177 research outputs found

    Analysis of the transcript levels of VvAdh1, VvAdh2 and VvGrip4, three genes highly expressed during Vitis vinifera L. berry development

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    Well defined promoter sequences are required for the targeted expression of genes in transgenic grapevines. This paper describes a detailed study of the expression of three genes with potentially useful promoters. We have used real-time RT-PCR to evaluate the transcript levels of VvAdh1, VvAdh2 and VvGrip4 genes in various tissues (root, bud, tendril, inflorescence, fruit and embryogenic callus) of Vitis vinifera L. at different stages of development. Transcript levels of the three genes were highest in berry tissues but each had a distinct pattern of expression. VvAdh1 showed higher transcript levels during the early stages of berry development, while levels of VvAdh2 and VvGrip4 were higher during ripening. However, none of these genes was expressed in a strictly fruit-specific manner. In particular, significant levels of VvAdh1 and VvGrip4 transcripts were observed during late tendril development and in the inflorescence, respectively. Transcript levels of all three genes were similar in both flesh and skin, indicating no tissue-specificity within the berry. Promoter sequences of the VvAdh1, VvAdh2 and VvGrip4 genes could be very useful to drive ectopic gene expression in berries of transgenic plants

    Analyse von Promotoren pathogeninduzierbarer Gene der Weinrebe

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    Orchestration of the stilbene synthase gene family and their regulators by subgroup 2 MYB genes

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    The control of plant specialised metabolism is exerted by transcription factors and co-regulators acting on cis-regulatory DNA sequences of pathway-structural genes, determining when, where, and how metabolites are accumulated. A particularly interesting case for studying the transcriptional control of metabolism is represented by stilbenoids, produced within the phenylpropanoid pathway, as their ability to inhibit infection by coronaviruses MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV has been recently demonstrated in vitro. Integrative omic studies in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.), including gene co-expression networks, have previously highlighted several transcription factors (TFs) from different gene families as potential modulators of stilbenoid accumulation, offering an ideal framework for gene function characterisation using genome-wide approaches. In the context of non-model plant species, DNA affinity purification sequencing (DAP-Seq) results a novel and potentially powerful tool for the analysis of novel uncharacterised regulators, however, it has not yet been applied in fruit crops. Accordingly, we tested as a proof-of-concept the binding of two previously characterised R2R3-MYB TFs to their known targets of the stilbene pathway, MYB14 and MYB15, obtaining 5,222 and 4,502 binding events assigned to 4,038 and 3,645 genes for each TF, respectively. Bound genes (putative targets) were overlapped with aggregated gene centred co-expression networks resulting in shared and exclusive High Confidence Targets (HCTs) suggesting a high, but not complete, redundancy. Our results show that in addition to the previously known but few STS targets, these regulators bind to almost half of the complete STS family in addition to other phenylpropanoid- and stilbenoid-related genes. We also suggest they are potentially involved in other processes such as the circadian rhythm or the synthesis of biotin. We searched the activated transcriptomes of transiently MYB15-overexpressing grapevine plants and observed a large activation of its high confidence targets, validating our methodological approach. Our results also show that MYB15 seems to play a role in regulating other stilbenoid-related TFs such as WRKY03.This work was supported by Grant PGC2018-099449-A-I00 and by the Ramón y Cajal program grant RYC-2017-23645, both awarded to J.T.M. and to the FPI scholarship PRE2019-088044 granted to L.O. from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovaci´on y Universidades (MCIU, Spain), Agencia Estatal de Investigaci´on (AEI, Spain), and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER, European Union). C.Z. is supported by China Scholarship Council (CSC) no. 201906300087. This article is based upon work from COST Action CA 17111 INTEGRAPE, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). Data has been treated and uploaded in public repositories according to the FAIR principles.N

    Expansion and subfunctionalisation of flavonoid 3',5'-hydroxylases in the grapevine lineage

