22 research outputs found

    Chemical composition of chicken meat produced in extensive indoor and free range rearing systems

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    The present study involves the analysis of the chemical composition of white meat (breast muscles) and dark meat (leg muscles) of broilers in extensive indoor and free range systems. The length of fattening period was 56 days. At 56 days of age, 6 male and 6 female broilers were randomly selected from each rearing system and slaughtered. Cooled carcasses were dissected into primal cuts. Breast and leg muscle (thigh and drumstick) samples were used for chemical analyses. The obtained resultssuggested that free range rearing system was more favourable than extensive indoor system, as it resulted in a significantly higher protein content and a lower fat content of white and dark chicken meat. Female broilers produced a higher fat content and a somewhat lower protein content as compared to males.Keywords: Chemical composition, chicken meat, rearing system, se

    Uticaj sistema gajenja koka nosilja na masu jaja

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    The aim of this paper is to present effect of rearing system of lazing hens on weight of table eggs. Monitored rearing systems were: conventional cage, floor system with deep litter and organic rearing system. The hybrid used for the experiment was 52 week old ISA Brown. Table eggs from cage and floor rearing systems are not differed among themselves by weight, while organic eggs was significantly lighter than both groups.U radu je analiziran uticaj sistema gajenja koka nosilja na masu konzumnih jaja. Posmatrani sistemi gajenja bili su: konvencionalni kavezni, podni sistem sa dubokom prostirkom i organski sistem gajenja. Ispitivan je hibrid ISA Brown u 52. nedelji starosti. Jaja za konzum iz kaveznog i podnog sistema gajenja nisu se međusobno razlikovala po masi, dok su organska jaja bila statistički značajno lakša od obe pomenute grupe

    Kontrola i sertifikacija organske proizvodnje i period konverzije konvencionalne u organsku farmu

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    The intensification of agricultural production, both crop and livestock, has brought many benefits to human society , but the intensive development of agriculture and its orientation on industrial principles carry with them the negative effects, which were multiplied and increased more and more. The main negative effects are following conventional intensive agricultural production are reflected in: soil erosion and biodiversity, animal product obtained by animals that are grown under conditions of constant stress, the presence of residues of antibiotics and chemical crop protection products. Organic farming is fully controlled production cycle. The conditions of production are based on rules IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements) and they must be legally regulated and adapted to the specific conditions of each country in which the production takes place. The transformation or transition means the process of developing a reliable and sustainable agro-economic system. The whole farm or farm unit, including livestock, is bound to change in accordance with the standards of organic foods in a given period of time. The transition from conventional to organic production takes some time, depending on type, category and general conditions in animal breeding.Intenzifikacija poljoprivredne proizvodnje, kako ratarske, tako i stočarske donela je mnogo koristi ljudskom društvu, ali intenzivan razvoj poljoprivrede i njena orjentacija na industrijskim principima nosili su sa sobom i negativne efekte, koji su se umnožavali i sve više rasli. Osnovni negativni efekti koji prate konvencionalnu intenzivnu poljoprivrednu proizvodnju ogledaju se u eroziji zemljišta i biodiverziteta, animalnim proizvodima dobijenim od životinja koje se gaje u uslovima konstantnog stresa, prisustvu rezidua antibiotika i hemijskih proizvoda za zaštitu bilja. Organska poljoprivredna proizvodnja je u potpunosti kontrolisan proizvodni ciklus. Uslovi proizvodnje se na osnovu pravilnika IFOAM-a (Međunarodna federacija pokreta organske poljoprivrede) moraju prilagoditi specifičnim uslovima svake zemlje u kojoj se odvija proizvodnja i zakonski regulisati. Transformacija ili prelaz znači proces razvijanja pouzdanog i održivog agro-ekonomskog sistema. Cela farma ili jedinica na farmi, uključujući i stočarstvo, mora da pretrpi promene u skladu sa standardima organski zdrave hrane u jednom datom vremenskom periodu. Naime, prelazak iz konvencionalne u organsku proizvodnju zahteva određeno vreme, što zavisi od vrste, kategorije i opštih uslova gajenja životinja

    Correlation analysis of milk production traits across three generations of Simmental cows

