28 research outputs found

    Seasonal soil moisture and crop yield prediction with fifth-generation seasonal forecasting system (SEAS5) long-range meteorological forecasts in a land surface modelling approach

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    Long-range weather forecasts provide predictions of atmospheric, ocean and land surface conditions that can potentially be used in land surface and hydrological models to predict the water and energy status of the land surface or in crop growth models to predict yield for water resources or agricultural planning. However, the coarse spatial and temporal resolutions of available forecast products have hindered their widespread use in such modelling applications, which usually require high-resolution input data. In this study, we applied sub-seasonal (up to 4 months) and seasonal (7 months) weather forecasts from the latest European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) seasonal forecasting system (SEAS5) in a land surface modelling approach using the Community Land Model version 5.0 (CLM5). Simulations were conducted for 2017–2020 forced with sub-seasonal and seasonal weather forecasts over two different domains with contrasting climate and cropping conditions: the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia (DE-NRW) and the Australian state of Victoria (AUS-VIC). We found that, after pre-processing of the forecast products (i.e. temporal downscaling of precipitation and incoming short-wave radiation), the simulations forced with seasonal and sub-seasonal forecasts were able to provide a model output that was very close to the reference simulation results forced by reanalysis data (the mean annual crop yield showed maximum differences of 0.28 and 0.36 t ha−1 for AUS-VIC and DE-NRW respectively). Differences between seasonal and sub-seasonal experiments were insignificant. The forecast experiments were able to satisfactorily capture recorded inter-annual variations of crop yield. In addition, they also reproduced the generally higher inter-annual differences in crop yield across the AUS-VIC domain (approximately 50 % inter-annual differences in recorded yields and up to 17 % inter-annual differences in simulated yields) compared to the DE-NRW domain (approximately 15 % inter-annual differences in recorded yields and up to 5 % in simulated yields). The high- and low-yield seasons (2020 and 2018) among the 4 simulated years were clearly reproduced in the forecast simulation results. Furthermore, sub-seasonal and seasonal simulations reflected the early harvest in the drought year of 2018 in the DE-NRW domain. However, simulated inter-annual yield variability was lower in all simulations compared to the official statistics. While general soil moisture trends, such as the European drought in 2018, were captured by the seasonal experiments, we found systematic overestimations and underestimations in both the forecast and reference simulations compared to the Soil Moisture Active Passive Level-3 soil moisture product (SMAP L3) and the Soil Moisture Climate Change Initiative Combined dataset from the European Space Agency (ESA CCI). These observed biases of soil moisture and the low inter-annual differences in simulated crop yield indicate the need to improve the representation of these variables in CLM5 to increase the model sensitivity to drought stress and other crop stressors.</p

    COSMOS-Europe: a European network of cosmic-ray neutron soil moisture sensors

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    [EN] Climate change increases the occurrence and severity of droughts due to increasing temperatures, altered circulation patterns, and reduced snow occurrence. While Europe has suffered from drought events in the last decade unlike ever seen since the beginning of weather recordings, harmonized long-term datasets across the continent are needed to monitor change and support predictions. Here we present soil moisture data from 66 cosmic-ray neutron sensors (CRNSs) in Europe (COSMOS-Europe for short) covering recent drought events. The CRNS sites are distributed across Europe and cover all major land use types and climate zones in Europe. The raw neutron count data from the CRNS stations were provided by 24 research institutions and processed using state-of-the-art methods. The harmonized processing included correction of the raw neutron counts and a harmonized methodology for the conversion into soil moisture based on available in situ information. In addition, the uncertainty estimate is provided with the dataset, information that is particularly useful for remote sensing and modeling applications. This paper presents the current spatiotemporal coverage of CRNS stations in Europe and describes the protocols for data processing from raw measurements to consistent soil moisture products. The data of the presented COSMOS-Europe network open up a manifold of potential applications for environmental research, such as remote sensing data validation, trend analysis, or model assimilation The dataset could be of particular importance for the analysis of extreme climatic events at the continental scale. Due its timely relevance in the scope of climate change in the recent years, we demonstrate this potential application with a brief analysis on the spatiotemporal soil moisture variability. The dataset, entitled "Dataset of COSMOS-Europe: A European network of Cosmic-Ray Neutron Soil Moisture Sensors", is shared via Forschungszentrum Julich: https://doi.org/10.34731/x9s3-kr48 (Bogena and Ney, 2021).We thank TERENO (Terrestrial Environmental Observatories), funded by the Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft for the financing and maintenance of CRNS stations. We acknowledge financial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) of the research unit FOR 2694 Cosmic Sense (grant no. 357874777) and by the German Federal Ministry of Education of the Research BiookonomieREVIER, Digitales Geosystem -Rheinisches Revier project (grant no. 031B0918A). COSMOS-UK has been supported financially by the UK's Natural Environment Research Council (grant no. NE/R016429/1). The Olocau experimental watershed is partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the research project TETISCHANGE (grant no. RTI2018-093717-BI00). The Calderona experimental site is partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the research projects CEHYRFO-MED (grant no. CGL2017-86839C3-2-R) and SILVADAPT.NET (grant no. RED2018-102719-T) and the LIFE project RESILIENT FORESTS (grant no. LIFE17 CCA/ES/000063). The University of Bristol's Sheepdrove sites have been supported by the UK's Natural Environment Research Council through a number of projects (grant nos. NE/M003086/1, NE/R004897/1, and NE/T005645/1) and by the International Atomic Energy Agency of the United Nations (grant no. CRP D12014).Bogena, HR.; Schrön, M.; Jakobi, J.; Ney, P.; Zacharias, S.; Andreasen, M.; Baatz, R.... (2022). COSMOS-Europe: a European network of cosmic-ray neutron soil moisture sensors. Earth System Science Data. 14(3):1125-1151. https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-14-1125-20221125115114

