10 research outputs found

    Flexibility in the receptor-binding domain of the enzymatic colicin E9 is required for toxicity against Escherichia coli cells

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    The events that occur after the binding of the enzymatic E colicins to Escherichia coli BtuB receptors that lead to translocation of the cytotoxic domain into the periplasmic space and, ultimately, cell killing are poorly understood. It has been suggested that unfolding of the coiled-coil Mull receptor binding domain of the E colicins may be an essential step that leads to the loss of immunity protein from the colicin and immunity protein complex and then triggers the events of translocation. We introduced pairs of cysteine mutations into the receptor binding domain of colicin E9 (ColE9) that resulted in the formation of a disulfide bond located near the middle or the top of the R domain. After dithiothreitol reduction, the ColE9 protein with the mutations L359C and F412C (ColE9 L359C-F412C) and the ColE9 protein with the mutations Y324C and L447C (ColE9 Y324C-L447C) were slightly less active than equivalent concentrations of ColE9. On oxidation with diamide, no significant biological activity was seen with the ColE9 L359C-F412C and the ColE9 Y324C-L447C mutant proteins; however diamide had no effect on the activity of ColE9. The presence of a disulfide bond was confirmed in both of the oxidized, mutant proteins by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry. The loss of biological activity of the disulfide-containing mutant proteins was not due to an indirect effect on the properties of the translocation or DNase domains of the mutant colicins. The data are consistent with a requirement for the flexibility of the coiled-coil R domain after binding to BtuB

    Structural dynamics of the receptor-binding domain of colicin E9

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    Colicin E9 is a 61 kDa antibacterial protein secreted by E. coli. In order for it to enter the cytoplasm of susceptible bacteria and kill them by hydrolysing their DNA, the colicin must first interact with an outer membrane receptor on the target cell, BtuB, and a translocation pathway involving Tol proteins. The receptor binding, translocation and DNase functions of colicin E9 are housed in discrete structural domains, which have been independently expressed and characterized. The minimal receptor-binding domain is a 76 amino acid protein (min-R). X-ray structure determination of a related colicin shows its receptor-binding domain to have a helical hairpin structure (S. Soelaiman, K. Jakes, N. Wu, C. Li and M. Shoham, Molecular Cell, 2001, 8, 1053). Our solution NMR studies of min-R have confirmed it has a helical hairpin structure, and shown it has multiple slowly interchanging conformers and a flexible inter-helix loop. A plausible interpretation of these data is that in solution the helical hairpin can adopt a variety of structures differing in the spatial relationship of the two helices. A possible biological role for this involves the hairpin opening during translocation into bacteria

    Self-recognition by an intrinsically disordered protein

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    The intrinsically disordered translocation domain (T-domain) of the protein antibiotic colicin N binds to periplasmic receptors of target Escherichia coli cells in order to penetrate their inner membranes. We report here that the specific 27 consecutive residues of the T-domain of colicin N known to bind to the helper protein TolA in target cells also interacts intramolecularly with folded regions of colicin N. We suggest that this specific self-recognition helps intrinsically disordered domains to bury their hydrophobic recognition motifs and protect them against degradation, showing that an impaired self-recognition leads to increased protease susceptibility

    Structural dynamics of the membrane translocation domain of colicin E9 and its interaction with TolB

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    In order for the 61 kDa colicin E9 protein toxin to enter the cytoplasm of susceptible cells and kill them by hydrolysing their DNA, the colicin must interact with the outer membrane BtuB receptor and Tol translocation pathway of target cells. The translocation function is located in the N-terminal domain of the colicin molecule. H-1, H-1-H-1-N-15 and H-1-C-13-N-15 NMR studies of intact colicin E9, its DNase domain, minimal receptor-binding domain and two N-terminal constructs containing the translocation domain showed that the region of the translocation domain that governs the interaction of colicin E9 with TolB is largely unstructured and highly flexible. Of the expected 80 backbone NH resonances of the first 83 residues of intact colicin E9, 61 were identified, with 43 of them being assigned specifically. The absence of secondary structure for these was shown through chemical shift analyses and the lack of long-range NOEs in H-1-H-1-N-15 NOESY spectra (tau(m) = 200 ms). The enhanced flexibility of the region of the translocation domain containing the TolB box compared to the overall tumbling rate of the protein was identified from the relatively large values of backbone and tryptophan indole N-15 spin-spin relaxation times, and from the negative H-1-N-15 NOEs of the backbone NH resonances. Variable flexibility of the N-terminal region was revealed by the N-15 T-1/T-2 ratios, which showed that the C-terminal end of the TolB box and the region immediately following it was motionally constrained compared to other parts of the N terminus. This, together with the observation of inter-residue NOEs involving Ile54, indicated that there was some structural ordering, resulting most probably from the interactions of side-chains. Conformational heterogeneity of carts of the translocation domain was evident from a multiplicity of signals for some of the residues. Im9 binding to colicin E9 had no effect on the chemical shifts or other NMR characteristics of the region of colicin E9 containing the TolB recognition sequence, though the interaction of TolB with intact colicin E9 bound to Im9 did affect resonances from this region. The flexibility of the translocation domain of colicin E9 may be connected with its need to recognise protein partners that assist it in crossing the outer membrane and in the translocation event itself. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

    Structure and Cu(I)-binding properties of the N-terminal soluble domains of Bacillus subtilis CopA

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    CopA, a P-type ATPase from Bacillus subtilis, plays a major role in the resistance of the cell to copper by effecting the export of the metal across the cytoplasmic membrane. The N-terminus of the protein features two soluble domains (a and b), that each contain a Cu(I)-binding motif, MTCAAC. We have generated a stable form of the wild-type two-domain protein, CopAab, and determined its solution structure. This was found to be similar to that reported previously for a higher stability S46V variant, with minor differences mostly confined to the Ser46-containing ß3-strand of domain a. Chemical-shift analysis demonstrated that the two Cu(I)-binding motifs, located at different ends of the protein molecule, are both able to participate in Cu(I) binding and that Cu(I) is in rapid exchange between protein molecules. Surprisingly, UV–visible and fluorescence spectroscopy indicate very different modes of Cu(I) binding below and above a level of 1 Cu(I) per protein, consistent with a major structural change occurring above 1 Cu(I) per CopAab. Analytical equilibrium centrifugation and gel filtration results show that this is a result of Cu(I)-mediated dimerization of the protein. The resulting species is highly luminescent, indicating the presence of a solvent-shielded Cu(I) cluster