61 research outputs found

    Foreign Business Entrepreneurship in Cape Town: How To Start A Business - Stories Of 6 Cape Town Based Immigrants

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    South Africa has become a shelter for immigrants from all over the world (Wilkinson, 2015). Combined with its internationally recognized economy, it is a tempting location for foreigners to establish a business (“Starting a Business in South Africa as a Foreigner – A Complete Guide”, n.d.). With this in mind, the intent of this study is twofold. First, this project aims at analyzing how foreigners establish businesses in Cape Town. Its objective is to trace the entrepreneurial process from the initial stages to its recent development. Second, it aims at outlining their experiences in Cape Town, thus serve as a platform for sharing the experiences of six foreigners from different countries. This research was conducted during a four-week period in Cape Town, South Africa. The primary method used for data collection was semi-structured interviews, thus the content deviated based on the interviewee’s eagerness to share. This study includes interviews with 6 foreigners conducted in their safe working space. All interviews were privately conducted and lasted between 30 minutes and two hours. The findings of this research determined that there are multiple ways of establishing a business while maintaining one’s legal status. Although some came illegally, while others came for studying or working; they are currently residing in Cape Town. Subsequently, immigrants from different countries face various challenges, and with the exception of one interviewee, they have all experienced some form of violence or xenophobia attack due to being foreign. Overall, their relocation to Cape Town had been justified, but half of them see themselves going back to their country of origin

    Дополнителна подршка за деца со пречки во развојот

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    The system of social, health and educational protection of children with disabilities in the Republic of Macedonia experience ongoing changes. The main goals of the reforms are harmonization of the Macedonian legislation with international standards, as well as improvement of the position of the disabled person in society through social and labour inclusion. Besides the traditional forms of protection of disabled children, there are attempts for introduction of new measures and activities targeting disabled children which will enable a higher degree of social and health protection, social involvement, regular school attendance and better achievements in the educational process. The current situation shows that there is no integral legal text that fully regulates the rights of disabled persons. On a contrary, rights for disabled persons and children with impairments in the development are legally regulated in number of laws and bylaws. The conducted researches point out to certain weaknesses in the existing legal and institutional framework, as well as in the process of its implementation. There are several limitations even in the first phase of identification and assessment of children with impairment. Some of them are systematic and occur as a result of the different practices of the bodies responsible for the assessment of disabled children and in the exclusive use of the medical model of assessment. Some of the reasons for insufficient level of protection of disabled persons and their families are located in the inappropriate material assistance, lack of institutional structures such as local services for support. The society recognizes the need for in-depth reforms in the system of support of persons with disabilities. A number of activities, mainly supported by international organizations, are in the process of implementation and required sustainability through provision of state ownership. In that regard, by applying the measures of additional support for persons with disabilities the process is moving towards providing a holistic approach in overcoming of existing problems. The precondition for successful response to identified shortfalls is the development of a whole range of services in the local community delivered by multi-sectoral cooperation.Системот на социјална, здравствена и образовна заштита на децата со попреченост во Република Ма- кедо-нија доживува постојани промени. Главните цели на реформите се усогласување на македонското законодавство со меѓународните стандарди, како и унапредување на положбата на лицето со попреченост во општеството преку социјално и работно вклучување. Покрај традиционалните форми на заштита на децата со попреченост, се прават обиди за воведување на нови мерки и активности насочени кон децата со попреченост кои ќе овозможат повисок степен на социјална и здравствена заштита, социјална вклученост, редовно посетување на настава и подобри постигнувања во образовниот процес. Моменталната состојба укажува дека не постои интегрален правен документ кој целосно ги регулира правата на лицата со попреченост. На- против, правата за лицата со попреченост и децата со пречки во развојот се регулирани во бројни закони и подзаконски акти. Спроведените истражувања укажуваат на одредени слабости во постојната законска и институционална рамка, како и во процесот на нејзино спроведување. Постојат неколку ограничувања, дури и во првата фаза на идентификација и проценка на децата со попреченост. Некои од нив се систематски и се јавуваат како резултат на различните практики на телата одговорни за проценка на деца со пречки и во исклучивото користење на медицинскиот модел на проценка. Некои од причините за несоодветното ниво на заштита на лицата со посебни потреби и нивните семејства се идентификувани во несоодветната материјална помош, недостатокот на институционална структура, како што се локалните сервиси за поддршка. Општеството ја препознава потребата за темелни реформи во системот на поддршка на лицата со попреченост. Голем број активности, главно поддржани од меѓународни организации, се во процес на имплемента- ција и изискуваат одржливост преку обезбедување на државна сопственост. Во таа смисла, со примена на мерките за дополнителна поддршка на лицата со попреченост, процесот се движи кон обезбедување на сеопфатен пристап во надминување на постојните проблеми. Предуслов за успешен одговор на идентификува- ните недостатоци е развојот на цела низа на услуги во локалната заедница што се остварува преку мултисектор- ска соработка