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    The relationship between milk production traits over whole lactations was evaluated across three generations of Simmental cows (between daughters, dams and granddams) by a corelation analysis with whole lactation traits in the daughter generation being used as the dependent variables (x<sub>1</sub>), and those in the dam and granddam generations being used as the independent variables (x<sub>2</sub> and  x<sub>3</sub>). The results were obtained from a sample of 1170 daughters and as many dams and  granddams. The correlation of whole lactation milk production traits between daughters, dams and  granddams, as calculated by simple, partial and multiple correlation coefficients was very weak or  non-existent. All of the calculated simple and partial correlation coefficients were positive and mostly  statistically very significant (P<0.01). The calculated coefficients of multiple correlation (R1.23) between  lactation length, milk fat content, milk yield, milk fat yield and 4% FCM yield with the expression of the traits in the daughters being used as the dependent variable and that in the dams and granddams as the independent variable were statistically very significant (P<0.01), amounting to 0.091, 0.251, 0.180, 0.133 and 0.153, respectively.Key words: Simmental breed, production traits, generation, coefficient of partial correlation, coefficient of multiple correlation

    Masa i udeo osnovnih delova trupa kokoši nosilja iz alternativnih sistema gajenja

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    The aim of this paper was to investigate the effect of rearing system on mass and proportion of the main parts of carcasses of hens from alternative rearing systems: floor and organic. The tested genotypes were hybrid Isa Brown and races combined production capacity New Hampshire. Based on the results of this research, can be concluded that the rearing system had no a significant impact to any of the investigated traits. On the other hand, the effect of genotype was significant on weight classically dressed carcass, as well as the mass of all the main parts of the carcass, wings share and back and pelvis share. The percentage of classically dressed carcass, yield of breasts, thighs and drumsticks was not significantly influenced by genotype.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita uticaj sistema gajenja na masu i udeo osnovnih delova trupova kokoši nosilja iz alternativnih sistema gajenja: podnog i organskog. Ispitivani genotipovi su bili laki linijski hibrid Isa Brown i rasa kombinovanih proizvodnih sposobnosti New Hampshire. Na osnovu rezultata ovih istraživanja, može se zaključiti da sistem gajenja nije imao značajan uticaj ni na jednu od ispitivanih osobina. Sa druge strane, uticaj genotipa bio je značajan na masu klasično obrađenog trupa, kao i na masu svih osnovnih delova trupa, udeo krila i leđa i karlice. Randman klasično obrađenog trupa, udeo grudi, bataka i karabataka nije bio pod značajnim uticajem genotipa

    Razvoj organske poljoprivrede i stočarstva u svetu, Evropi i kod nas

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    The intensification of agricultural production, both crop and livestock, has brought many benefits to human society , but the intensive development of agriculture and its orientation on industrial principles carry with them the negative effects, which were multiplied and increased more and more. The main negative effects are following conventional intensive agricultural production are reflected in: soil erosion and biodiversity, animal product obtained by animals that are grown under conditions of constant stress, the presence of residues of antibiotics and chemical crop protection products. With the knowledge of the negative effects of intensive industrial agriculture and the consequences that may have a consuming products in the same in terms of the health of consumers increases interest in unconventional, especially organic production. All of this contributed to over the last decade, the scope organic agriculture on a global scale significantly increased. The expansion of organic agriculture have contributed to the standards defined by the laws and regulations that provide a framework for enabling good life conditions for farm animals.Intenzifikacija poljoprivredne proizvodnje, kako ratarske, tako i stočarske donela je mnogo koristi ljudskom društvu, ali intenzivan razvoj poljoprivrede i njena orjentacija na industrijskim principima nosili su sa sobom i negativne efekte, koji su se umnožavali i sve više rasli. Osnovni negativni efekti koji prate konvencionalnu intenzivnu poljoprivrednu proizvodnju ogledaju se u eroziji zemljišta i biodiverziteta, animalnim proizvodima dobijenim od životinja koje se gaje u uslovima konstantnog stresa, prisustvu rezidua antibiotika i hemijskih proizvoda za zaštitu bilja. Sa spoznajom negativnih efekata intenzivne industrijske poljoprivredne proizvodnje kao i posledice koje može da ima konzumiranje proizvoda iz iste sa aspekta zdravlja potrošača raste interesovanje za nekonvencionalnu, a posebno organsku proizvodnju. Sve ovo uticalo je da se tokom poslednje decenije obim organske proizvodnje u svetskim razmerama znatno poveća. Širenju organske proizvodnje doprineli su i standardi definisani kroz zakonske propise i regulative koji obezbeđuju okvir za omogućavanje dobrih životnih uslova za domaće životinje

