4,998 research outputs found

    Black Hole Meiosis

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    The enumeration of BPS bound states in string theory needs refinement. Studying partition functions of particles made from D-branes wrapped on algebraic Calabi-Yau 3-folds, and classifying states using split attractor flow trees, we extend the method for computing a refined BPS index, arXiv:0810.4301. For certain D-particles, a finite number of microstates, namely polar states, exclusively realized as bound states, determine an entire partition function (elliptic genus). This underlines their crucial importance: one might call them the `chromosomes' of a D-particle or a black hole. As polar states also can be affected by our refinement, previous predictions on elliptic genera are modified. This can be metaphorically interpreted as `crossing-over in the meiosis of a D-particle'. Our results improve on hep-th/0702012, provide non-trivial evidence for a strong split attractor flow tree conjecture, and thus suggest that we indeed exhaust the BPS spectrum. In the D-brane description of a bound state, the necessity for refinement results from the fact that tachyonic strings split up constituent states into `generic' and `special' states. These are enumerated separately by topological invariants, which turn out to be partitions of Donaldson-Thomas invariants. As modular predictions provide a check on many of our results, we have compelling evidence that our computations are correct.Comment: 46 pages, 8 figures. v2: minor changes. v3: minor changes and reference adde

    Far-Ultraviolet Radiation from Elliptical Galaxies

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    Far-ultraviolet radiation is a ubiquitous, if unanticipated, phenomenon in elliptical galaxies and early-type spiral bulges. It is the most variable photometric feature associated with old stellar populations. Recent observational and theoretical evidence shows that it is produced mainly by low-mass, small-envelope, helium-burning stars in extreme horizontal branch and subsequent phases of evolution. These are probably descendents of the dominant, metal rich population of the galaxies. Their lifetime UV outputs are remarkably sensitive to their physical properties and hence to the age and the helium and metal abundances of their parents. UV spectra are therefore exceptionally promising diagnostics of old stellar populations, although their calibration requires a much improved understanding of giant branch mass loss, helium enrichment, and atmospheric diffusion.Comment: 46 pages; includes LaTeX text file, 9 PS figures, 1 JPG figure, 2 style files. Full resolution figures and PS version available at http://www.astro.virginia.edu/~rwo/araa99/. Article to appear in Annual Reviews of Astronomy & Astrophysics, 199

    Microscopics of Extremal Kerr from Spinning M5 Branes

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    We show that the spinning magnetic one-brane in minimal five-dimensional supergravity admits a decoupling limit that interpolates smoothly between a self-dual null orbifold of AdS_3 \times S^2 and the near-horizon limit of the extremal Kerr black hole times a circle. We use this interpolating solution to understand the field theory dual to spinning M5 branes as a deformation of the Discrete Light Cone Quantized (DLCQ) Maldacena-Stominger-Witten (MSW) CFT. In particular, the conformal weights of the operators dual to the deformation around AdS_3 \times S^2 are calculated. We present pieces of evidence showing that a CFT dual to the four-dimensional extremal Kerr can be obtained from the deformed MSW CFT.Comment: 5 page

    The elliptic genus from split flows and Donaldson-Thomas invariants

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    We analyze a mixed ensemble of low charge D4-D2-D0 brane states on the quintic and show that these can be successfully enumerated using attractor flow tree techniques and Donaldson-Thomas invariants. In this low charge regime one needs to take into account worldsheet instanton corrections to the central charges, which is accomplished by making use of mirror symmetry. All the charges considered can be realized as fluxed D6-D2-D0 and anti-D6-D2-D0 pairs which we enumerate using DT invariants. Our procedure uses the low charge counterpart of the picture developed Denef and Moore. By establishing the existence of flow trees numerically and refining the index factorization scheme, we reproduce and improve some results obtained by Gaiotto, Strominger and Yin. Our results provide appealing evidence that the strong split flow tree conjecture holds and allows to compute exact results for an important sector of the theory. Our refined scheme for computing indices might shed some light on how to improve index computations for systems with larger charges.Comment: 37 pages, 12 figure

