9 research outputs found

    Synthesis and optical characterization of novel heteroaromatic chromophores

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    Cilj ovog rada je sinteza i optička karakterizacija novih derivata benzimidazola koji u svojoj strukturi sadrže 1,2,3-triazolni prsten u svrhu određivanja njihove senzorske aktivnosti. Novi spojevi 2-[(4-nitro)benz-2-iliden)amino]benzimidazol (spoj 3), 2-[(4-amino)benz-2-iliden)amino]benzimidazol (spoj 5), 2-[(4-azido)benz-2-ilidene)amino]benzimidazole (spoj 6) i 2-{4-[(4-fenil)-1,2,3-triazol-1-il]benzilidenamino}benzimidazol (spoj 8) uspjeÅ”no su sintetizirani reakcijama klasične i ā€žclickā€œ kemije, dok spoj 2-{4-[4-(4-aminofenil)-1,2,3-triazol-1-il]benzilidenamino}benzimidazol 7 nije uspjeÅ”no izoliran zbog preniske koncentracije i prevelikog broja nusprodukata. Strukture spojeva 3, 5 i 8 potvrđene 1H-NMR spektroskopijom. Detaljna karakterizacija fotofizičkih i kiselo-baznih svojstava u svrhu ispitivanja potencijalne primjene u optičkim kemijskim senzorima je provedena za spoj 3 i 8. Spoj 3 je okarakteriziran UV-vidljivom i fluorescencijskom spektrofotometrijom u otapalima različite polarnosti, univerzalnim puferima u rasponu vrijednosti pH od 1 do 13 te u prisustvu različitih metalnih iona. Također su provedena spektrofotometrijska ispitivanja spoja 8 u univerzalnim puferima pri graničnim vrijednostima pH te u prisustvu Zn2+, Ag+ i Al3+ iona. Spoj 3 ima potencijalno djelovanje kao pH senzor, ali nije pokazao poželjna svojstva za uporabu u senzorima za metale. Spoj 8 je potrebno dodatno ispitati kako bi se definitivno zaključila njegova senzorska aktivnost.The aim of this thesis was synthesis and optical characterization of novel benzimidazole derivates which incorporate 1,2,3-triazole ring in their structure, to prove their sensoring activity. Compounds 2-[(4-nitro)benz-2-ilidene)amino]benzimidazole (compund 3), 2-[(4-amino)benz-2-ilidene)amino]benzimidazole (compund 5), 2-[(4-azido)benz-2-ilidene)amino]benzimidazole (compund 6) and 2-{4-[(4-phenyl)-1,2,3-triazole-1-il]benzilidenamino}benzimidazole (compound 8) were succesfully synthesized using a combination of classical organic chemistry synthesis and ā€žclickā€œ chemistry reaction, while compund 2-{4-[4-(4-aminofenil)-1,2,3-triazole-1-il]benzilidenamino}benzimidazole (compund 7) was not succesfully isolated due to low concentration and significant amount of impurities. Structures of compunds 3, 4, 5 and 8 were determined by 1H-NMR spectroscopy. Compound 3 was characterized with UV-visible and fluorescence spectrophotometry in solvents of different polarity, universal buffers in pH range 1 to 13 and in the presence of different metal ions. Compound 8 was spectrophotometricaly characterized in marginal values of pH, and in the presence of Zn2+, Ag+ i Al3+ ions. Compund 3 shows potential activity as a pH sensor in some solvents (water, acetone and acetonitrile), but it did not prove itself a good sensor for detecting metal ions. For compound 8, additional experiments are needed to be sure about its sensor activity

