11 research outputs found

    Méthylations de l'histone H3 et contrôle épigénétique des propriétés des cellules souches de gliomes

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    Gliomas, the most frequent primary brain tumors, are resistant to current therapies and the survival rate of patients is very low. Within high-grade gliomas, a cell sub-population bearing stem-like properties has been isolated. These cells, called glioma stem cell (GSC), are capable of generating all glioma cellular sub-types. Recent data indicates that resistance of these aggressive tumors to therapies is mostly due to GSCs. Thus, targeting the GSCs and their stem-like properties is imperative in order to improve current therapies. [...] Another effective solution to treat GSCs is to force them to lose their stem-like properties. In this context, the aims of my major project were to characterize the epigenetic modifications of histone marks accompanying the loss of GSC stem-like properties under the influence of a cluster of micro-RNA, miR-302-367. GSCs are endowed with an exceptional plasticity, allowing them to gain or lose their stem-like state in response to modifications in their micro-environment. Our results identified the implication of miR-302-367 in the regulation of GSC plasticity. Its stable expression using lentivirus inhibits in an irreversible manner the stem-like and tumorigenic properties of GSC. The tumor-suppressor effect of this miR offers the possibility to decipher the mechanisms responsible for the maintenance or the loss of GSC stem-like properties. Using the model of GSC and their counterparts, GSC-miR-302-367, who lost their stem-like and tumorigenic properties, my aim was to identify the methylation status of histone H3 of the histone code which is known to be associated either to an active or to a repressive gene transcription. I focused on the trimethylation of lysine 4 (H3K4me3) and lysine 27 (H3K27me3), which are associated with an activation or repression of gene transcription, respectively. We performed a ChIP-seq (Chromatin-immunoprecipitation-sequencing) analysis of the respective associated genes followed by a transcriptomic (exon-array) analysis of both cell lines. Our results show that miR-302-367 expression does not alter in a global manner the expression levels of H3K4me3 and H3K27me3. On the contrary, we were able to detect modifications in a discrete group of genes. At least for the studied marks, the positive correlation between the identified histone marks and the gene expression levels indicates that the histone code is well preserved in cancer. GO (Gene Ontology) analysis indicates that miR-302-367-induced loss of stem-like properties is accompanied with activation of the differentiation process in GSC. Genes implicated in the regulation of stem-like and tumorigenic properties were found to bear the repressive histone mark in GSC-miR-302-367. From our analysis of the group of genes bearing the active histone mark in GSC and the repressive one in GSC-miR-302-367, emerged a network of transcription factors that could possibly participate in the regulation of GSC stem-like properties. Down-regulation using siRNA of a member of this network, namely ARNT2, highlighted its role in the maintenance of the proliferative dynamic, as well as the expression of the transcription factor Nanog (a major regulator of GSC stem-like properties), in GSC derived from distinct gliomas. Our histone mark modification analysis, not only elucidated the molecular pathways implicated in the maintenance or, on the contrary, in the loss of GSC stem-like properties, but also, highlighted the implication of new actors in these processes. The activator effect of ARNT2 on GSC proliferation, as well as on the expression of Nanog, observed in GSC bearing distinct genetic alterations and derived from different glioma, indicates that this transcription factor plays a major role, not documented thus far, in the regulation of GSC stem-like properties.Les gliomes sont les tumeurs primitives les plus fréquentes du cerveau et restent de mauvais pronostic en raison de l’inefficacité des traitements actuels. Des cellules souches cancéreuses ont été isolées à partir de gliomes de haut grade de l’adulte. Ces cellules souches de gliomes (GSC) peuvent fournir tous les sous-types cellulaires qui composent la tumeur. De nombreuses données indiquent que la résistance aux traitements est due en grande partie aux GSC. Cibler les GSC et leurs propriétés souches constitue donc un enjeu thérapeutique important. [...] Une solution pertinente de ciblage thérapeutique est de forcer les GSC à quitter leur état souche. Dans ce cadre, mes principaux travaux ont eu pour but de caractériser les changements épigénétiques des marques d’histones qui accompagnent la répression des propriétés des GSC par un groupe de micro-ARN, miR-302-367. [...] L’étude de cette plasticité par notre équipe a abouti à l’identification de miR-302-367. Son expression forcée, à l’aide de lentivirus, bloque de façon irréversible les propriétés souches et initiatrices de tumeur des GSC. L’effet suppresseur de tumeur exercé par miR offre la possibilité d’identifier les mécanismes qui régulent le maintien ou la perte des propriétés des GSC. A l’aide d’un modèle formé par une lignée de GSC et de sa contrepartie dépourvue des propriétés souches et tumorigènes GSC-miR-302-367, je me suis attachée à caractériser les méthylations de l’histone H3, qui font parties du code d’histone associé à une transcription génique respectivement active ou réprimée. Je me suis axée sur la triméthylation de la lysine 4 (H3K4me3) et de la lysine 27 (H3K27me3), respectivement permissive et répressive de la transcription. Une analyse par ChIP-seq (Immunoprécipitation de la chromatine-séquençage) des gènes associés à ces marques a été associée à la caractérisation des transcriptomes des cellules par exon-array. Nos résultats montrent que l’expression du groupe de miR-302-367 ne modifie pas de façon globale les taux des marques H3K4me3 et H3K27me3. Par contre, des changements dans des groupes de gènes circonscrits ont pu être identifiés. La corrélation positive observée entre les marques d’histones et les taux d’expression des gènes montre une conservation du code d’histone dans les cellules cancéreuses, au moins pour les marques étudiées. L’analyse des termes GO (Gene Ontology) indique que la perte des propriétés induites par miR-302-367 s’accompagne d’un engagement de GSC dans une voie de différenciation. Les gènes portant la marque répressive dans les GSC-miR-302-367 participent notamment à des catégories fonctionnelles associées à l’expression de propriétés souches et tumorigènes. L’analyse du groupe de gènes portant une marque permissive dans les GSC et répressive dans les GSC-miR-302-367, a révélé un réseau de facteurs de transcription susceptible de participer au contrôle des propriétés souches des GSC. La répression à l’aide de siRNA d’un des membres de ce réseau, le facteur de transcription ARNT2, nous a permis de révéler son rôle dans le maintien des capacités prolifératives des GSC issues de gliomes distincts et dans l’expression du facteur de transcription Nanog, connu pour son rôle central dans le contrôle des propriétés souches des GSC. Nos résultats montrent que l’analyse des changements de marques d’histone offre donc non seulement une vue d’ensemble des différents réseaux moléculaires associés au maintien ou au contraire à la répression des propriétés des GSC, mais permet d’identifier de nouveaux acteurs. L’effet stimulateur d’ARNT2 sur la croissance cellulaire et l’expression de Nanog, dans des GSC dérivées de gliomes différents aux altérations génomiques distinctes, indique que ce facteur de transcription tient une place centrale, insoupçonnée jusqu’à présent, dans la hiérarchie des gènes qui gouvernent les propriétés des GSC

