17 research outputs found

    Temperature variation on root surface with three root-end cavity preparation techniques

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    Introduction. Thermal changes can occur on the external root surface when root-end cavity preparation is performed, which may damage periodontal ligament cells and alveolar bone. Objective. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the temperature changes during preparation of the root-end cavities at 1 and 3 mm to the sectioned apical root surfaces when either tungsten carbide round bur, diamond round bur or ultrasonic diamond tip was used. Methods. Root-end resection was performed at 90° to the long axis of the root, 3 mm from the apex. Specimens were randomly divided into three groups of 12 teeth each for three different root-end cavity preparation techniques to be used, i.e. tungsten carbide bur, diamond bur and ultrasonic diamond retro tip. Thermocouples were used to measure temperature changes at 1 mm (T1) and 3 mm (T2) to the cutting plane during the preparations. Results. For T1, the lowest and the highest mean temperature increases of 3.53°C and 4.34°C were recorded for the carbide and diamond burs, respectively. For T2, the lowest and the highest mean temperature increases of 2.62°C and 4.39°C where recorded for the carbide and diamond burs, respectively. The mean temperatures with the ultrasonic tip were 3.68 and 3.04 ºC at T1 and T2 region, respectively. For root-end preparation, the ultrasonic preparation technique took the shortest preparation time (10.25 sec) and the diamond bur took the longest time (28.17 sec). Conclusion. Ultrasonic retro tips and burs caused temperature to rise from 2.62° to 4.39°C, and these rises were within safety levels

    The effect of irrigation solutions on the apical sealing ability in different root canal sealers

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    The aim of this study was to assess the effect of three root canal irrigation solutions on the apical sealing ability of three root canal obturation materials: gutta-percha/AH plus or MM-seal and Resilon/Epiphany SE. A total of 100 teeth with single straight root canals were randomly divided into three equal groups of 30 samples each, with the other 10 teeth (5 positive and 5 negative) used as controls. Each irrigation group was divided into three groups according to the use of three different root canal obturation materials (n = 10): Gutta-percha with AH plus or MM-seal, Resilon with Epiphany SE. The crowns were removed at the cementoenamel junction with a diamond disc under water coolant. The root canals were prepared using step-back technique and irrigation with either sodium hypochlorite (2.5%), chlorhexidine (2%), or MTAD solutions. The roots were obturated with lateral condensation technique using one of the obturation materials. The root surfaces was coated with two layer nail varnish (except apex), placed in 2% methylene blue dye solution, and centrifuged at 3,000 rpm for 5 minutes. Irrigation solutions affected the apical sealing ability of all the sealers. The chlorhexidine irrigation solution exhibited higher apical leakage values than did MTAD and NaOCl in all canal sealers, although the MTAD irrigation solution groups showed the least leakage values. The apical sealing ability of AH plus, Epiphany SE and MM-seal root canal sealers decreased when the chlorhexidine was used as an irrigation solution

    Evaluation of surface tension of a newly developed irrigation solution and different irrigants

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    Çalışmamızın amacı, yeni geliştirilen irrigasyon solüsyonu SBT (Streptokinaz, Baryum sülfat ve Tween 80) ve farklı irrigasyon solüsyonlarının oda sıcaklığındaki yüzey gerilim değerlerinin incelenmesidir. Yeni geliştirilen irrigasyon solüsyonu Streptokinaz, Baryum sülfat ve Tween 80 karışımından elde edildi. Çalışmamızda irrigasyon solüsyonu olarak %5,25 sodyum hipoklorit (NaOCl), %2 klorheksidin (CHX), mixture of tetracycline isomer, an acid and detergant (MTAD), Ozonlu Su ve streptokinaz, baryum sülfat ve tween 80 karışımı (SBT) kullanıldı. İrrigasyon solüsyonlarının yüzey gerilimi tayininde Traube Stalogmometres’iyle damla metodu kullanıldı. Solüsyonların yüzey gerilimleri Hagen-Poiseuille denklemine dayalı bir eşitlik ile saptandı. Yeni oluşturulan irrigasyon solüsyonu SBT karışımının yüzey gerilimi 48,55 mj/m2 bulunurken, en yüksek yüzey gerilimine NaOCl (84,93 mj/m2), en düşük yüzey gerilimine MTAD’ın (48,53 mj/m2) sahip olduğu gözlendi. Ozonlu suyun yüzey gerilimi (72,80 mj/m2), CHX’in yüzey gerilimi ise (60,66 mj/m2) olarak belirlendi. SBT irrigasyon solüsyonunun yüzey geriliminin düşük olmasından dolayı penetrasyon kabiliyeti yüksek olmakta ve böylece kök kanal sisteminde dentine yüksek penetrasyon gösterebileceği kanısındayız.The aim of the present study was to compare the surface tension values of a newly developed irrigation solution SBT and different irrigation solutions (%5,25 NaOCl, %2 CHX, MTAD, Ozonated Water) at room temperature. The newly developed irrigation solution SBT includes Streptokinase, Barium sulphate and Tween 80. The determination of the surface tension of the irrigants was done by the drop method with Traube Stalogmometer. The surface tension of solutions was calculated with an equation based on Hagen-Poiseuille law. It was observed that NaOCl (84,93 mj/m2) had the highest surface tension and MTAD had the least surface tension, while the surface tension of SBT was found as 48,55 mj/m2. Additionally, the surface tension of Ozonated water and CHX was determined as 72,80 mj/m2, 60,66 mj/m2 respectively. With the limitations of this study, it can be concluded that low surface tension of SBT may ensure high penetration of irrigation solution to the root canal dentin