    The Role of Social Capital in Contributing to Lifestyle Brand-Related Content on Social Media

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the differences in users’ intentions to like, comment and share lifestyle brand-related content on social media based on the social capital focus. In this paper, social capital is conceptualized as a positive outcome of users’ interaction on social media, focusing on bonding and bridging dimensions of social capital. However, in order to examine the differences in intentions to like, comment and share between social media users with bridging and bonding focus, social capital is analyzed as a cause of social media engagement in terms of liking, commenting and sharing brand-related content on social media. A survey with social media users was carried out, using questionnaires as a method of data collection. A data set of 415 effective responses is collected and factor analysis and ANOVA test was used. The respondents were divided into two groups: social media users with bridging focus and with bonding focus. The results of factor analysis identified the factors as conceptualized in the literature. The results of ANOVA test indicated existence of significant differences in intentions to like, to share and to comment lifestyle brand-related content depending on the social media users’ social capital focus. Social media users with bridging focus showed stronger intentions to like, share and comment lifestyle brand-related content comparing to social media users with bonding focus. The findings of this research study may help social media marketing managers to successfully design and implement effective lifestyle brand-related content depending on the users’ social capital focus

    A full-scale case study of vibration-based structural health monitoring of bridges: prospects and open challenges

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    The implementation of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) offers the prospect for sustainable and safe service-life extension of existing bridges, a large portion of which is approaching the end of their nominal life. Many SHM frameworks for civil infrastructure address timely damage detection and identification. However, the scarcity of case studies on real damaged bridges hinders the generalized application of SHM in practice. In this contribution, monitoring data from a four-day campaign on the Ponte-Moesa bridge, a three-span concrete box-girder bridge, is presented as a benchmark for data-driven damage diagnosis schemes. The monitoring data, covering accelerations from ambient and forced vibrations, contains the reference state after concluding the service life along with several gradually increasing dam-age states, including drilling holes and cutting reinforcement rebars and prestressed cables. The potential of damage-sensitive features to identify damage is presented and the uncertainties, resulting from the environmental and operational conditions and sensor malfunctioning, pertaining to robust damage detection are discussed. Drawing from real bridge monitoring data, a range of prospects and open challenges of vibration-based SHM for bridges are reviewed.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::11 - Ciutats i Comunitats SosteniblesObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::9 - Indústria, Innovació i InfraestructuraPostprint (published version

    Comparison of several watermelon (Citrullus lanatus Thunb.) hybrids in Republic of Macedonia