    Clinical Relevance of Tumor Cells with Stem-Like Properties in Pediatric Brain Tumors

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    BACKGROUND: Primitive brain tumors are the leading cause of cancer-related death in children. Tumor cells with stem-like properties (TSCs), thought to account for tumorigenesis and therapeutic resistance, have been isolated from high-grade gliomas in adults. Whether TSCs are a common component of pediatric brain tumors and are of clinical relevance remains to be determined. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Tumor cells with self-renewal properties were isolated with cell biology techniques from a majority of 55 pediatric brain tumors samples, regardless of their histopathologies and grades of malignancy (57% of embryonal tumors, 57% of low-grade gliomas and neuro-glial tumors, 70% of ependymomas, 91% of high-grade gliomas). Most high-grade glioma-derived oncospheres (10/12) sustained long-term self-renewal akin to neural stem cells (>7 self-renewals), whereas cells with limited renewing abilities akin to neural progenitors dominated in all other tumors. Regardless of tumor entities, the young age group was associated with self-renewal properties akin to neural stem cells (P = 0.05, chi-square test). Survival analysis of the cohort showed an association between isolation of cells with long-term self-renewal abilities and a higher patient mortality rate (P = 0.013, log-rank test). Sampling of low- and high-grade glioma cultures showed that self-renewing cells forming oncospheres shared a molecular profile comprising embryonic and neural stem cell markers. Further characterization performed on subsets of high-grade gliomas and one low-grade glioma culture showed combination of this profile with mesenchymal markers, the radio-chemoresistance of the cells and the formation of aggressive tumors after intracerebral grafting. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In brain tumors affecting adult patients, TSCs have been isolated only from high-grade gliomas. In contrast, our data show that tumor cells with stem cell-like or progenitor-like properties can be isolated from a wide range of histological sub-types and grades of pediatric brain tumors. They suggest that cellular mechanisms fueling tumor development differ between adult and pediatric brain tumors