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Flavonoid 3',5'-hydroxylases (F3'5'Hs) and flavonoid 3'-hydroxylases (F3'Hs) competitively control the synthesis of delphinidin and cyanidin, the precursors of blue and red anthocyanins. In most plants, <it>F3'5'H </it>genes are present in low-copy number, but in grapevine they are highly redundant.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The first increase in <it>F3'5'H </it>copy number occurred in the progenitor of the eudicot clade at the time of the γ triplication. Further proliferation of <it>F3'5'H</it>s has occurred in one of the paleologous loci after the separation of Vitaceae from other eurosids, giving rise to 15 paralogues within 650 kb. Twelve reside in 9 tandem blocks of ~35-55 kb that share 91-99% identity. The second paleologous <it>F3'5'H </it>has been maintained as an orphan gene in grapevines, and lacks orthologues in other plants. Duplicate <it>F3'5'H</it>s have spatially and temporally partitioned expression profiles in grapevine. The orphan <it>F3'5'H </it>copy is highly expressed in vegetative organs. More recent duplicate <it>F3'5'H</it>s are predominately expressed in berry skins. They differ only slightly in the coding region, but are distinguished in the structure of the promoter. Differences in <it>cis</it>-regulatory sequences of promoter regions are paralleled by temporal specialisation of gene transcription during fruit ripening. Variation in anthocyanin profiles consistently reflects changes in the <it>F3'5'H </it>mRNA pool across different cultivars. More <it>F3'5'H </it>copies are expressed at high levels in grapevine varieties with 93-94% of 3'5'-OH anthocyanins. In grapevines depleted in 3'5'-OH anthocyanins (15-45%), fewer <it>F3'5'H </it>copies are transcribed, and at lower levels. Conversely, only two copies of the gene encoding the competing F3'H enzyme are present in the grape genome; one copy is expressed in both vegetative and reproductive organs at comparable levels among cultivars, while the other is transcriptionally silent.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These results suggest that expansion and subfunctionalisation of <it>F3'5'H</it>s have increased the complexity and diversification of the fruit colour phenotype among red grape varieties.</p

    Stone formation in peach fruit exhibits spatial coordination of the lignin and flavonoid pathways and similarity to Arabidopsis dehiscence

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Lignification of the fruit endocarp layer occurs in many angiosperms and plays a critical role in seed protection and dispersal. This process has been extensively studied with relationship to pod shatter or dehiscence in <it>Arabidopsis</it>. Dehiscence is controlled by a set of transcription factors that define the fruit tissue layers and whether or not they lignify. In contrast, relatively little is known about similar processes in other plants such as stone fruits which contain an extremely hard lignified endocarp or stone surrounding a single seed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we show that lignin deposition in peach initiates near the blossom end within the endocarp layer and proceeds in a distinct spatial-temporal pattern. Microarray studies using a developmental series from young fruits identified a sharp and transient induction of phenylpropanoid, lignin and flavonoid pathway genes concurrent with lignification and subsequent stone hardening. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction studies revealed that specific phenylpropanoid (phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and cinnamate 4-hydroxylase) and lignin (caffeoyl-CoA O-methyltransferase, peroxidase and laccase) pathway genes were induced in the endocarp layer over a 10 day time period, while two lignin genes (<it>p-</it>coumarate 3-hydroxylase and cinnamoyl CoA reductase) were co-regulated with flavonoid pathway genes (chalcone synthase, dihydroflavanol 4-reductase, leucoanthocyanidin dioxygen-ase and flavanone-3-hydrosylase) which were mesocarp and exocarp specific. Analysis of other fruit development expression studies revealed that flavonoid pathway induction is conserved in the related Rosaceae species apple while lignin pathway induction is not. The transcription factor expression of peach genes homologous to known endocarp determinant genes in <it>Arabidopsis </it>including <it>SHATTERPROOF</it>, <it>SEEDSTCK </it>and <it>NAC SECONDARY WALL THICENING PROMOTING FACTOR 1 </it>were found to be specifically expressed in the endocarp while the negative regulator <it>FRUITFU</it>L predominated in exocarp and mesocarp.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Collectively, the data suggests, first, that the process of endocarp determination and differentiation in peach and <it>Arabidopsis </it>share common regulators and, secondly, reveals a previously unknown coordination of competing lignin and flavonoid biosynthetic pathways during early fruit development.</p

    A systems approach to identifying correlated gene targets for the loss of colour pigmentation in plants

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The numerous diverse metabolic pathways by which plant compounds can be produced make it difficult to predict how colour pigmentation is lost for different tissues and plants. This study employs mathematical and <it>in silico </it>methods to identify correlated gene targets for the loss of colour pigmentation in plants from a whole cell perspective based on the full metabolic network of <it>Arabidopsis</it>. This involves extracting a self-contained flavonoid subnetwork from the AraCyc database and calculating feasible metabolic routes or elementary modes (EMs) for it. Those EMs leading to anthocyanin compounds are taken to constitute the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway (ABP) and their interplay with the rest of the EMs is used to study the minimal cut sets (MCSs), which are different combinations of reactions to block for eliminating colour pigmentation. By relating the reactions to their corresponding genes, the MCSs are used to explore the phenotypic roles of the ABP genes, their relevance to the ABP and the impact their eliminations would have on other processes in the cell.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Simulation and prediction results of the effect of different MCSs for eliminating colour pigmentation correspond with existing experimental observations. Two examples are: i) two MCSs which require the simultaneous suppression of genes DFR and ANS to eliminate colour pigmentation, correspond to observational results of the same genes being co-regulated for eliminating floral pigmentation in <it>Aquilegia </it>and; ii) the impact of another MCS requiring CHS suppression, corresponds to findings where the suppression of the early gene CHS eliminated nearly all flavonoids but did not affect the production of volatile benzenoids responsible for floral scent.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>From the various MCSs identified for eliminating colour pigmentation, several correlate to existing experimental observations, indicating that different MCSs are suitable for different plants, different cells, and different conditions and could also be related to regulatory genes. Being able to correlate the predictions with experimental results gives credence to the use of these mathematical and <it>in silico </it>analyses methods in the design of experiments. The methods could be used to prioritize target enzymes for different objectives to achieve desired outcomes, especially for less understood pathways.</p

