145 research outputs found

    The Paradigm of the Islamic Banking System

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    Islamic banks have constantly grown their activity and expanded across the world economy, in a matter of decades. Today, their assets cover a wide range of categories and a broad geographical area, as new financial centers emerged in Middle East and East Asia. An insight on the Islamic banking system, reveals not only a different approach to finance, but also different ways to tackle issues arisen in practice. In this respect, Islamic banks address equally to Muslim and non- Muslim customers, developed different banking products without implying the concept of “interest rate” according to holy Islamic laws, as well as created new econometrical models to monitor and estimate the dynamics. Based on innovation, the Islamic banking emerges as an alternative to classic and nowadays troubled waters of universal banking system.

    The Min-Pareto power series distributions of lifetime

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    The paper sets out to study some properties of the new mathematical probability power series distributions called a Min Pareto power series (MinParPS). Several models in special cases used in the study of the lifetime are presented. Expressions for certain numerical and reliability characteristics (e.g. expectation, variance, survival function, hazard rate) are obtained. In the final part of the paper the problem of the statistical estimation using the EM algorithm is treated

    Immediate Geopolitical and Economic Considerations on the IsraelHamas Conflict in the First Two Weeks since 7 October 2023

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    On October 7, 2023, a forceful military action of the Palestinian organization Hamas in Israel triggered dreadful humanitarian consequences for Israel, which immediately adopted resolute measures against Hamas, with subsequent impact on heightened geopolitical risks in the Middle East. The purpose of this article is to explore the historical context of geopolitical situation in Israel, the social, economic and political main challenges. The paper also discusses potential solutions that might prove adequate to restore the relations in the Middle East and appease the existing conflicts. The analysis explores the geopolitical considerations on foreign relations normalization processes in Middle East, with a focus on “2002 Arab Peace Initiative”. Furthermore, it presents the possible geoeconomic impact of the Israel-Hamas conflict on Europe, discussing the main risks for the global economy. The preliminary conclusions indicate the "two-state solution" still emerging as the most appropriate to achieve lasting peace in the Middle East

    Actions de particules d’usure aĂ©roportĂ©es sur les propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques et physicochimiques des «films» de surfactant pulmonaire : ConsĂ©quences sur la conception de particules tribo-bio-compatibles