    Histone H3 methylation and epigenetic control of glioma stem cells properties

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    Les gliomes sont les tumeurs primitives les plus fréquentes du cerveau et restent de mauvais pronostic en raison de l’inefficacité des traitements actuels. Des cellules souches cancéreuses ont été isolées à partir de gliomes de haut grade de l’adulte. Ces cellules souches de gliomes (GSC) peuvent fournir tous les sous-types cellulaires qui composent la tumeur. De nombreuses données indiquent que la résistance aux traitements est due en grande partie aux GSC. Cibler les GSC et leurs propriétés souches constitue donc un enjeu thérapeutique important. [...] Une solution pertinente de ciblage thérapeutique est de forcer les GSC à quitter leur état souche. Dans ce cadre, mes principaux travaux ont eu pour but de caractériser les changements épigénétiques des marques d’histones qui accompagnent la répression des propriétés des GSC par un groupe de micro-ARN, miR-302-367. [...] L’étude de cette plasticité par notre équipe a abouti à l’identification de miR-302-367. Son expression forcée, à l’aide de lentivirus, bloque de façon irréversible les propriétés souches et initiatrices de tumeur des GSC. L’effet suppresseur de tumeur exercé par miR offre la possibilité d’identifier les mécanismes qui régulent le maintien ou la perte des propriétés des GSC. A l’aide d’un modèle formé par une lignée de GSC et de sa contrepartie dépourvue des propriétés souches et tumorigènes GSC-miR-302-367, je me suis attachée à caractériser les méthylations de l’histone H3, qui font parties du code d’histone associé à une transcription génique respectivement active ou réprimée. Je me suis axée sur la triméthylation de la lysine 4 (H3K4me3) et de la lysine 27 (H3K27me3), respectivement permissive et répressive de la transcription. Une analyse par ChIP-seq (Immunoprécipitation de la chromatine-séquençage) des gènes associés à ces marques a été associée à la caractérisation des transcriptomes des cellules par exon-array. Nos résultats montrent que l’expression du groupe de miR-302-367 ne modifie pas de façon globale les taux des marques H3K4me3 et H3K27me3. Par contre, des changements dans des groupes de gènes circonscrits ont pu être identifiés. La corrélation positive observée entre les marques d’histones et les taux d’expression des gènes montre une conservation du code d’histone dans les cellules cancéreuses, au moins pour les marques étudiées. L’analyse des termes GO (Gene Ontology) indique que la perte des propriétés induites par miR-302-367 s’accompagne d’un engagement de GSC dans une voie de différenciation. Les gènes portant la marque répressive dans les GSC-miR-302-367 participent notamment à des catégories fonctionnelles associées à l’expression de propriétés souches et tumorigènes. L’analyse du groupe de gènes portant une marque permissive dans les GSC et répressive dans les GSC-miR-302-367, a révélé un réseau de facteurs de transcription susceptible de participer au contrôle des propriétés souches des GSC. La répression à l’aide de siRNA d’un des membres de ce réseau, le facteur de transcription ARNT2, nous a permis de révéler son rôle dans le maintien des capacités prolifératives des GSC issues de gliomes distincts et dans l’expression du facteur de transcription Nanog, connu pour son rôle central dans le contrôle des propriétés souches des GSC. Nos résultats montrent que l’analyse des changements de marques d’histone offre donc non seulement une vue d’ensemble des différents réseaux moléculaires associés au maintien ou au contraire à la répression des propriétés des GSC, mais permet d’identifier de nouveaux acteurs. L’effet stimulateur d’ARNT2 sur la croissance cellulaire et l’expression de Nanog, dans des GSC dérivées de gliomes différents aux altérations génomiques distinctes, indique que ce facteur de transcription tient une place centrale, insoupçonnée jusqu’à présent, dans la hiérarchie des gènes qui gouvernent les propriétés des GSC.Gliomas, the most frequent primary brain tumors, are resistant to current therapies and the survival rate of patients is very low. Within high-grade gliomas, a cell sub-population bearing stem-like properties has been isolated. These cells, called glioma stem cell (GSC), are capable of generating all glioma cellular sub-types. Recent data indicates that resistance of these aggressive tumors to therapies is mostly due to GSCs. Thus, targeting the GSCs and their stem-like properties is imperative in order to improve current therapies. [...] Another effective solution to treat GSCs is to force them to lose their stem-like properties. In this context, the aims of my major project were to characterize the epigenetic modifications of histone marks accompanying the loss of GSC stem-like properties under the influence of a cluster of micro-RNA, miR-302-367. GSCs are endowed with an exceptional plasticity, allowing them to gain or lose their stem-like state in response to modifications in their micro-environment. Our results identified the implication of miR-302-367 in the regulation of GSC plasticity. Its stable expression using lentivirus inhibits in an irreversible manner the stem-like and tumorigenic properties of GSC. The tumor-suppressor effect of this miR offers the possibility to decipher the mechanisms responsible for the maintenance or the loss of GSC stem-like properties. Using the model of GSC and their counterparts, GSC-miR-302-367, who lost their stem-like and tumorigenic properties, my aim was to identify the methylation status of histone H3 of the histone code which is known to be associated either to an active or to a repressive gene transcription. I focused on the trimethylation of lysine 4 (H3K4me3) and lysine 27 (H3K27me3), which are associated with an activation or repression of gene transcription, respectively. We performed a ChIP-seq (Chromatin-immunoprecipitation-sequencing) analysis of the respective associated genes followed by a transcriptomic (exon-array) analysis of both cell lines. Our results show that miR-302-367 expression does not alter in a global manner the expression levels of H3K4me3 and H3K27me3. On the contrary, we were able to detect modifications in a discrete group of genes. At least for the studied marks, the positive correlation between the identified histone marks and the gene expression levels indicates that the histone code is well preserved in cancer. GO (Gene Ontology) analysis indicates that miR-302-367-induced loss of stem-like properties is accompanied with activation of the differentiation process in GSC. Genes implicated in the regulation of stem-like and tumorigenic properties were found to bear the repressive histone mark in GSC-miR-302-367. From our analysis of the group of genes bearing the active histone mark in GSC and the repressive one in GSC-miR-302-367, emerged a network of transcription factors that could possibly participate in the regulation of GSC stem-like properties. Down-regulation using siRNA of a member of this network, namely ARNT2, highlighted its role in the maintenance of the proliferative dynamic, as well as the expression of the transcription factor Nanog (a major regulator of GSC stem-like properties), in GSC derived from distinct gliomas. Our histone mark modification analysis, not only elucidated the molecular pathways implicated in the maintenance or, on the contrary, in the loss of GSC stem-like properties, but also, highlighted the implication of new actors in these processes. The activator effect of ARNT2 on GSC proliferation, as well as on the expression of Nanog, observed in GSC bearing distinct genetic alterations and derived from different glioma, indicates that this transcription factor plays a major role, not documented thus far, in the regulation of GSC stem-like properties

    Méthylations de l'histone H3 et contrôle épigénétique des propriétés des cellules souches de gliomes