    COSMOS-Europe : a European network of cosmic-ray neutron soil moisture sensors

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    We thank TERENO (Terrestrial Environmental Observatories), funded by the Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft for the financing and maintenance of CRNS stations. We acknowledge financial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) of the research unit FOR 2694 Cosmic Sense (grant no. 357874777) and by the German Federal Ministry of Education of the Research BioökonomieREVIER, Digitales Geosystem – Rheinisches Revier project (grant no. 031B0918A). COSMOS-UK has been supported financially by the UK’s Natural Environment Research Council (grant no. NE/R016429/1). The Olocau experimental watershed is partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the research project TETISCHANGE (grant no. RTI2018-093717-BI00). The Calderona experimental site is partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the research projects CEHYRFO-MED (grant no. CGL2017-86839- C3-2-R) and SILVADAPT.NET (grant no. RED2018-102719-T) and the LIFE project RESILIENT FORESTS (grant no. LIFE17 CCA/ES/000063). The University of Bristol’s Sheepdrove sites have been supported by the UK’s Natural Environment Research Council through a number of projects (grant nos. NE/M003086/1, NE/R004897/1, and NE/T005645/1) and by the International Atomic Energy Agency of the United Nations (grant no. CRP D12014). Acknowledgements. We thank Peter Strauss and Gerhab Rab from the Institute for Land and Water Management Research, Federal Agency for Water Management Austria, Petzenkirchen, Austria. We thank Trenton Franz from the School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, United States. We also thank Carmen Zengerle, Mandy Kasner, Felix Pohl, and Solveig Landmark, UFZ Leipzig, for supporting field calibration, lab analysis, and data processing. We furthermore thank Daniel Dolfus, Marius Schmidt, Ansgar Weuthen, and Bernd Schilling, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany. The COSMOS-UK project team is thanked for making its data available to COSMOS-Europe. Luca Stevanato is thanked for the technical details about the Finapp sensor. The stations at Cunnersdorf, Lindenberg, and Harzgerode have been supported by Falk Böttcher, Frank Beyrich, and Petra Fude, German Weather Service (DWD). The Zerbst site has been supported by Getec Green Energy GmbH and Jörg Kachelmann (Meteologix AG). The CESBIO sites have been supported by the CNES TOSCA program. The ERA5-Land data are provided by ECMWF (Muñoz Sabater, 2021). The Jena dataset was retrieved at the site of The Jena Experiment, operated by DFG research unit FOR 1451.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Recent Developments in Wireless Soil Moisture Sensing to Support Scientific Research and Agricultural Management

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    In recent years, wireless sensor network (WSN) technology has emerged as an important technique for wireless sensing of soil moisture from the field to the catchment scale. This review paper presents the current status of wireless sensor network (WSN) technology for distributed, near real-time sensing of soil moisture to investigate seasonal and event dynamics of soil moisture patterns. It is also discussed how WSN measurements of soil measurements contribute to the validation and downscaling of satellite data and non-invasive geophysical instruments as well as the validation of distributed hydrological models. Finally, future perspectives for WSN measurements of soil moisture are highlighted, which includes the improved integration of real-time WSN measurements with other information sources using the latest wireless communication techniques and cyberinfrastructures

    Recent Developments in Wireless Soil Moisture Sensing to Support Scientific Research and Agricultural Management