    Synthesis and optical characterization of novel heteroaromatic chromophores

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    Cilj ovog rada je sinteza i optička karakterizacija novih derivata benzimidazola koji u svojoj strukturi sadrže 1,2,3-triazolni prsten u svrhu određivanja njihove senzorske aktivnosti. Novi spojevi 2-[(4-nitro)benz-2-iliden)amino]benzimidazol (spoj 3), 2-[(4-amino)benz-2-iliden)amino]benzimidazol (spoj 5), 2-[(4-azido)benz-2-ilidene)amino]benzimidazole (spoj 6) i 2-{4-[(4-fenil)-1,2,3-triazol-1-il]benzilidenamino}benzimidazol (spoj 8) uspjeÅ”no su sintetizirani reakcijama klasične i ā€žclickā€œ kemije, dok spoj 2-{4-[4-(4-aminofenil)-1,2,3-triazol-1-il]benzilidenamino}benzimidazol 7 nije uspjeÅ”no izoliran zbog preniske koncentracije i prevelikog broja nusprodukata. Strukture spojeva 3, 5 i 8 potvrđene 1H-NMR spektroskopijom. Detaljna karakterizacija fotofizičkih i kiselo-baznih svojstava u svrhu ispitivanja potencijalne primjene u optičkim kemijskim senzorima je provedena za spoj 3 i 8. Spoj 3 je okarakteriziran UV-vidljivom i fluorescencijskom spektrofotometrijom u otapalima različite polarnosti, univerzalnim puferima u rasponu vrijednosti pH od 1 do 13 te u prisustvu različitih metalnih iona. Također su provedena spektrofotometrijska ispitivanja spoja 8 u univerzalnim puferima pri graničnim vrijednostima pH te u prisustvu Zn2+, Ag+ i Al3+ iona. Spoj 3 ima potencijalno djelovanje kao pH senzor, ali nije pokazao poželjna svojstva za uporabu u senzorima za metale. Spoj 8 je potrebno dodatno ispitati kako bi se definitivno zaključila njegova senzorska aktivnost.The aim of this thesis was synthesis and optical characterization of novel benzimidazole derivates which incorporate 1,2,3-triazole ring in their structure, to prove their sensoring activity. Compounds 2-[(4-nitro)benz-2-ilidene)amino]benzimidazole (compund 3), 2-[(4-amino)benz-2-ilidene)amino]benzimidazole (compund 5), 2-[(4-azido)benz-2-ilidene)amino]benzimidazole (compund 6) and 2-{4-[(4-phenyl)-1,2,3-triazole-1-il]benzilidenamino}benzimidazole (compound 8) were succesfully synthesized using a combination of classical organic chemistry synthesis and ā€žclickā€œ chemistry reaction, while compund 2-{4-[4-(4-aminofenil)-1,2,3-triazole-1-il]benzilidenamino}benzimidazole (compund 7) was not succesfully isolated due to low concentration and significant amount of impurities. Structures of compunds 3, 4, 5 and 8 were determined by 1H-NMR spectroscopy. Compound 3 was characterized with UV-visible and fluorescence spectrophotometry in solvents of different polarity, universal buffers in pH range 1 to 13 and in the presence of different metal ions. Compound 8 was spectrophotometricaly characterized in marginal values of pH, and in the presence of Zn2+, Ag+ i Al3+ ions. Compund 3 shows potential activity as a pH sensor in some solvents (water, acetone and acetonitrile), but it did not prove itself a good sensor for detecting metal ions. For compound 8, additional experiments are needed to be sure about its sensor activity

    Analiza hemijskog sastava etarskih ulja snažne efikasnosti na referentni soj ATCC 29212 i kliničke izolate Enterococcus faecalis