    Thermodynamics of Higher Spin Black Holes in AdS3_3

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    We discuss the thermodynamics of recently constructed three-dimensional higher spin black holes in SL(N,R)\times SL(N,R) Chern-Simons theory with generalized asymptotically-anti-de Sitter boundary conditions. From a holographic perspective, these bulk theories are dual to two-dimensional CFTs with W_N symmetry algebras, and the black hole solutions are dual to thermal states with higher spin chemical potentials and charges turned on. Because the notion of horizon area is not gauge-invariant in the higher spin theory, the traditional approaches to the computation of black hole entropy must be reconsidered. One possibility, explored in the recent literature, involves demanding the existence of a partition function in the CFT, and consistency with the first law of thermodynamics. This approach is not free from ambiguities, however, and in particular different definitions of energy result in different expressions for the entropy. In the present work we show that there are natural definitions of the thermodynamically conjugate variables that follow from careful examination of the variational principle, and moreover agree with those obtained via canonical methods. Building on this intuition, we derive general expressions for the higher spin black hole entropy and free energy which are written entirely in terms of the Chern-Simons connections, and are valid for both static and rotating solutions. We compare our results to other proposals in the literature, and provide a new and efficient way to determine the generalization of the Cardy formula to a situation with higher spin charges.Comment: 30 pages, PDFLaTeX; v2: typos corrected, explicit expressions for the free energy adde

    Occipital Alpha and Gamma Oscillations Support Complementary Mechanisms for Processing Stimulus Value Associations.

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    Selective attention is reflected neurally in changes in the power of posterior neural oscillations in the alpha (8–12 Hz) and gamma (40–100 Hz) bands. Although a neural mechanism that allows relevant information to be selectively processed has its advantages, it may lead to lucrative or dangerous information going unnoticed. Neural systems are also in place for processing rewarding and punishing information. Here, we examine the interaction between selective attention (left vs. right) and stimulus's learned value associations (neutral, punished, or rewarded) and how they compete for control of posterior neural oscillations. We found that both attention and stimulus–value associations influenced neural oscillations. Whereas selective attention had comparable effects on alpha and gamma oscillations, value associations had dissociable effects on these neural markers of attention. Salient targets (associated with positive and negative outcomes) hijacked changes in alpha power—increasing hemispheric alpha lateralization when salient targets were attended, decreasing it when they were being ignored. In contrast, hemispheric gamma-band lateralization was specifically abolished by negative distractors. Source analysis indicated occipital generators of both attentional and value effects. Thus, posterior cortical oscillations support both the ability to selectively attend while at the same time retaining the ability to remain sensitive to valuable features in the environment. Moreover, the versatility of our attentional system to respond separately to salient from merely positively valued stimuli appears to be carried out by separate neural processes reflected in different frequency bands

    Genetic variants in lipid metabolism are independently associated with multiple features of the metabolic syndrome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Our objective was to find single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), within transcriptional pathways of glucose and lipid metabolism, which are related to multiple features of the metabolic syndrome (MetS).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>373 SNPs were measured in 3575 subjects of the Doetinchem cohort. Prevalence of MetS features, i.e. hyperglycemia, abdominal obesity, decreased HDL-cholesterol levels and hypertension, were measured twice in 6 years. Associations between the SNPs and the individual MetS features were analyzed by log-linear models. For SNPs related to multiple MetS features (P < 0.01), we investigated whether these associations were independent of each other.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Two SNPs, <it>CETP Ile405Val </it>and <it>APOE Cys112Arg</it>, were associated with both the prevalence of low HDL-cholesterol level (<it>Ile405Val </it>P = < .0001; <it>Cys112Arg </it>P = 0.001) and with the prevalence of abdominal obesity (<it>Ile405Val </it>P = 0.007; <it>Cys112Arg </it>P = 0.007). For both SNPs, the association with HDL-cholesterol was partly independent of the association with abdominal obesity and vice versa.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Two SNPs, mainly known for their role in lipid metabolism, were associated with two MetS features i.e., low HDL-cholesterol concentration, as well as, independent of this association, abdominal obesity. These SNPs may help to explain why low HDL-cholesterol levels and abdominal obesity frequently co-occur.</p

    Single-molecule studies of conformational states and dynamics in the ABC importer OpuA

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    The current model of active transport via ABC importers is mostly based on structural, biochemical and genetic data. We here establish single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer (smFRET) assays to monitor the conformational states and heterogeneity of the osmoregulatory type I ABC importer OpuA from Lactococcus~lactis. We present data probing both intradomain distances that elucidate conformational changes within the substrate-binding domain (SBD) OpuAC, and interdomain distances between SBDs or transmembrane domains. Using this methodology, we studied ligand-binding mechanisms, as well as ATP and glycine betaine dependences of conformational changes. Our work expands the scope of smFRET investigations towards a class of so far unstudied ABC importers, and paves the way for a full understanding of their transport cycle in the future