3,167 research outputs found

    Stochastic particle acceleration in flaring stars

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    The acceleration of electrons by the Fermi-Parker mechanisms in a quasistationary turbulent plasma of dimension l, mean magnetic field strength B, and mean number density n are considered. The electrons suffer radiative and ionization losses and have a scattering mean free path that increases linearly with their momentum. Analytic solutions for the steady-state electron energy spectra are presented. The spectra are characterized by an exponential cutoff above a given momentum determined by the synchrontron or the confinement time, depending on the physical characteristics of the accelerating region

    Three-dimensional magnetostatic models of the large-scale corona

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    A special class of magnetostatic equilibria is described, which are mathematically simple and yet sufficiently versatile so as to fit any arbitrary normal magnetic flux prescribed at the photosphere. With these solutions, the corona can be modeled with precisely the same mathematically simple procedure as has previously been done with potential fields. The magnetostatic model predicts, in addition to the coronal magnetic field, the three dimensional coronal density which can be compared with coronagraph observations

    Onion-shell model for cosmic ray electrons and radio synchrotron emission in supernova remnants

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    The spectrum of cosmic ray electrons, accelerated in the shock front of a supernova remnant (SNR), is calculated in the test-particle approximation using an onion-shell model. Particle diffusion within the evolving remnant is explicity taken into account. The particle spectrum becomes steeper with increasing radius as well as SNR age. Simple models of the magnetic field distribution allow a prediction of the intensity and spectrum of radio synchrotron emission and their radial variation. The agreement with existing observations is satisfactory in several SNR's but fails in other cases. Radiative cooling may be an important effect, especially in SNR's exploding in a dense interstellar medium

    Diffusive electron acceleration at SNR shock fronts and the observed SNR radio spectral indices

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    The radio synchrotron emission from relativistic electrons in shell supernova remnants (SNRs) provides a unique opportunity to probe the energy distribution of energetic electrons at their acceleration site (SNR shock fronts). This information provides insight into the acceleration mechanism(s). The implications of these observations for the diffusive (first-order Fermi) acceleration of electrons at the SNR shock fronts are discussed

    Magnetoacoustic Portals and the Basal Heating of the Solar Chromosphere

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    We show that inclined magnetic field lines at the boundaries of large-scale convective cells (supergranules) provide "portals" through which low-frequency ( 5 mHz) acoustic waves, which are believed to provide the dominant source of wave heating of the chromosphere. This result opens up the possibility that low-frequency magnetoacoustic waves provide a significant source of energy for balancing the radiative losses of the ambient solar chromosphere

    Shock waves in ultracold Fermi (Tonks) gases

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    It is shown that a broad density perturbation in a Fermi (Tonks) cloud takes a shock wave form in the course of time evolution. A very accurate analytical description of shock formation is provided. A simple experimental setup for the observation of shocks is discussed.Comment: approx. 4 pages&figures, minor corrections^2, to be published as a Letter in Journal of Physics

    Drifting inwards in protoplanetary discs I Sticking of chondritic dust at increasing temperatures

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    Sticking properties rule the early phases of pebble growth in protoplanetary discs in which grains regularly travel from cold, water-rich regions to the warm inner part. This drift affects composition, grain size, morphology, and water content as grains experience ever higher temperatures. In this study we tempered chondritic dust under vacuum up to 1400 K. Afterwards, we measured the splitting tensile strength of millimetre-sized dust aggregates. The deduced effective surface energy starts out as γe=0.07 J/m2\gamma_e = 0.07\,\rm J/m^2. This value is dominated by abundant iron-oxides as measured by M\"ossbauer spectroscopy. Up to 1250 K, γe\gamma_e continuously decreases by up to a factor five. Olivines dominate at higher temperature. Beyond 1300 K dust grains significantly grow in size. The γe\gamma_e no longer decreases but the large grain size restricts the capability of growing aggregates. Beyond 1400 K aggregation is no longer possible. Overall, under the conditions probed, the stability of dust pebbles would decrease towards the star. In view of a minimum aggregate size required to trigger drag instabilities it becomes increasingly harder to seed planetesimal formation closer to a star

    Analysis of the solar cycle and core rotation using 15 years of Mark-I observations:1984-1999. I. The solar cycle

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    High quality observations of the low-degree acoustic modes (p-modes) exist for almost two complete solar cycles using the solar spectrophotometer Mark-I, located at the Observatorio del Teide (Tenerife, Spain) and operating now as part of the Birmingham Solar Oscillations Network (BiSON). We have performed a Fourier analysis of 30 calibrated time-series of one year duration covering a total period of 15 years between 1984 and 1999. Applying different techniques to the resulting power spectra, we study the signature of the solar activity changes on the low-degree p-modes. We show that the variation of the central frequencies and the total velocity power (TVP) changes. A new method of simultaneous fit is developed and a special effort has been made to study the frequency-dependence of the frequency shift. The results confirm a variation of the central frequencies of acoustic modes of about 450 nHz, peak-to-peak, on average for low degree modes between 2.5 and 3.7 mHz. The TVP is anti-correlated with the common activity indices with a decrease of about 20% between the minimum and the maximum of solar cycle 22. The results are compared with those obtained for intermediate degrees, using the LOWL data. The frequency shift is found to increase with the degree with a weak l-dependence similar to that of the inverse mode mass. This verifies earlier suggestions that near surface effects are predominant.Comment: Accepted by A&A October 3 200

    Search for microwave emission from ultrahigh energy cosmic rays

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    We present a search for microwave emission from air showers induced by ultrahigh energy cosmic rays with the microwave detection of air showers experiment. No events were found, ruling out a wide range of power flux and coherence of the putative emission, including those suggested by recent laboratory measurements.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    A nonlinear approach to transition in subcritical plasmas with sheared flow

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    In many plasma systems, introducing a small background shear flow is enough to stabilize the system linearly. The nonlinear dynamics are much less sensitive to sheared flows than the average linear growthrates, and very small amplitude perturbations can lead to sustained turbulence. We explore the general problem of characterizing how and when the transition from near-laminar states to sustained turbulence occurs; a model of the interchange instability being used as a concrete example. These questions are fundamentally nonlinear, and the answers must go beyond the linear transient amplification of small perturbations. Two methods that account for nonlinear interactions are therefore explored here. The first method explored is edge tracking, which identifies the boundary between the basins of attraction of the laminar and turbulent states. Here, the edge is found to be structured around an exact, localized, traveling wave solution; a solution that is qualitatively similar to avalanche-like bursts seen in the turbulent regime. The second method is an application of nonlinear, non-modal stability theory which allows us to identify the smallest disturbances which can trigger turbulence (the minimal seed for the problem) and hence to quantify how stable the laminar regime is. The results obtained from these fully nonlinear methods provides confidence in the derivation of a semi-analytic approximation for the minimal seed
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