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    Paradoxically, road safety is assured among others by the production of wear particles! Thus, almost 20 000 tons of brake linings are worn each year in France. 9000 tons are airborne wear particles. Due to their size, chemical composition and morphology these particles will interact with the alveolar wall causing pathologies. In these pathologies the most studied is the inflammatory phase that appear after the particle has passed the first protective barrier which is the pulmonary surfactant film. However, very few studies have examined the direct interaction of airborne wear particles with pulmonary surfactant film. These studies are of fundamental interest because, by its physicochemical properties, the pulmonary surfactant film control the respiratory mechanics, hence the pulmonary capacity. In this context, this thesis analyzes the interaction mechanism of model airborne wear particles on the physicochemical and mechanical properties of the alveolar wall and more particularly of pulmonary surfactant film. For this, an ex vivo model of alveolar wall reproducing the composition of the surfactant, its microstructure and the mechanical stresses during the breathing cycles has been developed. This model and the associated measures allowed to develop a method for identifying significant parameters of the particles that determine their interaction with the pulmonary surfactant film. The results showed that the electronegativity of airborne particles is one of the significant parameters which induces changes at different scales ranging from molecular conformation (nano), microstructure (micro) and mechanical properties (macro) of the alveolar wall, leading to the diminution of the pulmonary capacity. This model and the first results will allow, at short term, to identify other significant parameters which characterize the actions of airborne wear particles on mechanical and physicochemical properties of alveolar walls, allowing to know their effects on lung capacity. Therefore, at longer term, this knowledge will permit to change the materials in contact and their friction conditions to generate wear particles satisfying tribological and biological requirements, so tribo-bio-compatibles.Paradoxalement, la sĂ©curitĂ© routiĂšre est assurĂ©e entre autre par la production de particules d’usure ! Ainsi, prĂšs de 20 000 tonnes de garnitures de frein sont usĂ©es par an en France, dont 9 000 tonnes sous forme de particules d’usure aĂ©roportĂ©es. Ces particules posent des problĂšmes de santĂ© car leur composition chimique et leur morphologie font qu’elles interagissent avec la paroi alvĂ©olaire entrainant des pathologies. Au cours de ces pathologies la phase la plus Ă©tudiĂ©e est la phase inflammatoire qui s’installe une fois que la particule a passĂ© la premiĂšre barriĂšre de protection qui est le film de surfactant pulmonaire. En revanche, trĂšs peu d’études portent sur l’interaction directe des particules aĂ©roportĂ©es avec le film de surfactant pulmonaire Ă  cause de difficultĂ©s liĂ©es aux rĂ©solutions des moyens d’investigations cliniques. Alors-que ces Ă©tudes sont d’un intĂ©rĂȘt fondamental puisque, de par ses propriĂ©tĂ©s physicochimiques de surfactant, ce film contrĂŽle la mĂ©canique respiratoire donc la capacitĂ© pulmonaire. Dans ce contexte, cette thĂšse analyse les mĂ©canismes d’action de particules d’usure aĂ©roportĂ©es modĂšles sur les propriĂ©tĂ©s physicochimiques et mĂ©caniques des parois alvĂ©olaires et plus particuliĂšrement du film de surfactant pulmonaire. Pour cela, un modĂšle ex vivo de paroi alvĂ©olaire reproduisant la composition, la microstructure du surfactant ainsi que les sollicitations mĂ©caniques pendant les cycles respiratoires, a Ă©tĂ© mis au point. L’utilisation de ce modĂšle et les mesures associĂ©es ont permis d’élaborer une dĂ©marche d’identification des paramĂštres significatifs des particules qui dĂ©terminent leurs interactions avec le film de surfactant pulmonaire. Cela a permis de montrer que l’électronĂ©gativitĂ© des particules aĂ©roportĂ©es est l’un des paramĂštres significatifs qui induit des changements couplĂ©s Ă  diffĂ©rentes Ă©chelles, qui vont de la conformation molĂ©culaire (nano), Ă  la microstructure (micro) et aux propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques (macro) de la paroi alvĂ©olaire, conduisant Ă  la diminution de la capacitĂ© respiratoire. Ce modĂšle et les premiers rĂ©sultats permettront Ă  court terme, d’identifier les autres paramĂštres significatifs qui caractĂ©risent les actions de particules d’usure aĂ©roportĂ©es sur les propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques et physicochimiques des parois alvĂ©olaires. Ceci permettra de connaitre leurs effets sur la capacitĂ© pulmonaire. Par consĂ©quent, Ă  plus long terme, cette connaissance permettra de modifier les matĂ©riaux en contact et leurs conditions de frottement pour gĂ©nĂ©rer des particules satisfaisant les exigences tribologiques et biologiques, donc tribo-bio-compatibles

    Long-term complications of endometrium ablation (review)

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    CSF GALAXIA, Conferința Științifică „Centrul Medical «Galaxia» la 20 de ani”Inițial, ablația totală a endometriului a părut extrem de sigură. Totuși, cu trecerea timpului, anumite complicații unice de lungă durată au devenit evidente. Acestea sunt datorate posibilității apariției cicatricilor și contracturilor intrauterine după procedura aceasta. Orice sĂąngerare din endometriul persistent și regenerant după cicatrici poate duce la hematometra cornuară. At first, total endometrium ablation seemd extremaly safe in the short term. However, as time passed, certain unique long-term complications became evident. The problem is that after this procedure, intrauterine scarring and contracture can occur. Any bleeding from persisting or regenerating endometrium behind the scar can leed to cornual haematometra

    Analysis, design and implementation of secure LoRaWAN sensor networks

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    Mechanical and Tribological Properties of TiCxOy Thin Films