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    In recent years, wireless sensor network (WSN) technology has emerged as an important technique for wireless sensing of soil moisture from the field to the catchment scale. This review paper presents the current status of wireless sensor network (WSN) technology for distributed, near real-time sensing of soil moisture to investigate seasonal and event dynamics of soil moisture patterns. It is also discussed how WSN measurements of soil measurements contribute to the validation and downscaling of satellite data and non-invasive geophysical instruments as well as the validation of distributed hydrological models. Finally, future perspectives for WSN measurements of soil moisture are highlighted, which includes the improved integration of real-time WSN measurements with other information sources using the latest wireless communication techniques and cyberinfrastructures

    The Impact of Partial Deforestation on Solute Fluxes and Stream Water Ionic Composition in a Headwater Catchment

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    To ensure the good chemical status of surface water across Europe, it is necessary to increase research on the comprehensive impact of land use and land cover changes, i.e., deforestation, on the natural environment. For this reason, we used data from 9-year environmental monitoring in the Wüstebach experimental catchment of the TERENO (Terrestrial Environmental Observatories) network to determine the impact of partial deforestation on solute fluxes and stream water ionic composition. In 2013, a partial deforestation experiment was conducted in the study area using a cut-to-length logging method. To this end, two headwater catchments were compared: one partially deforested (22% of the catchment area) and one untreated control catchment. The concentrations of ions in stream water, groundwater, and precipitation were analyzed: Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Al3+, Fetot, Mn2+, NO3−, SO4−, and Cl−. Most of the ions (Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl−, and SO4−) showed decreasing trends in concentrations after deforestation, indicating a dilution effect in stream water due to the reduction of the supply of solutes with precipitation in the open deforested area. The fluxes of these ions decreased by 5–7% in the first year after deforestation, although the stream runoff increased by 5%. In the second year, the decrease in ion fluxes was greater, from 6% to 24%. This finding confirms that only limited soil erosion occurred after the deforestation because the soil was well protected during logging works by covering harvester lanes with branches. Only K+ and NO3− ions showed increasing trends in both concentrations and fluxes in the partially deforested catchment in the first two to three years after deforestation. Spruce die-offs, common in Europe, may decrease the concentration and fluxes of base cations in surface water in a nutrient-limited environment. However, the simultaneous planting of young broad-leaved trees with post-harvesting regrowth could create a nutrient sink that protects the catchment area from nutrient depletion

    Performance of the ATMOS41 All-in-One Weather Station for Weather Monitoring

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    Affordable and accurate weather monitoring systems are essential in low-income anddeveloping countries and, more recently, are needed in small-scale research such as precision agricultureand urban climate studies. A variety of low-cost solutions are available on the market, but theuse of non-standard technologies raises concerns for data quality. Research-grade all-in-one weatherstations could present a reliable, cost effective solution while being robust and easy to use. Thisstudy evaluates the performance of the commercially available ATMOS41 all-in-one weather station.Three stations were deployed next to a high-performance reference station over a three-month period.The ATMOS41 stations showed good performance compared to the reference, and close agreementamong the three stations for most standard weather variables. However, measured atmosphericpressure showed uncertainties >0.6 hPa and solar radiation was underestimated by 3%, which couldbe corrected with a locally obtained linear regression function. Furthermore, precipitation measurementsshowed considerable variability, with observed differences of 7.5% compared to the referencegauge, which suggests relatively high susceptibility to wind-induced errors. Overall, the station iswell suited for private user applications such as farming, while the use in research should considerthe limitations of the station, especially regarding precise precipitation measurements

    Effects of Deforestation on Water Flow in the Vadose Zone

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    The effects of land use change on the occurrence and frequency of preferential flow (fast water flow through a small fraction of the pore space) and piston flow (slower water flow through a large fraction of the pore space) are still not fully understood. In this study, we used a five year high resolution soil moisture monitoring dataset in combination with a response time analysis to identify factors that control preferential and piston flow before and after partial deforestation in a small headwater catchment. The sensor response times at 5, 20 and 50 cm depths were classified into one of four classes: (1) non-sequential preferential flow, (2) velocity based preferential flow, (3) sequential (piston) flow, and (4) no response. The results of this analysis showed that partial deforestation increased sequential flow occurrence and decreased the occurrence of no flow in the deforested area. Similar precipitation conditions (total precipitation) after deforestation caused more sequential flow in the deforested area, which was attributed to higher antecedent moisture conditions and the lack of interception. At the same time, an increase in preferential flow occurrence was also observed for events with identical total precipitation. However, as the events in the treatment period (after deforestation) generally had lower total, maximum, and mean precipitation, this effect was not observed in the overall occurrence of preferential flow. The results of this analysis demonstrate that the combination of a sensor response time analysis and a soil moisture dataset that includes pre- and post-deforestation conditions can offer new insights in preferential and sequential flow conditions after land use change