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    Les gliomes sont les tumeurs primitives les plus fréquentes du cerveau et restent de mauvais pronostic en raison de l inefficacité des traitements actuels. Des cellules souches cancéreuses ont été isolées à partir de gliomes de haut grade de l adulte. Ces cellules souches de gliomes (GSC) peuvent fournir tous les sous-types cellulaires qui composent la tumeur. De nombreuses données indiquent que la résistance aux traitements est due en grande partie aux GSC. Cibler les GSC et leurs propriétés souches constitue donc un enjeu thérapeutique important. [...] Une solution pertinente de ciblage thérapeutique est de forcer les GSC à quitter leur état souche. Dans ce cadre, mes principaux travaux ont eu pour but de caractériser les changements épigénétiques des marques d histones qui accompagnent la répression des propriétés des GSC par un groupe de micro-ARN, miR-302-367. [...] L étude de cette plasticité par notre équipe a abouti à l identification de miR-302-367. Son expression forcée, à l aide de lentivirus, bloque de façon irréversible les propriétés souches et initiatrices de tumeur des GSC. L effet suppresseur de tumeur exercé par miR offre la possibilité d identifier les mécanismes qui régulent le maintien ou la perte des propriétés des GSC. A l aide d un modèle formé par une lignée de GSC et de sa contrepartie dépourvue des propriétés souches et tumorigènes GSC-miR-302-367, je me suis attachée à caractériser les méthylations de l histone H3, qui font parties du code d histone associé à une transcription génique respectivement active ou réprimée. Je me suis axée sur la triméthylation de la lysine 4 (H3K4me3) et de la lysine 27 (H3K27me3), respectivement permissive et répressive de la transcription. Une analyse par ChIP-seq (Immunoprécipitation de la chromatine-séquençage) des gènes associés à ces marques a été associée à la caractérisation des transcriptomes des cellules par exon-array. Nos résultats montrent que l expression du groupe de miR-302-367 ne modifie pas de façon globale les taux des marques H3K4me3 et H3K27me3. Par contre, des changements dans des groupes de gènes circonscrits ont pu être identifiés. La corrélation positive observée entre les marques d histones et les taux d expression des gènes montre une conservation du code d histone dans les cellules cancéreuses, au moins pour les marques étudiées. L analyse des termes GO (Gene Ontology) indique que la perte des propriétés induites par miR-302-367 s accompagne d un engagement de GSC dans une voie de différenciation. Les gènes portant la marque répressive dans les GSC-miR-302-367 participent notamment à des catégories fonctionnelles associées à l expression de propriétés souches et tumorigènes. L analyse du groupe de gènes portant une marque permissive dans les GSC et répressive dans les GSC-miR-302-367, a révélé un réseau de facteurs de transcription susceptible de participer au contrôle des propriétés souches des GSC. La répression à l aide de siRNA d un des membres de ce réseau, le facteur de transcription ARNT2, nous a permis de révéler son rôle dans le maintien des capacités prolifératives des GSC issues de gliomes distincts et dans l expression du facteur de transcription Nanog, connu pour son rôle central dans le contrôle des propriétés souches des GSC. Nos résultats montrent que l analyse des changements de marques d histone offre donc non seulement une vue d ensemble des différents réseaux moléculaires associés au maintien ou au contraire à la répression des propriétés des GSC, mais permet d identifier de nouveaux acteurs. L effet stimulateur d ARNT2 sur la croissance cellulaire et l expression de Nanog, dans des GSC dérivées de gliomes différents aux altérations génomiques distinctes, indique que ce facteur de transcription tient une place centrale, insoupçonnée jusqu à présent, dans la hiérarchie des gènes qui gouvernent les propriétés des GSC.Gliomas, the most frequent primary brain tumors, are resistant to