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    The main purpose of this work consists on the preparation of single layered titanium oxycarbide, TiCxOy, thin films, deposited by d.c. reactive magnetron sputtering. The depositions were carried out from a TiC solid target, on (AISI M2) steel substrates at 200 oC, under the variation of two process parameters, such us time deposition and flow rate of reactive gas O2. The O2 flow varied between 0.5 and 7.5 sccm and the deposition time between 3600 and 6000 s. In terms of film colours, the most interesting colour tones have been observed if the oxygen flow increased. Static friction coefficient, wear and residual stresses are characterized and discussed as a function of both process parameters (oxygen flow and time). The results reveled a good correlation between compressive residual stress level in the films and the oxygen flow. A compressive residual stress state has been observed if the O2 flow is bigger than 1 sccm. Generally, the addition of oxygen till 7.5 sccm leads to an increasing of this compressive stress level to -17.7 GPa. For an oxygen flow rate higher than 2 sccm and a high compressive residual stress level, the deposited films presented a good wear behaviour. However, the best wear results were registered for a moderate value of the residual stress (-1.18 GPa) and an oxygen flow rate of 2.5 sccm

    weight reduction by topology optimization of an engine subframe mount designed for additive manufacturing production

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    Abstract Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies are getting more and more strategic for different purposes in many industrial fields. Among the most outstanding are part prototyping, single part to small batch production, relatively reduced manufacturing times and investments costs, reduced material consumption, and innovative and efficient shapes. The considerable advantages these technologies offer, compared to subtractive ones, make additive manufacturing a potentially industry-leading process in almost all domains - from aeronautics to the medical industry. Under these circumstances, the inspiration given by topology optimization tools can lead to feasible industrial parts, with fewer constraints in comparison to traditional manufacturing processes. The paper presents the development and the results obtained using topology optimization and design for AM technology on an automotive part: an engine mount sub-frame component for a rear middle engine sports car. The final design enables a significant weight reduction

    Pelvic floor disorders in gynecological malignancies. An overlooked problem?

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    Cervical, endometrial, ovarian, vulvar, and vaginal cancers affect women of a broad age spectrum. Many of these women are still sexually active when their cancer is diagnosed. Treatment options for gynecological malignancies, such as gynecological surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, are proven risk factors for pelvic floor dysfunction. The prevalence of urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, and sexual dysfunction before cancer treatment is still unclear. Hypotheses have been raised in the literature that these manifestations could represent early symptoms of pelvic cancers, but most remain overlooked even in cancer surviving patients. The primary focus of therapy is always cancer eradication, but as oncological and surgical treatment options become more successful, the number of cancer survivors increases. The quality of life of patients with gynecological cancers often remains an underrated subject. Pelvic floor disorders are not consistently reported by patients and are frequently overlooked by many clinicians. In this brief review we discuss the importance of pelvic floor dysfunction in patients with gynecological malignant tumors

    Long-Term Examination of Degradation and In Vivo Biocompatibility of Some Mg-0.5Ca-xY Alloys in Sprague Dawley Rats

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    The medical field has undergone constant development in recent years, and a segment of this development is occupied by biodegradable alloys. The most common alloys in this field are those based on Mg, their main advantage being the ability to degrade gradually, without affecting the patient, and also their ability to be fully absorbed by the human body. One of their most important conditions is the regeneration and replacement of human tissue. Tissue can be engineered in different ways, one being tissue regeneration in vivo, which can serve as a template. In vivo remodeling aims to restore tissue or organs. The key processes of tissue formation and maturation are: proliferation (sorting and differentiation of cells), proliferation and organization of the extracellular matrix, biodegradation of the scaffold-remodeling, and potential tissue growth. In the present paper, the design of the alloys in the Mg-Ca-Y system is formed from the beginning using high-purity components, Mg-98.5%, master-alloys: Mg-Y (70 wt.%–30 wt.%) and Mg-Ca (85 wt.%–15 wt.%). After 8 weeks of implantation, the degradation of the implanted material is observed, and only small remaining fragments are found. At the site of implantation, no inflammatory reaction is observed, but it is observed that the process of integration and reabsorption, over time, accentuates the prosaic surface of the material. The aim of the work is to test the biocompatibility of magnesium-based alloys on laboratory rats in order to use these alloys in medical applications. The innovative parts of these analyses are the chemical composition of the alloys used and the tests performed on laboratory animals