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    Twenty one essential oils (EOs) documented their significant antimicrobial effect with regard to our pre-set criterion of the Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC ā‰¤ 200 Ī¼L / mL) of EOs towards Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 29212 and or clinical isolates); the best effect MIC 0.4 Ī¼L / mL (approx. 0.26 Ī¼g / mL) achieved Satureja horvatii L. EO, while the EOs with the lowest antimicrobial efficacy were Rosmarinus officinalis L. and Achilea milefolium L., both with MIC s160.0 Ī¼g / mL. Analysis of the MIC values within the groups revealed that ATCC strain of E. faecalis is generally lower, ranging from 0.26 to 156 Ī¼g / mL, in comparison to those for clinical isolateswhich ranged from 10 to 160 Ī¼g / mL. Twelve 12 components that are common in EOs whith MIC s ā‰¤ 200 Ī¼g / mL in testings towards both, the clinical and referent strains are given in descending order according to number of oils they are present in: trans-Ī²-caryophyllene (13) > myrcene (8) > Ī±-pinene (8) > linalool (7) > p-cymene (7) > borneol (7) > geraniol (6) > camphene (6) > limonene (5) > 1,8- cineol (5) > Ī³ -terpinene (5) > Ī±- terpinene (4). Comparison of EO constituents reviled that only, geraniol and 1,8-cineol, contributed with ā‰„ 10 % to more than one EO (MIC 0.3-200 Ī¼g / mL) efficient against both E. faecalis strains. Thirteen components in 11 EOs with MIC ā‰¤ 200 Ī¼g / mL towards ATCC 29212 were representative based on their contents in EOs: eugenol 82.9 % > thymol 63.7 % > hexadecanoic acid 47.8 % > menthol 46.6 % > cis-b-ocimene 44.2 % > geranial 42.1 % > trans-Ī²-caryophyllene 40.8 % > citronellal 36.7 % > Ī±-pinene 31.2 % > neral 30.5 % > Ī±-eudesmol 22.4 % > citronellol 13.1 % > menthone 11.3 %. Following seven components, representative in 10 EOs with MIC ā‰¤ 200 Ī¼g / mL towards clinical isolates, are presented in order of their contribution to EOs: phenylethyl alcohol 57.7 % > geranial 32.9 % > neral 22.2 % > p- cymene 20 % > carvacrol 14 % > Ī±-pinene 11.5 % > linalool 11.4 %. Out of 21 highly efficient EOs selected in this study, six EOs proved to be the most efficient (MIC ā‰¤ 30 Ī¼g / mL ); three oils in control of E.faecalis ATCC strain (Satureja horvatii, Mentha pulegium and Rosmarinus officinalis) and other three in control of E. faecalis clinical isolates (Leptospermum petersonii, Thymus algeriensis, Thymus serpyllum). Thymol is a major component in three out of the six aforementioned most efficient EOs. The aim of our study was to investigate differences in efficacy of selected EOs that proved to possess great antimicrobial activity, towards the referent strain ATCC 29212 and clinical isolates of E. faecalis on, and to estimate which of their constituents might contribute to desired activity, as 'markers compunds'.Pregledom literature odabrano je 21 etarsko ulje (EU) koje pokazuje izuzetno značajan antimikrobni efekat prema kriterijumima koje smo zadali (MIC ā‰¤ 200 Ī¼L / mL) na Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 29212 referentni soj ili klinički izolat); Najbolji antimikrobni efekat sa MIC 0.4 Ī¼L / mL (približno 0.26 Ī¼g / mL) pokazalo je etarsko ulje Satureja horvatii L., dok su sa najslabijim antimikrobnim efektom bila ulja Rosmarinus officinalis L. i Achilea milefolium L. (MIC 160.0 Ī¼g / mL). Međugrupnom analizom MIC vrednosti, utvrđeno je da se MIC vrednosti, i u grupi u kojoj su testirana ulja na referentne sojeve i u grupi na kliničkim izolatima, razlikuju. MIC vrednosti ulja koja su delovala na referentni soj E. faecalis ATCC 29212, variraju od 0.26 to 156 Ī¼g / mL , dok je opseg MIC vrednosti koja pokazuju ulja efikasna na kliničke izolate E. faecalisa bio između 10 to 160 Ī¼g / mL. Dvanaest komponenti koje su zajedničke za etarska ulja testirana i na referentnom soju i na kliničkim izolatima, a čiji MIC ā‰¤ 200 Ī¼g / mL , iskazana su u opadajućem nizu u odnosu na broj ulja u kojima su sadržana: trans-Ī²-kariofilen (13) > mircen (8) > Ī±-pinen (8) > linalool (7) > p-cymen (7) > borneol (7) > geraniol (6) > kamfen (6) > limonen (5) > 1,8-cineol (5) > Ī³-terpinen (5) > Ī±-terpinen (4). Poređenjem komponenti utvrđeno je da su samo dve komponente, geraniol i 1,8-cineol, prisutne u procentualnoj zastupljenosti ā‰„ 10 % u viÅ”e od jednog etarskog ulja (MIC opseg ulja 0.3-200 Ī¼g / mL ), a koja su pokazala efikasnost i na ATCC i na kliničke sojeve E. faecalis. Geraniol i 1,8-cineol su glavne komponente sadržaja ā‰„ 10 % u viÅ”e ulja efikasnih i protiv ATCC soja i kliničkih izolata (MIC 0.3-200 Ī¼g / mL). U 11 ulja sa MIC ā‰¤ 200 Ī¼g / mL na E. faecalis ATCC 29212, uočeno je 13 reprezentativnih komponenti, predstavljanih opadajućem nizu u odnosu na zastupljenost u uljima: eugenol 82.9 % > timol 63.7 % > heksadekanoanska kiselina 47.8 % > mentol 46.6 % > cis-b-ocimen 44.2 % > geranial 42.1 % > trans-Ī²-kariofilen 40.8 % > citronelal 36.7 % > Ī±-pinen 31.2 % > neral 30.5 % > Ī±-eudesmol 22.4 % > citronelol 13.1 % > menton 11.3 %. U 10 etarskih ulja sa MIC ā‰¤ 200 Ī¼g / mL efikasnim na klinički izolat, 7 je reprezentativnih i one su prikazane u opadajućem nizu u odnosu na njihovu zastupljenost u EU: feniletil alkohol 57.7 % > geranial 32.9 % > neral 22.2 % > p-cimen 20 % > karvakrol, 14 % > Ī±-pinen 11.5 % > linalool 11.4 %. Od 21 EU iz ovog pregleda, Å”est su se izdvojila kao najefikasnija (MIC ā‰¤ 30 Ī¼g / mL); 3 na referentni E. faecalis ATCC soj (Satureja horvatii, Mentha pulegium and Rosmarinus officinalis) i druga 3 na E faecalis klinički izolat (Leptospermum petersonii, Thymus algeriensis, Thymus serpyllum). Timol je bio procentualno najzastupljenija komponenta u 3 od 6 najefikasnijih EU. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrde razlike u efikasnosti etarskih ulja koja su odabrana zbog njihove jake antimikrobne aktivnosti na kliničke izolate E. faecalis kao i na referentni soj ATCC 29212, i da se izvrÅ”i procena njihovog hemijskog sastava vezano za komponente koje svojim učeŔćem doprinose antimikrobnoj aktivnosti i mogu poslužiti kao 'markeri efikasnosti'