current therapies and the survival rate of patients is very low. Within high-grade gliomas, a cell sub-population bearing stem-like properties has been isolated. These cells, called glioma stem cell (GSC), are capable of generating all glioma cellular sub-types. Recent data indicates that resistance of these aggressive tumors to therapies is mostly due to GSCs. Thus, targeting the GSCs and their stem-like properties is imperative in order to improve current therapies. [...] Another effective solution to treat GSCs is to force them to lose their stem-like properties. In this context, the aims of my major project were to characterize the epigenetic modifications of histone marks accompanying the loss of GSC stem-like properties under the influence of a cluster of micro-RNA, miR-302-367. GSCs are endowed with an exceptional plasticity, allowing them to gain or lose their stem-like state in response to modifications in their micro-environment. Our results identified the implication of miR-302-367 in the regulation of GSC plasticity. Its stable expression using lentivirus inhibits in an irreversible manner the stem-like and tumorigenic properties of GSC. The tumor-suppressor effect of this miR offers the possibility to decipher the mechanisms responsible for the maintenance or the loss of GSC stem-like properties. Using the model of GSC and their counterparts, GSC-miR-302-367, who lost their stem-like and tumorigenic properties, my aim was to identify the methylation status of histone H3 of the histone code which is known to be associated either to an active or to a repressive gene transcription. I focused on the trimethylation of lysine 4 (H3K4me3) and lysine 27 (H3K27me3), which are associated with an activation or repression of gene transcription, respectively. We performed a ChIP-seq (Chromatin-immunoprecipitation-sequencing) analysis of the respective associated genes followed by a transcriptomic (exon-array) analysis of both cell lines. Our results show that miR-302-367 expression does not alter in a global manner the expression levels of H3K4me3 and H3K27me3. On the contrary, we were able to detect modifications in a discrete group of genes. At least for the studied marks, the positive correlation between the identified histone marks and the gene expression levels indicates that the histone code is well preserved in cancer. GO (Gene Ontology) analysis indicates that miR-302-367-induced loss of stem-like properties is accompanied with activation of the differentiation process in GSC. Genes implicated in the regulation of stem-like and tumorigenic properties were found to bear the repressive histone mark in GSC-miR-302-367. From our analysis of the group of genes bearing the active histone mark in GSC and the repressive one in GSC-miR-302-367, emerged a network of transcription factors that could possibly participate in the regulation of GSC stem-like properties. Down-regulation using siRNA of a member of this network, namely ARNT2, highlighted its role in the maintenance of the proliferative dynamic, as well as the expression of the transcription factor Nanog (a major regulator of GSC stem-like properties), in GSC derived from distinct gliomas. Our histone mark modification analysis, not only elucidated the molecular pathways implicated in the maintenance or, on the contrary, in the loss of GSC stem-like properties, but also, highlighted the implication of new actors in these processes. The activator effect of ARNT2 on GSC proliferation, as well as on the expression of Nanog, observed in GSC bearing distinct genetic alterations and derived from different glioma, indicates that this transcription factor plays a major role, not documented thus far, in the regulation of GSC stem-like properties.PARIS5-Bibliotheque electronique (751069902) / SudocPARIS-BIUM-Bib. électronique (751069903) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Sirtuin-2 Activity is Required for Glioma Stem Cell Proliferation Arrest but not Necrosis Induced by Resveratrol