    Efekat dodavanja enzima proteaze na masu i udeo jestivih pratećih proizvoda klanja pilića

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    This study evaluates the effect of protease supplementation of reduced crude protein diet for broilers on the weight of edible slaughter by-products (liver, gizzard, heart and abdominal fat) and their proportion in the body weight of birds at slaughter in two broiler genotypes – fast-growing Cobb 500 and slow-growing Master Gris. Protease (Ronozyme ProAct) was added at a concentration of 0.2% (E-I group) and 0.3% (E-II group), allowing reduction in crude protein level by 4% and 6%, respectively (through reduced soybean meal content). The length of the fattening period was 49 days. The results show somewhat greater differences in the weight and proportion of edible slaughter by-products between the hybrids and a similar response to dietary treatments by broilers from the three experimental groups in both hybrids, given their similar weights of edible slaughter by-products (heart, gizzard and abdominal fat) and their proportions in the body weight of birds at slaughter (significance was observed only in liver weight in Cobb 500 - P<0.05).U radu su analizirani efekti dodavanja enzima proteaze u hranu za piliće u tovu, uz smanjen nivo sirovih proteina, na masu jestivih pratećih proizvoda klanja (jetre, bubca, srca i abdominalne masti) i njihov udeo u masi grla pre klanja kod dva tovna hibrida – brzorastućeg Cobb 500 i spororastućeg Master Gris. Enzim proteaza (Ronozyme ProAct) dodat je u koncentraciji 0,2% (O-I grupa) i 0,3% (O-II grupa) uz istovremeno smanjenje sadržaja sirovih proteina za 4%, odnosno za 6% (preko smanjenog učešća sojine sačme). Tov pilića trajao je 49 dana. Na osnovu rezultata iz ovih istraživanja, može se zaključiti da su se nešto veće razlike u masi i udelu jestivih pratećih proizvoda klanja ispoljile između ispitivanih hibrida, a da su pilići iz sve tri ogledne grupe kod oba hibrida slično reagovali na primenjene tretmane ishrane, shodno tome da su imali približno iste mase jestivih pratećih proizvoda klanja (srca, bubca i abdominalne masti), kao i udele svih delova u masi grla pre klanja (značajnost se pojavila samo u masi jetre kod hibrida Cobb 500 - P<0,05)

    Uticaj fiksnih i kontinuelnih ambijentalnih faktora na proizvodnju 4% mast-korigovanog mleka u prve tri laktacije kod krava simentalske rase

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    The effect of paragenetic factors on 4% FCM yield in complete and standard lactations was studied in 241 Simmental cows. Farm, lactation number, birth season, calving season, their interactions and age at first conception were evaluated for their effect on the trait. The mathematical and statistical analysis of the data obtained, i.e. least square means, standard error, analysis of variance and coefficient determination, were calculated using the General Linear Model procedure. The effects of farm, lactation group and year of birth on the trait were very highly significant (P 0.05) on the production of 4% FCM, either in whole or in standard lactations. The interaction between birth season, calving season and year of birth was variable and ranged from insignificant to very significant. Age at first conception produced a significant (P0.05) effect on 4% FCM yield in complete and standard (bxy=0.693ns) lactations, respectively.Uticaj paragenetskih faktora na proizvodnju 4%MKM u celim i standardnim laktacijama ispitivan je na uzorku od 241 krave simentalske rase. Na ispoljenost ove osobine ispitivan je uticaj farme, broja laktacija, sezone rođenja i telenja, njihovih interakcija i uzrasta pri prvoj oplodnji. Matematičko-statistička analiza podataka, odnosno sve potrebne veličine, kao što su sredine najmanjih kvadrata, standardne greške, analiza varijanse i koeficijenti determinacije izračunate su u programskoj proceduri Opšti linearni model (GLM procedura). Uticaj farme, grupe laktacija i godine rođenja na ispoljenost ove osobine bio je vrlo visoko značajan (P0.05) na proizvodnju 4%MKM kako u celim tako i standardnim laktacijama. Uticaj interakcije između sezone rođenja,, sezone telenja i godine rođenja bio je varjabilan, i kretao se od nesignifikantnog do vrlo značajnog. Uzrast pri prvoj oplodnji statistički značajno (P0.05). Koeficijenta determinacije (R2) bio je vrlo visoko značajan (p<0.001) i kretao se od 0.623 kod proizvodnje 4%MKM u celim do 0.652 kod proizvodnje 4%MKM u standardnim laktacijama