    Sugar and abscisic acid signaling orthologs are activated at the onset of ripening in grape

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    The onset of ripening involves changes in sugar metabolism, softening, and color development. Most understanding of this process arises from work in climacteric fruits where the control of ripening is predominately by ethylene. However, many fruits such as grape are nonclimacteric, where the onset of ripening results from the integration of multiple hormone signals including sugars and abscisic acid (ABA). In this study, we identified ten orthologous gene families in Vitis vinifera containing components of sugar and ABA-signaling pathways elucidated in model systems, including PP2C protein phosphatases, and WRKY and homeobox transcription factors. Gene expression was characterized in control- and deficit-irrigated, field-grown Cabernet Sauvignon. Sixty-seven orthologous genes were identified, and 38 of these were expressed in berries. Of the genes expressed in berries, 68% were differentially expressed across development and/or in response to water deficit. Orthologs of several families were induced at the onset of ripening, and induced earlier and to higher levels in response to water deficit; patterns of expression that correlate with sugar and ABA accumulation during ripening. Similar to field-grown berries, ripening phenomena were induced in immature berries when cultured with sucrose and ABA, as evidenced by changes in color, softening, and gene expression. Finally, exogenous sucrose and ABA regulated key orthologs in culture, similar to their regulation in the field. This study identifies novel candidates in the control of nonclimacteric fruit ripening and demonstrates that grape orthologs of key sugar and ABA-signaling components are regulated by sugar and ABA in fleshy fruit

    Direct regulation of shikimate, early phenylpropanoid, and stilbenoid pathways by subgroup 2 R2R3-MYBs in grapevine

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    The stilbenoid pathway is responsible for the production of resveratrol in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.). A few transcription factors (TFs) have been identified as regulators of this pathway but the extent of this control has not been deeply studied. Here we show how DNA affinity purification sequencing (DAP-Seq) allows for the genome-wide TF-binding site interrogation in grape. We obtained 5190 and 4443 binding events assigned to 4041 and 3626 genes for MYB14 and MYB15, respectively (approximately 40% of peaks located within −10 kb of transcription start sites). DAP-Seq of MYB14/MYB15 was combined with aggregate gene co-expression networks (GCNs) built from more than 1400 transcriptomic datasets from leaves, fruits, and flowers to narrow down bound genes to a set of high confidence targets. The analysis of MYB14, MYB15, and MYB13, a third uncharacterized member of Subgroup 2 (S2), showed that in addition to the few previously known stilbene synthase (STS) targets, these regulators bind to 30 of 47 STS family genes. Moreover, all three MYBs bind to several PAL, C4H, and 4CL genes, in addition to shikimate pathway genes, the WRKY03 stilbenoid co-regulator and resveratrol-modifying gene candidates among which ROMT2-3 were validated enzymatically. A high proportion of DAP-Seq bound genes were induced in the activated transcriptomes of transient MYB15-overexpressing grapevine leaves, validating our methodological approach for delimiting TF targets. Overall, Subgroup 2 R2R3-MYBs appear to play a key role in binding and directly regulating several primary and secondary metabolic steps leading to an increased flux towards stilbenoid production. The integration of DAP-Seq and reciprocal GCNs offers a rapid framework for gene function characterization using genome-wide approaches in the context of non-model plant species and stands up as a valid first approach for identifying gene regulatory networks of specialized metabolism.This work was supported by Grant PGC2018-099449-A-I00 and by the Ramón y Cajal program (grant RYC-2017-23 645), both awarded to JTM, and to the FPI scholarship (PRE2019-088044) granted to LO from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MCIU, Spain), Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI, Spain), and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER, European Union). CZ is supported by China Scholarship Council (CSC; no. 201906300087). KG and ZR were supported by the Slovenian Research Agency (grants P4-0165 and Z7-1888). SCH is partially supported by the National Science Foundation (grant PGRP IOS-1916804). This article is based upon work from COST Action CA 17111 INTEGRAPE, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).Peer reviewe