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    International audienceGlioblastomas, the most common form of primary brain tumors, are the fourth cause of death by cancer in adults. Increasing evidences suggest that glioblastoma resistance to existing radio- and chemotherapies rely on glioblastoma stem cells (GSCs). GSCs are endowed with a unique combination of stem-like properties alike to normal neural stem cells (NSCs), and of tumor initiating properties. The natural polyphenol resveratrol is known to exert opposite actions on neural cells according to their normal or cancerous status. Here, we used resveratrol to explore the molecular mechanisms differing between GSCs and NSCs. We observed a dual action of resveratrol on GSCs: resveratrol blocked GSC proliferation up to 150 mu M and induced their necrosis at higher doses. On the opposite, resveratrol had no effect on NSC behavior. To determine the mechanisms underlying resveratrol effects, we focused our attention on the family of NAD-dependent deacetylases sirtuins (SIRT). A member of this family, SIRT1, has been repetitively shown to constitute a preferential resveratrol target, at least in normal cells. Western blot analysis showed that SIRT1 and SIRT3 were expressed by both GSCs and NSCs whereas SIRT2 expression was restricted to GSCs. Pharmacological blockade of SIRT2 activity or down-regulation of SIRT2 expression with siRNAs counteracted the inhibitory effect of resveratrol on cell proliferation. On the contrary, inhibition of SIRT2 activity or expression did not counteract GSC necrosis observed in presence of high doses of resveratrol. Our results highlight SIRT2 as a novel target for altering GSC properties