    Evaluation of new generation apex locators with presence of different irrigation solutions n the root canals

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, kök kanalında farklı irrigasyon solüsyonları varlığında, yeni nesil (5. nesil) iki farklı apeks bulucu cihazın (Raypex 5 ve Propex II) güvenilirliğini değerlendirmektir. Çalışmada periodontal hastalıklar veya ortodontik nedenlerle çekilmiş 90 premolar diş kullanıldı. Örneklere, standart giriş kaviteleri açılmasının ardından, pulpal doku bir tirnerf yardımıyla çıkartıldı. #10 K tipi kanal eğesi ile girilip gerçek çalışma uzunluğunun belirlenmesinin sonra dişler aljinat bloklar içerisine gömüldü. İrrigasyon solüsyonlarının kullanımına göre her biri 18 dişten oluşacak şekilde beş gruba ayrıldı. Bu gruplardaki dişlerin kök kanalları, EndoVac irrigasyon cihazıyla, % 5,25’lik NaOCl, % 2’lik CHX, ozonlu su, streptokinaz ile baryum sülfat karışımından oluşan solüsyon ve MTAD ile irrige edildi. İki saat içerisinde yeni nesil apeks bulucu cihazlar kullanılarak #20 K tipi eğe ile çalışma uzunluğu belirlendi. Ölçümlerin güvenilirliğini kontrol amacıyla, dişlerden paralel teknik ile alınan periapikal radyografiler ile sonuçlar karşılaştırıldı. İstatistiksel olarak, irrigasyon solüsyonlarının apeks bulucuların apikal forameni tespit güvenirlikleri üzerine herhangi bir etkisinin olmadığı ancak, yeni nesil apeks buluculardan Propex II’nin, Raypex 5’e göre daha güvenilir sonuçlar verdiği gözlenmiştir ( p<0,05). Apeks bulucuların güvenirlilik oranları Propex II için % 86,66 iken Raypex 5 için % 66,54 olarak bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, yeni nesil Propex II apeks bulucu cihazın Raypex 5’e göre apikal foramen tespit etme güvenirliliği daha fazladır.The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability of two different new generation apex locator in the use of different irrigation solutions. In this study 90 human premolar teeth extracted for periodontal or orthodontic reasons were used. After preparing standart access cavities pulp tissue was extirpated with a tirnerf. Working length was estimated by a number 10 K file introduced into the root canal, then teeth were mounted in alginate blocks. Teeth were randomly divided into 5 group, consisting of 18 teeth each. Root canals of samples were irrigated with EndoVac irragation device, 5.25 % NaOCI, 2 % CHX, ozone water, solution contains a mixture of streptokinase and barium sulfate and MTAD. Within 2 hours working length was measured with apex locators using a number 20 K file. To control the reliability of measurements results were compared with periapical radiographies that were taken with parallel technique. Statistically, it was found that irrigation solution has no effect on the reliability of apex locators to determine the location of apical foramen, but Propex II, a new generation apex locator, has shown more reliable results than Raypex 5 (p<0.05). Safety value was determined as 86,66 % for Propex II whereas it was 66,54 % for Raypex 5. In conclusion the reliability to determine the location of apical foramen is higher in Propex II than Raypex 5

    Solubility of root canal sealers with different organic solvents

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    Objective. The aim of this study was to assess the solubility of the new root canal sealer Epiphany and to compare it with 2 conventional sealers against 2 organic solvents commonly used in retreatment

    Age and sex-related differences of pulp chamber size in mandibular second molars

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to compare the size of the pulp chamber in mandibular second molars with the gender and age by means of panoromic radiographs. Materials and Methods: In this study, 200 panoromic radiographs of patients were randomly selected from the archives of the Faculty of Dentistry of Ondokuz Mayis University. The radiographs of the patients were measured under a stereomicroscope and categorized according to the gender and age. Results: Statistically differences were found in the mean sizes of pulp chamber between the groups under and above the age of 30 years (P < 0.05). There were significant differences in terms of "the distance between the tip of the lingual cusp to the roof of the pulp chamber", "the distance between the tip of the lingual cusp to the floor of the pulp chamber" and "the distance from the tip of the lingual cusp to the closest point of the furcation" between the male and female genders (P < 0.05). Conclusion: It is concluded that the pulp chamber can be exposed easily in female patients, because it is less shallow than males. However, the size of pulp chamber reduces after the age of 30 years in both the genders

    The antimicrobial and antifungal efficacy of tetracycline-integrated gutta-percha

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    The purpose of this study was <i> in vitro </i> evaluation of the antimicrobial and antifungal efficacy of commercially available gutta-percha containing tetracycline on some potential endodontic pathogens. The test microorganisms were <i> Enterococcus faecalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Porphyromonas endodontalis,</i> and <i> Candida albicans</i> . Tetracycline-integrated gutta-percha (TGP) cones, tetracycline disc, and conventional gutta-percha cones of the same size were placed on the inoculated plates. The plates were incubated at 37&#x00B0;C aerobically or anaerobically. Growth inhibition zones on each plate were inspected at 24, 48, and 72 h. Tetracycline disc and TGP cones inhibited all the tested bacterial strains, however the greatest antimicrobial effect was seen on <i> S. aureus.</i> Tetracycline disc and TGP seemed less effective on <i> E.</i> <i> faecalis</i> and <i> P. aeruginosa.</i> However, all tested treatments were unable to affect <i> C. albicans</i> . Based on the results of this study, it seems that TGP offers an antimicrobial advantage over conventional gutta-percha