    A Non-Singular Black Hole

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    We present a completely integrable deformation of the CGHS dilaton gravity model in two dimensions. The solution is a singularity free black hole that at large distances asymptoticaly joins to the CGHS solution.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, Latex 2


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    Twenty one essential oils (EOs) documented their significant antimicrobial effect with regard to our preā€“set criterion of the Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC ā‰¤ 200 Ī¼L / mL) of EOs towards Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 29212 and or clinical isolates); the best effect MIC 0.4 Ī¼L / mL (approx. 0.26 Ī¼g / mL) achieved Satureja horvatii L. EO, while the EOs with the lowest antimicrobial efficacy were Rosmarinus officinalis L. and Achilea milefolium L., both with MIC s160.0 Ī¼g / mL. Analysis of the MIC values within the groups revealed that ATCC strain of E. faecalis is generally lower, ranging from 0.26 to 156 Ī¼g / mL, in comparison to those for clinical isolateswhich ranged from 10 to 160 Ī¼g / mL. Twelve 12 components that are common in EOs whith MIC s ā‰¤ 200 Ī¼g / mL in testings towards both, the clinical Ā and Ā referent Ā strains Ā are Ā given Ā in Ā descending Ā order Ā according Ā to number of oils they are present in: transā€“Ī²ā€“caryophylleneĀ  (13) > myrcene (8)> Ī±ā€“pinene (8) > linalool (7) > pā€“cymene (7) > borneol (7) > geraniol (6) > camphene Ā (6) > limonene Ā (5) > 1,8ā€“ cineol Ā (5) > Ī³ ā€“terpinene Ā (5) > Ī±ā€“terpinene (4). Comparison of EO constituents reviled that only, geraniol and 1,8ā€“cineol, contributed with ā‰„ 10 % to more than one EO (MIC 0.3ā€“200 Ī¼g / mL) efficient against both E. faecalis strains. Thirteen components in 11 EOs with MIC ā‰¤ 200 Āµg / mL towards ATCC 29212 were representative based on their contents in EOs: eugenol 82.9 % > thymol 63.7 % > hexadecanoic acid 47.8 % > menthol 46.6 % > cisā€“bā€“ocimene 44.2 % > geranial 42.1 % > transā€“Ī²ā€“caryophyllene Ā 40.8 % > citronellal Ā 36.7 % > Ī±ā€“pineneĀ  31.2 % > neral 30.5 % > Ī±ā€“eudesmol 22.4 % > citronellol 13.1 % > menthone 11.3 %. Following seven components, representative in 10 EOs with MIC ā‰¤ 200 Āµg / mL towards clinical isolates, are presented in order of their contribution to EOs: phenylethyl alcohol 57.7 % > geranial 32.9 % > neral 22.2 % > pā€“ cymene 20 % > carvacrol 14 % > Ī±ā€“pinene 11.5 % > linalool 11.4 %. Out of 21 highly efficient EOs selected in this study, six EOs proved to be the most efficient (MIC ā‰¤ 30 Ī¼g / mL ); three oils in control of E.faecalis ATCC strain (Satureja horvatii, Mentha pulegium and Rosmarinus Ā officinalis) and other three Ā in control of E. faecalis clinical isolates (Leptospermum petersonii, Thymus algeriensis, Ā Thymus serpyllum). Ā Thymol is a major component Ā in three out of the six aforementioned most efficient EOs. The aim of our study was to investigate differences in efficacy of selected EOs that proved to possess great antimicrobial activity, towards the referent strain ATCC 29212 and clinical isolates of E. faecalis on, and to estimate which of their constituents might contribute to desired activity, as ā€œmarkers compundsā€