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    Watermelon is a traditionally grown vegetable in the Republic of Macedonia. Numerous varieties and hybrids of watermelon are registered in the National Variety List. Prior to their introduction into commercial production, all foreign hybrids and newly created varieties are examined in order to determine their stages of growth, yield and characteristic of fruit. The experiment was set on experimental plots in the Institute of Agriculture in Skopje. In the years between 2005 and 2009, the following 21 varieties and hybrids of watermelon were observed: Romanza F1, Bambolino F1, Bonta F1, Scherezada in 2005; Pauline F1, Nelson F1, Joker F1, Carmen F1 in 2006; Lady F1, Trophy F1, Fletta F1, Marabella F1, Super Crimson Sweet OP, Fantasy F1 in 2007; Crimson Ruby F1, Biblos F1, Pegasus F1, Megan F1 in 2008; Colosseo F1, Caravan F1, Montana F1 in 2009. The Crimson Sweet was used as a standard variety. In 2005, Bambolino F1 gave higher yield (59.7t/ha) than the standard variety (31.42t/ha). In 2006, Nelson F1 exceeded significantly higher yield by giving 65,8 t/ha in comparison to standard variety 46.3 t/ha. In 2007 all examined varieties gave better results than the standard variety. In 2008 Crimson Ruby F1 gave higher yield (42.7 t/ha) than the standard variety (36.8t/ha). In 2009 Montana F1 was more yielded (67.5 t/ha) then the standard variety (62.2 t/ha). All examined varieties and hybrids gave stable characteristics and were registered in the National Variety List for commercial production

    Comparison of Several Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus Thunb.) Hybrids in Republic of Macedonia

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    Watermelon is a traditionally grown vegetable in the Republic of Macedonia. Numerous varieties and hybrids of watermelon are registered in the National Variety List. Prior to their introduction into commercial production, all foreign hybrids and newly created varieties are examined in order to determine their stages of growth, yield and characteristic of fruit. The experiment was set on experimental plots in the Institute of Agriculture in Skopje. In the years between 2005 and 2009, the following 21 varieties and hybrids of watermelon were observed: Romanza F1, Bambolino F1,  Bonta F1, Scherezada in 2005; Pauline F1, Nelson F1, Joker F1, Carmen F1 in 2006; Lady F1, Trophy F1, Fletta F1, Marabella F1, Super Crimson Sweet OP, Fantasy F1 in 2007; Crimson Ruby F1, Biblos F1,  Pegasus F1, Megan F1 in 2008; Colosseo F1, Caravan F1, Montana F1 in 2009. The Crimson Sweet was used as a standard variety. In 2005, Bambolino F1 gave higher yield (59.7t/ha) than the standard variety (31.42t/ha). In 2006, Nelson F1 exceeded significantly higher yield by giving 65,8 t/ha in comparison to standard variety 46.3 t/ha. In 2007 all examined varieties gave better results than the standard variety. In 2008 Crimson Ruby F1 gave higher yield (42.7 t/ha) than the standard variety (36.8t/ha). In 2009 Montana F1 was more yielded (67.5 t/ha) then the standard variety (62.2 t/ha). All examined varieties and hybrids gave stable characteristics and were registered in the National Variety List for commercial production


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    Introduction: Genetic risk factors that increase venous thromboembolism risk are disorders in the synthesis or activity of coagulation factors. Factor V Leiden, prothrombin (20210-A), antithrombin deficiency, protein C and protein S deficiency, and hyperhomocysteinaemia are the most common venous thromboembolism-related gene mutations. When genetic factors are combined with non-provoking risk factors (obesity, psoriasis, smoking and previous venous thromboembolism) the result is increased venous thromboembolism risk for each factor individually. Previous venous thromboembolism is one of the strongest risk factors, even in patients actively treated with anticoagulant. Patients are more likely to have recurrent venous thromboembolism with longer duration. Psoriasis is a complex immune–mediated disease, associated with cardiovascular risk, hypercoagulability markers and elevated homocysteine. Lots of observational reports suggest increased incidence of venous trombembolic events in patient with psoriasis. Case presentation: We present patient with inherited thrombophilia and chronic diffuse plaque psoriasis complicated with deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. DNA analysis indicates the presence of homozygosis for Factor V Leiden mutation as well as heterozygosis for Factor XIII V34L, PAI -1 5G/4G and MTHFR A1298C polymorphism. Dermatological anamnesis is positive for plaque psoriasis since 12 years ago. Conclusion: The presentation of this case indicates an association between venous thromboembolism and chronic psoriasis. All patients with recurrent thromboembolism, hereditary thrombophilia, and moderate to severe psoriasis should be considered to be at higher risk for venous thromboembolism and appropriately treated