23 research outputs found

    On the post-common-envelope central star of the planetary nebula NGC 2346

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    The common-envelope phase is one of the most poorly understood phases of (binary) stellar evolution, in spite of its importance in the formation of a wide range of astrophysical phenomena ranging from cataclysmic variables to cosmologically important supernova Type Ia, and even recently discovered gravitational wave producing black hole mergers. The central star of the planetary nebula NGC 2346 has long been held as one of the longest period post-common-envelope systems known with a published period of approximately 16 d, however the data presented were also consistent with much shorter periods of around 1 d (a more typical period among the known sample of post-common-envelope binary central stars). Here, using the modern high-stability, high-resolution spectrograph HERMES, we conclusively show the period to, indeed, be 16 d while also revising the surface gravity to a value typical of a subgiant (rather than main sequence) resulting in an intrinsic luminosity consistent with the recently published GAIA parallax distance. Intriguingly, the implied mass for the secondary (≳3.5 M⊙) makes it, to our knowledge, the most massive post-common-envelope secondary known, whilst also indicating that the primary may be a post-RGB star

    The post-common-envelope binary central star of the planetary nebula Ou 5: a doubly-eclipsing post-red-giant-branch system

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    We present a detailed study of the stellar and orbital parameters of the post-common envelope binary central star of the planetary nebula Ou 5. Low-resolution spectra obtained during the primary eclipse – to our knowledge the first isolated spectra of the companion to a post-common-envelope planetary nebula central star – were compared to catalogue spectra, indicating that the companion star is a late K- or early M-type dwarf. Simultaneous modelling of multi-band photometry and time-resolved radial velocity measurements was then used to independently determine the parameters of both stars as well as the orbital period and inclination. The modelling indicates that the companion star is low mass (∌0.25 M⊙) and has a radius significantly larger than would be expected for its mass. Furthermore, the effective temperature and surface gravity of nebular progenitor, as derived by the modelling, do not lie on single-star post-AGB evolutionary tracks, instead being more consistent with a post-RGB evolution. However, an accurate determination of the component masses is challenging. This is principally due to the uncertainty on the locus of the spectral lines generated by the irradiation of the companion’s atmosphere by the hot primary (used to derive companion star’s radial velocities), as well as the lack of radial velocities of the primary

    Low-Energy Direct Capture in the 8Li(n,gamma)9Li and 8B(p,gamma)9C Reactions

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    The cross sections of the 8Li(n,gamma)9Li and 8B(p,gamma)9C capture reactions have been analyzed using the direct capture model. At low energies which is the astrophysically relevant region the capture process is dominated by E1 transitions from incoming s-waves to bound p-states. The cross sections of both mirror reactions can be described simultaneously with consistent potential parameters, whereas previous calculations have overestimated the capture cross sections significantly. However, the parameters of the potential have to be chosen very carefully because the calculated cross section of the 8Li(n,gamma)9Li reaction depends sensitively on the potential strength.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Phys. Rev. C, accepte

    Reports on new discoveries

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    Binaries as Sources of Gravitational Waves

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    Wind accretion in binary stars - II. Accretion rates

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    Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) is used to estimate accretion rates of mass, linear and angular momentum in a binary system where one component undergoes mass loss through a wind. Physical parameters are chosen such as to model the alleged binary precursors of barium stars, whose chemical peculiarities are believed to result from the accretion of the wind from a companion formerly on the asymptotic giant branch (AGB). The binary system modelled consists of a 3 solar masses AGB star on the main sequence, in a 3AU circular orbit. Three-dimensional simulations are performed for gases with polytropic indices gamma=1, 1.1 and 1.5, to bracket more realistic situations that would include radiative cooling. Mass accretion rates are found to depend on resolution and we estimate typical values of 1-2% for the gamma=1.5 case and 8% for the other models. The highest resolution obtained (with 400k particles) corresponds to an accretor of linear size 16 solar radii. Despite being (in the gamma = 1.5 case) about ten times smaller than theoretical estimates based on the Bondi-Hoyle prescription, the SPH accretion rates remain large enough to explain the pollution of barium stars. Uncertainties in the current SPH rates remain however, due to the simplified treatment of the wind acceleration mechanism, as well as to the absence of any cooling prescription and to the limited numerical resolution. Angular momentum transfer leads to significant spin up of the accretor and can account for the rapid rotation of HD165141, a barium star with a young white dwarf companion and a rotation rate unusually large among K giants.Comment: 13 pages, mn style, 5 figures, to be published by MNRA