    Synthesis and optical characterization of novel heteroaromatic chromophores

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    Cilj ovog rada je sinteza i optička karakterizacija novih derivata benzimidazola koji u svojoj strukturi sadrže 1,2,3-triazolni prsten u svrhu određivanja njihove senzorske aktivnosti. Novi spojevi 2-[(4-nitro)benz-2-iliden)amino]benzimidazol (spoj 3), 2-[(4-amino)benz-2-iliden)amino]benzimidazol (spoj 5), 2-[(4-azido)benz-2-ilidene)amino]benzimidazole (spoj 6) i 2-{4-[(4-fenil)-1,2,3-triazol-1-il]benzilidenamino}benzimidazol (spoj 8) uspjeÅ”no su sintetizirani reakcijama klasične i ā€žclickā€œ kemije, dok spoj 2-{4-[4-(4-aminofenil)-1,2,3-triazol-1-il]benzilidenamino}benzimidazol 7 nije uspjeÅ”no izoliran zbog preniske koncentracije i prevelikog broja nusprodukata. Strukture spojeva 3, 5 i 8 potvrđene 1H-NMR spektroskopijom. Detaljna karakterizacija fotofizičkih i kiselo-baznih svojstava u svrhu ispitivanja potencijalne primjene u optičkim kemijskim senzorima je provedena za spoj 3 i 8. Spoj 3 je okarakteriziran UV-vidljivom i fluorescencijskom spektrofotometrijom u otapalima različite polarnosti, univerzalnim puferima u rasponu vrijednosti pH od 1 do 13 te u prisustvu različitih metalnih iona. Također su provedena spektrofotometrijska ispitivanja spoja 8 u univerzalnim puferima pri graničnim vrijednostima pH te u prisustvu Zn2+, Ag+ i Al3+ iona. Spoj 3 ima potencijalno djelovanje kao pH senzor, ali nije pokazao poželjna svojstva za uporabu u senzorima za metale. Spoj 8 je potrebno dodatno ispitati kako bi se definitivno zaključila njegova senzorska aktivnost.The aim of this thesis was synthesis and optical characterization of novel benzimidazole derivates which incorporate 1,2,3-triazole ring in their structure, to prove their sensoring activity. Compounds 2-[(4-nitro)benz-2-ilidene)amino]benzimidazole (compund 3), 2-[(4-amino)benz-2-ilidene)amino]benzimidazole (compund 5), 2-[(4-azido)benz-2-ilidene)amino]benzimidazole (compund 6) and 2-{4-[(4-phenyl)-1,2,3-triazole-1-il]benzilidenamino}benzimidazole (compound 8) were succesfully synthesized using a combination of classical organic chemistry synthesis and ā€žclickā€œ chemistry reaction, while compund 2-{4-[4-(4-aminofenil)-1,2,3-triazole-1-il]benzilidenamino}benzimidazole (compund 7) was not succesfully isolated due to low concentration and significant amount of impurities. Structures of compunds 3, 4, 5 and 8 were determined by 1H-NMR spectroscopy. Compound 3 was characterized with UV-visible and fluorescence spectrophotometry in solvents of different polarity, universal buffers in pH range 1 to 13 and in the presence of different metal ions. Compound 8 was spectrophotometricaly characterized in marginal values of pH, and in the presence of Zn2+, Ag+ i Al3+ ions. Compund 3 shows potential activity as a pH sensor in some solvents (water, acetone and acetonitrile), but it did not prove itself a good sensor for detecting metal ions. For compound 8, additional experiments are needed to be sure about its sensor activity