    Changes in chromatin state reveal ARNT2 at a node of a tumorigenic transcription factor signature driving glioblastoma cell aggressiveness

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    International audienceAlthough a growing body of evidence indicates that phenotypic plasticity exhibited by glioblastoma cells plays a central role in tumor development and post-therapy recurrence, the master drivers of their aggressiveness remain elusive. Here we mapped the changes in active (H3K4me3) and repressive (H3K27me3) histone modifications accompanying the repression of glioblastoma stem-like cells tumorigenicity. Genes with changing histone marks delineated a network of transcription factors related to cancerous behavior, stem state, and neural development, highlighting a previously unsuspected association between repression of ARNT2 and loss of cell tumorigenicity. Immunohistochemistry confirmed ARNT2 expression in cell sub-populations within proliferative zones of patients' glioblastoma. Decreased ARNT2 expression was consistently observed in non-tumorigenic glioblastoma cells, compared to tumorigenic cells. Moreover, ARNT2 expression correlated with a tumorigenic molecular signature at both the tissue level within the tumor core and at the single cell level in the patients' tumors. We found that ARNT2 knockdown decreased the expression of SOX9, POU3F2 and OLIG2, transcription factors implicated in glioblastoma cell tumorigenicity, and repressed glioblastoma stem-like cell tumorigenic properties in vivo. Our results reveal ARNT2 as a pivotal component of the glioblastoma cell tumorigenic signature, located at a node of a transcription factor network controlling glioblastoma cell aggressiveness

    A driver role for GABA metabolism in controlling stem and proliferative cell state through GHB production in glioma

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    International audienceCell populations with differing proliferative, stem-like and tumorigenic states co-exist in most tumors and especially malignant gliomas. Whether metabolic variations can drive this heterogeneity by controlling dynamic changes in cell states is unknown. Metabolite profiling of human adult glioblastoma stem-like cells upon loss of their tumorigenicity revealed a switch in the catabolism of the GABA neurotransmitter toward enhanced production and secretion of its by-product GHB (4-hydroxybutyrate).This switch was driven by succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase (SSADH) downregulation. Enhancing GHB levels via SSADH downregulation or GHB supplementation triggered cell conversion into a less aggressive phenotypic state. GHB affected adult glioblastoma cells with varying molecular profiles, along with cells from pediatric pontine gliomas. In all cell types, GHB acted byinhibiting α-ketoglutarate-dependent Ten–eleven Translocations (TET) activity, resulting in decreased levels of the 5-hydroxymethylcytosine epigenetic mark. In patients, low SSADH expression was correlated with high GHB/α- ketoglutarate ratios, and distinguished weakly proliferative/ differentiated glioblastoma territories from proliferative/ non-differentiated territories. Our findings support an active participation of metabolic variations in the genesis of tumor heterogeneity

    A driver role for GABA metabolism in controlling stem and proliferative cell state through GHB production in glioma

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    Cell populations with differing proliferative, stem-like and tumorigenic states co-exist in most tumors and especially malignant gliomas. Whether metabolic variations can drive this heterogeneity by controlling dynamic changes in cell states is unknown. Metabolite profiling of human adult glioblastoma stem-like cells upon loss of their tumorigenicity revealed a switch in the catabolism of the GABA neurotransmitter toward enhanced production and secretion of its by-product GHB (4-hydroxybutyrate). This switch was driven by succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase (SSADH) downregulation. Enhancing GHB levels via SSADH downregulation or GHB supplementation triggered cell conversion into a less aggressive phenotypic state. GHB affected adult glioblastoma cells with varying molecular profiles, along with cells from pediatric pontine gliomas. In all cell types, GHB acted by inhibiting α-ketoglutarate-dependent Ten–eleven Translocations (TET) activity, resulting in decreased levels of the 5-hydroxymethylcytosine epigenetic mark. In patients, low SSADH expression was correlated with high GHB/α-ketoglutarate ratios, and distinguished weakly proliferative/differentiated glioblastoma territories from proliferative/non-differentiated territories. Our findings support an active participation of metabolic variations in the genesis of tumor heterogeneity.BN/Chirlmin Joo La