    Uticaj minazela plus na proizvodne rezultate i ekonomicnost tova junica

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    This paper presents the effects of the Minazel Plus zeolite product on the production performance – body weight, feed consumption and feed conversion, and economic performance of heifers in a fattening trial. The trial involved 22 female domestic spotted Simmental calves allocated to two groups (control C - ration without zeolite, and experimental E-I – ration with 0.2% Minazel Plus), each containing 11 calves with an average body weight of 139.09 kg at the beginning of the trial. The length of the trial period was 283 days. Ration included meadow hay and complete feed. Minazel Plus supplementation was provided through the feed concentrate. The trial involved measurement of body weights of heifers and feed consumption across groups at 31, 61, 91, 121, 151 and 283 days of the trial. Results showed that, at the end of the trial, control heifers had an average body weight of 432.73 kg/calf and concentrate feed conversion of 5.234 kg/kg weight gain, whereas the respective values in E-I heifers were 435.91 kg/calf and 5.179 kg/kg weight gain. The cost of the weight gain produced was higher by 0.33% (0.31 RSD/kg) in C calves than in E-I heifers, whereas the economic performance of the experimental animals receiving diet with Minazel Plus (0.2%) was higher by 0.29%.U radu su prikazani efekti zeolitskog preparata Minazel Plus na proizvodne rezultate –telesnu masu, konzumaciju i konverziju hrane i ekonomičnost tova ženske junadi u tovu. U ogledu je bilo 22 ženske teladi domaće šarene rase u tipu simentalca, podeljih u dve grupe (K grupa, obrok bez zeolitskog preparata i O-I grupa hranjena obrokom sa 0,2% Minazela Plus) sa po 11 grla u grupi, prosečne telesne mase na početku ogleda 139,09kg. Ogled je trajao 283 dana. Obrok je bio sastavljen od livadskog sena i potpune smeše, a Minazel Plus je dodavan preko koncentrovanog dela obroka. U toku ogleda merene su telesne mase junica i konzumacija hrane po grupama 31-og, 61-og, 91-og, 121-og, 150-og i na kraju ogleda - 283 dana. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da su junice iz kontrolne grupe na kraju ogleda imale prosečnu masu 432,73 kg/grlu i konverziju koncentrovane hrane 5,234 kg/kg prirasta, a grla iz O-I grupe prosečnu masu 435,91 kg/grlu i konverziju koncentrovane hrane 5,179 kg/kg prirasta. Cena koštanja proizvedenog prirasta bila je veća za 0,33% (0,31din/kg) kod K grupe u odnosu na O-I grupu, a u pogledu ekonomičnosti proizvodnje, ogledna grupa koja je obrokom dobijala Minazel-Plus (0,2%) imala je ekonomičniju proizvodnju za 0,29%

    Životna proizvodnja mleka i mlečne masti kod krava simentalske rase

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the phenotypic expression and variability of lifetime performance traits (lifetime yields of milk, fat and 4%FCM, milk fat content, milk yield per milking day, milk yield per day of productive life and milk yield per day of life) and the effect of systematic factors (breeding region, total lactation number, year of birth and season of birth) and age at first conception on the above traits in 2548 Simmental cows. The test Simmental cows achieved the following: lifetime yields of milk, fat and 4%FCM - 14604, 554.8 and 14157 kg, respectively, milk fat content of lifetime milk yield - 3.81%, milk yield per milking day - 12.79, milk yield per day of productive life - 9.31 and milk yield per day of life - 5.46 kg. The marked variability of the traits, along with a certain percent of high-producing cows, enables further success in their selection.Ispitivanje fenotipske ispoljenosti i varijabilnosti osobina životne proizvodnje (životna proizvodnja mleka, mlečne masti i 4%MKM, sadržaj mlečne masti kao i proizvodnja mleka po muznom produktivnom i životnom danu) izvršeno je na uzorku od 2548 krava simentalske rase. Na analiziranom uzorku simentalskih krava ostvarena životna proizvodnja mleka, mlečne masti i 4%MKM iznosila je 14604, 554.8 i 14157 kg, sadržaj mlečne masti životne proizvodnje mleka 3.81%, dok je proizvodnja mleka po muznom, produktivnom i životnom danu iznosila 12.79, 9.31 i 5.46 kg. Izražena varijabilnost ovih osobina, sa izvesnim procentom visoko proizvodnih grla, omogućava dalji uspešan rad u njihovoj selekciji