Masa i udeo osnovnih delova trupa kokoši nosilja iz alternativnih sistema gajenja


The aim of this paper was to investigate the effect of rearing system on mass and proportion of the main parts of carcasses of hens from alternative rearing systems: floor and organic. The tested genotypes were hybrid Isa Brown and races combined production capacity New Hampshire. Based on the results of this research, can be concluded that the rearing system had no a significant impact to any of the investigated traits. On the other hand, the effect of genotype was significant on weight classically dressed carcass, as well as the mass of all the main parts of the carcass, wings share and back and pelvis share. The percentage of classically dressed carcass, yield of breasts, thighs and drumsticks was not significantly influenced by genotype.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita uticaj sistema gajenja na masu i udeo osnovnih delova trupova kokoši nosilja iz alternativnih sistema gajenja: podnog i organskog. Ispitivani genotipovi su bili laki linijski hibrid Isa Brown i rasa kombinovanih proizvodnih sposobnosti New Hampshire. Na osnovu rezultata ovih istraživanja, može se zaključiti da sistem gajenja nije imao značajan uticaj ni na jednu od ispitivanih osobina. Sa druge strane, uticaj genotipa bio je značajan na masu klasično obrađenog trupa, kao i na masu svih osnovnih delova trupa, udeo krila i leđa i karlice. Randman klasično obrađenog trupa, udeo grudi, bataka i karabataka nije bio pod značajnim uticajem genotipa

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