, scale-free graphs with finite clustering and metric structure, growing scale-free networks, and many real networks. The proof and the derivation of the giant component size do not require the assumption that networks are treelike. Our results rely only on the observation that self-similar networks possess a hierarchy of nested subgraphs whose average degree grows with their depth in the hierarchy. We conjecture that this property is pivotal for percolation in networks.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Correlations in weighted networks

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    We develop a statistical theory to characterize correlations in weighted networks. We define the appropriate metrics quantifying correlations and show that strictly uncorrelated weighted networks do not exist due to the presence of structural constraints. We also introduce an algorithm for generating maximally random weighted networks with arbitrary P(k,s)P(k,s) to be used as null models. The application of our measures to real networks reveals the importance of weights in a correct understanding and modeling of these heterogeneous systems.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Modeling the Internet

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    We model the Internet as a network of interconnected Autonomous Systems which self-organize under an absolute lack of centralized control. Our aim is to capture how the Internet evolves by reproducing the assembly that has led to its actual structure and, to this end, we propose a growing weighted network model driven by competition for resources and adaptation to maintain functionality in a demand and supply ``equilibrium''. On the demand side, we consider the environment, a pool of users which need to transfer information and ask for service. On the supply side, ASs compete to gain users, but to be able to provide service efficiently, they must adapt their bandwidth as a function of their size. Hence, the Internet is not modeled as an isolated system but the environment, in the form of a pool of users, is also a fundamental part which must be taken into account. ASs compete for users and big and small come up, so that not all ASs are identical. New connections between ASs are made or old ones are reinforced according to the adaptation needs. Thus, the evolution of the Internet can not be fully understood if just described as a technological isolated system. A socio-economic perspective must also be considered.Comment: Submitted to the Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference NEXT-SigmaPh

    Extracting the multiscale backbone of complex weighted networks

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    A large number of complex systems find a natural abstraction in the form of weighted networks whose nodes represent the elements of the system and the weighted edges identify the presence of an interaction and its relative strength. In recent years, the study of an increasing number of large scale networks has highlighted the statistical heterogeneity of their interaction pattern, with degree and weight distributions which vary over many orders of magnitude. These features, along with the large number of elements and links, make the extraction of the truly relevant connections forming the network's backbone a very challenging problem. More specifically, coarse-graining approaches and filtering techniques are at struggle with the multiscale nature of large scale systems. Here we define a filtering method that offers a practical procedure to extract the relevant connection backbone in complex multiscale networks, preserving the edges that represent statistical significant deviations with respect to a null model for the local assignment of weights to edges. An important aspect of the method is that it does not belittle small-scale interactions and operates at all scales defined by the weight distribution. We apply our method to real world network instances and compare the obtained results with alternative backbone extraction techniques
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